Gerrans Parish Council Minutes – June 2017

Gerrans Parish Council

MINUTES of the Meeting of Gerrans Parish Council

held on Tuesday 6th June 2017

in the Memorial Hall Annexe

NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 4th July 2017 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall Annexe


Cllrs Mary Bax (MB), Robin Edwards (RE), Ralph German (RG), Will Gill (WG), Helen Hastings (HH), James Hetherington (JH), Rick Iddison (RI), Nev Meek (NM), Val Neal (VN),

Charlotte Taffinder (CT) ( Chairman); CC Julian German (CCJG), S Skull (Clerk)


5 members of the public attended.




– None



RI declared a non-registerable interest in PA17/04121, to be discussed in item 8 on the agenda.



Mr Malcolm Tozer expressed his thanks to members of the PC for their advice in his dealings with the Harbour Club management over the operation of the new balcony

Mrs Simone Kennett said she wished to make it abundantly clear, despite rumours to the contrary, that the Café Roseland project was very much alive and ongoing, and extremely well supported by its team of volunteers.

Mrs Kennett also expressed concern about the number of vehicles parking on the pavements, causing obstruction which some elderly people, in particular, found difficult to negotiate. The clerk said the enforcement officers had now started their visits for the season, which should help the situation. NM said this was also a police matter. The clerk said he would notify them of the concerns raised.



Mr John Adams, Vice Chairman of the Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group, introduced Mr Ian Bell, Chief Executive of the Addington Fund, a charity concerned with providing affordable housing for people from an agricultural related background. Mr Bell outlined the history of the Fund, its achievements to date and current remit. He said a need had been identified on the Roseland for the provision of affordable housing for redundant or young farmworkers, as well as widows of farmers. He emphasised that the Fund was not a Housing Association, so there would be no right to buy, and the aim was to give life tenancies on the properties.

Councillors then moved on to discuss the pre-application enquiry ref PA17/01319/PREAPP relating to a proposed affordable housing development at Trewithian Farm. In answer to a question from JH, Mr Adams said the role of the Community Land Trust had been as a facilitator in supplying local knowledge to the Fund.

After the discussion, RE proposed (seconded RG) that the PC supported the project in principle subject to the final design being appropriate. This was unanimously agreed.

CT thanked Mr Adams and Mr Bell for their attendance and presentation.



The Council accepted the draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council meeting, both held on Tuesday 9th May 2017 as being true records. The Chairman signed the minutes.



The clerk reported:

  1. A contractor, Mr D R Johns, had been found for the street cleaning and litter picking contract, and the appropriate certificates had been produced by the contractor. No other applications had been received. RG proposed (seconded WG) that Mr Johns be awarded the 3 year contract subject to satisfactory completion of an initial 6 month probationary period, and that the first 2 months should be double the normal hours to allow for the deterioration which had arisen due to there having been no work done for the last 4 months.
  2. He had instructed the footpaths contractor to strim the field side of the New Road car park wall so access could be gained to clear the drain pipes.
  3. He had begun enquiries as to repairing or replacing the bin store at Treloan Lane car park.
  4. He had received guidance from the Cornwall Association of Local Councils (CALC) as to the Code of Conduct implications of HH serving on the Planning Committee. (Minute 051703 last month). He read out a previously circulated email, the conclusion of which was that HH is eligible to serve on the Committee.
  5. In response to another query, the advice from CALC had been that new guidance, more suited to the smaller authority, on the issue of formulating an official safeguarding policy, would be issued shortly.

The clerk then read out a previously circulated letter to the Chief Constable, Devon and Cornwall Police drafted by NM expressing concern on behalf of the PC about falling policing levels in the light of increasing crime rates, and in particular the disproportionate effect of this on rural communities. It was agreed unanimously that the clerk should send the letter, with a copy to the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Action clerk



  1. Complaint re damage to wild flowers at Well Lane

Mrs Kate Bax and Mrs Penny Mott had both emailed their distress that some rare flowers had been destroyed by the PC’s footpath contractor at Well Lane during routine strimming. The clerk said the contractor was new, and since the emails there had been conversations and correspondence between all parties, including Wild Roseland, and the damage, though regrettable, was not permanent, and a way forward had been agreed by all parties to avoid a reoccurrence in future years.

  1. Request to site a commemorative bench near the Burma Star memorial

Permission had been requested to dedicate a bench in memory of “Jeannie Mac” MacFarlane. The clerk said all the existing benches were already dedicated and still serviceable, but there was the possibility of siting one extra bench at the top of the grass slope and near the memorial. Members all agreed that this would be appropriate and the clerk was asked to liaise with the family. Action clerk

  1. Email from CC Julian German

CCJG had emailed to remind Councillors that a training course in planning matters was scheduled to take place on Thursday 15th June at the Millennium Rooms, St Mawes.


There was no further correspondence which would not be addressed in other items on the agenda.



(a) Applications

The PC had received 4 new applications. These are outlined below and comments are noted in the Planning Register.


Application Description PC decision
PA17/04121 Store/hobby room with roof terrace over at Porthcurnick Lodge Unanimous support
PA17/04621 New pitched roof over existing garage and flat roof rear extension at Fairholme, Churchtown Road Unanimous support
PA17/05018 2 storey extension at 14 The Square, Gerrans Unanimous support
PA17/04758 Amendment to previous consent PA12/03150 at Trewince Manor Unanimous object. Reason for original condition still applies.


