St Just in Roseland Parish Council Minutes – April 2016

Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the Millennium Rooms,

St. Mawes, on Monday 4th April 2016. The meeting commenced at 7.00pm


Councillors Present:

The Chairman Cllr. B. Chenoweth, Cllrs. J. Benney, P. Farmiloe, R. Giles, R. Hall, B. Sadler, P. Salter,       P. Teague, K. Warren and C. Williams.


Also Present:

  1. Penhaligon (Clerk), S. Chenoweth (Assistant Clerk), Cornwall Cllr. German, and 3 member of the public


  1. To accept apologies for absence – Cllr. Black


  1. Declaration of Interest:
  2. a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest – None declared
  3. b) Non-Registerable Interest – Cllr. Giles declared an interest in items of Planning 13a iv and v.
  4. c) Of gifts to the value of more than £25 – None declared
  5. d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda – Cllr. Giles has a dispensation in place on           any matters concerning Mr D. Richards


  1. Open Period – Public Participation

A local resident spoke regarding repositioning the Tom Bennetts shrine on Tredenham Road. He understands the current position of the shrine but he is concerned it may cause an accident, especially now the summer season is approaching. He also mentioned a boat and trolley left abandoned on the slip way to Summers Beach for some time and a broken kayak and requested that the Parish Council removes the items.


Mrs Wood asked the Parish Council to encourage David Richards to use a helicopter landing site which is outside of the village boundaries.


Mrs Williams reported that all schools are required to be part of a Multi Academy Trust by 2022 and she has concerns about the future of St Mawes Primary School which is currently not registered as part of a MAT.


  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 7th March 2016

The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands by those who had attended the said meeting, that the minutes of the 7th March 2016 meeting be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.


  1. Matters arising from the minutes not on the Agenda – for report only
  2. a) Improvements to signage and traffic control measures in St Mawes, Street Trading and outstanding

Highway issues. A site meeting has been arranged with Viv Bidgood, Highways Manager for 12th

April to discuss outstanding matters. Cllr. Chenoweth, the Parish Council Chairman has agreed to attend.


  1. Report from the Clerk

The Clerk reported that Russell Curgenven will be updating the computer systems which will take a considerable amount of time. They will be compatible with Cornwall Council systems which will help with the introduction of Paperless Planning.

7. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary – No report received


  1. Report from Cornwall Councillor

Cornwall Cllr. German reported he had spoken to Cornwall Housing regarding allocation of rural housing and its policies, and suitability for location, following the disturbances at Harbour View, St Just.


  1. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees

St Mawes Co-Partnership Housing Society – Cllr. Giles reported that 9 applications were received for the vacant property at Kennerley Terrace which is currently being converted from a 2 to a 3-bedroom house. The successful tenant was chosen by the trustees who had two votes each.





Roseland Development Plan – Cllr. Sadler reported that she attended a meeting as a result of two planning decisions by the Secretary of State which the RDP were unhappy with. The Roseland Plan, as a team, is writing to Sarah Newton to ask for her support.


AGENDA ITEMS (for decision and discussion)


10a.     Car Park (Appendix 2)

To consider the monthly income


  Pay & Display Pay & Display Permits Permits Total
  Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Cumulative
March – 15 5,577.90 166,358.84 3,072.00 34,312.10 200,670.94
March – 16 6,589.40 166,088.65 1,030.00 25,720.80 191,809.45
March 2015 comparable March 2016      
Up 1011.50        
Down   -270.19 -2,042.00 -8,591.30 -8,861.49


It was noted that £1,030.00 was paid in advance for permits at 31st March 2016 and that £6,330 was paid by the Idle Rocks in the year end 31st March 2015 which was a debtor at 31st March 2014. In March 2015, £3,072.00 was paid by contractors for parking during maintenance works. Therefore, the income from permits were on par with last year.


10b.     Car Park Committee Appendix 2)

To consider a report and recommendations from the Car Park Committee meeting held on 29th         March 2016

On behalf of Cllr. Giles, Chairman of the Car Park Committee, the Clerk reported:

  1. i) The Service Level Agreement for Civil Enforcement Service 2016/17

The new draft for SLA shows an increase of £6,049.54 for the CEO Service. The CPC considered the proposed increase to be unaffordable and proposal has been sent to Cornwall Parking Services to negotiate a mutually agreed reduced service.


  1. ii) The costs and viability of installing a credit card system to the lower pay and display machine

The CPC had proposed to recommend to the Parish Council that it agrees in principle to proceed with installing a credit card system at a total net cost of approximately £4,000 once further information requested is established and agreed. Further information has been requested on the use of a chip and pin for payments of over £40 and the option of a Cale Briparc Office back up system to provide basic purchase statistics.


