St Ewe Parish Council Meeting – September 2012



Parish Council Meeting

St Ewe Village Hall

Monday 10 September 2012

7.00 pm – 9.10pm


Officers Present:- Parish Councillors – Chairman Cllr Will Richards , Cllr Allan Brooks, Cllr Diane Clemes, Cllr Rueben Collins, Cllr Trevor Harman (see 064/12 below) and Cllr Martin Wheeley
Apologies Received:- Cornwall Councillor Robin Teverson, Cllr John Dickinson, Cllr Janet Lockyer and Cllr Sam Roberts
In Attendance:- Rose Hardisty, Clerk
Public Participation:- No members of the public in attendance

062/12  Declarations of interests 

  • Cllr Allan Brooks declared he is an employee of Heligan Gardens – ref planning application 12/07135.
  • Cllr Allan Brooks declared he is an immediate neighbour – ref planning application 12/07669.
  • Cllr Allan Brooks declared he lives in Kestle – ref planning EIA screening request 12/08136.


063/12  Previous Minutes

The minutes of the parish council meeting held on 9 July 2012 having been read were considered a true record and were adopted (proposed DC, seconded WR).


064/12  Councillor Vacancy

Mr Trevor Harman has expressed an interest in becoming a parish councillor and was in attendance.  The council considered Mr Harman’s application and in the absence of any other formal applicants the council resolved unanimously (proposed WR, seconded MW) to co-opt Trevor Harman to St Ewe Parish Council.  Cllr Harman then completed the necessary declaration of office and was able to participate in the meeting fully.  He was given a copy of the Code of Conduct and is to complete the Register of Interests form as is required so that this can be submitted to the monitoring officer.


Public Participation




065/12  Planning matters

  • Consultation on revision of Cornwall Council Planning Protocol

The clerk was able to share the revision with parish councillors.  The revisions are not really changes but clarification and explanations.  The council noted that the mode of operation for the parish council remains largely unchanged and did not wish to comment on the consultation.


  • 10/08398   FP    Replacement of existing dwelling

Longfield Farm, Hewas Water, St Austell, Cornwall

                     Notice of Invalid submission returned


  • 12/03871   FP    Removal of condition 4 on C2/06/00336 regarding cooking facilities

Lobbs Farm Shop Ltd, Heligan, St Ewe, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 6EN

Notice of approval


  • 12/04146   FP    Proposed conversion and extension of outbuilding to form annex

Little Pengelly Cottage, Lower Sticker, St Austell, PL26 7JJ

Notice of Invalid submission returned


  • 12/05726   FP    Proposed demolition of outbuilding and erection of annex accommodation

Little Pengelly Cottage, Lower Sticker, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7JJ

Notice of approval


  • 12/02000   PRE-APP Advice for conversion of redundant agricultural buildings to residential units

Tregenna Farm Barns, London Apprentice, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7AW

Notice of pre-planning advice sought/given


The parish council noted the above five planning matters without comment.


  • 12/08136   EIA  Screening opinion request for proposed erection of two wind turbines (34.6m to tip)

Higher & Lower Kestle Farms, Kestle, St Ewe, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 6EP

Notice of opinion sought


The clerk was able to clarify for councillors the nature of this application.  The landowners have sought the opinion of the planning officer as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment would be required if they were to submit a planning application for two wind turbines in a particular area.  If the planning officer concludes that an EIA is necessary then he would also give guidance on the scope of that assessment.  If the planning officer concludes that an EIA is not necessary then the landowners may apply for planning permission in the usual way but would not have to submit this additional paperwork.  The parish council would be consulted if a planning application was made on land within the parish boundary.  Councillors noted the matter and will await further developments in the form of a planning application.


Cllr Allan Brooks left the meeting


  • 12/07135   FP    Single-storey extension for Heligan Historical Interpretation Centre

Lost Gardens of Heligan, St Ewe, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 6EZ


The clerk advised the parish council that this matter had been incorrectly allocated to Mevagissey Parish Council and as a result there has been a delay in it coming before the correct parish council.  The clerk has expressed concern to the planning department that such an error could be made.  Councillors considered the planning application and supporting documents and resolved (proposed RC, seconded MW) to RAISE NO OBJECTION to the application.


