St Michael Penkivel Parish Council Minutes – May 2015


CLERK: Mrs A Kendall, Foxleigh, Treviglas Lane, Probus, Truro, TR2 4LH

Telephone Number:          (01726) 883614   email:


Minutes of the Meeting of St Michael Penkivel Parish Council held on Wednesday 6th May 2015 at St Michael Penkivel Village Hall 6.30pm.


Members Present: Cllr Mrs Davey, Cllr Mrs Thomas, Cllr Tupper, Cllr Hosking & Cllr Cotterill.
Cllr Mrs Davey took the Chair.

15/16 Election of Chairman
Proposal Cllr Boscawen is Chairman for the forthcoming municipal year by Cllr Cotterill, seconded Cllr Mrs Thomas, unanimous.
The above was duly resolved.

15/17 To receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office or, if the Chairman is not present, to resolve that such Declaration be made at or before the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council.
It was resolved the Chairman’s Acceptance of Office Declaration be made at or before the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council.

15/18 Election of Vice Chairman
Proposal Cllr Mrs Davey is Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming municipal year by Cllr Mrs Thomas, seconded Cllr Hosking, unanimous.
The above was duly resolved.

15/19 To receive the Vice-Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office or, if the Vice Chairman is not present, to resolve that such Declaration be made at or before the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council.
Cllr Mrs Davey signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and returned the form to the Clerk.

15/20  Declarations of Interest and Alterations to the Register both Pecuniary and Non-pecuniary under the Code of Conduct.
Members declared there were no alterations to their Register.

15/21  Apologies for Absence.
Apologies received from Cllr Boscawen & Cornwall Cllr German.

15/22 Public Participation (10 mins)
No public present.

15/23 Co-option of Councillor to fill Casual Vacancy.
Cllr Cotterill reported he had asked residents who had declined. Members to continue to ask residents; to carry forward to the next agenda.

15/24 To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 12th March 2015.
Proposal to approve the minutes of 12th March 2015 by Cllr Hosking, seconded Cllr Mrs Thomas, agreed.
The above was duly resolved.
The Vice-Chairman signed them as a true and accurate record.

15/25 Matters Arising (report only)
a. 15/11– Parish Roads, it was reported that the road at Tregerrick Cottage will be repaired imminently, machinery is in place. Pot holes have been filled from Trewonall Hill to Lamorran. Members felt overall the roads were in a good state.

15/26 To receive the financial statement of accounts for the year to date and approve
payments, to approve End of Year Accounts 2015 and Annual Governance Statement.
Clerk produced the End of Year Accounts 2015 and Annual Governance Statement, proposal to approve by Cllr Hosking, seconded Cllr Mrs Thomas, carried.
The Vice-Chairman signed them as a true and accurate record.
Cormac (fingerposts) £1200, Clerk quarterly salary £104.50 & HMRC £25.00 proposal to approve payments by Cllr Mrs Davey, seconded Cllr Mrs Thomas, carried.
The above was duly resolved. (Link to .PDF of accounts here)

15/27 To resolve Auditor for Internal Audit.
Proposal by the Cllr Cotterill to appoint Mr Kevin Hicks as Internal Auditor, seconded Cllr Tupper, carried.
The above was duly resolved.
Papers passed to Cllr Mrs Davey for the Internal Auditor, to return to the Clerk by the end of May to meet the External Audit deadline.

15/28 Cornwall Councillor’s report to Council
Cllr German written report circulated to members before the meeting.
Cllr German has reported the road problems in the Parish & explained the Case for Cornwall.

15/29 Police Report- PCSO Jim Eagles report to Parish
No report received.

15/30 Tennis Court
Cllr Cotterill reported he had attended a recent Village Hall Committee Meeting and they do not wish to pursue the installation of a tennis court, they feel it would not be used.
The land is under the control of the Village Hall Committee therefore this is not something that the Parish Council can lead.

15/31 Parish Roads
Roads have been maintained and ditches cleared.

15/32 Correspondence

  1. Guide on the new Transparency Code.
    Minutes and Agendas are on-line, as Code, by 1st July accounts, policies and members contact details also need to be on line. Funding may become available for smaller Councils to help them comply but until then we will continue to use Roseland online.
  2. CALC Membership – £71.54
    CALC provide legal advice and with the new Transparency Code they will be a useful source of information.
    Proposal by Cllr Tupper to become members of CALC, seconded Cllr Hosking, carried.
    The above was duly resolved. Cheque issued for £71.54.
  3. Cornwall Council- case for Cornwall-noted
  4. Roseland Youth Sailing Club.
    It was agreed to carry over to December meeting when all grant requests will be considered.
  5. Planning application PA15/03531 & LBC PA15/03532 Tregothnan, St Michael Penkivel.
    Construction of a swimming pool and the conversion of adjoining redundant building to provide ancillary accommodation.
    Proposal by Cllr Mrs Thomas to support the application, seconded Cllr Hosking, carried.
    The above was duly resolved.

15/33. Items for Next Agenda

  • Parish Roads
  • Co-opt Cllr


There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.15pm.



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