Gerrans Parish Council AGM Minutes – May 2019

Gerrans Parish Council

MINUTES of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 7th May 2019 at 7.00pm in the Memorial Hall Annexe


Cllrs  Taffinder, (chairman), German, Gill, Greet, Hastings, Meek, Neal, Watson ;

  1. Skull (clerk), CC Julian German

Seven members of the public attended.


  1. Apologies: Cllrs Cochrane, Iddison
  2. Public Participation

– None

  1. Minutes

Matters arising from the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 1st May 2018

(approved 5th June 2018), and matters arising


  1. Chairman’s Report

The Chairman gave a summary of the events of the year just ended. The full text of her address can be found at appendix 1 to these minutes.

5.Financial Matters

The precept for 2019/2020 has been set at £22,696 – an increase of £725 (= 3.2%) on the previous year to take account of inflation as measured by the Retail Price Index.
The clerk reported that the Council’s finances remain sound. The total balance of accounts at 31st March 2019 was £39,194 (2018: £36,708).This figure is £7,007 more than the budget forecast amount of £32,187 due mostly to heavy use of the New Road car park in the particularly fine weather last summer, and prudent budget estimates of expenditure in other areas. Detailed budget and accounts figures are available from the clerk.
6. Planning Matters
Applications reviewed in the calendar year to 31st December 2018
The Council reviewed 24 applications in the year.
15 applications were supported outright and all these were approved by Cornwall Council.
3 applications were objected to originally but subsequently supported following revisions made. All these 3 were approved by Cornwall Council.
6 applications were objected to and the Council maintained its objection. Of these 1 was withdrawn, 1 was refused by Cornwall Council and 4 were approved.
7. Councillors’ Attendance
Attendance May 2018 – March 2019

Councillor Attendance/Possible %
Taffinder 12/13 92
Hetherington 12/13 92
Cochrane 9/13 69
Edwards 07 0
German 11/13 85
Gill 7/13 54
Greet 1/1 100
Hastings 11/13 85
Iddison 9/13 69
Meek 12/13 92
Neal 9/13 69
Watson 7/13 54


  1. Any Other Business

– None



The meeting was closed at 7.15 pm




Appendix 1

Parish of Gerrans
Annual Parish Meeting 7th May 2019

Chair’s report for the year 2018

The last year has been a mixed year for Gerrans Parish Council. As usual there are several positive things to report as well as some frustrating ones, the latter being mostly with regard to planning applications.
On the positive side, we have a new street light below Springfield where there was a dark area not covered by the existing lights. We have also had more of the New road Car Park wall rebuilt and will hope to continue during the coming year until all the front wall is eventually repaired. We have the new outdoor Gym in Church Close which, along with the football goal, has regular use and is very popular.
In my report last year I mentioned that we had a new contractor in place for the street cleaning and litter bins and this has proved to be very successful, with the bins being emptied more regularly and the kerbs cleaning and grass mowing well under control. The Parish took over the freehold for Treloan Car Park and the Children’s playground and we had hoped to make more progress with improving the playground facilities but this has not moved along as quickly as it might have, so it is a task for the next year.
We had two resignations, from Robin Edwards and Jim Hetherington and their efforts on behalf of the parish are much appreciated while we welcome Kate Greet to the Council and will expect to have another new Councillor join us soon.
I would like to thank you all for your hard work this year, for going to meetings about planning, the environment, policing, and much more, and to thank Steve, our clerk, who manages the increasing workload and flood of information so ably.


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