St Just in Roseland Parish Council Minutes – April 2013


Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the Parish Memorial Hall, St Mawes on Monday 8th April 2013. The meeting commenced at 7pm.


Councillors Present:

The Chairman Cllr. K. Warren, Cllrs. R. G. Baylis, J. Benney, A.M. Chart, B. Chenoweth, G. Chenoweth,        R.E. Giles,  P. Farmiloe, P.J. Salter, P Teague and C. Williams


Also Present:

S. Penhaligon (Clerk), T van der Wolde (Assistant Clerk), Cornwall Councillor J German, and six members of the public


Prior to the meeting, the Chairman thanked those Councillors who were standing down, namely Cllrs. Tony Chart, Richard Baylis and Gail Chenoweth.   A presentation was made of commemorative cups to Cllrs. Chart and Baylis for their long and diligent service to the Parish Council and the community.


1. To accept apologies for absence – None received


2. Declaration of Interest:

a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest– Cllr. Warren on Item 12a (b).

b) Non-Registerable Interest – none declared

c) Of gifts to the value of more than £25 – none declared

d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda – none declared


3. Open Period – Public Participation

No comments were made.


4. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 4th March 2013

The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that the previously circulated minutes be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.


5. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda – Cllr. Baylis raised the point that the Parish Council are still waiting for the Christmas Market accounts, which was offered by Marianne Evans, chairperson of the Christmas Market committee. Cllr. Warren agreed to contact the committee and request the accounts.


6. Report from the Clerk

The Clerk informed that fly tipping has taken place at Gibraltar Terrace triangle which is causing damage to the roots of the Monterey Pine and she is writing to near neighbours to try to ascertain who is responsible.


7. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary

Police were called eight times, three calls were with regard to concern for the welfare of individuals, two reports of burglary and two reports of anti-social behaviour. Five crimes were recorded: Theft of a bicycle, which was recovered. Attempted burglary at St Mawes Fire Station, no entry gained. Burglary to a property in Polvarth Rd, power tools were taken. Burglary to a property in Freshwater Lane, power tools were taken. Report of Harassment and distress – ongoing.


8. Report from Cornwall Cllr. German

Cornwall Cllr. German will circulate a report to Councillors regarding Larkfield Rise, St Mawes.


9. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees

Cllr. Williams attended the AGM of the Recreation Ground where two major problems were reported.  One concerning a water leakage in the play group hut roof and the other regarding the footpath which had been washed away by previous bad weather. Remedial work is being discussed.


Cllr. Teague reported that the Heritage Group, are currently recording memories of families of farmers. On Wednesday there is get together at the St Just Institute, including a walk around the village to look at the Chapel, the School and the Smithy followed by a talk and refreshments. Cllr. Williams added that the history and memories captured will be one of the aspects of an exhibition at this years’ Roseland Festival.


Cllr. Baylis is stepping down from representing the Parish Council as a school governor.  He urged that a another member of the Parish Council becomes a school governor to replace him, as it is a valuable link that benefits both the community and the school.


Cllr. Warren attended a meeting of the Roseland Christmas Market committee on 5th March. He reported that the Roseland Christmas Market will not be taking place this year but the committee has agreed to reconvene in early 2014 to discuss a further event.


10. Accounts and Finance

a) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1)

The Council were asked to approve the following payments:

Total cheques numbered 6036 to 6054 (less void cheques no. 6041 and 6048) were

approved and signed at meeting                                                                                                  £9,003.07

Total cheques numbered 5973 to 5982 paid since last meeting were ratified                              £6,034.65

Direct Debits/ Standing Orders shown as paid in March                                                 £   217.10

Income shown as received during March                                                                                    £7,355.06


Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. Giles.  Seconded by Cllr. Williams. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


It was noted that the Section 137 expenditure limit for 2013-2014 has been confirmed as £6.98 per elector on the electoral register (currently 974) for the parish of St Just in Roseland.


Grant Thornton has submitted the notice of the annual audit for the year ending 31st March 2013 and requesting completion by 10th June 2013. The Clerk advised that she will be asking for an extension until 18th June due to the different procedures of the audit.


