Gerrans Parish Council Minutes – October 2016

Gerrans Parish Council

MINUTES of the Meeting of Gerrans Parish Council

held on Tuesday 4th October  2016

in the Memorial Hall Annexe

NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 1st November 2016 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall Annexe


Cllrs  Edwards, German, Greenslade, Hatwood, Hetherington, Iddison, Meek, Morse, Neal,               Taffinder ( Chairman);  S Skull (Clerk), CC Julian German

5 members of the public attended.



The Chairman’s statement in respect of the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 reminding those in attendance and participating in the meeting that they were liable to be filmed, recorded, photographed or otherwise recorded, was taken as read.



Cllr Case.



– None



Mr Jon Smith, Chairman of the Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan (RNDP) Steering Group (SG), presented a report on the first six months since the implementation of the Plan. He said overall the Plan was proving a success, although there had been disappointment over two recent appeal decisions. He said the Cornwall Local Plan was expected to be in place by the end of the year, and the use of certain RNDP policies may be affected as a result. As for the future of the SG he said the focus will be on winding it up next year as in the detailed Terms of Reference. Mr Smith then introduced Mr David Spreadborough, treasurer of the St Just in Roseland Community Land Trust. Mr Spreadborough gave a presentation explaining the constitution, objectives and recent achievements of the Trust, which exists to promote and facilitate the supply of affordable housing on the Roseland. Cllr Taffinder thanked both speakers for their presentations.

Mr Charles Emmett spoke on the subject of his planning application ref PA16/08285 re Spindrift, 12 Wellington Terrace, which was due to be discussed in item 8. He read from a detailed statement drafted by his architect in refutation of objections raised by the RNDP Planning Assessment Group.

Mrs Janet Axworthy said the silted up drains in Churchtown Road remained a problem. The clerk said he had reported the matter to Highways and was awaiting the result of an inspection by their Area Steward.



The Council accepted the draft minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 6th September 2016 as being a true record, subject to one amendment of fact. The Chairman signed the amended minutes.



The clerk reported:

– On the possibility of reconnecting the public water tap at The Quay, he now had all the forms to apply for a “New Supply Provision”.

-The collapsed wall below Springfield was now with the manager of Cornwall Council’s housing repair team.

– The overhanging tree at Percuil toilets would be dealt with.

– Cormac were still awaiting delivery of a new drain cover for Churchtown Road.

Cllr Edwards reported the 30 mph speed limit notices near Gerrans school had now been straightened.



  1. Letter from Mr Malcolm Tozer

Mr Tozer thanked the PC for having provided the opportunity for him to express his concerns regarding the Harbour Club balcony and now considered the matter should be left for the Harbour Club Committee and the Club’s neighbours to resolve. He also enclosed a summary of the relevant planning documentation to date.

Cllr Hatwood proposed (seconded by Cllr Greenslade) that the Club balcony should not be further discussed  by the Parish Council because it is a matter for the planning authorities at Cornwall Council. This was agreed  by 8 votes to 2. Cllr Meek said that this was now an enforcement issue.

  1. Email from Mr David Hall

Mr Hall (Co-ordinator of the Wild Roseland Project) gave an update on the wild flower pollination project being undertaken at Gwarak Gwel An Mor. He said Autumn sowing had now taken place, and listed 21 different species of wildfower that had been sown.

  1. Email from Mrs Livy Toms

Mr and Mrs Toms were enquiring, before officially applying for planning permission, about any potential objections the PC might have to their intentions to install a driveway at the side of their property, 11 Springfield, giving access from New Road. The general opinion of members was that they would have no objection in principle to the plans as submitted with this email, though permission would obviously have to be granted by Cornwall Council. Action clerk to reply.

There was no further correspondence which would not be addressed in other items on the agenda.




The PC had received 1 new application. This is outlined below and the PC’s comments were subsequently lodged under “Consultee Comments” in the Online Planning Register.

Application Description PC decision
PA16/08285 Extension and alterations at 12, Wellington Terrace Portscatho Majority support: 7 in favour, 3 abstained


Members also reviewed a Prior Approval Notice (PAN) ref PA16/07893 in respect of change of use to residential at 2 The Quay. The planning authorities do not consult on PAN’s but Cllr Hetherington asked whether approval should be denied as the site is within the Conservation Area. Cllr Meek said the Parish needed to retain all the commercial space it could in the interests of employment opportunities for local people. There was agreement that the likely outcome if change of use were permitted would be that the property would become yet another second home. Cllr Meek proposed (seconded by Cllr German) that the clerk be asked to make these representations to the Case Officer (approved: 9 in favour, 1 abstain) and it was agreed that the matter would more fully be discussed if it came back as a planning application. Action clerk


Application GPC comment CC Decision
PA16/06823 Tree works – 4 Mount Close Support Approved
PA16/06716  Form parking area – 7 Churchtown Road Support Approved
PA16/06785  Extension – 3 Jubilee Place Support Approved



In response to Cllr German’s enquiry at the September meeting whether any allegations of breaches of planning consent had been lodged in respect of the water tower at Trewithian, the clerk produced a summary of case ref EN/16/00370 in which a complaint had been made alleging conversion of the tank into a dwelling despite refusal of permission under PA15/0422. The case had been closed with no breach found.

