St Just in Roseland Parish Council Minutes – June 2016

Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the Millennium Rooms,

St. Mawes, on Monday 6th June 2016. The meeting commenced at 7.00pm


Councillors Present:

The Chairman Cllr. B. Chenoweth, Cllrs. J. Benney, S. Black, P. Farmiloe, R. Giles, B. Sadler,

  1. Salter, P. Teague, K. Warren and C. Williams.


Also Present:

  1. Penhaligon (Clerk), S. Chenoweth (Assistant Clerk) and 3 member of the public


  1. To accept apologies for absence – Cllr. R. Hall and Cornwall Cllr. J. German


  1. Declaration of Interest:
  2. a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest – None declared
  3. b) Non-Registerable Interest – None declared
  4. c) Of gifts to the value of more than £25 – None declared
  5. d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda – None declared


  1. Open Period – Public Participation

Graham Salter spoke in connection to the proposed boundary wall between Trevennel Close and St Just Lane Car Park which will be replacing the damaged wooden fence currently in place. All the footings are now dug and a list of materials needed has been given to the Parish Council. He also raised concerns over the edge between the new tarmac surface and the area of the 803 surface which is being disturbed when vehicles are turning and may cause a trip hazard. The Car Park Committee will investigate the problem.


John Andrew, Manager of St Mawes Community Fire Station spoke in connection with concerns regarding the increasing amount of time it takes for an ambulance to get to the parish and surrounding areas once the co- responders have attended. This service is continuously assessed and monitored. He briefed about a new vehicle currently being considered that could adapt so that rear of the vehicle could also be used as an ambulance.


  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9th May 2016

The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands by those who had attended the said meeting, that the minutes of the 9th May 2016 meeting be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.


  1. Matters arising from the minutes not on the Agenda – for report only
  2. a) Improvements to signage and traffic control measures in St Mawes, Street Trading and outstanding

– Nothing to report


  1. b) Installation of new on-street parking restrictions, change of start date of enforcements and speed

reduction on Upper Castle Road, St. Mawes – Nothing to report


  1. c) Survey of the benches in the parish – In hand, nothing to report


  1. Report from the Clerk – no report given

7. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary – No report received. There were concerns that a reports has not been received for the last three months and asked the Clerk to raise this with the Constabulary


  1. Report from Cornwall Councillor – No report received


  1. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees

St Mawes Co-partnership Housing Society – Cllrs. Giles and Teague attended the recent AGM held at which only 4 out of the 10 tenants attended. Cllr. Teague has been voted in as Vice Chairman. The building works are nearly complete on number 7 so now only one property remains with an outside toilet.





AGENDA ITEMS (for decision and discussion)


10a. Accounts and Finance

  1. i) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1)

The Council was asked to approve the following payments:

It was noted that cheque number 6964 was cancelled and

cheque number             6973 issued as a replacement.

The total cheques numbered 6974 to 6987 were approved                                £ 7,423.96

Direct Debits/Debit Card/ Standing Orders shown as paid in May                       £ 2,378.37

Salaries for May paid by FPO and transfers 1st June 2016                                 £ 3,655.67

Income shown as received during May                                                             £22,763.99


Approval of the payments of accounts was proposed by Cllr. Giles. Seconded by Cllr. Sadler. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


  1. ii) To consider the request from St Mawes Harbour Lights Committee for funding towards the Community Fireworks Display in November – Defer to next meeting as the request came from St Mawes Community Fireworks not St Mawes Harbour Lights Committee.


10b.     Finance Committee (Appendix 2)

To consider a report and recommendations from the Finance Committee meeting held on 31st May 2016. In the absence of the Finance Committee Chairman, the Clerk reported the following:


St Mawes Public Conveniences

Currently waiting for completion of the installation of the payment system. The Parish Council will be able to control the opening and closing of the system. The cost is set at 20p payable in several denominations of coins but no change will be given. It was suggested at the FC that signs are placed on the convenience doors explaining why the charge is instigated. The Parish Council is still awaiting a final decision of the £8,000 grant application from the Devolution Fund.