10b. Finance Committee

To consider the recommendations from the Finance Committee meeting held on 3rd April 2013 (Appendix 2)

Cllr. Baylis proposed that the Parish Council approve the following recommendations from the Finance Committee:

  • The installation of a French style drain to overcome a potential flooding problem in St Just Lane Car Park: £2,900. Cllr. B. Chenoweth advised that he has inspected the site and concluded that the works needed is only light engineering to seal of the silt. Cllr. Warren proposed that this item be referred to the Car Park Committee, seconded by Cllr. Baylis. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.
  • That it approve the amended Financial Risk Assessment for the year as at 31st March 2013.
  • That it increases the share of the utility running costs of the Clerk’s Office to £1,000 and also to transfer £350 in respect of the garage/Car Park Office utility costs.
  • That it waits until the completion of the annual audit so that the RVC’s financial position is better known before making a decision on the position of a RVC seasonal assistant.
  • That it includes a further £1,700 in the forecast for the provision of the CEO’s in 2013/14.

Seconded by Cllr. Chart. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


11a.     Planning

a)         To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee

No committee meeting was held between 5th March and 7th April 2013.


b)         The Council considered the following planning applications:


58.       PA13/01637 Ranch House, Grove Hill, St Mawes. Crown reduction of 1 Ash and 2 Sycamore trees. Reviewed by Cllrs. Chart, Farmiloe, and Baylis. No objection.


59.       PA13/01787 8 Harbour View, St Just in Roseland. Erection of a two storey extension, including porch. Reviewed by Cllrs. Benney, Warren and Giles. No objection.




60.       PA13/01585 Kervean, St Mawes. Erection of extension to provide a bathroom, kitchen and include linking passageway. Reviewed by Cllrs. G Chenoweth, Teague and Williams. No objection.


61.       PA13/01789 Lowena, 2 Carrick Way, St Mawes. Erection of ground and first floor extensions and alterations including a balcony and roof terrace. Reviewed by Cllrs. Farmiloe, Williams and Chart. No objection.


62.       PA13/01745 Building Plot adjacent to Angarrick House, Plot 9, Chapel Close, St Just in Roseland. Certificate of proposed lawful use for the erection of a dwelling. Reviewed by Cllrs. Warren, Teague and G. Chenoweth. No objection.


63.       PA13/01976 Land adjacent Sewage Works, Upper Castle Road, St Mawes. To erect storage sheds for use on allotment site. Reviewed by Cllrs. Williams, Giles and Chart. No objection.


64.       PA13/01955 Ola’s Cottage, Trelawney Road, St Mawes. Minor Modifications to current planning consent reference 09/1626/09/R (Appeal ref: APP/D0840/A/10/2123656) for Demolition of Existing Bungalow & Domestic Garage and Erection of a New House & Domestic Garage. Reviewed by Cllrs. Benney, Giles and Salter. Objection due to the visual impact of the street scene and increased height and mass of 300 and 450 mm, overdevelopment of the site, impact on neighbouring properties.


65.       PA13/01541 16 Tredenham Road. St Mawes. Construction of a garage and boat store accessed directly off Tredenham Road with an attached store and wc. Provision of a new terrace to the front of the house with two guest bedrooms located underneath. Construction of a pair of glazed bay windows on the frontage with small balconies over. Creation of a new entrance canopy to the front door and reconfigured utility accommodation to the side. Modifications to the rear of the main roof to enlarge the first floor. Provision of a new connecting bridge between the half landing to access the rear garden through a new patio doors. Reviewed by Cllrs. Benney, Salter, and Giles. Cllr. Giles proposed that a Planning Committee meeting is held on Wednesday 17th April to discuss this and the proposed Ranch House pre-application submission. Seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.  

c)         To note the decisions of the Planning Authority

PA13/00675 18 Pedn Moran, St Mawes. Proposed boat store. Approved.


PA13/00770 14 Pedn Moran, St Mawes. Removal of 1 Monterey Cypress. Replant with a new specimen. Approved.


PA13/00823 Hirkemmyns Upper Castle Road St Mawes. Conversion of existing garage to ensuite bedroom and provision of external staircase to existing rear balcony. Approved.


PA13/00264 Lloyds Banking Group, St Mawes. Advertisement Consent for the display non illuminated fascia sign, non illuminated projecting sign, illuminated heritage window light strip, non illuminated nameplate, reverse applied vinyl and non illuminated letter box signs. Approved.


PA13/00279 Flat 1, Parkhouse, Bohella Road, St Mawes. Conversion of existing two storey annexe into separate dwelling. Approved.


PA13/01056 Treventon, St Just in Roseland. Single storey extension. Approved.