  • 12/07669   FP    Single-storey rear extension to form bedroom inc change of use – garage to en-suite

Starkes Cottage, Kestle, St Ewe, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 6EP


Councillors considered the planning application and supporting documents and resolved(proposed DC, seconded WR) to RAISE NO OBJECTION to the application.


Cllr Allan Brooks rejoined the meeting


  • 12/07984   FP    Redesign of existing permission PA11/02174 incorporating new vehicular exit from side

Hewaswater Ltd, Hewas Water, St Austell, PL26 7JF


Councillors considered the planning application and supporting documents and resolved(proposed AB, seconded RC) to RAISE NO OBJECTION to the application.


  • 12/08336   FP    Proposed storage building for tractor/machinery and associated paraphernalia

Lower Lefesant, Little Polgooth, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7DD


Councillors considered the planning application and supporting documents and resolved(proposed MW, seconded AB) to RAISE NO OBJECTION to the application.


066/12  Code of Conduct

There has been some further progress on the new Code of Conduct and the clerk has been advised it is to be revised to allow representatives to outside bodies to remain present for the discussion of agenda items relating to those outside bodies.  However, the requirement to leave the room for any financial decision-making remains.  Whilst these revisions have been promisedthe clerk is yet to see the new wording.  There is also the possibility that particular members could apply for an exemption under circumstances specified in the Localism Act.  This would be appropriate for parish council representatives to outside bodies (ie Cllr Sam Roberts, Village Hall and Cllr Martin Wheeley, Community Land Trust).  The Register of Interests form has been revised and although the information required remains the same there is now no longer a requirement to differentiate between councillors’ interests and those of their spouses.  The clerk advised the council that it is within the law for St Ewe Parish Council to draft its own Code so long as it meets the standards set by the Localism Act and it would still be the responsibility of CC Monitoring Officer to manage the application of this Code.  However, councillors could see no significant advantage to this approach.  Councillors were mindful that it is a legal requirement to have a Code of Conduct in place and also that the new Register of Interests forms be submitted within a very short timescale.  Having considered all the information it was resolved (proposed WR, seconded MW) to adopt the Interim Code of Conduct produced by Cornwall Council.  It wasagreed that councillors must complete their forms and return them to the clerk by 30.09.2012 and she will then submit them to the Monitoring Officer for recording in the fashion required by law. Only one form remains outstanding and it was agreed that the clerk chase this up and liaise with the chairman if there are any difficulties.  The clerk will have a duty to report any councillor who fails to complete the form to the Monitoring Officer.  It was further agreed that the matter of the Code of Conduct be included on the next agenda so that the council can keep under review amendments to the Interim Code.


067/12  Cornwall Councillor Report

Cllr Robin Teverson gave his apologies as he was at an EU meeting of Chairs of Foreign Affairs Committees.  He provided a short written report précised here.  Over the summer period there have been fewer issues going through Council.  However, there is one major one in the intention to move CCs back office functions into a joint venture company in combination with parts of the health service and private sector.  It would be the aspiration that this organisation would also look for further similar work from outside Cornwall.  The proposal was defeated by a large majority in the full Council but the Cabinet has decided to go ahead anyway.  But the tender process is only just starting so this may not be the last word.  The other area of contention is the delegating of the cost of policing events to the people that organise them.  This sounds very logical and is a good solution for commercial events but there is a great deal of concern about community not-for-profit events of which there are very many in Cornwall and add greatly to the quality of life, the strength of our communities and our culture.  This is still to be resolved. Locally, but not in St Ewe (in St Mewan) the plans for the Coyte Farm development progress with the planning application expected to be lodged formally next month.  This is a big development.  Lastly, in St Ewe there is the continuing saga of the Little Polgooth caravan planning infringement.  Cllr Teverson has been pressuring planning enforcement to get moving as the final deadline has passed.  The council noted the content of Cllr Teverson’s report.


068/12  Polmassick Flooding

  • Invite to Cornwall Community Flood Forum 1st Conference – Friday 21.09.2012

Cllr Janet Lockyer is going to attend to represent St Ewe Parish Council.


  • Update

It was agreed that Cllr Janet Lockyer will give an update at the next meeting following the Flood Forum Conference.  Thereafter the matter need no longer be included on the agenda as a regular item but Cllr Lockyer will notify the clerk if it needs to be included on a particular agenda when/if issues arise.