St Mawes Car Park Credit Card Facility

The upgrade to the lower Pay and Display machine has been ordered from Cale Briparc and the agreement with the Acquiring Bank Service has been signed and returned to Six Group for processing.


  1. i) Annual Audit for the year ended 31st March 2016
  2. a) To note the amendment to the Income & Expenditure for year ended 31st March 2016 presented at the meeting of 9th May

The Income and Expenditure presented to the Parish Council at the last meeting has been amended with

regard to the RVC. The merchandise figure and the administration figures has been amended, which makes

no difference to the totals. This is due to the Eden Project payments being put in administration in error.

This was amended before it went to Bennett Jones for audit.


  1. b)         To approve the Earmarked Reserves as at 31st March 2016

The figures recommended by the Finance Committee were considered and amended to take account of maintenance required in the St Just Lane Car Park.


Cllr. Salter proposed to increase the amount in reserves for St Just Lane Car park by £3,000 to take into account the maintenance required. Seconded by Cllr. Black. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council


  1. ii) Completion of the Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2016
  2. To note the Annual Internal Audit report 2015/16 by Bennett Jones & Co.

It was noted that the Internal Audit has been carried out by Bennett & Jones Co, and, based on the findings in the areas examined, the conclusions were summarised. The report confirmed that the control objections were being achieved throughout the financial year to a standard adequate to meet the needs of a smaller authority, so no issues were raise.


  1. To approve Section 2 – Accounting Statements for 2015/16

The FC recommended that the Parish Council approves section 2 Accounting Statements for 2015/16


Cllr. Salter proposed approval of section 2 – Accounting Statements for 2015/16. Seconded by Cllr. Sadler. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council


  1. c) To approve the submission of the Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2016 and associated approved documents to the External Auditor, Grant Thornton

The FC recommended that the Parish Council approves the Annual Audit and associated documents and the Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2016 for submission to Grant Thornton Ltd, the External Auditor.


Cllr. Salter proposed the approval of the Annual Audit and associated documents, and the Annual Return for the year ended 31st march 2016 for submission the Grant Thornton, the External Auditor. Seconded by Cllr. Williams. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


  1. Statutes, Constitutions and Procedures

To adopt the amendments to the Code of Conduct dated 5th November 2012 approved at the meeting of 9th May

Cllr. Warren proposed to adopt the amendments to the Code of Conduct dated 5th November 2012. Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


12a.     Car Park (Appendix 2)

To consider the monthly income

  Pay & Display Pay & Display Permits Permits Total
  Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Cumulative
May – 15 17,254.15 31,291.50 1,204.80 16,794.80 48,086.30
May – 16 20,083.85 32,319.60 1,464.00 19,194.00 51,513.60
May 2015 comparable May 2016      
Up 2,829.70 1,028.10 259.20 2,399.20 3,427.30

12b.     To consider the overflow parking facility for the summer season

The clerk is still awaiting a response from Gerrans and St. Mawes Football Club. Cllr. Giles mentioned that their AGM is in mid-June. – Defer to the next meeting


St Just Lane Car Park

Phil Green has confirmed that he will put in the base for recycling area in about 2 weeks.


It was noted that the entrance to St Just Lane Car park has now been resurfaced. However, cars are turning on the edge of the 803 area put down by the Contractor and wearing it away. It was suggested that part of the Car Park is resurfaced to prevent a trip hazard. This will be considered by the Car Park Committee shortly.


At this point Cllr. Salter declared an interest on the Self-Build Barrier Fence and left the meeting.


The Parish council considered the list of materials submitted by G Salter required from Maen Karne of £633.20 net (£126.64 vat) total gross £759.84 to undertake start to rebuild the 2/3rds of the barrier fence.


The Parish Council has already agreed to assist with funding up to £1,000 for the barrier fence between the Car Park which is its responsibility and the Self Build development known as Trevennel Close if the Self Builders undertake the manual labour.


Cllr. Williams proposed to agree in principle, provided that it complies with the landscape planning conditions, and subject to response, to order the materials from Maen Karne. Seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


Cllr. Salter re-joined the meeting at this point.






