St Michael Penkivel Parish Council Minutes – March 2015


CLERK: Mrs A Kendall, Foxleigh, Treviglas Lane, Probus, Truro, TR2 4LH

Telephone Number:           (01726) 883614   email:

Minutes of the Meeting of St Michael Penkivel Parish Council held on Thursday 12th March 2015 at St Michael Penkivel Village Hall 6.30pm.

Members Present: Cllr Boscawen, Cllr Mrs Davey, Cllr Tupper, Cllr Mrs Thomas, Cllr Hosking & Cllr Cotterill.

15/01.  Apologies for Absence.
Cornwall Cllr German.

15/02. To co-opt Councillor to fill Casual Vacancy.
No applications received to date, Cllr Mrs Davey to ask either Mr or Mrs Channel. It was agreed to carry forward to next agenda.

15/03.  Declarations of Interest on agenda items.
Cllr Boscawen declared a pecuniary interest in planning application PA15/01773.

15/04. Public Participation (10 mins)
No public present.

15/05. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 17th December 2014.
Proposal to approve the minutes of 17th December 2014 by Cllr Hosking, seconded Cllr Cotterill, agreed.
The Chairman signed them as a true and accurate record.

15/06. Matters Arising (report only)

  1. 14/53– Cornwall Cllrs
    Clerk read reply to members; it was agreed Clerk to thank Cllr Pollard for his reply.

15/07. Finance

  1. To approve payments.
    Clerk quarterly salary & expenses £104.50, HMRC £25.00, proposal to approve payment by Cllr Mrs Davey, seconded Cllr Mrs Thomas, carried.
    The above was duly
  2. Transparency Code
    Clerk informed members that a new transparency code comes into force on 1st April, meaning all minutes, agendas, policies and accounts legally need to be on line for Councils with a precept below £25,000.
    Clerk has already asked Cllr Julian if this is a service CC provides, if no alternative can be found the PC may need to consider their own website.

15/08. Cornwall Councillor’s report to Council
Clerk read our written report received from Cllr German.

15/09 Police Report.
Police reports read to members with January figures.

15/10 Tennis Court
It was reported that the Village Hall Committee require a car park, it was agreed to undertake further research and re-agenda for the May meeting. Cllr Cotterill volunteered to attend the next Village Hall Committee Meeting and report back to members.

15/11 Parish Roads
It was reported the road from the bottom of Trewonall Hill to Lamorran has pot holes; Clerk to pass to Cllr German.
Little Treworgie to Greater Treworgie also has a hole, this is in Probus Parish, Clerk to pass onto Cllr Egerton.

15/12 Estate Rep.
Cllr Boscawen reported Andrew Jarvis is happy to attend; members felt this would be useful as he would be able to answer any queries.

15/13. Correspondence
Consultation on Renewable Energy- noted.
b. Code of Conduct training- no volunteers.
Cllr Boscawen left the room
c. PA15/01773 LBC for the removal of aluminium greenhouse, reinstatement of south facing ground floor window and internal alterations. Ferry House, St Michael Penkivel.
Proposal by Cllr Hosking to support the application, seconded Cllr Cotterill, carried.
The above was duly resolved.
Cllr Boscawen re-entered the room.
15/14. Items for Next Agenda
Tennis Court, Cllr Co-option & Parish Roads.

14/59. Next Meeting
It was agreed the next meeting will be 6th May 2015.



There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.30pm.






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