St Just in Roseland Parish Council Minutes – May 2014

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 12th May 2014. The meeting commenced at 7.25pm following the Annual Parish meeting.


Councillors Present:

The Chairman Cllr. K. Warren, Cllrs. J. Benney, S. Black, B. Chenoweth, P. Farmiloe, R. Giles, B. Sadler, P. Salter, P Teague and C. Williams


Also Present:

S. Penhaligon (Clerk), T van der Wolde (Assistant Clerk), Cornwall Cllr. German, Jon Smith (RNP) and fourteen members of the public


1. Election of Chairman

Cllr. Williams proposed that Cllr. Warren remain as Chairman. Cllr. Warren agreed to stand as Chairman for a further year. Seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


2. To accept apologies for absence

Cllr. R. Hall and Mr J. Thomas (Representative of St Just in Roseland Burial Ground)


3. Election of Vice Chairman

Cllr. Giles proposed that Cllr. Chenoweth be elected as Vice Chairman. Cllr. Chenoweth agreed to stand as Vice Chairman. Seconded by Cllr. Williams. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


4. Election of Committee Representatives (Appendix 2)

Cllr. Giles asked to stand down from the Finance Committee.

Cllr. Black agreed to join the Finance Committee and attend the Truro and Roseland Network Meetings.

Cllr. Benney asked to stand down from Percuil River Moorings Committee. Cllr. Chenoweth agreed to stand.


5. Declaration of Interest:

a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest– Cllr. B Sadler – item17b – proposed development at Little Newton, St Mawes

b) Non-Registerable Interest – Cllr. Giles and Cllr. Salter – item 13b – Idle Rocks (car park)

c) Of gifts to the value of more than £25 – none declared

d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda – Cllr. Giles and Cllr. Salter has dispensations in place on items regarding The Idle Rocks


6. Open Period – Public Participation

Mr Luke Boson spoke about his Stand Up Paddle Board business that he wants to set up on the southern end of Summers Beach. He explained that he has had meetings with the Harbour Master and is aware of the byelaws etc. Luke has a life saving qualification and the appropriate insurance. He intends to use the beach on summer evenings and during school holidays to teach a maximum of six people at a time and he will also be hiring out Paddle Boards to experienced students.


Mr David Halsey spoke about a pre-application enquiry PA14/01329/PREAPP that was made to Cornwall Council regarding Trecarrel at St Just in Roseland. He was disappointed that members of the public were not invited to comment on this pre-application. The Assistant Clerk clarified that an applicant paid a fee for pre-application advice from Cornwall Council, and unlike a formal planning application neither the Parish Council nor members of the public are part of a statutory consultation. There is no facility to comment on the internet; however any member of the public can make their views known to the Planning Department during this process. In response to a pre-application enquiry the Planning Officer will give the applicant advisory comments, at this stage however, the Planning Officer does not recommend the application for approval or refusal.


MR Julian Davey also commented on the Trecarrel pre-application, and said that, as the pre-app was in the public domain, it should be available for public comment. He confirmed letters have been lodged with the Planning Officer. Cllr. German will clarify with Cornwall Council whether the comments made so far to the Planning Officer will be made public.



7. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 7th April 2014

The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that the previously circulated minutes of the 7th April 2014 meeting be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.


8. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda

a) General cleansing in the Parish – cleansing schedules from Churchill Contract Services; recycling; collection data from Cory; options for reducing the amount of litter in the streets; replacement waste bins.

The Clerk has not met with Councillors to discus these matters. However, she has met with the cleansing operative and his Manager and has thoroughly gone through the cleansing schedules.


Some of the litter bins lost or damaged in the storms need to be ordered as soon as possible, however, some of the old ones which have lost fronts are no longer made. A list of the bins required will be collated and considered by the Finance Committee.


Cornwall Council has reported that recycling bins have been contaminated by someone putting building waste into them. This means that the recycling containers have had to be removed and the contents have been unrecyclable. Also a large quantity of cardboard boxes has been left unflattened at the recycling area which has started a precedent for others to follow. The Clerk has contacted the people responsible but their reasoning was that the bins were full. The Clerk felt it was not fair on the cleansing operative to have to flatten the boxes.


b) Clearance and cleansing of Bohella Store

D Cannon has offered to clear the store on Tuesday 20th May. Cllr. Giles agreed to supply the dumpy bags to be removed by Main Karne.


c) Barrier for sea defence in The Square

Cllr. German has offered to chase the contacts to progress this forward.


d) Replacement for the commemorative Beech Tree on Bohella Bank

The Clerks Office is still waiting for ideas on what tree or shrub would be best to replace the Beech Tree.


