Mevagissey Parish Council Minutes – February 2017


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Mevagissey Activity Centre

On Thursday 16 February 2017 at 7pm.


Present              Cllrs. M Roberts (Chairman), T Barron, J Daniel, M Facey, K Robinson, G Shephard, J Whatty.


In Attendance      Cllr. J Mustoe (CC), P Howson (Clerk), 1 member of the public.




  1. Apologies were received from Cllrs. D Speed, A Chesterfield, J Morgan, N Florence, H Nathan and J Barron, and PCSO Dingle.


  1. Cllr. Facey declared an interest in agenda item 9b, Cllr. Barron in item 9e and Cllr. Robinson in item 9f.


  1. Crime figures received from PCSO Dingle for the period 13/01/17 – 13/02/17 detailing a total of 7 crimes as follows: 1 x breach of order, 3 x criminal damage, 1 x ABH, 1 x common assault, 1 x possession of Class B drug.   This compares with 3 crimes for the same period last year.


  1. Public participation.  Cllr. Facey, having declared an interest in item 9b, addressed the Council from the public area to express concern at the degree of visibility available to vehicles emerging from the proposed driveway.


  1. Proposed by Cllr. Daniel, Seconded by Cllr. Robinson that the minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2017 be accepted.                                                                         Carried.


  1. The Clerk reported that:
  • Road closures in Cliff Street, School Hill, Old Road and Vicarage Hill started on 13 February and will continue until 24 February between 09:30 and 16:30 to facilitate resurfacing work;
  • Polkirt Hill will be closed to through traffic, including bicycles, from 20 February to 5 March between 09:30 and 14:30, to facilitate the demolition of 59 Polkirt Hill;
  • Intention Notice issued for a 24-hour closure of Church Street on 8 March for cabling work by Western Power, with suspension of one way restrictions for the duration;
  • Cornwall Council (CC) have clarified the change to the S106 Agreements for the Vicarage Hill affordable homes developments;
  • Bids for the service management contract for Valley Road toilets received from GCF Property Maintenance Services and Cormac;
  • Notification received from CC that, under the Highways Act 1980, Shipbuilder Close became highways maintainable

at the public expense on 14 December 2016;

  • Timetable for Town and Parish Council elections on 4 May received.


  1. The Ward Member reported that:
  • Highways were unable to align their resurfacing work in Old Road / School Hill / Cliff Street, which has now started, with the expected roadworks arising from the School Hill development;
  • CC agreed to amend the Polkirt Hill road closure times between 09:30 and 14:30 to reduce the impact on school trips;
  • Neighbourhood Action Plan for Wesley Court area agreed by Ocean Housing, in addition to the ongoing work being done by the Community Action Group (CAG) and Cllr. Nathan;
  • CAG will clear land on Valley Road this weekend prior to handing it over to the school for ongoing maintenance;
  • Yellow-lining jobs priority figures still awaited from Highways, along with details of budget surpluses for local projects;
  • Works on Cliff Street landslide will start in May;
  • BT will be removing the derelict phone box from the carpark of the Rising Sun, Portmellon.


  1. To receive Correspondence.


  • Letter from the Cornwall Air Ambulance thanking the Council for their donation.
  • Email from Highways Manager in reply to the Parish Council’s complaint about the Wesley Court area;
  • Letter from Ocean Housing in reply to the Parish Council’s complaint about the Wesley Court area;
  • Letter from Mevagissey Feast Week Committee requesting grant support (received by Chairman).



  1. To consider Planning and Licensing Applications.


9a.        PA16/12193 : To erect 2 no dwellings and associated works. Ava House Ava Mevagissey PL26 6RY.

Proposed by Cllr. Barron, Seconded by Cllr. Daniel that the Council, whilst unhappy with the bland design of these            proposed dwellings on the main approach into the village, raises no objections.                                              Carried.


9b.        PA17/00349 : Part removal of existing boundary wall and creation of driveway onto the property. Valley Side        Valley Road Mevagissey PL26 6SB.                     Cllr. Facey left the meeting for the duration of this item.

Proposed by Cllr. Daniel, Seconded by Cllr. Barron that the Council supports the application, subject to the         necessary approvals by other agencies.                                                                                             Carried.


9c.        PA17/00570 : Application for a lawful development certificate in respect of existing use of properties The Galley and            Landahoy as self-contained residential accommodation. The Cottage Tregoney Court Mevagissey St Austell Cornwall PL26 6RN.

Proposed by Cllr. Daniel, Seconded by Cllr. Facey that the Council supports the application.                   Carried.


9d.        PA17/00660 : Listed Building Consent for various works to property. 25 Tregoney Hill Mevagissey PL26 6RE.

Proposed by Cllr. Barron, Seconded by Cllr. Robinson that the Council supports the application.             Carried.