(RI left the room during discussion and vote on PA17/04121)



Application GPC comment CC Decision
PA17/03175 Mobile mast base station installation at Roseland Squash Club Support Approved


(b) Enforcement matters

The clerk reported 3 current cases listed for the Parish:

  1. EN17/00467 – 8, Springfield, Portscatho. Alleged erection of structure in back garden without planning consent. The case had been decided with no further action proposed (permitted development or deemed consent).
  2. EN17/01044 – Cornish Heritage Farm, Trewithian. Alleged change of use of land for dumping of building waste not associated with site. This case was still pending consideration.
  3. EN17/00835 – Curthelar, Rosevine. Alleged construction of a large outbuilding in the garden. This case was still pending consideration.

HH declared a pecuniary interest in this case, as it related to her home address. She said she had not received any notification of any complaint, so was unaware of it, and as the case was not itemised in advance on the agenda she had not made a declaration under item 2 on the agenda. The clerk said that, as there was no discussion of the case, she was not obliged to leave the room. HH said she would make enquiries of the planning authorities as to the allegation.

(c) Review of the effectiveness of the Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan Objectives and Policies.

Councillors had considered the consultation draft of the document, and it was decided to ask the clerk to comment that the PC had no modifications to suggest but wished to place on record its appreciation of the hard work and dedication of all involved in the Plan since its inception, and indeed their continuing efforts since the Plan’s adoption. Action clerk



WG said he had made preliminary contact with Percuil River Moorings Ltd as the PC’s new liaison officer.



Councillors considered amending the PC’s Standing Orders to include the following, in the light of guidance from CALC:

“All Councillors shall undertake training in the Code of Conduct within six months of the delivery of their Declaration of Acceptance of Office” RG proposed (seconded RI) that the amendment be made. Unanimously agreed Action clerk



The clerk reported:

– He had not had time yet to research the options for a new sign for Stodden Steps but would do so before the July meeting

– He had received notification from Cornwall Council that the proposed devolution of the freeholds of Treloan Lane car park and the children’s playground had now been formally submitted into their scrutiny system and will now go through the final approval process, though it could still take 8 to 12 weeks until final sign off.

Other localism issues

– None


The clerk read out emails from the Network Operations Manager, Devon and Cornwall for Post Office Ltd, and from Sarah Newton MP, in response to the queries he had yet again raised, as requested at the last meeting. Both indicated that Post Office facilities in Portscatho were now expected to be resumed sometime in the week commencing 12th June.



The clerk reported:

– The backstop net for the football goal would be installed that week.

– The picnic benches had already been delivered, and would be secured in position the coming weekend.

The Chairman proposed a vote of thanks to Mr Colin Marriott for his generous donation, free of charge, of the football goal and net. RG proposed (seconded WG) that this should be formally minuted, and this was unanimously agreed.




The clerk reported that Cornwall Council had informed him they were not placing out new bins anymore. If the parish wanted more, the PC would have to source, manage and fund them. He said he had not yet researched this option because there was currently confusion about the responsibility for emptying the current bins, and once this was clarified it could better be judged whether and how to proceed.

On the request for speed bumps in Gerrans Hill, he said Cormac had advised him that the first step would be to gather speed data for the area. He had sent them a location map, and had been advised that speed monitoring would be undertaken to see whether the situation meets the criteria for traffic calming measures.






On the lights at California Gardens, the clerk said he had been advised that Cornwall Council (CC) could arrange for them to be operated at half power if residents found them too bright, and shields could also be fitted. He had previously communicated this to MB, who raised the issue at the May meeting. She had taken a poll of the residents, who were in favour of both these options being used, so the light was directed downwards. It was agreed the clerk should convey this to CC. Action clerk

The clerk produced a quote from Western Power to install 2 new lights – one on New Road below 11, Springfield, and one on the footpath between Churchtown Road and California Gardens. The total was £6,081.48 plus VAT. The clerk said this was not in the budget, but with the money saved from not having a contested election, and some from the contingency reserve it could be afforded to install one of the lights this year. After discussion RG proposed (seconded MB) that the clerk be asked to seek a new quote just for the New Road light. Unanimously agreed. Action clerk




The clerk reported that all payments submitted for approval were materially within budget, or within forecast and agreed contingency levels where actual figures were unknown at the time of setting the budget.


It was resolved that the outstanding invoices totalling £3,703.95 (including VAT of £228.00) be paid. A schedule of all the payments is available from the clerk.


The reconciled bank balance as at 25th May was £43,389.63.


Both documents, with notes, had been previously circulated. RG proposed (seconded CT) that the financial accounts be approved. Carried unanimously. RG proposed (seconded HH) that the Annual Return Statement be approved. Carried unanimously. CT signed the documents.



  1. Any urgent business

– None

  1. Matters to be included on the next agenda

– Method of payment of the annual contribution to churchyard grounds maintenance.

  1. Minor items for report

– RG commented the roadside verge at Gerrans Hill was overgrown, and that he had reports that Charlock had been identified growing on the verges generally, a plant he was informed needed to be disposed of with care. He also said the fence on the lower side of Treloan Lane was in need of maintenance.

– RI said concerns had been expressed about a large conservatory recently built at The Boathouse, on The Lugger. CCJG said he would report the concerns.

– CT said concerns had been raised at what had been considered an unsightly dumpy bag of plumber’s waste materials sited at the top of the grass verge at Springfield. The clerk said he would liaise with the person concerned.

– RE said that fly-tipped rubbish had been at the Percuil car park for some time. The clerk said there had been communications difficulties since Biffa’s take over of Cory, and he would investigate the cost of getting it removed commercially.



The clerk reported no applications had been received to date for the vacant post.


The meeting closed at 9.30 pm

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