9. Report from the Clerk

The Clerk advised that the swing barriers have been completed.


Cornwall Council has agreed to the ‘slow’ markings outside St Just Lane Car Park. The Clerk has asked the contractor to cut back the hedgerow to enable free vision up Windmill Hill and will chargeTrewithen Estates.


10. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary

During March 2014 two crimes have been recorded and both have been finalised. During this period Police have been called to the Parish six times. Two of these were road related and three calls related to concerns for welfare of individuals. In April 2014 the police have been called to the Parish twice. Two crimes have been reported, one was driving whilst over the prescribed legal limit of alcohol.


11. Report from Cornwall Cllr. German

Cllr. German reported that there has been a 50{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} reduction of staff at Cornwall Council causing significant cuts in services but the aim is to protect key services.


Cllr. German has made contact in chasing up the outstanding issues with St Just in Roseland Public Conveniences. The car park transfer to St Just Church is ready to go when toilets are complete.


12. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees

There were no reports.


The Chairman Cllr. Warren asked that standing orders be lifted to bring forward item 24, 16 and 17b & 17a of the agenda. All agreed.




24. Request for business access to Summers and Tavern Beaches

To further consider the request for access for a paddle boarding business

Cllr. Salter proposed the Parish Council allow access for the Paddle Board business on Summers Beach for one season, and providing it goes well and does not affect swimmers and other water activity, then the access can be made permanent. Seconded by Cllr. Chenoweth. All agreed. RESOLVED by the Council.


16. Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan

Jon Smith Chairman of the RNDP Steering Group reported that the steering group has been running for a year. They have just finished producing an interim draft of the plan, a 50 page document with appendices. This will help the community understand what the plan will do. The draft plan will be sent out to Parish Councils before June so that during the June meetings, Jon Smith can answer questions and deal with any queries. Feedback would be appreciated. Once the draft has been finalised, a statutory six week consultation period will start in July for a six week period. There will be a pre-consultation event on 14th June at the Memorial Hall in Gerrans.


17b. Proposed Housing Developments in St Just in Roseland and St Mawes

a) To consider updates on the proposed development behind the Bowling Green, St Just in Roseland

The Parish Council received the full planning application number PA14/03614 in respect of the Bowling Green with the deadline for consultee comments being 27th May. The Parish Council did not feel the timeframe was adequate as a Public Planning Meeting was necessary in order for the Community of St Just village to find out information regarding the development and to make their views known. Cllr. German agreed to speak to the Planning Officer to request an extension of time to deliberate on the merits of the application and to make an informed response based on the Communities views.


b) To consider updates on the proposed development in St Mawes

The last update was in March 2014, when the Planning Officer made a decision that an Environmental Impact Assessment was needed.


Cllr. Warren asked that Standing Orders resume. All in favour.


13a. Accounts and Finance

a) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1)

The Council was asked to approve the following payments:

Total cheques numbered 6422 to 6441 approved and signed at meeting                                        £ 8,801.13     Total cheques numbered 6409 to 6421 paid since last meeting were ratified                      £ 5,086.17

Direct Debits/ Standing Orders shown as paid in April                                                     £ 6,710.76

Income shown as received during April                                                                           £46,175.56


Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. Salter. Seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


b)         To consider the quotation from Roseland Garden Centre for summer planting

Cllr. Giles proposed the acceptance of the quotation from Roseland Garden Centre of £630 net for planting the 9 planters which was the same price as last year. Seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour.

RESOLVED by the Council.


It was noted that Cornwall Council has approved a street cleansing grant of £9,986.51 to include £332.21 for beach cleaning. Cornwall council has advised that no beach cleaning grant will be available next year.


13b. Finance Committee

To consider the recommendations from the Finance Committee meeting held on 8th May 2014 (Appendix 3) (Items number from this committee is in italics)


Item 6 Internal Audit Control

Cllr. Salter proposed that the Internal Audit Control be renamed ‘ Internal Audit Financial Process Checks’ (appendix 3) and the audit control as presented by Cllr. Hall be adopted. Seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.



