March 2012


Parish Council Meeting
St Ewe Village Hall
Monday 12 March 2012
7.00pm – 9.45pm

Officers Present:- Parish Cllrs – Chairman Cllr Will Richards , Cllr Allan Brooks, Cllr John Dickinson, Cllr Trevor Johns, Cllr Sam Roberts and Cllr Martin Wheeley

Apologies Received:- Cllr Diane Clemens, Cllr Rueben Collins, Cllr Elaine Holmes and Cllr Janet Lockyer

In Attendance:- Rose Hardisty, Clerk

Public Participation:- One member of the public in attendance

118/11 Declarations of interests
• Cllr Sam Roberts declared that he is a close neighbour to planning application 11/10145.
• Cllr Will Richards declared he is Treasurer of St Ewe Village Hall committee in relation to the grant applications.

119/11 Clerking Arrangements
• Notification that temporary clerking arrangements finished
The council noted that the clerk had a hand back meeting with Jose Ringrose on Tuesday 28.02.2012 but the effective end date for the clerk’s compassionate leave was 05.03.2012. The council welcomed the return of the clerk. The council was saddened to learn that Jose Ringrose’s son has been killed in a motorbike accident. The council wishes to formally express its gratitude to Jose for providing clerk cover and agreed that the clerk should send a letter with payment of her invoice expressing this and the council’s sympathy for her loss.

020/11 Previous Minutes
The minutes of the parish council meetings held on 09 January 2012 and 30 January 2012 having been read were considered a true record and were adopted (proposed WR, seconded JD).

Public Participation

Sue Hawken was in attendance to support the application for grant funds towards a village celebration to be held on 02.06.2012. It will mark the twentieth anniversary of the revamped village hall, the fortieth anniversary of the hall being given to the village and the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. Approximate costings have been provided for a ceilidh, marquee, insurance, planting, brass band and fireworks. The sub-committee managing the planned celebrations also seeks ideas from other members of the community for activities which could be incorporated into the day. The parish council is keen that parishioners from outlying areas of the parish (ie Little Polgooth, Lower Sticker and Hewas Water) are also made to feel included in the day of celebration and asked that efforts are made to publicise the events in these areas. Sue Hawken indicated that it was the intention of the committee to contact all households in the parish with an invitation. The parish council will be able to assist in providing information. There was some discussion about whether events would be charged for and how the attendance of residents and non-residents was to be dealt with. Councillors also asked what other sources of funding there were for the day and Cllr Richards was able to confirm that other grants were being sought – at a national level linked to the Diamond Jubilee and through the local community chest scheme. Sue Hawken was able to provide a little bit more information about the plans for the day and that a road closure order would be sought for the period of the afternoon tea and band procession up to the village hall. A grant of £1000.00 is sought.

The council thanked Sue Hawken for attending the meeting and proposed that a decision on whether a grant should be made (and what amount) should be dealt with during the financial part of the meeting so that councillors could fully consider the matter in the round having due regard to current state of parish finances. The Chairman indicated that Sue Hawken did not need to stay for the remainder of the meeting unless she wished to do so.

One member of the public (Sue Hawken) left the meeting

021/11 Planning matters

• 1/09526 FP Proposed stone barn with steel frame extension making the
building taller to accommodate modern agriculture
Tregonan Farm, Tregony, Cornwall, TR2 5SN
Permitted Development Rights, meets criteria

The council noted that this development meets the criteria and had no comment to make.

• 11/10469 FP Demolish existing Nissan Hut and replace with detached garage
Rose Villa Barn, Little Polgooth, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7DD
Notice of Approval

• 11/10501 FP Proposed grain storage & livestock building
Corran Farm, St Ewe, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 6ER
Notice of Approval

• 11/10570 FP Change of Use only, from B8(storage) to B1(studio)
Oldthorns, Little Polgooth, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7DD
Notice of Approval

The council noted receipt of the above three planning decisions.

