March 2012

Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the Parish Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 5th March 2012. The Meeting commenced at 7pm.

Councillors Present:
The Chairman Cllr. A. K. Warren, Cllrs. R. G. Baylis, J. Benney, A. M. Chart, B. Chenoweth, G. Chenoweth, P. Farmiloe, R.E. Giles, P. Teague and C. Williams

Also present:
S. Penhaligon (Clerk), S. Batkin (Assistant Clerk), 2 members of the public

1. Apologies for absence: – Cllr. P. J. Salter, Cornwall Councillor J. German

2. a) Declaration of Interest: – None
. b) Of gifts to the value of more than £25. – None

3. Open Period – Public Participation – None

4. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6th February 2012
The Clerk asked members to amend page 3 item 10(a) income received from £5,367.38 to £5,506.38. The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands,that the previously circulated minutes be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda – for report only

Archive matters – outstanding
a) Registration of the Permissive Path to Recreation Ground with the Land Registry

b) Notice board in Polvarth Road
The Clerk reported that the daughter of the late owner of the property has replied to her letter advising that it is hoped to complete the sale of the property in the next month and that it will be best to let the new owner decide about locating a notice board in the grounds of the property.

6. Report from the Clerk
The Clerk reported on the following items: The Parish Council meeting on the 2nd April will be held at St Just Institute. The abandoned boat and the fly tipping have been removed from the car park. The hole in the roof of St Mawes pubic conveniences roof has been repaired. South West Water has repaired the water leak in the car park which they believe to be the source of water coming though the tarmac at the entrance to the car park. There have been several reports of dog fouling, the Chairman asked the Clerk to put an article in the Roseland Magazine pointing out that this is a finable offence.

The Clerk and the Assistant Clerk sought the guidance of the Parish Council on the following work items. The gulley in the car park needs to be flushed out by Pellows, all in agreement. Cornwall Council has been sent a schedule to work for relocating the tie up rings on the sea wall at Tavern Beach, no response has been forthcoming. All in agreement that the work should be carried out before the start of the season and that best endeavours have been taken to comply with the requirements of Cornwall Council.

7. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
The Clerk read the report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary. There have been five calls to the police and one reported crime which is a burglary at St Mawes Castle.

8. Report from Cornwall Councillor – No report.
9. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees
Cllr. Warren – Truro and Roseland Community Network
Inspector Richards of Devon and Cornwall Constabulary gave a report about the current levels of policing in the network area and his concerns about the low level of resources. Steve Havers of Cornwall Council led an informative discussion about neighbourhood plans and the core strategy consultation.

The Chairman consulted with Councillors to allow a member of the public to speak. All in agreement.

Ms Alderson, owner of Little House Windmill Hill St Just in Roseland, spoke about amendments made to the plans for the proposed extension at Little House following the site visit and the representations made by neighbours.

AGENDA ITEMS – for discussion/decisions

The Chairman consulted with Councillors to allow standing orders to be lifted in order to bring forward item 12. Planning. All in agreement.

12. Planning – report for circulation with the agenda
a) To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee held in the period 31st January to 27th February.
Following consideration at the Planning Committee meeting on Monday the 27th February it was unanimously resolved to object to PA11/008101 erection of extension at Little House, Windmill Hill on the grounds that in its current form this is an unneighbourly scheme that will harm the amenity of neighbouring properties by overlooking, loss of privacy and disturbance from noise.

Following the Planning Committee meeting revised plans were received and considered by the Parish Council at item 12 b) on this agenda.

b) The Council considered the following planning applications:

55. 00801 Little House, Windmill Hill, St Just in Roseland Erection of extension
Following a discussion of the revised plans and the relocation of the staircase Cllr. Giles proposed objection to the revised plan in the present form as the scheme is unneighbourly and does not address the issue of overlooking. The views of the case officer should be sought on reducing the depth of the terrace to be in line with the neighbouring property, line of obscured glazing as shown on the revised plan. Seconded by Cllr. Benney. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

56. 00769 11 Polvarth Estate Erection of extension Considered by Cllrs Chart, Giles and Salter. No objections and support for the proposed scheme.

c) To note the decisions of the Planning Authority

33. 07642 Barn at Messack House. Conversion and alteration of redundant agricultural building to form dwelling to be used for holiday letting purposes, with associated works. Cornwall Council’s Central Sub Area Planning Committee resolved to refuse the application on the reason that the proposed scheme would unacceptably harm the character and appearance of the Heritage Coast and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

47. 10043 Porthcuel Trelawney Road Proposed ground and first floor extensions and remodelling of Porthcuel (resubmission) Approved.

50. 10525 Jims Cottage 3A Carrick Way Certificate of lawfulness for existing use to allow unrestricted occupancy of Jims Cottage Approved.

51. 09509 Land Adjoining Trevinnick Meadow Portscatho Demolition of existing garage and erection of proposed stable block and farm building Approved.

52 09270 Brackley Cottage 2 Kings Road Single storey rear extension. Approved.

d) To note planning correspondence received.

Notice of confirmation of tree preservation order – Freshwater Lane No2
The TPO, originally notified on the 5th October 2011, is confirmed as of 13th February 2012. The area covered comprises specific trees on the boundary of Tideover and Trehale and along the boundary of Green Waters and Varth. (Ref: Freshwater Lane St Mawes No2)

Letter from Mr. M. Brunton Chairman of CPRE Cornwall.
Mr. Brunton has written to all town/parish councils giving the CPRE’s position on the national planning framework and the core strategy and highlighting significant concerns over the potential threat to the rural environment and landscape. The annual CPRE membership for town and parish council’s is £29.00.