PA13/01327 The Pavilion, 4a Grove Hill, St Mawes. Coppice overgrown mixed hedgerow, remove line of mixed cypress, ash and other trees, removal of apple tree & groups of Leyland Cypresses. Approved.


PA13/01860 S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps. Idle Rocks Hotel, Tredenham Road, St Mawes. Submission of details to discharge condition 2 attached to decision notice PA12/08522.


PA13/00376 Bohella House, The Square, St Mawes. Conversion of loft and hipped roof extension. Installation of 2 rooflights on northwest elevation and 1 on the southeast elevation. New dormer on the south west elevation. Approved.



PA13/01287 The Emporuim, 17 Bohella Rd, St Mawes. Display of 1no timber non illuminated fascia and 1no timber illuminated projecting sign. Approved.


PA13/01388 Willow Cottage, Place View Road, St Mawes. Proposed extension with first floor terrace and alterations. Approved.


PA13/01585 Kervean, St Mawes. Erection of an extension to provide bathroom, kitchen and to include linking passageway. Approved.


PA13/01637 Ranch House, St Mawes. Crown reduction of 1 Ash and 2 Sycamore trees. Approved.


d)         Enforcements

Ongoing – EN13/00674 Development allegedly has not been built in accordance with the approved plans. Lowena, 2 Carrick Way, St Mawes.

Closed – None


e)         To consider planning correspondence

8th March -. Richard Diamond, architect for Ranch House, St Mawes submitted a proposed revised planning application, requesting the views of the Parish Council before submission.


15th March – Email from a neighbour of Bohella House, objecting to the application to Planning Officer. Copied to Parish Council.


5th April – Copy of a letter to the Planning Officer from St Mawes & St Just Society objecting to the application for 16 Tredenham Road, St Mawes.


f) To consider the Cornwall Local Plan Consultation.

Cllr. Warren noted that the comments made by the Parish Council to the earlier consultation did not appear to be incorporated into this draft.  Policy PP6 made no reference to the distinctiveness of the Roseland and how this area was different to Truro.  Cllr. Williams referred to the lack of clear policy guidance reinforcing the need for a Neighbourhood Development Plan. It was agreed this would be discussed at the Planning Committee meeting so that a formal response to the consultation which ends on 22nd April can be sent.


11b. Proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan

a) To further consider the Proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan

Cornwall Cllr. German confirmed that the Roseland Neighbourhood Plan Area has been advertised in the West Briton. There was a recent meeting on Project Planning and Community Engagement, and that the Steering Group will be formed after agreement of the Terms of Reference by all the five Parishes.


b) To further consider the Terms of Reference.

Cllr. G Chenoweth proposed that the Parish Council accept the amended Terms of Reference, seconded by Cllr. Williams. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.  This was duly signed by the Chairman.


12a. Proposed Housing Development at St Just in Roseland

a) To consider updates on the proposed development behind the Bowling Green, St Just in Roseland

There were no updates to report.


At this point, The Chairman, Cllr. Warren who had declared a Disclosable pecuniary interest left the meeting.  The vice Chairman, Cllr. Giles took over the chair.


b) To consider the proposal for development of land at Rose da Mar, St Just in Roseland

Cllr. Salter considered that the land at Rose da Mar , St Just in Roseland was unsuitable for local needs housing as there was poor access, and it was unsustainable due to poor proximity to services. He proposed that the offer of land for development be refused, seconded by Cllr. Chart. Seven in favour, three abstentions. RESOLVED by the Council.


It was noted that a letter has been received from the St Mawes and St Just Society objecting to the use of the land at Rose da Mar for development.

The Chairman returned to the Chair.


c) To further consider the option for a 100{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} affordable homes development within the parish

The Clerks office received correspondence from the Village Housing Guild who would like to come to talk to the Parish Council. They assert that they are able to deliver developments of 100{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} affordable homes, provided that they pay no more than £10,000 per plot of land. The Parish Council would be responsible for allocating the homes to local people, and the rent would be 50{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} of market value as opposed to Housing Associations which typically charge 80{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} of market value, keeping the homes more affordable. There is an option for the homes to be owned by the Parish Council. It was agreed that an extra meeting is arranged with the new Parish Council to discuss the 100{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} affordable homes model with the Village Housing Guild.


