St Just in Roseland Parish Council Annual Meeting – May 2015


Minutes of the Annual Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 11th May 2015. The meeting commenced at 7.15pm following the Annual Parish meeting.


Councillors Present:

The Chairman Cllr. K. Warren, Cllrs. J. Benney, S. Black, B. Chenoweth, P. Farmiloe, R. Giles, B. Sadler,

P. Salter, P. Teague and C. Williams.


Also Present:

S. Penhaligon (Clerk), S. Chenoweth (Assistant Clerk), Cornwall Cllr. German, Jon Smith (RNP) and 5 members of the public


1. Election of Chairman

Cllr. Salter proposed that Cllr. Chenoweth be elected as Chairman. Cllr. Chenoweth agreed to stand as Chairman. Seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


2. To accept apologies for absence Apologies received from Cllr. Hall


3. Election of Vice Chairman

Cllr. Warren proposed that Cllr.  Sadler be elected as Vice Chairman.  Cllr. Sadler agreed to stand as Vice Chairman. Seconded by Cllr. Williams. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


4. Election of Committee Representatives (Appendix 3)

The Chairman asked if all Councillors are still prepared to stand as representatives on committees.  All agreed. The Chairman suggested an extra member on the Car Park Committee and the Finance Committee.


Cllr. Giles proposed that Cllr. Warren stands on the Car Park Committee.  Cllr. Warren agreed to stand.  Seconded by Cllr. Benney.  All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


Cllr. Salter proposed that Cllr. Chenoweth stands on the Finance Committee.  Cllr. Chenoweth agreed to stand.  Seconded by Cllr. Williams.  All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


5.  Declaration of Interest:

a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest – None Declared

b) Non-Registerable Interest – None Declared

c) Of gifts to the value of more than £25 – None Declared

d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda – None Declared


6.  Open Period – Public Participation – No member of the public wanting to report


7.  Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13th April 2015

Item 11b planning was amended to read seconded by Cllr. Giles. The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands by those who had attended the said meeting, that the amended minutes of the 13th April 2015 meeting be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.


8.  Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda

i)   Options for reducing the amount of litter in the streets – On-going

ii)  St Just Playing Field/unrecorded rights of way – The Clerk is awaiting further signatures

iii) Improvements to signage and traffic control measures in St Mawes village/On street parking enforcements – The Highways Manager reported that the speeds of traffic for Tredenham Road reported on the radar tests were not excessive. Although the maximum speed at which 85{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} of traffic travels is slightly above 30mph.  The On-street enforcements are on-going.


9.    Report from the Clerk

The Clerk read a letter received from a visitor regarding the cleanliness of St. Mawes Public Conveniences.  It stated how impressed she was overall with the facilities and how clean and tidy they were.




10.  Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary – No report received.  The Clerk reported an obstruction issue with vehicles parking opposite St Mawes Sailing Club due to scaffolding on its frontage. She has been liaising with both PC Duckworth and the Highways Manager to have cones placed on the highways to stop vehicles parking opposite.  However, both informed her that it was not their responsibility. The Clerk is to speak to the scaffolder’s to see if they could place cones opposite the scaffold, if not cones will be placed by the Parish Council.


11.  Report from Cornwall Cllr. German

Cornwall Cllr. German reported that Patrick McLoughlin has been re-appointed as Transport Minister following the General Election, so hopefully transport projects will be moving forward faster.  George Osborn is supporting the dredging of Falmouth Harbour.


12.  Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees

Cllr. Giles reported that S Mawes Co Partnership Housing Society have held there AGM. The loan money has yet to be received, but is moving forward slowly thanks to the secretary, M Morris who has worked tirelessly on the matter.


The Chairman asked to suspend Standing Orders to bring forward item 16. All in favour by a show of hands.


16.  Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan

An extension has been made until the 15th of May due to the complexity of the plan. A meeting is arrange for the 20th of May with the Council to discuss the plan.  The conservation area management plans are underway and will begin proceedings this month.  The application Assessment Process Flow Sheet has been designed and the breakdown has been explained.  When the examination has been completed a cluster event for training will be organised.


Standing Orders resumed


13a.  Accounts and Finance

a) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1)

The Council was asked to approve the following payments:

Total cheques numbered 6779 to 6790 approved and signed at meeting                                      £  8,928.95

Total cheques numbered 6774 to 6778 paid since last meeting were ratified                   £  2,240.70

Direct Debits/Debit Card/ Standing Orders shown as paid in April                                                £  8,708.41

Salaries paid by FPO and transfers 1st May 2015                                                                         £  3,141.06

Income shown as received during April                                                                            £42,074.67


Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. Warren. Seconded by Cllr. Williams. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


b)  To consider the quotation from Roseland Garden Centre for Summer Planting

Cllr. Salter proposed to accept the net quotation of £630 for summer planting from the Roseland Garden Centre.  Seconded by Cllr. Giles.  All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


c)  To consider the quotation for the six monthly cleansing of Bohella Store

Cllr. Salter confirmed that the Memorial Hall has agreed that the contractor can use its external water tap for the cleansing of the Bohella Store.  The tap is metered and will only be charged for what is used.