13a. Planning

  1. i) To consider decisions and recommendations from the Planning Committee meeting – no meeting held


  1. ii) The Council considered the following planning applications:
  2. PA16/03123 – Riviera Gardens, Riviera lane, St Mawes– alterations and extensions to the existing dwellingunder consideration by the Planning Committee


  1. PA16/03455 – Hotel Tresanton, St Mawes – proposed Juliet balconies to first floor and second floor bedrooms – considered by Cllrs. Chenoweth, Giles and Salter – no objection


  1. PA16/04151 – Land to the west of Greenwaters, Freshwater Lane, St Mawes – fell Macrocarpas, I Lawson and 4 Monterey Pines – considered by Cllrs. Benney, Giles and Salter – no objection if Tree Officer agrees


  1. PA16/04001 – Co-op, 6-7 Kings Road, St Mawes – new refrigeration plant, new doors, new louvres, new fencing, new lighting and floor markings – considered by Cllr. Benney, Giles and Salter – no objection


  1. PA16/04171 – Gwel Down, Freshwater Lane, St Mawes – proposed extensions and alterations works to terraced area – considered by Cllrs. Chenoweth, Giles and Salter – objection to excessive glazing


  1. PA16/04478 – Burial Ground, road from St Just Creek – proposed Pergola to form covered seating area – under consideration by Cllr. Teague, Sadler and Chenoweth – no objections


  1. PA16/04101 – 14 Waterloo Close, St Mawes – change existing spar chipped cement render to a painted smooth cement/sand render on all external walls – under consideration by Cllr. Benney, Chenoweth and Salter


Pre-planning application

  1. PA16/0543/PREAPP – Methodist Church, Chapel Terrace, St Mawes – pre-application advice for prosed conversion of first floor redundant Sunday School rooms to residential unit and associated works to ancillary chapel meeting room – under consideration by the Planning Committee


  1. PA16/00965 PRE – Land east of Lowen Meadow, Newton Road, St Mawes – proposed

residential development of 40 dwelling (20 open market and 20 affordable) – no update received


Cornwall Council Full Planning Committee on 6th April 2016

:           PA15/11338 – Tregenna, Upper Castle Road, St Mawes (58) – demolition of existing bungalow and garage and construction of new dwelling


PA16/01630 – Sea Craig, 4 Carrick Way, St Mawes (65) – proposed construction of replacement dwelling house with separate garage and residential amenity


Cllr. Chenoweth spoke against the planning applications on behalf of the Parish Council. He reported the Planning Committee refused both applications and, in general, supported the newly adopted Roseland Neighbourhood Plan and gave it the weight and the due credibility it deserves under the Localism Act. He added that the main reasons for refusal included form, height, massing, design, excessive glazing and visual prominence from the sea failing to relate positively to the street scene in an AONB and Heritage Coast.


Lawful Development Certificate

  1. PA16/03500 – Tregear Vean Cottage, St Mawes – lawful development certificate for existing use of the land adjoining the property as an area within the residential curtilage – considered by Cllr. Chenoweth, Salter and Giles – approved with the information supplied.




iii)       To note the decisions of the Planning Authority 

PA16/02836- Fore Top, St Just (3) – proposed replacement dwelling – approved


PA16/02863 – The Annexe, The Idle Rocks, St Mawes (4) – Listed Building consent for works – approved


PA16/02564 – Land adjacent to Polventon, St Just in Roseland (69) – construction of single storey garage – approved with conditions


PA16/03661 – Greenwaters, Freshwater Lane, St Mawes (9) – proposed change of approved rooflights to dormer windows on rear elevation – approved


            PA16/03899 – Trevassa, Upper Castle Road, St Mawes (10) – proposed amendments to single storey extension as approved in PA15/08336. Lower ground floor omitted but with amended glazing to ground and lower ground floors. Minor internal amendments. Revised balcony handrail and installation of log burner and chimney – approved with conditions

Non Material Amendment


PA16/01886 – Greenwaters, Freshwater Lane, St Mawes (5)– non-material amendment following grant of planning permission PA14/05367 – approved


  1. iv) Enforcements

Open – EN16/00842 – 4A Bohella Road, St Mawes – alleged works not built in accordance with the approved plans PA15/11175; namely size of Juliet balcony


Closed EN16/00428 – Lowen Meadow, Newton Road, St Mawes – unauthorised use of land for helicopter landing, parking and taking off and storage of dingy/yacht trailer and storage of caravan – decision ‘not applicable’. There is currently a ‘Contravention Notice’ in place to the Landowner.