Cllr. Salter proposed that the Internal Audit Policy and Procedure (Appendix 4) item 2d be amended. Seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


Item 8. Financial Risk Management as at 31st March 2014 (Appendix 5)

Cllr. Salter recommended that the amended Financial Risk Management document be adopted by the Parish Council.   Seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in Favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


Item 10. Request from Gerrans Parish Council for contribution to an on-street parking enforcement.

St Just in Roseland Parish Council joined in with Gerrans Parish Council’s parking order last year regarding an area requiring double yellow lines in Lower Castle Road. Councillor Salter proposed that the Parish Council approves a payment to of £500 to Gerrans Parish Council thus saving public money, as it would have cost in the region of £5,000 to if it had to pay for its own order. Seconded by Cllr. Sadler. 8 in favour, 1 against, One abstention. RESOLVED by the Council.


Item 11. Request from St Just Institute for funding of the playing field insurance

Cllr. Giles proposed that the Parish Council funds the £411.28 Aon Insurance under section 19 of Local Government Act 1976 as it owns the playing field which is managed on a day to day basis by St Just Institute. Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


13. Parish Council credit card

Cllr. Chenoweth proposed that the Parish Council has its own Lloyds Bank credit card up to the value of £500 in order that the Clerk does not have to use her personal credit card for purchasing good on behalf of the Council. Seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


15. End of year Annual Audit for year ended 31st March 2014

Cllr. Salter recommended the following documents should be approved as presented and submitted to Bennett Jones and Co for Audit:

a) Income and Expenditure as at 31st March 2014 (Appendix 6)

b) Balance sheet as at 31st March 2014 (Appendix 7)

c) The Supporting Statement as at 31st March 2014 (Appendix 8)

d) Fixed Assets as at 31st March 2014 (Appendix 9)

Seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council


14. Changes to Precedents

a) To consider any amendments to the Financial Regulations adopted 11th June 2012

The Clerk asked that this item be deferred until any recommendations from CALC regarding the new Financial Regulations are available. Cllr. Warren proposed that this matter to be deferred. Seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council


b) To consider any amendments to the Standing Orders adopted 4th February 2013

The Clerks asked that this item be deferred until the new Standing Orders are submitted for approval. . Cllr. Warren proposed that this matter to be deferred. Seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


15.       Planning

a)         To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee

A planning committee meeting was held on 24th April to discuss planning application PA14/01680 2 x 15m Wind Turbines at Trevennel Farm. The Planning Committee felt that the application should be withdrawn as there was insufficient information provided by the applicant, a pre-app consultation was not conducted which is a legal requirement and essential information was not presented such as a detailed impact assessment and various tests. It was decided that if Cornwall Council refuse the request to withdraw the application, then St Just in Roseland Parish Council object to the proposal as the detrimental visual impact that the two wind turbines will create is not off set by an overriding factor of community benefit, the generating efficiency of this source of electricity does not compensate for the loss of scenic beauty and tranquillity that this proposal will have in such a prominent position within the AONB & Heritage Coast.





b)         The Council considered the following planning applications:


1.       PA14/02801 Sea Lanes, Penruan Lane, St Mawes. Coppicing of Ash Clumps marked as T3 & T4.

Reviewed by Cllrs. Williams, Chenoweth & Benney. No objections.


2.       PA14/01680 Trevennel Farm, St Mawes. 2 x 15m Wind Turbines. Reviewed by Planning

Committee. Objection.


3.       PA14/03210 10 Marine Parade, St Mawes. Proposed extension to dwelling. Reviewed by

Cllrs. Salter, Farmiloe & Giles. No objections.


4.       PA14/03167 Riverside Cottage, St Just in Roseland. Listed building consent for alterations and

extension to Riverside Cottage and outbuilding with a new annex to replace existing garage.

Reviewed by Cllrs. Warren, Sadler, Teague. Objection.


5.       PA14/03614 Land East of Bowling Green, St Just in Roseland. A cross subsidy residential development comprising 18 dwellings (10 affordable and 8 open market). To be discussed at a Public Planning Meeting on 4th June.


c)         To note the decisions of the Planning Authority


PA13/02792 31 Lower Castle Road St. Mawes, Demolition of existing garden room and residential annexe and construction of new garden room and summer house



PA14/01680 Trevennel Farm Barn St Mawes, Installation of 2x 5kw small wind turbines on 15m towers.