Cllr. Williams proposed to accept the quotation of £120 for the cleansing of Bohella Store, initially for a one off cleanse, to be reviewed after first inspection before making it a six monthly agreement.  Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe.  All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


13b.     Finance Committee (Appendix4)

To consider the recommendations from the Finance Committee meeting held on 5th May 2015

In the absence of the Finance Committee Chairman, Cllr. Hall, the Clerk presented the recommendations.





(7)       Risk Management

Cllr. Salter proposed to approve the amended Financial Risk Management document, seconded by Cllr. Giles All in favour.  RESOLVED by the Council.


(10b)   It was noted that the Finance Committee had approved a payment to St Just Institute of £463.95 for its annual AON Insurance premium under section 19 of the Local Government Act 1976 as the Parish Council owns the Playing Field and managed on a day to day basis by the St Just Institute


(13)      Approval of the Annual audit for the year ended 31st March 2015

a)         The Finance Committee recommended that the Income and Expenditure as presented should be approved by the Parish Council to be forwarded to the Internal Auditor, Bennett Jones and Co.

b)         The Finance Committee recommended that the Balance Sheet as presented with the amended vat figure should be approved by the Parish Council to be forwarded to the Internal Auditor.

c)         Supporting Statement at 31st March 2015 to be approved at the Parish Council meeting

d)         Fixed Assets at 31st March 2015 to be approved at the Parish Council meeting


Cllr. Sadler proposed approval of items 13a, b, c and d as presented to be submitted to Bennett Jones and Co for Audit, seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour by a show of hands.  RESOLVED by the Council.


14.       Changes to Precedents

a)         To consider any amendments to the Financial Regulations adopted 5th January 2015

The Finance Committee proposed amendments to the Financial Regulations of which the actual wording will be approved at its next meeting.


b)         To consider any amendments to the Standing Orders adopted 5th January 2015 (Appendix 5)

The new wording to the Standing Orders item 16 Proper Officer (b) which required amending to take into account the amendments to the Local Government Act 1972 were considered by the Parish Council.


Cllr. Sadler proposed approval of the amendments to the Standing Orders item 16b i, ii, iii and iv adopted 5th January 2015.  Seconded by Cllr. Williams.  All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council


c)         To approve the Policy on Electronic Summons (Appendix 6)

The Notice of the Summons to attend a meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council for the purpose of considering and resolving business to be transacted as set out in the agenda has been amended in the order under the Local Government Act 1972 (para 10 (2) and in the Standing Orders 2014 amended and approved  in item 14b of this meeting by the Parish Council. The document gives Councillors the option of receiving the summons by electronic form or by leaving it at their usual place of residence.


Cllr. Farmiloe proposed approval of the Electronic Summons document.  Seconded by Cllr. Black.  All in favour by a show of hands.  RESOLVED by the Council


15. Planning

a)         To consider recommendations from the meeting of the Planning Committee

No meeting has been held.


b)         The Council considered the following planning applications:


2.  PA15/2505 – Jasmine Cottage, 5 Chapel Terrace, St Mawes – ground floor extension, re-build hip and end wall and external and internal alterations with the inclusion of an additional balcony on the south west elevation – considered by Cllrs Benney, Farmiloe and Williams – no objection in principle.  Concerns re overlooking Ingleside


4.  PA15/2926 – 3 Marine Parade, St Mawes – replacement of windows –  considered by Cllrs. Chenoweth, Farmiloe and Salter – no objection


5.  PA15/3100 – Trethem Store, Trethem, St Just in Roseland – proposed general purpose storage building for machinery plant – considered by Cllr. Sadler, Teague and Warren – no objection



6.   PA15/3288 – Fore Top, St Just in Roseland – proposed extension, alterations to existing roof and internal refurbishment – considered by Cllrs. Sadler, Teague and Warren – no objection


7.  PA15/3896 – Land adjacent to Polventon, St Just in Roseland – construction of new two storey four bedroom dwelling – considered by Cllrs. Sadler, Teague and Warren – no objection. Conditions as per the Planning Inspector’s report on previous application


c)         To note the decisions of the Planning Authority


PA15/02800 – Little Polvarth, Polvarth Road, St Mawes (1) – proposed day room extension on to previously approved balcony – approved


PA15/00825 – Braes, Newton Road, St Mawes (60) – proposed demolition of existing bungalow and the erection of three dwellings – approved with conditions


PA15/02162 – 9 Sea View Road, St Mawes (65) – Proposed demolition of the existing dwellinghouse and the erection of a replacement dwellinghouse and the erection of a timber summerhouse in the rear garden – approved with conditions


PA15/02968 – Greenwaters, Freshwater Lane, St Mawes (3) – proposed demolition of existing single storey flat roof external store and construction of boot room with pitched roof plus associated works – approved with conditions