• 11/10145 FP Conversion of existing modern farm building to seasonal campsite facilities
Higher Kestle Farm, St Ewe, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 6EP
Notice of Refusal
The council noted that this application has been refused.

• 12/00405 FP Proposed domestic single garage
The Old Smithy, Trelean Vean Farm, St Ewe, St Austell, Cornwall
Notice of Approval

The council noted that this decision was contrary to its recommendations made at the meeting on Monday 30.01.2012. The clerk was able to confirm that the protocol had been followed and the planning officer had made contact advising that she was minded to make a contrary decision. The clerk had then liaised with the chairman and it was agreed that the planning officer had dealt sufficiently with the concerns of the parish council to make it inappropriate to pursue the matter to planning committee.

• 11/10114 FP Change of use to site mobile home, utility dayroom and touring caravan
Land off St Stephen Road, Sticker, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7HA
Neighbouring Parish

The council noted the existence of this application but as it has not been formally consulted did not wish to comment.

• 12/01193 FP Proposed conversion and extension of outbuilding to form annex accommodation
Little Pengelly Cottage, Sticker, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7JJ

The council considered the planning documents and felt that the proposed development was of a modest size and in keeping with the rest of the property. The parish council hopes that a condition will be imposed that the useof the new rooms be limited to uses ancillary to the main dwelling. It was resolved (proposed MW, seconded WR) to raise NO OBJECTION to the application.

• 12/01194 FP Removal of existing storage sheds and erection of 2 holiday lets
along with office/storage facilities and tennis court
Land at Vose Farm, Tregony, Cornwall, TR2 5SH

The council considered the planning documents for some time. The council noted that the buildings proposed (and materials to be used) are to be in keeping with the surroundings and neighbouring buildings. Comments were also made that the new buildings are likely to be more aesthetically pleasing than the current agricultural purpose buildings on the site. However, the parish council was concerned that this site has already been significantly developed and trusts that the planning officer will thoroughly consider the impact further development will have on the site, neighbours and services. It was the view of the councillors present that if this application is approved it should mark the end of development on this site. After careful deliberation it was resolved (proposed MW, seconded AB) to raise NO OBJECTION to the application with the comments detailed above to be noted.

• 12/01322 FP Construction of 50kW photovoltaic array, associated equipment and boundary fence
Trelewack Farm, St Ewe, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 6EX

The council considered the planning documents and spent time examining the plans showing the scale of the installation. Of particular concern was trying to establish from where the panels may visible and what impact they would have on those areas. Councillors hope that the planning officer will make every possible effort to seek out properties and locations from which it may be possible to view the array of panels and give due consideration to what impact this will have on the residents and users. On the basis that this research is properly undertaken and reflected in the planning officers final report and also on the basis that the array is relatively modest in size, the parish council resolved (proposed WR, seconded AB) to raise NO OBJECTION to the application.

122/11 Polmassick Flooding
Councillor Janet Lockyer was not in attendance and no other councillor had any updating information. It was agreed to seek an update from Cllr Lockyer at the next meeting.

123/11 Cornwall Councillor Report
Councillor Robin Teverson was not in attendance.

124/11 Dumping and Fly-Tipping
No update was available as to whether any of the rubbish previously reported has been removed or not. The general consensus was that this sort of incident is on the increase and there was some discussion about why that might be. There seems to be increased difficulty in using approved recycling and refuse facilities but Cllr Dickinson indicated it is possible to apply for a license even if you have a trailer or commercial vehicle. It was agreed that efforts be made to inform the public about this activity and anyone with evidential information about fly-tipping incidents should inform the Phil Browning the Enviro Crime Enforcement Officer at Cornwall Council with as many details as possible. Householder should also take care when employing contractors to do work which involves the removal of waste materials that these are being disposed of responsibly.

125/11 Highways
• Cabling changes in St Ewe village
Western Power Distribution are undertaking improvement works of the electricity network in St Ewe. The intention is that cabling will be underground through the narrow part of the village from the church gate towards Polmassick. Whilst this work is undertaken there will be a partial road closure but access will be maintained for residents and emergency vehicles. The proposed timescale for the scheme is four weeks and will commence on Tuesday 01.05.2012. The council noted the information and it was agreed that a copy of the letter from WPD should be sent to Tower & Spire for publication.