Cllr. Williams proposed that, due to the short timescale, the Parish Council approves that the Car Park Committee is given delegated powers to make the decision on installing a credit card system to one pay and display machine. Seconded by Cllr. Hall. RESOLVED by the Council. All in favour by a show of hands.


  1. St Mawes Public Conveniences takeover
  2. a) To consider the Tenancy at Will

The St Mawes Public Conveniences were handed over to the Parish Council from Cornwall Council on a Tenancy at Will basis on 31st March 2016.


  1. b) To consider the Legal transfer of the property

The Freehold Transfer Deed is currently being prepared by Cornwall Council. Sharp and Rimmer       have agreed to act on behalf of the Parish Council, for which Cornwall Council will pay £500        towards the legal costs.


  1. c) To consider the agreed works to be undertaken by Cornwall Council

The default list of works agreed by Cornwall Council and the Parish Council will be undertaken by       Cornwall Council by the end of April 2016.




12a. Accounts and Finance

  1. i) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1)

The Council was asked to approve the following payments:

The total cheques numbered 6940 to 6953 were approved                             £79,396.26

Direct Debits/Debit Card/ Standing Orders shown as paid in March                    £ 1,028.24

Salaries for March paid by FPO and transfers 31st March 2016                                     £ 3,606.84

Income shown as received during March                                                                       £18,609.55


Approval of the payments of accounts was proposed by Cllr. Sadler. Seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


  1. ii) To note the Notice of the Annual Audit dates for year end 31st March 2016

It was noted that the date for submission of the Annual Return to Grant Thornton is 17th June 2016


12b.     Finance Committee (Appendix 3)

To consider a report and recommendations from the Finance Committee meeting held on 22nd          February and 29th March 2016

Cllr. Hall, Chairman of the Finance Committee and the Clerk reported:

  1. i) St Mawes Public Conveniences
  2. a) To further consider the costs of the takeover of St Mawes Public Conveniences

In addition to the cleaning costs paid by the Parish Council, the costs previous paid by Cornwall Council for rates, water and electric which averages out at about £4,000 per year, plus an extra £4,000 for maintenance, results in a shortfall of £8,000. The public conveniences will receive an unknown amount from the charging tariff.


  1. b) To consider the costs to be incurred to the Parish Council by the takeover

            Cornwall Council has awarded £500 towards the cost of legal fees which is yet unknown.

  1. c) To further consider bidding for a grant from Cornwall Council Local Devolution Fund

The Parish Council will be applying for funding from the Cornwall Devolution Fund which is to be considered at its meeting on 12th April 2016 in the New County Hall, Truro.


  1. ii) Forecasts for 2016/17 and Three Year Budget

Cllr. Hall reported that the Parish Council should finish this financial year with higher reserves than expected. About £2,000 of the improvement reflects expenditure which will not now be incurred; the remainder comprises the contingencies of about £9,000 which will not be spent this year along with £11,000 of expenditure which may be incurred in 2016/17. There is however considerable uncertainty around the 2016/17 forecast. The impact of the higher charges in the main car park cannot be quantified precisely, nor can the financial implications of the transfer of the public conveniences in St Mawes. In addition, at very short notice indeed, Cornwall Council has proposed an increase in annual CEO costs of about £6,000 and it is not clear what scope there is for sensible negotiation. Disregarding contingencies and any expenditure brought forward from 2015/16, our current best estimate of the outturn for 2016/17 is now around breakeven, a significant worsening of the position we expected only a few months ago. Nonetheless, the Finance Committee proposed to recommend that the Parish Council adopts the Forecasts for 2016/17 on the basis that they reflect the information available to us on 29th March 2016 and on the basis that they will be refined throughout 2016/17 as better information becomes available.


Cllr. Hall proposed that the Parish Council adopts the Forecasts for 2016/17 on the basis that they reflect the information available to us on the 29th March 2016 and on the basis that they will be refined throughout 2016/17 as better information becomes available. Seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council


The three-year budget has been deferred until more accurate figures are available.


iii)       Financial Risk Assessment for the year ended 31st March 2016 (Appendix 5)

            Cllr. Hall proposed to approve the amended Financial Risk Assessment for the year end 31st March    2016. Seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


  1. iv) To consider the appointment of the Internal Auditor for the year ended 31st March 2016

Cllr. Hall proposed that the Parish Council approves the appointment of Bennett Jones Co. as the Independent Auditor for the financial year end 31st March 2016 as it is value for money and benefit to all, especially during the transition of the current audit system into the Scribe System. Seconded by Cllr. Sadler. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


  1. To consider the recommendations from the Car Park committee
  2. a) To consider and approve the Service Level Agreement for Civil Enforcement Service 2016/17

A proposal has been put forward to the Cornwall Parking Services which is still in negotiations.