Decision by the Planning Inspectorate


APP/D0840/D/15/3002876 – PA14/11071 – 31 Lower Castle Road, St Mawes – proposed demolition and re-construction of the existing garden room and residential annex – appeal allowed and planning permission granted


d)         Enforcements


EN 14/02128 – Lowen Meadow, St Mawes – use of land for helicopter and motorcycle activity in

excess of the 28 day rule


e)         To consider planning correspondence

1.15 Pre-planning advice sought on Meadowside, The Bowling Green, St Just in Roseland re cladding, changes to roof tiles, conversion of attic space and the addition of small porch – considered by Cllr. Sadler, Teague and Warren and comments to be sent direct to applicant.


f)         To consider proposed housing developments in the Parish – Nothing to report


g)         To consider updates on Affordable Housing Local Needs – Nothing to report


h)        To further consider the request from S Harrison to site a small business on Tredenham Road, St Mawes

The Highways Manager proposed to enter into a trial and review the operations in say 3 or 6 months which would allow time to see how it goes and, should licensing want to get involved in the future, the vendor will have the ability to prove that he is operating in a successful and nuisance free manner.  Cllr. German has advised that it seems a reasonable way forward.  This proposal has been forwarded to Mr Harrison.


i)         To consider the number of helicopter landings at Lowen Meadow Upper Castle Road, St Mawes

A letter has been received from a lady living next to the field in Upper Castle Road where the helicopters land voicing her concerns about the noise, vibrations on their property and her fear that there may be an accident.  The Parish Council suggested that Cornwall Planning were contacted regarding the active enforcement number EN 14/02128 in respect of the use of land at Lowen Meadow for helicopter and motorcycle activity in excess of the 28 day rule.


17.  Millennium Rooms Management Committee and Roseland Visitor Centre Committee

To receive a report from the Chairman

Cllr. Williams advised that the next meeting is to be held on Wednesday 13th May 2015 and that Caroline Coldwell has been appointed as the new Roseland Visitor Centre Assistant.


18.  Car Park

To consider the monthly income
Pay & Display
Pay & Display

April 2015 comparable with April 2014



It was noted that the figure for April 2014 included a debtor of £3,850


b)  To note the signing of the Cornwall Council Service Level Agreement

The Service Level Agreement has been signed by both parties and will commence on 1st May.  The Clerk advised that the summer hours have already started. It was agreed that the start time for the summer hours be reviewed when considering the SLA agreement for 2016.


19.  St Just in Roseland Church Public Conveniences

To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences following the meeting held on 7th May 2015

Cllr. Warren reported that the quotes for a new soak away system, plus any existing building works required, are both significantly too high.  There is no money available in Cornwall Council’s pot and the Parish Council has no financial resources available.  There is a fall back, alternative prepared location for portaloos, on Church land involving only a small amount of work to have up and running, as a way forward in the short term should it become necessary to close the current facilities.


20.  Parish Council Website

To further consider a Parish Council website

Cllr. Sadler reported there has been many hours spent on looking into the Website and there is going to be a report prepared for the next meeting.


21.  Barrier for sea defence, The Square, St Mawes

To further consider the option of a barrier

There is no funding available for the barrier for a sea defence. As long as the sea debris in The Square which is the entrance to the village is cleared first thing in the morning, then normal life should be able to resume.   The situation is going to be monitored.


22.  Retirement of local garage proprietor

To consider the retirement of the local garage proprietor

The Parish Council was most concerned that the community would lose a valuable small business with the retirement of the only garage proprietor in the parish as it appears that nobody would be taking on the facility.  It agreed to send Chris Morse a retirement card in appreciation for all of his dedication and hard work over the many years he has served the community.


23.  Paddling Board Business on Summers and Tavern Beaches

To further reconsider the request for access for a paddle boarding business

The Parish Council approved the paddle boarding business on the south side of Summers Beach in May 2014, to be reviewed for the 2015 season. The business has been carried out in a professional manner and no complaints have been received.


Cllr. Giles proposed in principle to approve the continuation of the business for the 2015 season.  Seconded by Cllr. Black.  All in favour by a show of hands.




24.  Correspondence (information only)

It was noted that correspondence number 1.05 gave notification under Cornwall Council Highways Act 1980 – section 278 that the roads associated with development of Larkfied Rise, i.e. Newton Road and part of Upper Castle Road has now become part of the highway, maintainable at public expense.


25.  Staffing Matters

To receive a report from the Personal Committee

Cllr. Farmiloe reported that the appraisals for all the employees except the Clerk have taken place.


The New Payroll System, outsourced to Appleby Westward Co from 1st April 2015, has been set up and the payment of wages and salaries were paid directly into employees banks on 1st May.


26.  Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting – no item put forward


27.  Date of next meeting – The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 1st June 2015 at the Parish Millennium Rooms, St Mawes commencing at 7pm.


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm



Signed as a true record………………………………………..Chairman Cllr. B Chenoweth


Date……1st June 2015………………………………………………………

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