It was noted that Speciality Construction Services (SCS) has withdrawn from the proposed residential development in Polvarth Road, St Mawes and has submitted a revised Residential Mixed Use Development Proposal for 29 units on land at Upper Castle Road. This proposal was received too late for this PC agenda.


12b. Affordable Housing Local Needs Register

a) To further consider the housing needs of the parish of St Just in Roseland

It is accepted that Homechoice is used as evidence of housing need by Cornwall Council.  The number on the waiting list does not correspond to the amount of homes that need to be built, as there are other ways of meeting housing need. 31{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} of those on the housing list are already council/housing association tenants, and it may be possible through adaptations or extensions they can remain in their current homes.  The Assistant Clerk highlighted that with evidence, the Parish Council could challenge the current allocation policy; this allocates vacant homes (without s 106 stipulation) 50{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} to local and 50{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} to County wide to have a higher percentage going to local people.


Cllr. German has confirmed that the housing allocations criteria under S106 for Larkfield Rise, St Mawes which was based on the Carrick criteria at the time which was 10 out of the applicants first 26 years or lived or worked there consecutively for the past 5 years and still doing so.


b) To consider setting up a Local Housing Working Group

The Parish Council felt that valid points were raised under 12ba which merited further investigation.

Cllr. Williams proposed that a LHW group is set up to investigate Affordable Housing options, housing requirements and delivery methods in the Parish, seconded by Cllr. B Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council. The Clerk asked that this be set up by the new Council.


13. Millennium Rooms Management Committee

To consider the recommendations from the MRMC meeting held on 27th March 2013 (Appendix 3)

There were no recommendations to the Parish Council. Cllr. Williams asked Members of the Council to give their opinions on the proposed information map boards.


14. Car Park

a) To consider monthly income

Pay & Display       Pay & Display             Permits             Permits             Total                                        Monthly           Cumulative                  Monthly           Cumulative      Cumulative

Mar 12                         6,098.75          158,107.82                  124.80             13,068.50        171,176.32

Mar 13                         6,000.10          149,579.15                  0.00                 13,334.10        162,913.25

March 2013 comparable with March 2012

Up                                                                                                       265.60

Down               -98.65              -8,528.67                                             -124.80                        -8,263.07


b) To consider the recommendations from the Car Park Committee meeting held on 24th March 2013 (Appendix 4)

Cllr. Giles proposed the Parish Council accept recommendations:

  • To install 4 crossbar bicycle racks at net cost of £54.99 each.
  • To accept the net quotation submitted by DA Giles Ltd of £526.80 for the line repainting to be undertaken after Western Power has completed the installation works for the new cable.
  • To approve the St Just Lane Car Park Risk Assessment
  • To approve the St Mawes Car Park Risk Assessment

Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. 10 in favour. 1 against. RESOLVED by the Council.


c) To consider the request from Shearings re Coach Drivers parking permits

The Shearings coach drivers asked for complimentary permits to park their own vehicles whilst they are

driving the coaches as Shearings pay for 2 coach bays all year round. Cllr. Salter proposed that the

Parish Council refuse this request, as it is not uncommon for people to pay for parking at their place of work,

seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


The Clerk advised that the Western Power Distribution will commence work in the car park on Monday 15th April to install a new power supply to Idle Rocks Hotel which should take approximately 2 weeks.  May Gurney, Contractor will require space for vehicles and a dumper to load excavations. For this the 8 disabled bays and the 6 lower reserved bays will need to be moved up to the lower bays of the main parking area. May Gurney will provide signage.  Work to upgrade the sub station will take place on 7th and 8th May.


15. Public Toilets

a) To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences

Cornwall Council has informed that the St Just Public Conveniences will close on 15th April unless an

agreement has been made to take them over. Cornwall Council has proposed that a “Tenancy at Will”

Agreement be signed by 10th April in order that the Parish Council take over responsibility from 15th April,

meaning that the public conveniences can remain open. This is a short term lease which gives a six month

period to agree the terms and conditions of the new lease.  The Parish Council will be responsible for all the

costs including cleansing, public liability and third party liability insurance, electricity, water, sewage, and

other utilities including rates and water rates.


Cornwall Council has also confirmed that it would undertake the works to bring the toilets up to standard once the terms and conditions of the leases have been agreed by all parties. It was noted that a schedule of works prepared by Cormac Solutions has not been agreed by the Parish Council. Cornwall Council has also confirmed that, once the leases have been agreed and formally approved, a lease will be issued for the Church to take over the car park.


