Gerrans Parish Council Minutes – April 2018

Gerrans Parish Council

MINUTES of the Meeting of Gerrans Parish Council

held on Tuesday 3rd April 2018

in the Memorial Hall Annexe

NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 1st May 2018 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall Annexe


Cllrs Richard Cochrane (RC), Ralph German (RG), Helen Hastings (HH), James Hetherington (JH), Rick Iddison (RI), Nev Meek (NM), Charlotte Taffinder (CT) ( Chairman); S Skull (Clerk), CC Julian German.


Four members of the public attended.




– Cllrs Bax, Edwards, Gill, Neal.



– RI declared a non registerable interest in PA18/01968, to be discussed in item 7 of the agenda.



– Amanda Harley and Karen Burrows addressed the meeting on behalf of the “Plastic Free Roseland” project, which is seeking certification from Surfers Against Sewage. The project aims to minimise the use and improve the disposal of plastic. They said to achieve official plastic free status the project needs to demonstrate the support of local institutions and businesses, and, in particular, a resolution of support from the local Parish Councils.

RG proposed (seconded CT) that the matter be an agenda item for the May meeting with a view to considering passing such a resolution. Agreed unanimously. Action clerk.



The Council accepted the draft minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 6th March 2018 as being a true record, subject to the correction of one typographical error. The Chairman signed the corrected minutes.



The clerk reported he had written to Tregothnan about the issue of tree guards raised in minor matters for report but not as yet had a reply.

He had also received another email about dog fouling in Eshcol Lane. A member of the public said this was also an issue at the cricket field. NM said the matter should be reported on Cornwall Council (CC)’s new online system. HH suggested the school might support an initiative such as a poster design competition to raise awareness of the issue in the children’s families. CT said she would contact the school management. JG said he would seek some targeted enforcement from CC.



The clerk read out a previously circulated second reply from Dominic Raab, Minister of State for Housing, to Sarah Newton MP regarding the PC’s concerns over the disregard for Local Plans shown by the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol in recent appeal cases. Councillors were angry at the perceived dismissive tone of the Minister’s letter, which they considered almost indistinguishable from his first reply, with which Sarah Newton had declared herself to be unhappy. Councillors considered that the Minister had still failed to address their original concerns. After a discussion RG proposed (seconded NM) that the clerk be asked to convey this dissatisfaction to Mrs Newton and to invite her to a future PC or cluster meeting to give her personal perspective on this issue and that of the government going forward. Agreed unanimously. Action clerk.

There was no other correspondence which would not be addressed in other items on the agenda.




(a) Applications

The PC had received 2 new applications. These are outlined below and detailed comments are noted in the Planning Register.


Application Description PC decision
PA18/01968 Extensions and internal alterations at Higher Tregassa Barn, New Road. Majority object:

5 object, 1 abstention.

Grounds: Extension disproportionate in size to existing structure. RNDP policies HO3,HO9

PA18/01540 Conversion of 3 barns to dwellings at Treloan Lane Unanimous object.

Grounds: Historic integrity of buildings adversely affected, flat roof not in keeping with setting, no full time principal residence requirement. RNDP policies HO3(iv),HO9(vi),HO7.

RI left the room during discussion of PA18/01968

(b) Decisions

Application GPC comment CC Decision
PA18/00824 Re Pelyn, Portscatho Support Approved
PA18/01416 Re Land rear of No 9 Churchtown Road Support Approved


(c) Enforcement matters

New case EN18/00476. Report of garden wall in curtilage of listed building suffering storm damage. Anchorage Cottage, The Lugger.



JH had attended the most recent meeting of the Truro and Roseland Community Network panel at Probus.

A major feature of the meeting had been an address by Mr Viv Bidgood, Highways and Environment Manager at Cormac Solutions Ltd, about the Highways Maintenance Manual. JH said it was clear there was a hierarchical priority system involved with remedial works, and Cormac worked on a reactive basis, so it was important to report any issues via CC’s new online portal.



The clerk said he was still awaiting official confirmation that CC would agree to install a suitable fence at Treloan Lane car park prior to the proposed transfer to the PC of the freehold.