• Temporary Road Closure Notice
The council noted that Tregoney Hill in Mevagissey will be closed between the junctions of Fore Street and Lamorak Close from 16-20.03.2012 (0930 to 1630 hours) for surfacing works.

• Fingerposts
Cllr John Dickinson reported that plans are being put in place to undertake work on two further signs and volunteers are coming forward to assist.

• Potholes
There are ongoing concerns in this area. It was agreed that the clerk will write to highways highlighting the road between Beacon Cross and the School House which, it was reported, is almost unusable as well as expressing concern about the quality and longevity of pothole repairs when they are done.

• No other matters were reported.

126/11 Footpaths
• LMP Agreement and funding rates
The clerk read to the council recent correspondence from CC regarding the LMP agreement. In short, CC are proposing the grant for 2012/2013 is calculated at £100 per km/cut for gold status paths plus £5 per cut against isolated furniture (stiles and gates) on those paths. Reimbursement for silver paths will be based on £40 per km. This scheme will bring St Ewe in line with other parishes and it appears there is little alternative but to agree with these recommendations made by the countryside officer. The grant received for 2011/2012 was £379.14 and the new proposed grant will amount to approximately £374.20 so there is no real significant difference. However, the council highlighted that it is again a matter of concern that these arrangements are being finalised only now in March when our budgeting process had to be completed in November last year and also our contractors are already approved, appointed and due to commence work from 01.04.2012. Working from these figures there will be a shortfall between what CC pay us and what we have to pay our contractor of £146.00 and this must be made up from money obtained from parishioners through the precept on council tax. Councillors considered this information and agreed that St Ewe Parish Council remains committed to the LMP agreement and the maintenance of the footpath network. The need to keep a close eye on future changes was also felt necessary and it was agreed that the clerk should make early enquiries (before the November budgeting meeting) about the likely level of grant for 2013/2014.

• No other matters were reported.

127/11 Code of Conduct
The council noted updating information from Cornwall Council regarding the Code of Conduct proposals and will await further updates.

128/11 Notice Boards
The clerk advised the council that work has commenced on the new notice board for Polmassick and this should be installed in the next few weeks. Once this has happened the refurbishment work will start on the other notice boards. It was agreed that this matter be included on the next agenda when hopefully all of the work will have been completed.

129/11 Grant Applications
• Shelter
• Citizen’s Advice Bureau
• Merlin Centre
• Cruse Bereavement Care
The parish council agreed not to award grants to any of the above organisations at this time.

• Water Leak – St Ewe Village Hall
It has been necessary to undertake essential repair works after a water leak was discovered under the village hall car park. The cost of professional help to do these repairs amounted to £527.60 and a copy invoice has been provided as evidence. Cllr Will Richards (in his capacity as Treasurer to the Village Hall) was able to give some further details and also urged the council to support the application.

• Village Celebrations – St Ewe Village Hall
There was a debate about this grant request, councillors having discussed the matter earlier in the meeting whilst Sue Hawken was available to provide further information. The clerk was able to advise the council that under s145 Local Government Act 1972 a parish council may contribute towards the expenses of the provision of an entertainment of any nature or of facilities for dancing and any advertising necessary of such entertainment. That being the case it is clearly within the power of the parish council under this single section to make a grant towards the costs of the celebration day. The clerk was able to provide information about the current state of parish finances and whilst the grant making budget is quite small there are a number of other areas where savings have been made and it would be possible to reallocate these funds. In particular the parish council received the grant for the new notice board which has effectively halved the anticipated costs. Cllr Will Richards (in his capacity as Treasurer to the Village Hall) advised the council that this matter is in effect being managed by a sub-committee and any funds donated for the village celebrations will be ring fenced for that purpose. The next meeting of that sub-committee is on 20.03.2012 and a St Ewe Parish Council representative is welcome to attend. The minutes of a previous meeting will be supplied to the parish council as soon as possible. He supported the application for a contribution as they felt the proposed events were well supported with the community.