9e.        PA17/00619 : Non-material amendment (2) to external finishes to plots 1, 2, 3 and 4, to change windows and doors            across development from aluminium to uPVC and addition of a recessed terrace at first floor level to the rear of plots         2, 3, 4 and 5 in lieu of small pitched roof in respect of PA15/03079 (appeal decision APP/D0840/W/15/3139301).             Land North Of Moonfleet School Hill Mevagissey Cornwall. Cllr. Barron left the meeting for the duration of this    item. Proposed by Cllr. Daniel, Seconded by Cllr. Facey that the Council supports the application.                Carried.


9f.         PA17/00735 : Demolish existing dwelling and garage, construct new dwelling, new garage and associated exterior   landscaping works. Longpoint Chapel Point Lane Portmellon Mevagissey PL26 6PP. Cllr. Robinson left the    meeting for the duration of this item. Proposed by the Chairman, Seconded by Cllr. Daniel that, given the size of the             proposed building and the disquiet over its design, the Ward Member should arrange with the Planning Case Officer            that Councillors may join her on her site visit next week.                                                                Carried.


9g.        PA16/11229 : Demolition and replacement of existing dwelling and garage (revised plans). Tamarisk Penwarne      Lane Mevagissey PL26 6PF.   Proposed by Cllr. Facey, Seconded by Cllr. Shephard that the Council is concerned      with the quality of the design and the ability of the proposed building to fit in with the existing environment; and    finds that the proposal would be intrusive in overlooking a number of neighbouring properties in the estate below;           and therefore Objects to the application.                                                                                           Carried.


9h.        The following planning applications have been Approved (included for information only):


PA16/11466 : Erection of a sun deck on the rear of existing three-storey dwelling. 23 Polkirt Hill.

PA17/00212 : Listed Building Consent for high level maintenance works. 11 Polkirt Hill.

PA16/11467 : Replacement of domestic garages with single dwelling (revised scheme). The Cliff, Polkirt Hill.

PA16/08750 : Retention of existing building as a permanent residential dwelling. Compass Point, Polkirt Hill.


  1. To approve the monthly finances.


Bills to Pay Salaries £ 647.38
HMRC (Income Tax & NIC) £ 207.67
Safety signage at Portmellon Cove £ 1,048.80
Valley Rd. PC cleaning January 2017 £ 912.62
Valley Rd. PC water charge January 2017 £ 53.42
TOTAL £ 2,869.89
Accounts Amount available to spend as of last meeting £ 49,941.54
Expenditure last month £ 3,149.82
Unpresented cheques £ 881.48
From Cornwall Council (for LMP 2016) £ 352.66 received
Balance (money in bank) £ 48,025.86
Available to spend £ 47,144.38
Bank Statements (01/02/2017):
Current Account £ 1,294.84
Deposit Account £ 46,731.02
TOTAL £ 48,025.86


Proposed by Cllr. Barron, Seconded by Cllr. Facey that the accounts be accepted and the bills paid.          Carried.


  1. Cllr. Shephard reported that a new draft (V 10) of the Neighbourhood Development plan (NDP) would be circulated to the Steering Group for comment before being presented to the Council for approval prior to submission to CC. Development of the NDP was suspended a year ago pending the Housing & Planning Bill, now an Act. Now a             Government white paper has been published, containing proposals for a number of planning reforms, and Cllr.                     Shephard proposed that a response be drafted at the April meeting (the consultation period ends on 2 May) and that           Councillors should be encouraged to look at the white paper in the interim. A reminder will be issued at the March    meeting.


  1. It was noted that the Valley Road toilets had not been opened on 5 February, and this had been reported to Cormac.


  1. Tenders for the operation of Valley Road public toilets for the year starting 1st April were considered.

Proposed by Cllr. Daniel, Seconded by Cllr. Shephard that the bid from GCF Property Maintenance Services be      accepted.                                                                                                                                    Carried.


  1. Cllr. Facey reported that the new public rescue equipment and associated signage for Portmellon Cove had been supplied and was awaiting installation.


  1. It was agreed that the Ward Member would ask Highways to refresh existing yellow line restrictions on Tregoney Hill, Wesley Court and Cliff Street; and to provide new restrictions on School Hill (uphill from Lavorrick Orchards),   Portmellon Park (right hand side looking from the cove) and the foot of Bodrugan Hill.


  1. In Cllr. Nathan’s absence, it was agreed to defer to the next meeting consideration of the responses from Ocean Housing and Cornwall Council regarding maintenance of the Wesley Court area.


  1. Proposed by Cllr. Whatty, Seconded by Cllr. Daniel that a grant of £500 be made to the Mevagissey Feast Week Committee.                                                                                                                                Carried.


  1. It was noted that the terms of Lloyds Bank’s proposed mobile service following the local branch closure had been detailed in a letter from Lloyds to Steve Double MP, and that these terms would cause operational problems for            business customers. The Clerk will write to the MP with details of the likely problems and ask that he replies       to Lloyds accordingly.


  1. The meeting ended at 9pm. Date of next meeting: 16 March 2017.












Signed ……………………………………………………………………………..         Dated ………………………………

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