PA14/02801 Sea Lanes Penruan Lane St. Mawes, Coppicing of Ash clumps marked as T3 and T4


d)      Enforcements

Ongoing – EN13/01784 Alleged change of use of helipad from casual to frequent. Land at Lowen Meadow, Newton Road, St Mawes.


18. Millennium Rooms Management Committee (MRMC) Roseland Visitor Centre Committee (RVCC)

Cllr. Williams reported that the RVC Manager and Car Park Manager are moving forward on the conversion of the garage into an office, and are currently putting together a list of the costs involved. Cllr. Salter confirmed that he has an updated quotation from CAW (Cornwall) Ltd for the new frontage of £4,175 net. Cllr. Williams invited everyone to attend the unveiling of the Visitor Information Board situated at The Arcade on Friday 9th followed by the launching the defibrillator sited outside the Roseland Visitor Centre which will be attended by Simone Kennet of the Roseland Surgery Group and Steve Miles will do demonstration.


  1. Car Park

To consider the monthly income

  Pay & Display Pay & Display Permits Permits Total
  Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Cumulative
April-13 10,709.25 10,709.25 12,844.80 12,844.80 23,554.05
April-14 13,324.60 13,324.60 19,950.50 19,950.50 33,275.10
April 2014 comparable with April 2013      
Up 2,615.35   7105.70 7,105.70 9,721.05







b) To consider the request from the Idle Rocks for staged payments in respect of the allocated parking spaces


Cllr. Sadler proposed that the Parish Council retain an annual charge, seconded by Cllr. Teague. 2 in favour, 3 against, 4 abstentions. Motion not carried.


Cllr. Black proposed that Idle Rocks pay quarterly in advance, seconded by Cllr. Chenoweth, 3 in favour, 3 against, Chairman gave a casting vote. RESOLVED by the Council.


Cllrs Giles and Salter refrained from both votes.


c) To consider the landslip in the side car park

It was agreed that this item be considered at the next car park committee meeting.


d) To note the quotation from DA Giles Ltd for relining works in St Mawes Car Park approved by the Car Park Committee

It was noted that the net quotation of £1,293.12 from DA Giles Ltd was approved by the Car Park Committee. The Idle Rocks has agreed a quotation for marking its reserved parking spaces, which will be funded by them as a separate entity. Works for both will commence in first week of June.


20. St Just in Roseland Church Public Conveniences

To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences

A new fit for purpose lease has now been drafted and is with the Diocese Solicitors to approve. Cornwall Council has brought in a specialist drainage firm to assess the system and a report will be issued. In terms of the car park lease it was sent to the PCC some time ago.


21. Traffic Regulation Orders

To reconsider the previously proposed on-street parking restrictions and the speed restrictions at Upper Castle Road and any additional related matters in the light of the offer of financial support.

It was agreed that this item should be discussed at the Car Park Committee to bring it forward.


22. D-Day Embarkation

To consider the D-Day embarkation commemoration at Turnaware

Cornwall Cllr. German advised that this will be held at Turnaware on Thursday 5th June.


23. Dog waste bin at Percuil View, St Mawes

To consider relocating the dog waste bin away from a close resident’s property

Cllr. Giles proposed that the bin be moved up to the green area of grass a little way up from the property. Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


  1. Correspondence (information only)


  1. Staffing Matters

There has been no recent Personnel Committee Meeting. Cllr. Warren commented on the recent staff appraisals to say that it was very productive, and that all appraisals were positive and constructive.


  1. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting

Discussion on draft Roseland Neighbourhood Plan

Future cleansing in the parish


  1. Date of next meeting

Monday 2nd June to be held in the Parish Millennium Rooms commencing at 7pm


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10.25pm






Dates of the Parish Council Meetings 2014/15:

All meetings are held in the Parish Millennium Rooms St Mawes commencing at 7pm, unless advised otherwise.


Monday 2nd June 2014

Monday 7th July 2014

Monday 4th August 2014

Monday 1st September 2014

Monday 6th October 2014

Monday 3rd November 2014

Monday 1st December 2014

Monday 5th January 2015

Monday 2nd February 2015

Monday 2nd March 2015

Monday 6th April 2015

Monday 11th May 2015



Signed as a true record………………………………………..Chairman



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