Mevagissey Extraordinary Parish Council Minutes – March 2016


Minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held at the Mevagissey Activity Centre

On Thursday 3 March 2016 at 7pm.


Present                          Cllrs. M Roberts (Chair), J Barron, T Barron, J Daniel, M Facey, S Hrydziuszka, J Morgan, K Robinson,     G Shephard.


In Attendance      PJ Howson (Clerk), 8 members of the public.




  1. Apologies received: Cllrs. N Florence, J Whatty, D Speed, J Arthur, J Mustoe (CC).


2a.        Declarations of interest. Cllrs. J Barron, T Barron and J Morgan declared an interest in Item 5d.

2b.        Gift Declarations.     None.


  1. Points from the Public. Messrs. John Rackun and Pietro Abate spoke on Item 5d. Both disagreed with elements of the appeal decision report, and Mr Rackun urged the Council to challenge the decision if possible.

A statement from Teresa Barron on Item 5d, urging the Council to accept the appeal decision, was read out by the clerk.


  1. The minutes of the meeting held on 18 February 2016.

Proposed by Cllr. Hrydziuszka, Seconded by Cllr. Shephard that the Minutes be Accepted.                      Carried.


  1. Planning.


5a.        PA16/00769 : New livestock housing with concrete apron. Land North West Of Lower Trewinney Mevagissey Cornwall PL26 6TD.

5b.        PA16/00770 : Four bay agricultural building for livestock housing. Land North West Of Lower Trewinney Mevagissey Cornwall PL26 6TD

5c.        PA16/00771 : New agricultural building. Land North West Of Lower Trewinney Mevagissey Cornwall PL26 6TD.

Proposed by Cllr. Daniel, Seconded by Cllr. Facey that, given the lack of contextual information available for these three applications, which taken together propose the erection of very large buildings within the AONB, the Council will defer a decision until such information becomes available, until which time a ‘holding objection’ is submitted.


5d.        To consider a response to the PA15/03079 (School Hill development) appeal decision.

5d(i)      Cllrs. T Barron, J Barron and J Morgan withdrew, having declared an interest.

5d(ii)     A statement from Cllr. Whatty, giving the reasons why he would not support a legal challenge to the appeal decision, was read out by the clerk.

5d(iii)    Proposed by Cllr. Shephard, Seconded by Cllr. Hrydziuszka that the public and press should be excluded for the duration of this item by reason of its confidential nature.                                                 Carried.

The public area was cleared.

5d(iv)    Proposed by Cllr. Daniel, Seconded by Cllr. Facey that a legal opinion on the appeal decision should be obtained from Brains Solicitors.                                                                                                        Carried.

5d(v)     Proposed by Cllr. Facey, Seconded by Cllr. Shephard that any meeting called to consider the legal opinion from Brains Solicitors should not be open to the public or press by reason of its confidential nature.      Carried.


  1. The meeting ended at 8.15pm. Date of next meeting : 17 March 2016









Signed ……………………………………………………………………………..         Dated ………………………………


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