Cllr Will Richards left the meeting

Cllr John Dickinson (elected Vice Chairman) temporarily took chair of the meeting

• Water Leak – St Ewe Village Hall
The remaining councillors considered the matter further and agreed it was an appropriate use of funds to assist the Village Hall with this matter and agreed that the parish council would meet approximately 50{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} of the costs incurred. It was resolved (proposed AB, seconded TJ) to award a grant in the sum of £277.60.

• Village Celebrations – St Ewe Village Hall
The remaining councillors considered the matter further. The grant being requested is substantial and councillors needed to be confident that it is wise and prudent use of parish funds. Cllr Sam Roberts who sits as the parish council representative on the Village Hall Committee was able to give some further information about matters still to be resolved in relation to the day’s celebrations. There was a lengthy debate about what level of grant would be appropriate and what funds the parish council has available to utilise. The clerk was able to clarify that from a budget point of view it would be possible to make a grant of anything up to £1000 without adversely impacting on the council’s financial position. Eventually it was agreed that there was just not sufficient detailed information for the council to make a clear and final resolution at this time. It was agreed that the clerk should write to committee organising the celebrations in as clear a terms as possible setting out the concerns of the parish council and detailing what additional information is needed for the grant request to be successful. The parish council wishes to express that it is committed to the award of a grant in principle and that it hopes this would be in the region of £500-£1000 subject to the issues being resolved and the programme of events clarified.

Cllr Will Richards re-joined the meeting and re-took the chair

• Release of St Ewe 2000 Portraits for village celebration display – St Ewe Village Hall
A request has been made by Val Waddell for the St Ewe 2000 Portraits so that he can use some of the photographs as part of a display to be put on in the village hall. The clerk was able to advise the council that she had been in touch with the artist and he is content for the portraits to be used in this way. He has detailed some conditions in an email and these must be adhered to. The clerk has prepared a schedule and there are 58 photographs in total, the cost of replacement per photograph is £25.00. Councillors agreed that this was a good use for the portraits and that it would be nice to see them on display again. It was resolved (proposed JD, seconded AB) that the portraits be released to St Ewe Village Hall committee upon the following undertakings: (1) Due note will be given to the contents of the attached email from Colin Robins and the conditions imposed by the artist will be observed; (2) The items will be returned in their original condition in the boxes provided within one week of the conclusion of the display; and (3) the cost of any replacement because of loss or damage incurred whilst the items are in the possession of the Village Hall committee will be met by the Village Hall.

Cllr Will Richards (in his capacity as Treasurer of the Village Hall) took possession of the photographs and signed the schedule and undertakings.

130/11 Financial matters
• Approve payments
Payment of any grants detailed above and outstanding invoices received up to the time of the meeting were approved (proposed WR, seconded MW) as detailed below:
Rose Hardisty 34.18
11.20 Salary – 1 wks @ 4 hrs/wk = 4 hrs
Working from home allowance – March
28 miles at 40p/mile
Jose Ringrose 405.00 Temporary clerk cover for 10 weeks
St Ewe Village Hall 277.60 Grant towards cost of repair of water leak

• Notice of s137 spending limit
The council noted that the s137 limit for the coming financial year is £6.80 per elector. The amount for the current year 2011/2012 is £6.44.

• Correspondence re: precept capping
The council noted correspondence received from Cornwall Council stating that town and parish councils will not be subject to capping or referendums on their council tax precepts for 2012/2013. The Local Government minister did however state that capping may apply to town and parish councils in future years.

• Preliminary consideration of expected year-end figures
The council noted the state of the parish council finances and as no further expenditure is likely before the end of the month this is to be the position of the council at financial year-end. Councillors were satisfied that largely matters had remained within budget. The clerk pointed out that the community chest grant was an unexpected income and also that we have yet to pay any invoices for the notice board work. It was agreed that an additional £500 be removed to reserves to reflect the anticipated notice board costs and £1000 for a possible jubilee grant.