069/12  Highways

  • Road Closure Notice – Paramoor from Hewas Water to Trudgian Farm – 11-17.12.2012
  • Road Closure Notice – Middle Gargus to Tucoyse Hill – 08-22.10.2012

The council noted the two above road closures.  Cllr Colllins and Cllr Clemes stated that these closures may cause problems with harvesting and took the contact details at Highways so that they could discuss their concerns directly.


  • Heligan signage – request from St Goran Parish Council

The clerk read to councillors an email from St Goran Parish Council expressing concern about vehicles turning (or starting to turn) into Heligan campsite and then realising part-way through the manoeuvre that it is NOT the entrance to the Lost Gardens of Heligan and pulling back out onto the road.  St Goran councillors are concerned about the potential for accidents in this scenario and wish to make a request to the Lost Gardens for improved signage in advance of the Heligan campsite.  St Goran felt it would be more appropriate if the request came from St Ewe as both businesses are within this parish.  Councillors discussed the matter and were generally in agreement with St Goran’s observations.  It was agreed that the clerk should write to Heligan Gardens about this matter and copy Highways at St Goran Parish Council into that correspondence.


  • Potholes

The council noted that Highways have responded to pothole concerns but there are still problems along the Beacon Cross to School Hill road.  The repairs undertaken approximately 6 weeks ago are already starting to break up.  It was agreed that the clerk write to Highways again about this matter.


  • Drainage

The council noted that Highways have written stating the intention to check the drainage between Lower Kestle Farm and Gilley Lane.  Councillors agreed that the clerk should write to Highways stating that the maintenance gang had been observed in attendance at the site but although leaves were cleared from the gully the underlying blocked drain problem had not be resolved.  There is also a problem of water on the road near Tregain Cottage at it was agreedthe clerk should report this to Highways too.


  • Fly Tipping

Cllr Dickinson sent an email stating that he has been advised by a local resident that the asbestos dumped in a field off Drunken Bridge Lane still has not been removed.  No councillor present had any further information.


  • Emptying of Waste Bins

Cllr Dickinson sent an email stating that he has been advised by a local resident that the waste bin in the square outside the Church is not being emptied frequently enough and often calls are having to be made to the relevant authority to request this be done.  It was agreed that the new Landlord at The Crown be asked if he would consider taking on future responsibility for emptying the bin.



  • Parking

The council noted correspondence from Highways and PCSO Hemming stating that this matter would be investigated following it being raised at the last meeting.


  • Fingerposts

Cllr John Dickinson was not able to give an update and there has been no further progress. However, a number of councillors and the clerk had noted that a fingerpost at Tregiskey has recently been refurbished.  It was agreed that the clerk would make enquires with Mevagissey Parish Council, Pentewan Valley Parish Council and Highways to find out why St Ewe’s fingerposts are being overlooked when this matter has been being pursued for such a long time and a very large budget has been allocated to this work by Councillor Teverson.


070/12  Footpaths

  • Path for Communities grant scheme

No further progress has been made.  It was agreed that the time for any action has passed.


  • Correspondence from Polgooth and District Bridleways Group

The clerk has received a number of emails from this group which has been formed as a result of local horse riders feeling they have been sidelined by Cornwall Council.  The group now has in excess of 50 members.  As of 10.08.2012 there were concerns that 418/12 was so overgrown that it was impassable, there was an overhanging tree on 418/13 and there is excessive cow dung on 418/16 making the surface extremely slippery.  The group also seeks reassurance that public rights of way are kept under review by the parish council and that consideration is given at precepting time to setting money aside for work on footpaths and bridleways.  The councilagreed that the clerk should write to PDBG and confirm that footpaths are a regular agenda item and are kept under review.  The parish council is grateful for any information about the state of its rights of way and will try and work within the confines of its budget to make sure the paths are bridleways are kept in good condition.


  • Footpath Review – arrangements for 2013

It was agreed that a review needs to be undertaken of how the parish footpaths are managed and whether there are more cost effective ways of achieving this than the one-cut-per-year-of-everything approach.  It was agreed that the clerk and Cllr Brooks are to work together and bring a firm proposal to the precepting meeting in November.


