St Michael Penkivel Parish Council Annual Meeting – May 2015


CLERK: Mrs A Kendall, Foxleigh, Treviglas Lane, Probus, Truro, TR2 4LH

Telephone Number:           (01726) 883614   email:

Wednesday 29th April 2015

To members of the Council

You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Meeting of St Michael Penkivel Parish Council at the St Michael Penkivel Village Hall on Wednesday 6th May 2015 commencing at 6.30 p.m. for the purpose of transacting the following business.


………………………………. A Kendall                Clerk to the Council.


  1. Election of Chairman
  2. To receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office or, if the Chairman is not present, to resolve that such Declaration be made at or before the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council.
  3. Election of Vice Chairman
  4. To receive the Vice-Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office or, if the Vice Chairman is not present, to resolve that such Declaration be made at or before the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council.
  5. Declarations of Interest and Alterations to the Register both Personal and Prejudicial under the Code of Conduct.
  6. Co-option of Councillor to fill Casual Vacancy.
  7. Apologies for Absence.
  8. Public Participation (10 mins)
  9. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 12th March 2015.
  10. Matters Arising (report only)
  11. To receive the financial statement of accounts for the year to date and approve
    payments, to approve End of Year Accounts 2015 and Annual Governance Statement.
  12. To resolve Auditor for Internal Audit (External Audit date 2 June)
  13. Cornwall Councillor’s report to Council
  14. Police Report- PCSO Jim Eagles report to Parish.
  15. Tennis Court
  16. Parish Roads
  17. Correspondence before despatch of the Agenda.
    a. Guide on the new Transparency Code.
    b. CALC Membership – £71.54
    c. Cornwall Council- case for Cornwall.
    d. Correspondence received after the despatch of the agenda.
  18. Items for Next Agenda
  1. Date of next meeting- 16th September, followed by 3rd December.

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