• Bi-monthly financial update
The council noted the bi-monthly update and budget review without comment issues have been largely covered in the above item.

134/11 Audit Matters
• Appointment of internal auditor
It was agreed that the clerk should approach Brian Smelt to ask if he would like to undertake the St Ewe internal audit this year. If he is unable to do this it was agreed that the clerk should liaise with the chairman about a suitable alternative. It was resolved (proposed WR, seconded SR) to offer £50 by way of fee to any internal auditor appointed.

• Arrangements for external audit
The clerk has spoken to staff at the Audit Commission and they have confirmed that external audit arrangements remain unchanged this year, the threatened abolition of the Audit Commission having not taken place. The clerk awaits the necessary forms and documents from the Audit Commission before being able to commence the year-end processes. The notification will contain detailed timescales and the clerk warned it may be necessary to arrange an additional meeting if the deadlines do not fit with usual meeting schedule. The council noted all the above.

135/11 St Austell Community Network
The next meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday 21.05.2012 at 7.00pm in the Council Chamber of the Penwinnick Road offices. There was some discussion about whether St Ewe wished to send a representative. It was agreed to wait until the agenda has been published and come to a decision at the parish council meeting scheduled for 14.05.2012.

136/11 Consultations
• Public Convenience Review
The council noted receipt but did not comment on the above consultation.

137/11 New information posted on Notice Boards
• Minutes of 14.11.2012
(and at and
• Shared Ownership Properties at Badgers Watch, Trewoon
• Cornwall Council’s talking rubbish – new arrangements for refuse and recycling
The council noted the information posted on the notice boards.

138/11 Schedule of future meeting dates
The clerk proposed the following schedule: 14.05.2012 (already booked), 09.07.2012, 10.09.2012, 12.11.2012, 14.01.2013, 11.03.2013 and 13.05.2013. It was agreed that the clerk should write to the village hall seeking to book these dates and, subject to availability of the room, these dates were agreed. Should the room not be available on any of the suggested dates then the matter should be reviewed at the May meeting.

Following on from the discussion of the village celebration grant, it likely there will also be an additional meeting in April 2012.

139/11 Any other business

No other business was raised.

140/11 Clerk’s report
The clerk presented a short report listing the magazines and circulars received since the last meeting, which are available for councillors to view should they so wish.

141/11 Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be Monday 02 or Monday 16 April 2012 to deal with any urgent matters, financial matters and in particular the village celebration grant. The next pre-planned meeting is scheduled for Monday 14 May 2012 at 7.00pm which is the Annual Parish Community meeting at 7.00pm, followed by the Parish Council AGM and after that the usual parish business will be dealt with. Dates of planning meetings are subject to receipt of planning applications and are arranged as and when required. The date of the next employment committee meeting will be arranged as necessary.

Meeting closed at 9.45pm

Notice – Parish Accounts year end 31.03.2012
Further to the formal notice placed on parish notice boards on 10.04.2012 the clerk would like to remind parishioners that they have a right to inspect St Ewe Parish Council’s accounts including the annual return made to the Audit Commission and all books, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts, etc. Anyone wishing to exercise their right to carry out such an inspection should contact the clerk to make suitable arrangements.

Please contact Rose Hardisty on 01726 74101
Rose Hardisty, Clerk to St Ewe Parish Council
Menagwins Cottage, Pentewan Road, ST AUSTELL, Cornwall, PL26 7AN

Councillor Vacancy

Do you have the time and energy needed for this fulfilling and valuable role within the community?
St Ewe Parish needs to fill the current vacancy on the Council. If you think you might be interested please contact the clerk or speak to one of the existing councillors who can tell you more about this exciting opportunity and the work of the Parish Council.

Rose Hardisty, Clerk to St Ewe Parish Council
Menagwins Cottage, Pentewan Road, ST AUSTELL, Cornwall, PL26 7AN
01726 74101 –

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