The clerk introduced a proposal to combine all the current contracts concerned with village upkeep, i.e. street cleaning, litter picking, bin emptying and grass cutting, which are paid at different rates and all with their own schedules, into a single Parish Environment Management contract at a flat annual rate, with a brief to keep the parish clean and tidy throughout the year by working whatever hours are necessary seasonally. He said his own recent experience of emptying the bins on a volunteer basis with CT, since the resignation of the previous contractor, had informed an estimate of how many hours would be necessary to keep them from overflowing, and the other aspects of the contract were based on existing schedules. Mr Mikel Fletcher, who had expressed an interest originally in the street cleaning operation, had, after discussion and negotiation, quoted £12,000 per annum for a three year contract, to be reviewed towards the end of the first year. The clerk said he was minded to recommend acceptance of this quote as it was within the amount already budgeted for the year, Mr Fletcher had the manpower and equipment to manage the contract reliably, and also bearing in mind the lack of interest shown in the early part of the previous year when the street cleaning vacancy was advertised. He said Mr Fletcher already looks after the grounds management at Church Close for the PC and his work has consistently proved reliable and of high quality.

After discussion HH proposed (seconded RI) that no further quotes be sought and the contract be awarded on the above basis to Mr Fletcher. Unanimously agreed. Action clerk

RI proposed a vote of thanks to the clerk and CT for their work emptying the bins in the meantime. Seconded by JH and unanimously agreed.



The clerk presented a previously circulated price list from Cormac Solutions Ltd for the supply and delivery of salt and bins. JG commented that to overcome storage problems, an upcoming cluster meeting would discuss the possibility of a joint stock being maintained at Maen Karne for the use of all the 5 Roseland Parishes. Councillors decided to defer a decision on acquiring further stocks after CT confirmed that the existing bin was currently full.



CT said proposals for improvements were still in progress and it was hoped that a detailed plan and quotes would soon be available.



The clerk said he had formally applied to Cornwall Council Open Space Team for approval to apply S106 monies to fund the proposed outdoor fitness equipment and was still awaiting a decision.



The clerk produced the following for review and approval:

– Standing Orders – approved unanimously

– Financial Regulations – see below

– Risk Management Assessment – approved unanimously

RG proposed (seconded RI) that clause 9.9 of the Financial Regulations should state that all cash received should be counted by the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) in the presence of a Councillor, who would verify the count. He said this would represent a safeguard regulation, which the Council might vote to waive in the instance of an individual RFO if it was considered that risk of significant misreporting was low. Voting was 5 in favour with 2 abstentions. Action clerk to amend Regulation 9.9.



The clerk reported that all payments submitted for approval were materially within budget, or within forecast and agreed contingency levels where actual figures were unknown at the time of setting the budget.


It was resolved that the outstanding invoices totalling £4,601.43 (including VAT of £142.93) be paid. A schedule of all the payments is available from the clerk.


The reconciled bank balance as at 25th March was £36,039.26.



  1. Any urgent business

– None

  1. Matters to be included on the next agenda

– None other than as minuted elsewhere.

  1. Minor items for report

– The clerk reported:

– He would be attending a course on 16th May for training in the new Data Protection legislation coming in.

– The new surface and drainage system at the exit end of New Road car park is working very well. He and VN had cleaned out the drain at the top of the steps down to the footpath and the drain is no longer getting clogged up because water runs direct from the tarmac rather than over the loose surface. Also the new French drain is helping to reduce the flow of run-off into this drain.

– RG said there were dead elm trees on Gerrans Hill and at Treloan Lane which needed to be removed for safety reasons. The clerk was asked to investigate and seek opinions from a tree specialist as to the status of the elms. Action clerk.

– NM asked when the refurbished sign would be installed at Stodden Steps. The clerk said he would be putting it up shortly with the aid of ex-Councillor Paddy Case. Action clerk.

– RI reported the street light outside the school was permanently lit. The clerk said there had been several cases like this recently due to a power surge, and he would report this one also. Action clerk.

– CT said there was a growing problem with rubbish on the verges of the major roads in the Parish. JG said this was one of the many problems which could now be reported on CC’s website.

– CT also reported a problem with cars parking outside Tatam’s Café, causing access problems for the disabled toilets. JG said he would take the matter up.


The meeting closed at 9.15 pm

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