10. Accounts and Finance

Total cheques numbered 5559 to 5568 for approval and signature at the meeting £ 3,724.00
Total cheques numbered 5551 to 5558 paid since last meeting for ratification £ 3,366.91
Direct Debits/Standing Orders shown as paid in February £  244.67
Income shown as received during February £ 8,088.52

Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. G. Chenoweth and seconded by Cllr. Chart
All in favour. The Council RESOLVED to approve payments of accounts.

b) To consider a donation to the St Mawes Diamond Jubilee Fund
Cllr. Giles proposed a donation of £1,000 to the St Mawes Diamond Jubilee Fund and the purchase of 100 commemorative mugs to be presented to the children of the parish. Seconded by Cllr. Williams. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

c) To further consider the quotations from SSE Contracting regarding lighting maintenance proposals
Cllr. Baylis summarised the final quotation of £31,637 for the work required to bring the parish street lighting up to the standard required for adoption by Cornwall Council and the savings to be made by handing over this responsibility. Cllr Baylis proposed that the Council should go forward with the work at £31,637 to bring the street lighting up to the standard for adoption, with the understanding that councillors are happy with the style of the replacement lights and confirmation from Cornwall Council that no additional lights will be installed without the agreement of the Parish Council. Seconded by Cllr. Chart. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council. It was noted that the electricity supply costs will be met by the parish up until the time the transfer to Cornwall Council is complete.

d) To consider the new Cornwall Council Service Level Agreement in Parking Services
Having reviewed the 2012/13 service level agreement Cllr. Baylis recommended acceptance and proposed that the Chairman sign the agreement on behalf of the Council prior to the next parish council meeting. Seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council;

e) To consider a request from St Mawes Recreation Ground Committee to purchase play equipment
Cllr. Baylis proposed the payment of the invoice for £6,758 net as presented by the Recreation Ground Committee, seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

f) To note the Section 137 limit per elector for 2012/13
The Council noted that the 2012/13 allowance for S137 expenditure is £6.80 per elector.

g) To note the increase in South West Sweepers charges from 1st April 2012
The Council noted the increase in the hourly charge of £3, the hourly rate from 1st April 2012 being £43.

11. Planning – This item was considered earlier in the agenda

12. Millennium Rooms Management Committee
To consider the recommendations from The Millennium Rooms Management Committee from the meeting of 2nd March 2012
The meeting of the 2nd March has been postponed until the 16th March. A report will be made at the next parish council meeting.

13. Car Park
a) To consider monthly income

  Pay & Display            Pay & Display    Permits Permits Cumulative Total
  Monthly Cumulative Monthly   Cumulative
Feb 11 2,798.6 137,198.05 0.00 11,900.62 149,098.67
Feb -12 3,830.16 148,178.91 0.00 12,943.70 161,122.61
February 2011 comparable with February 2012      
Up 1031.56 10,980.86   1,043.08 12,023.94

b) To consider the quotation for relining St Mawes Car Park

Cllr Giles proposed accepting the quote of £735.60 net from DA Giles for re lining work in St Mawes car park. Seconded by Cllr. Chart. All in favour, RESOLVED by the Council.

c) To consider the quotation for surface maintenance in St Mawes Car Park
Cllr. Giles proposed accepting the quote of £800 from H Cooper for surface maintenance in St Mawes car park. Seconded by Cllr. Williams. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

14. Public Toilets

a) To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences
Meeting held with the PCC on 1st March
The Parochial Church Council is reviewing the options as presented by representatives from Cornwall Council and the Parish Council at the meeting of the 1st March and will consider if it is feasible for the PCC to take on the public conveniences at St Just Church.

b) To further consider the future financing of the increased cleansing costs of St Mawes Public Conveniences
The Clerk reported that she has received a letter from Cornwall Council outlining the county wide position on the ongoing public conveniences review and is expecting a date for a Roseland Cluster meeting for local discussions.

15. Procedures for Parish Council meetings
To further consider the procedures for Parish Council meetings
The Assistant Clerk apologised for the delay and asked that this matter be deferred to a future meeting, this was agreed by the Chairman.

16. Cornwall Council’s Core Strategy Public Consultation
To further consider the Parish Council’s response to the Public Consultation
The Chairman reported that the Parish Council’s response had been submitted by the deadline and is available to view on the core strategy consultation web page.

17. Local Government Finance Bill
To consider lobbying Members of Parliament in support of NALC’s calling for measures in the Local Government Finance Bill to localise business rates to go even further to reflect and incentivise the key role of local parish and town councils in supporting economic and business growth.
Following a discussion of the level of understanding needed to formulate a reasoned response Cllr. Chart proposed not responding to the request from NALC to lobby the Member of Parliament. Seconded by Cllr. Baylis. 9 in favour and 1 against. RESOLVED by the Council.

18. Correspondence (information only)
The Council noted a number of items of correspondence. It was agreed that a response will be made to Cornwall Rural Community Council’s community plan impact survey.

19. Staffing Matters
a) To consider the report and recommendations from the Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee has not met during February.

b)To note the decision regarding Local Government pay 2012 by the National Joint Council
No pay offer for 2012/13.
The Council noted the decision of the NJCC that there will be no pay award for 2012/13

Date of next meeting: To be held onMonday 2nd April at 7pm in St Just Institute, St Just in Roseland

Items for the next agenda –

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9:30 pm



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