  1. b) To consider and approve the costs and viability of installing a credit card system to the lower pay and display machine

The Finance Committee supports, in principle, with the appropriate extra information provided, of installing a credit card system to the lower pay and display machine in the St. Mawes Car Park.


13a. Planning

  1. i) To consider decisions and recommendations from the Planning Committee meeting held on 31st March 2016 (Appendix 4)

(6a/b)  Presentation of proposed residential scheme – Justin Dodge of West Country Land Ltd presented a preliminary proposal for a Residential Scheme (Cross Subsidy Development) of 40 units on land east of Lowen Meadow, Newton Road, St Mawes. The proposed scheme is for 20 Open Market Housing and 20 Affordable Housing. There will be a possible 14 or 15 units for which the rent will be set by Cornwall Council. The rest for discounted sale or shared ownership where the value will be capped. The Parish Council’s initial thoughts were that it is the preferred site for the much needed affordable homes and that the design of the houses was pleasing and would keep the primary school alive. However, the development was considered to be too large and concerns were raised regarding the number of open market properties. The Parish Council awaits accurate Housing Need figures from Cornwall Housing which are currently out of date and the initial response from Cornwall Planners.


(7)       Pre-planning proposals – Riviera Gardens, St Mawes – proposed new access – There was a general feeling to agree in principle to the new access. However, there were major concerns about the how the proposed excavation works would be undertaken. The design and character of the property appears to have dramatically changed from the previously approved application (PA15/07032). These matters will be raised with the Architect.


(8)       PA16/01630 – Sea Craig, 4 Carrick Way, St Mawes – the views of the Parish Council expressed in its representation to planning application number PA15/10398 were unchanged and it fully supports the decision of the Planning Officer.


  1. ii) The Council considered the following planning applications:
  2. PA16/01630 – Sea Craig, 4 Carrick Way, St Mawes – proposed construction of replacement dwelling house with separate garage and residential amenity – considered by the Planning Committee – objection


  1. PA16/02240 – Penolva, 40 Lower Castle Road, St Mawes – proposed rear extension, first floor balcony structure and proposed roof extensions to former dormer windows and attic bedrooms considered by Cllrs. Giles, Chenoweth and Salter – no objections


  1. PA16/02336 – Penmark, Polvarth Road, St Mawes – Single Storey extension, alterations and detached garage – considered by Cllr. Benney, Giles and Salter – no objections


  1. PA16/02564 – Land adjacent to Polventon, St Just in Roseland – construction of single storey garage – considered by Cllr. Teague, Sadler and Warren – objection


iii)       To note the decisions of the Planning Authority 

PA16/01517 – Greenwaters, Freshwater Lane, St Mawes (63) – application works to trees subject to TPOs – felling of 5 Cupressus Macricarpa (T1 – T5) – refused



PA16/01468 – Land adjacent to Polventon, St Just (64) – construction of single storey double garage – withdrawn


Non Material Amendment

PA16/02212 – Greenwaters, Freshwater Lane, St Mawes (66) – non-material amendment following grant of planning permission PA15/02968 – approved


  1. iv) To note the update on Certificate of Lawfulness PA15/08711 – Lowen Meadow, Newton Road, St Mawes – Certificate of Lawfulness for the continued use of land for setting down and taking off of helicopters – withdrawn


  1. v) To note the suggested alternative sites for landing and taking off of helicopters

The Parish Council has received three further suggested alternative sites for the landing and taking off of helicopters. Cllr. Chenoweth advised that Mr Richards is aware of these sites.


  1. vi) Enforcements

Open – EN16/00428 – Lowen Meadow, Newton Road, St Mawes – unauthorised use of land for helicopter landing, parking and taking off and storage of dingy/yacht trailer and storage of caravan


vii)      To consider planning correspondence – the list of correspondence was considered.


13b.     Roseland Plan

            To further consider the Roseland Plan Wild Flower Project

Cllr. Williams suggested an area in St Mawes which may be suitable for the Wild Flower Project on the main Upper Castle Road behind Larkfield Rise, opposite the public footpath entrance to the fields.   She also suggested land on Polvarth Road near the gateway to the village.


Cllr. Teague brought forward three names of landowners in St Just Parish interested in the project who have land available for the project: Mr and Mrs German, land at Penpol Lane; Mr and Mrs Davy, land rear of St Just Boatyard and Mr and Mrs Thomas, land at Messack, and he also suggested the land owned by the Community Land Trust, adjacent to Trevennel Close, St Just.