The clerk read out the final conclusions of the Case Officer in EN16/00641 – alleged excavation works and change of use at Knightor Vineyard. The case was assessed on a fact and degree basis and it was decided that any technical breach had now resolved itself, the structure was henceforth to be used for the storage of agricultural items, and no action was to be taken.


– APP/D040/W/16/3152319  (Original application ref PA16/03467) Re Ansells, Rosevine

The applicants had appealed against refusal of the original application, and their appeal was upheld by the Inspectorate in Bristol.

Cllr German proposed (seconded by Cllr Iddison) that the PC should make a written representation to Cornwall Council to press for a judicial review of the decision. Members said this decision served once again to highlight the inconsistency of the planning authorities, when assessing applications, in the weight given to the RNDP which should be a material consideration in every case. Voting was unanimously in favour. Action clerk



Devolution funding

The clerk reported he had now received confirmation that the Community Panel’s decision to grant monies from Cornwall Council’s Devolution Fund for a contribution to the replacement and refurbishment of the facilities at Gerrans children’s playground had been finally confirmed by the portfolio holder, Mr Jeremy Rowe, and a grant offer letter would shortly be issued.

Community Assets

The clerk said he was working on the application to list Gerrans School, as requested.

Other localism issues

No other issues were raised.



No reports



The clerk read out 2 emails from CC Julian German. One was a forwarded report that a number of ad hoc CEO visits had been made in the past month in response to his request in view of the safety issue identified at Victoria Terrace. The other was confirmation that there will be in future for the first time a low level core service of enforcement for which the PC would not have to pay.

The clerk also announced that an initial informal exploratory meeting had been arranged with Cornwall Council’s parking management team to discuss the implications of devolving enforcement to the PC going forward. The meeting would be on Tuesday 11th October at 7.00pm at Curgurrell Farmhouse.

Councillors then considered 3 quotes received to repair and rebuild of the section of Cornish hedge in New Road leading from the exit down to the pedestrian gate at the southern end. After discussion, Cllr Iddison proposed (seconded by Cllr Greenslade) that the quote from Mr R B Bullen, at £1,860 be accepted. This was agreed unanimously. Action clerk to send acceptance



The clerk said that he had received informal advice from the RoSPA inspector that all the proposed installations for the site would be considered low risk, and that it was unlikely that planning permission would be required. However the agent for the Landlord had written to say that they would be unwilling to grant consent for the scheme as it would breach the lease, the existing planning consent and the terms of the S106 agreement, which only allowed the land to be used as “open space”. There was considerable frustration amongst members at this, and a general feeling that a test of reasonableness within the spirit of the 99 year lease should be applied. It was agreed to ask the clerk:

  1. To research the precise definition of “open space” in this context
  2. To ask the PC’s solicitors’ advice re the lease terms and planning consent
  3. To check with Cornwall Council re the S106 terms.

It was further agreed to seek a meeting with the Landlord after these issues had been clarified. Action clerk

Cllr Greenslade (seconded by Cllr Iddison) proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr Hatwood for all his efforts to date on this scheme. This was unanimously endorsed.



The clerk said he had sent a follow-up email to the management of St Austell Brewery as requested at September’s meeting and was currently awaiting a response.




The clerk reported that all payments submitted for approval were materially within budget, or within forecast and agreed contingency levels where actual figures were unknown at the time of setting the budget.


It was resolved that the outstanding invoices totalling £4,275.77 (including VAT of £161.67) be paid. A schedule of all the payments is available from the clerk.


The reconciled bank balance as at 25th September was £62,570.52.



  1. Any urgent business

– None

  1. Matters to be included on the next agenda

– Raised pavement at Gerrans Church bus stop

  1. Minor items for report

– The clerk had received a report of broken toilet seats at Percuil conveniences and would seek to have them replaced. Action clerk

– Cllr Iddison enquired whether the National trust had permission to install a wooden signpost at the Lugger. CC Julian German said he would raise the matter with the Highways Agency.

– Cllr German said he had received complaints about overgrown brambles at the children’s playground by Gerrans School. The clerk said he would investigate. Action clerk

– Cllr Hatwood said it was with regret that he was offering his resignation as a Parish Councillor. He said this was due mostly to a growing disillusionment with the degree to which the efforts of the PC and individual Councillors were able to have any real influence upon events. He cited in particular the seeming indifference of the planning authorities to local opinion, the Ansells appeal being just the latest case in point, and the flat refusal of the landlords of the Church Close site to grant consent for the plans to improve the open space amenity for the benefit of all the local community, a project into which so much effort had been put in by many people.

There was considerable identification with Cllr Hatwood’s views by other Councillors, but he was urged by all to reconsider his decision. Cllr Hatwood agreed to take the time of his forthcoming holiday, which included the date of the November meeting, to reflect upon the matter.


The meeting closed at 9.30 pm


1 Comment on “Gerrans Parish Council Minutes – October 2016

  1. Dear Sir,

    I’d be grateful for any information you might have on the development of the Roseland Community Land Trust and its progress in identifying affordable housing/land opportunities for Cornish people.

    This was a key goal identified in the RNDP dated 04 December 2014.

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