Minutes of the Mevagissey Parish Council AGM – May 2016




Minutes of the Parish Council Annual General Meeting held at the Mevagissey Activity Centre

On Thursday 19 May 2016, following the Annual Parish Meeting.


Present              Cllrs. M Roberts (Chairman), J Arthur, T Barron, M Facey, S Hrydziuszka, J Morgan, K Robinson, D Speed, J Whatty.


In Attendance      Cllr. J Mustoe (CC), P Howson (Clerk), 2 members of the public, 1 member of the press.




  1. Cllr. Roberts opened the meeting at 6.50pm and then stood down as Chairman.


  1. Nominations for Chairman were received.

Cllr. Mike Roberts was nominated by Cllr. Facey, Seconded by Cllr. Hrydziuszka

Cllr. Roberts was elected unopposed.


  1. Nominations for Vice-Chairman were received.

Cllr. Matthew Facey was nominated by Cllr. Whatty, Seconded by Cllr. Arthur.

Cllr. Facey was elected unopposed.


  1. Apologies were received from Cllrs. Shephard, Chesterfield, Florence, J Barron and Daniel.


  1. Proposed by Cllr. Hrydziuszka, Seconded by Cllr. Facey, that the Minutes of the previous AGM, held on 21 May 2015, be Accepted.                                                             Carried.


  1. Council representation on the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group was confirmed as follows:

Cllrs. Hrydziuszka, Morgan, Shephard and Whatty (plus Chairman and Vice-Chairman).


  1. Membership of the Affordable Homes Working Group was confirmed as follows:

Cllrs. J Barron, Daniel, Florence, Hrydziuszka and Whatty (plus Chairman and Vice-Chairman).


  1. Other Councillor responsibilities were confirmed as follows:

Transport Rep: Cllr. Facey                        NHS Trust: Cllr. Hrydziuszka                   MAC Liaison: Cllr. Morgan

CALC Liaison: Cllr. Morgan        Keeper of village sign & clock: Cllr. Facey

Salt Bins: Cllr. Facey                  Harbour Trustees Liaison: Cllr. Roberts

Public toilets: Cllrs. T Barron, Facey, Morgan and Whatty (plus Chairman).


  1. The meeting ended at 6.58pm.   Date of next AGM: 18 May 2017.


Signed ……………………………………………………………………………..         Dated ………………………………

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