13c.     Affordable Housing

            To consider updates on Affordable Housing matters

Cornwall Cllr. German clarified that the site at the rear of Porth View, St. Mawes, is owned by Cornwall Council which is a possible site for affordable housing under the Roseland Community Land Trust. He is currently liaising with Mark O’Brien, Cornwall Council Community Link Officer regarding the site.


  1. Millennium Rooms Management Committee & Roseland Visitor Centre Committee

To consider a report – The next meeting is to be held on Thursday 7th April 2016


  1. Parish Council Website

            To further consider the proposals for the Parish Council Website

Cllr. Warren reported that they are at the final stages with the website

Cllr. Hall and Cllr. Farmiloe has reviewed the site with a second review planned for 6th April. Cllr. Warren requested that all Councillors to view the site.


  1. Cleansing of the Parish
  2. a) To consider the next step on the Cornwall Council’s Waste Reduction Incentive Scheme

A meeting needs to be arranged – Defer to the next meeting


  1. b) To consider additional clearance of weeds in the parish as a ‘Clean for the Queen’ event

A provisional date of Sunday 5th June was suggested – Defer to the next meeting






  1. HRH Queen Elizabeth II 90th Birthday Celebration

            To consider a celebration to incorporate the unveiling of the Diamond Jubilee plaque

The Clerk advised that she had been in contact with St Mawes Primary School regarding a small event on 21st April. However, it was difficult to arrange something appropriate in this short period. Therefore, she suggested that the Parish Council organises an event closer to the date of HRH Queen Elizabeth’s official birthday.


Cllr. Farmiloe proposed a tea party and unveiling of the Diamond Jubilee plaque on Friday 10th June. Seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


  1. On-Street parking enforcement
  2. a) To consider changing the date of the introduction of the on-street parking restrictions to include Easter

Cllr. Williams raised the issue of the on-street parking restrictions which start on 1st April each year. However, as Easter was early this year vehicles were parked in Marine Parade, Lower Castle Road and Tredenham Road causing congestion and obstructions. It also meant that revenue was reduced in the car park as drivers parked on the roads. It was agreed to look into the practicalities of changing the date to 25th March.


  1. b) To reconsider the on-street parking restrictions to provide a passing space in Marine Parade

The Parish Council reconsidered providing a passing space in Marine Parade due to the practicalities of vehicles, particularly lorries having to reverse a long way when there are vehicles parked right along Marine Parade and Lower Castle Road from October to March.


Cllr. Farmiloe proposed that a passing space should be installed in Marine Parade. Seconded by Cllr. Giles. 2 abstentions. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council with a majority vote.


Cllr. Williams proposed that the single yellow line from the Car Park to the entrance of the Rising Sun is converted to double yellow lines as it causes an obstruction when vehicles are parked on both sides at the entrance to the Cark Park. Seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


  1. Survey of the benches in the Parish

            To consider undertaking a survey of the benches

Cllrs. Giles and Salter agreed to carry out a survey on the benches in St Mawes and Cllr. Teague agreed to survey the benches in St Just.   The clerk to supply a list of the benches.


  1. St Just in Roseland Playing Field
  2. a) To consider the completion of the new equipment by Cormac

The Completion Certificate and the invoice from Cormac have been received, for £29,777 (net). The grant of £30,000 has also been received from Sita Uk. The Clerk is to liaise with Mary Asfour of St Just Institute Committee for confirmation for sending the payment to Cormac.


Cllr. Salter proposed that the £223 difference between the grant money received from Sita UK and the total invoice from Cormac should be awarded to St Just Institute towards the cost of new signage for the Playing Field. Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council


  1. b) To consider the replacement of the gates to the Playing Field

Cllr. Teague reported that the gates to the entrance of the playing field need replacing. As the Parish Council is the owner of the Playing Field, Cllr. Giles agreed to assess the costs of replacing the gates.



  1. 21. Correspondence (information only)




  1. Staffing Matters
  2. a) To receive a report from the Personnel Committee

There was no report as no meeting has been held. The next meeting is to be held on 6th April.


  1. c) To receive a report on the Car Park Manager vacancy

The applications received for the Car Park Manager post have been referred to the Personnel Committee. Interviews are planned for the end of April.


At this point, the Clerk and the Assistant Clerk left the meeting (9.55pm)


  1. b) To further consider the Staffing Finance Structure

The Parish Council further considered the Staffing Finance Structure and it was agreed to pass the matter to the Personnel Committee and request that it seeks advice from South West Councils.


  1. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting
  • Shrine on Tredenham Road, St Mawes
  • MAT academy St Mawes School


  1. Date of next meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Monday 9th May 2016 in the Parish Millennium Rooms, St Mawes commencing at 6.45pm, followed by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10.15pm





Signed as a true record………………………………………..Chairman Cllr. B Chenoweth


Date………9th May 2016

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