The Chairman asked Cornwall Councillor German to relay back to Cornwall Council that the Parish Council has been most dissatisfied by the way that the devolution of the public conveniences has been handled.


It was noted that a quotation of £5,580 net has been received from Rhos Construction for a new drainage

system for St Just public conveniences.


Cllr. Giles proposed that the Parish Council sign the “Tenancy at Will” agreement without the need for professional advice, seconded by Cllr. Benney. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


b) To consider the future funding of the St Mawes Public Conveniences

At short notice the Parish Council has reluctantly had to accept a 50{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} reduction in the cleansing grant from

Cornwall Council in order to keep the St Mawes public conveniences open from 15th April 2013.


16. Dogs on Beaches

The Clerks Office will check with Cornwall Council if the dog ban signs on Tavern and Summers Beach which currently say Carrick District Council are still legal. Also advice will be sought from Cornwall Council regarding changing the current restrictions to allow more time for dogs to use the beaches.


17. Lighting to front of Harbour View, St Just in Roseland

To consider the need for additional lighting in area to the front of the Harbour View

The Clerk has referred this matter to Ben Dickenson, Cormac Highways Manager who responded that any new lighting would need to be agreed with Cornwall Council’s Highway Electrical department who are the lighting authority. Dave Hendry, Technology Infrastructure Inspector advised that  low level bollard type lighting units are currently not on Cornwall Council’s ‘approved list’ and they are incompatible with their remote monitoring and operating system. He suggested normal lighting columns but confirmed there is no budget for new lighting so it would have to be funded by the Parish Council. The Parish Council agreed to set up a site meeting with D Hendry and consider installing a lantern on one of the poles already in place.


18. Zebra crossing St Just Square

To further consider the installation of a Zebra crossing outside St Just Lane Car Park

Ben Dickenson, Cormac Highways Manager advised that the installation of a zebra crossing is possible although it would be very expensive, (a rough estimate is about £40,000).  Cornwall Council’s Highway department does not have the budget for new works. Funding could come from the Transport Team but for this to happen they would need to measure the need for a pedestrian crossing against Cornwall Council’s policy. The first step is a survey that will measure how many people cross that road every day. The Parish Council agreed that the amount of crossings would be too little to receive the funding, and it would look into a cheaper alternative, such as a safety island.

19. Parish Council Elections 2nd May 2013

To consider preparations for the Parish Council Elections on 2nd May 2013

Cllrs. Baylis, Chart and G Chenoweth have stepped down retire from office on 6th May. The Chairman thanked them for all the dedication and work they have put into the Parish Council, a special thank you went to Cllr. Chart who has served on the Parish Council for 43 years.


The following new incoming Councillors come into office on 6th May:

St Just:  K Warren, P Teague and B Sadler.

St Mawes:  J Benney, B Chenoweth, P Farmiloe, R Giles, P Salter, C Williams and R Hall

As there were only ten candidates for the Parish Council, no election will be taking place and the remaining vacancy will be filled by co-option.


20. Parking on Marine Parade and Lower Castle Road

A resident has complained about the parking problems in Lower Castle Road over the Easter period when she was unable to get out of her house. It was agreed that confirmation was required with the Police on the procedure regarding obstruction.


Cllr. Baylis confirmed that the installation of a double yellow line in a short section of Marine Parade, not already covered by a double yellow line, has been included in a Parking Order with Gerrans Parish Council.


21. Correspondence (information only)


22. Staffing matters.

To receive a report from the Personnel Committee

There was no report. There will be a Personnel Committee meeting on the 15th April 2013.


Moved from 10b.  To approve the salary for the RVC Manager

Cllr Baylis proposed that the Parish Council pays the RVC Manager 16 hours per week at £xxx per hour in order to stay within the budgeted figure of £xxxx per annum and this equates to a total of 832 hours per annum.  Seconded by Cllr. Giles.  All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


It was noted that SW Councils has advised that the Trade Unions are negotiating a small pay rise for Local Government Employees for 2013-14.  The pay has not been raised for 4 years.


23. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting


24.  Date of next meeting – The next meetings of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 13th May 2013 in the Parish Millennium Rooms, St Mawes. This will be the Annual Parish Meeting commencing at 6:45pm, immediately followed by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10.10 pm


Signed as a true record………………………………………..Chairman



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