  • Update on LMP Agreement

The agreement is in place but there has been no news on the review of GOLD path 418/17.  It was agreed that the clerk follow this up.


071/12  Notice Boards

The clerk received an email from Lee Price at the end of August saying that the work has been done.  However, when she visited the notice boards on Tuesday 04.09.2012 only the board at Kestle has been refurbished in line with the agreement.  The notice board at Lower Sticker has not yet been replaced and the refurbishment work necessary at Little Polgooth has not happened.  The cork tiles in the Polmassick board have been stapled down but it is not clear that this will have completely resolved the problems.   The clerk has written to Lee Price seeking clarification of what has happened.  It was agreed that the clerk keep in close contact with Mr Price and update the council on progress.


072/12  Grant Applications

  • Request for grant towards upgrade –

The council noted that Roseland-Online regularly publish St Ewe minutes and that this is a valuable extension of getting parish information out to the public.  It was resolved (proposed MW, seconded WR) to make a grant in the sum of £50.00 towards the upgrade.


Cllr Allan Brooks left the meeting (giving his apologies for having to leave the meeting early)


073/12  Financial matters

  • Approve payments

Payment of any grants detailed above and outstanding invoices received up to the time of the meeting were approved (proposed WR, seconded MW) as detailed below:

Rose Hardisty




Salary – 9 wks @ 5 hrs/wk @ £8.919/hr

Working from home allowance – 9 wks @ £4/wk

22 miles at 40p/mile

Audit Commission



Audit Fee


Roseland-Online Ltd


Grant towards upgrade


  • Financial Update and Budget Review

The council noted the update and budget review without comment.



074/12  Consultations

  • Carluddon A391 road improvement and technology park – public meetings 10-14.09.2012
  • Proposed devolution procedures – closing 01.10.2012
  • Proposed charging framework for traffic management at community events – closing 31.10.2012
  • Proposed changes to discretionary rate relief
  • Draft sustainable energy action plan for Cornwall

The council noted the above consultations but did not wish to comment.  However, it wasagreed that the clerk forward the links to the traffic management and discretionary rate relief consultation to Will Richards as these are of relevance to the Village Hall.


075/12  New information posted on Notice Boards

  • Minutes of 14.05.2012

(and at and

  • Completion of Annual Audit Notice
  • Stephen Gilbert MP Autumn/Winter advice surgery dates
  • Rough Sleepers Helpline Number
  • Carluddon A391 road improvement and technology park pre-planning consultation leaflet

The council noted the information posted on the notice boards.


076/12  Any other business

The council noted an invitation to attend the “Room to Grow” premiere at the Eden Cafe at 6pm on 20.09.2012 but no councillor wished to attend.


No other business was raised.


077/12  Clerking Arrangements

The council noted that the clerk has a new address and phone number but that the email address remains unchanged.  Shortly the information on the notice boards will be updated to reflect this and the changes in councillors.  The clerk’s contact details are:

Ms Rose Hardisty

Clerk to St Ewe Parish Council

The Headlands

School Hill



PL26 6TH

01726 842869


078/12  Clerk’s report

The clerk presented a short report listing the magazines and circulars received since the last meeting, which are available for councillors to view should they so wish.


079/12  Date of next meeting

The next scheduled parish council meeting is for Monday 12 November 2012 at 7.00pm.  Dates of planning meetings are subject to receipt of planning applications and are arranged as and when required.  The date of the next employment committee meeting will be arranged as necessary.


Meeting closed at 9.10pm


Notice Board Maintenance


Do you live near one of our notice boards?

Can you spare a few minutes once a week?

St Ewe Parish Council is looking for volunteers who live close to our notice boards to make sure they are clean, dry and free from ‘creepy-crawlies’.  A quick wipe down inside and a sweep out is all that is needed and any serious problems should be reported to the clerk.  There are notice boards in St Ewe, Polmassick, Kestle, Little Polgooth and Lower Sticker.  Regular maintenance of this sort will ensure the notice boards remain functional for the community and hopefully nipping any maintenance problems in the bud will keep costs down in the long run.  Your help is greatly appreciated.

If you think you might be interested please contact the clerk for more information.

Rose Hardisty, Clerk to St Ewe Parish Council

The Headlands, School Hill, Mevagissey, ST AUSTELL, Cornwall, PL26 6TH

01726 842869  –

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