St Just in Roseland Parish Council – 4 January 2021: Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held on Monday 4th January 2021. The virtual meeting commenced at 7.00pm.

Councillors Present: R Giles *(Chairman), H. Aston, A. Chantrill, S Goldsmith, R. Hall, P. Salter (Vice-Chairman), P Teague, K Warren and C Williams.

Also present: H. Couch (Clerk), Jamie Masters (Assistant Clerk), Julian German CC* and 2 members of the public.

Cllr Giles welcomed everyone to the virtual meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council but unfortunately due to intermittent internet problems, it was agreed that Cllr Salter as the Vice-Chairman would chair the meeting.

  1. To accept apologies for absence
  1. Declaration of Interest:
  2. a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest – None declared
  3. b) Non-Registerable Interest – None declared
  4. c) Of gifts to the value of more than £25 – None declared
  5. d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda – None declared
  1. Public Participation

A resident expressed his sheer frustration about the lack of progress on Upper Castle Road since last autumn. The hedge trim that happened last year has not resolved the issue at all and requests that the Parish Council demands urgent action by South West Water and Cornwall Council now and not wait until the next tarmacking is due. The width of the road is a lot less than what it should be and the intrusion on the highway is dangerous.

Cllr German updated that following last months meeting and further correspondence from Cllr Chantrill, South West Water have been contacted but to date no response has been received.

After a discussion it was agreed that Cllr German would ask Cornwall Council to serve notice on South West Water requesting that the work is completed by South West Water within 14 or 21 days.

A resident (previous Councillor) requested an amendment to the Minutes for the 7th December which was duly noted.

  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 7th December 2020.

The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands by those who had attended the said meeting be approved.

A couple of amendments were requested –

  • Agenda item 12 Highways, insertion of the word “land” in the sentence “Following a discussion, it was agreed that the Clerk should contact the landowner, sending a photograph and request a donation”.
  • Agenda item 4, Matters arising – change of sentence from “Cllr German informed us that this is being investigated” to “Cllr German informed us that the encroachment was being done this week”.

All in favour and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising

  • SWW hedge encroachment on Upper Castle Road

After a discussion it was agreed that Cllr German would ask Cornwall Council to serve notice on South West Water requesting that the work is completed by South West Water within 14 or 21 days.

  • Broken bench

Clerk updated that correspondence has been received from the landowner and he would like to purchase a new bench, which will be dedicated to Enid Thomas who recently passed away.

After a short discussion, the Clerk was asked to accept this kind, gesture and respond accordingly.

  • Cllr German agreed to chase Cornwall Council about the quality of the work completed on the red path at Newton Road, as more needs to be done to clear the undergrowth.
  1. Cornwall Councillor Report

Cllr German gave a quick update on the Covid-19 situation. This included the reporting of people staying in properties within the parish during the festive period, where action has been taken. It is expected for there to be a rise, which takes account of the interactions over Christmas, as there is always a delay for transmission. The 20-30’s age group is the highest rate in Cornwall. We are now more in line with the rest of the Country.

Housing allocations have begun to take place for Spinnakers Drive.

Cllr German gave apologies that he would need to leave early because of the Government announcement which was due at 8.00pm, as prior notice is never given to Cornwall Council.

Cllr Hall asked all Councillors to show respect to Cllr German for all his hard work done in his role of Leader of Cornwall Council during this national crisis and that he felt the tone of the directed comments made towards him previously were aggressive, offensive and unnecessary.

Cllr Warren asked a question about the new strain of Covid and what the reasons behind it may be.  Cllr German answered that currently there is no scientific evidence to back up that the increased number of cases is due to the new strain or whether it is just the implications of relaxing.

*Cllr Giles entered the meeting

  1. Clerks Report

The report was read out and will be sent out with the notes.

  1. Reports from Councillors as representatives on other committees

Cllr Williams – St Mawes Recreational Ground – An update was given on the current state of the ground and a summary of the discussions that have taken place with Mitchell Developments. There is more information required to transfer the ownership of the land. Cllr Hall agreed to speak to the solicitors to check what the delay is.

  1. Ratification of decisions – None
  1. Correspondence – Noted, which included a Section 38 adoption notification for the development at Windmill Hill, St Just in Roseland.

The Clerk updated that children on scooters and skateboards were causing issues in the St Mawes Car Park. It was asked to investigate improving the pictures our CCTV in the Car Park with our current IT providers.

  1. Planning

The decisions of Planning sub-committee for applications and decisions of Cornwall Council were noted.

Cllr Chantrill asked for an update on PA20/07172. The Clerk reported that no decision has yet been made. Following a debate; it was agreed that no further action could be taken until a decision has been made by Cornwall Council on this planning application.

The next Planning virtual sub-committee will be on Monday 18th January at 6.00pm.

The Clerk updated that the Section 106 on PA17/04451 for Lowen Meadow included £9,183 towards the provision of off-site public open space with the wording “the facilitation of a new access to St Mawes recreation ground and improvements at the recreation ground nothwithstanding that a contract may have been let before the date hereof”.  The trigger for this is 50% of occupancy. Clerk will look into this further and check what other payments are due.

  1. Accounts and Finance

The Income and Expenditure for December had not been forwarded to all Councillors. Therefore, this will be taken and agreed at the Finance Meeting on the 11th January 2021. All in favour, by a show of hands. The car park monthly income for December was noted.

*Cllr German left the meeting

A quote has been received for work to be completed in the Car Park. It was agreed that the decision could be made by the Finance Committee at their next meeting and that the Full Parish Council would accept this decision.

  1. Tree Planting

Cllr Goldsmith made a request for more Tree Planting in the Parish. It was suggested that Cllr Goldsmith could discuss this with the allotment society as there may be an opportunity in their grounds.  There may be an opportunity to plant some trees between the two car parks, once the ivy has been got under control. The St Mawes Recreational Ground may be another option.

An update of the work being done by the REACT group was given.

  1. Highways

The Clerk read an email from Cllr German asking what our thoughts about parking during the summer in our parish. After a discussion it was agreed to respond that although it is difficult at times, we feel that we manage effectively due to our car park and enforcement officers.

It was agreed that when the SLA with Cornwall Council is agreed that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are present.

The Clerk provided an update received from CornwalLCouncil regarding the hole that has appeared by the donkeys’ field, unfortunately it does not require any attention at the present time. Cllr Salter re-iterated that no work must be completed on the highways by our Parish Council.

  1. Electric Car Provision

Cllr Chantrill updated on the work that he had already completed and a detailed discussion took place. It was agreed that this should be taken to a future meeting of the Finance Sub Committee for further investigation.

  1. Any other business that the Chairman considers to be of urgency


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.35pm

 Signed as a true record……………………………………..Chairman Cllr. R Giles

Dated ……………………….

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