Pea soup – from Father Doug Robbins

Pea soup


10 ml olive oil

garlic clove crushed

75 gms onion chopped

125 gms frozen or fresh shelled peas

150 ml chicken or vegetable stock

salt and pepper to taste

Gently fry the onion and garlic to soften for about 10 minutes making sure it does not brown. Add the peas and stock and cook for 10 minutes. Liquidize or blend and pass the soup through a sieve.

When ready to serve check the soups for salt and pepper and adjust, reheat to just below boiling point. Ensure that the soup bowls are hot. Carefully half fill the plates with Tomato soup, then carefully pour a ladleful of Parsnip soup into the centre of each bowl and finally carefully pour half a ladleful of Pea soup into the middle of the Parsnip soup.

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