  1. v) To consider planning correspondence – see correspondence lists

Mr D Richards has advised that he has submitted a planning application for temporary use of Lowen Meadow, St Mawes for landing his helicopter over the next 18 months, or until he gets a new facility established outside the village, on which there have been some very positive discussions.


13b.     Affordable Housing

            To consider updates on Affordable Housing matters – Nothing to report


  1. Millennium Rooms Management Committee & Roseland Visitor Centre Committee

The next meeting is to be held on Wednesday 8th June 2016


  1. Parish Council Website

            To further consider the proposals for the Parish Council Website

Cllr. Warren reported that some feedback has been received on the website and there are a few amendments to be made. It is now ready to move forward and would need for someone external to advise and facilitate the website initially and possibly train the Assistant Clerk to upload information. The Clerk to arrange a meeting with Russell Curgenven and Cllr. Warren to discuss the way forward.


  1. Cleansing of the Parish
  2. a) To consider the next step on the Cornwall Council’s Waste Reduction Incentive Scheme

The group has held a further meeting and new signage for the waste bins have been ordered. The Waste Leaflets are to be distributed to hotel staff houses and holiday letting agencies. The Clerk reported that, in the response to the Co-op’s planning application, she requested that the Co-op have closed slatted screen for their waste cages plus a cover to prevent it blowing around the street. A new large waste bin, for opposite the St. Mawes Hotel is being dispatched on 17th June.





  1. b) To consider additional clearance of weeds in the parish as a ‘Clean for the Queen’ event

Six Councillors and five members of the public helped with the clearance of weeds, debris and litter in parts of St Mawes and the Parish Council thanked all those that attended the event. It was suggested to place an advert in the Parish Magazine asking residents, and holiday home owners to kindly look after their patch outside their property in the future.


  1. To further consider the future maintenance of the top area of the Holy Well, Grove Hill, St


Cllr. Salter has assessed the upkeep required and suggested that Mikel Fletcher is approached to see if he could maintain it for an hour a month when he is working on Bohella Bank.


  1. HRH Queen Elizabeth II 90th Birthday Celebration – Friday 10th June 2016

            To further consider the celebration to incorporate the unveiling of the Diamond Jubilee plaque

The Clerk reported on the final arrangements.


  1. St Just in Roseland Playing Field

            To further consider the replacement of the gates to the Playing Field

Cllr. Giles reported that the gates will now be ordered from M A Grigg for delivery on 17th June and that he and Cllr. Salter are willing to hang them.


  1. Permissive footpath and steps into the Picnic Area above the Millennium Rooms, St. Mawes

            To consider the risks involved with the uneven steps

The Cornwall Housing assessor considered the steps by the picnic area, going up to the permissive footpath, to be a risk as there is no handrail and the steps are uneven. Cllr. Giles, Salter and Farmiloe agreed to visit the site to assess the situation.


  1. 20. Correspondence (information only)


  1. Staffing Matters
  2. a) To receive a report from the Personnel Committee

There was no report as no meeting has been held. The next meeting is to be held on 29th June 2016


  1. b) To note the National Joint Council for Local Government Services (NJC) has reached an agreement on the National Salary Award 2016-2018

It was noted that the NJC has agreed that a 1{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} increase was awarded on the 1st April 2016 and again to be made again on 1st April 2017. The Personnel Committee will be making recommendations to the Parish Council as to whether it agrees to pay the increase or not.


  1. c) Staffing Finance Structure – receive an update

The Personnel Committee have drafted a letter which will be forwarded to the Clerk for distribution to all Parish Council employees.


  1. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting


  1. Date of next meeting – The Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 4th July 2016 in the Parish Millennium Rooms, St Mawes commencing at 7pm


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.30pm


Signed as a true record……………………………………Chairman Cllr. B Chenoweth


Date…………………….4th July 2016

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