St Just in Roseland Parish Council Minutes – August 2017

 Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the War Memorial Hall,

St Mawes on Monday 7th August 2017. The meeting commenced at 7.00pm.


Councillors Present: Cllr. B. Sadler (Chairman), Cllrs. A. Chantrill, P. Farmiloe, R. Giles, S. Goldsmith,

  1. Hall, P. Salter, P. Teague, C. Thornton-Parr, K. Warren and C. Williams


Also present: S. Penhaligon (Clerk), S. Chenoweth (Assistant Clerk) Cornwall Cllr. German and 2 members of the public


The Chairman, Cllr. B. Sadler, welcomed Cllr. Andrew Chantrill to his first meeting of the Parish Council


  1. To accept apologies for absence – no apologies received


  1. Declaration of Interest:
  2. a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest – None declared
  3. b) Non-Registerable Interest – None declared
  4. c) Of gifts to the value of more than £25 – None declared
  5. d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda – Cllrs, Farmiloe, Teague, Thornton-Parr and Williams as Trustees of St Just and St Mawes Heritage Group under item 11c – The Roseland Gig Club.             Giles proposed acceptance of the 4-year dispensation, seconded by Cllr. Hall. All in favour.


  1. Open Period – Public Participation – no matters were raised


  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 3rd July 2017

The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands by those who had attended the said meeting, that the minutes of the 3rd July 2017 meeting be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman. 1 abstention.


  1. Matters arising from the minutes not on the Agenda – for report only
  2. a) Parish Council website – waiting until the end of summer to discuss further
  3. b) Application for registration based on adverse possession – land lying to the East of

Grove Hill, St. Mawes and the application to Cornwall Council to devolve the land to the Parish Council – Cornwall Council has requested further information following a meeting with Countess last week, who will proceed to the Tribunal if Cornwall Council does not concede

  1. c) Appealing the 12{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} increase in the Car Park Business Rates for 2017-2018 – The Assistant Clerk reported that she has checked and confirmed that the Parish Council is being charged the correct rateable value.
  2. d) Refurbishment of the nine flower tubs in St Mawes – awaiting quotations
  3. e) Recycling and Waste in St. Mawes – feedback on the Waste Reduction Incentive Scheme (still awaiting feedback); the extra waste generated from takeaway businesses – The Watchouse has supplied a sample of the new takeaway trays; and Churchill Contract Services has appointed a new Manager
  4. f) Memorial Benches in St. Mawes – new benches/refurbishment of existing benches – Dave Chenoweth has agreed to put in new concrete bases where required, and clean off the lichen where needed


  1. Report from the Clerk

The Clerk reported that she had received a letter that morning from Gerrans and St Mawes United regarding pitch maintenance which will be an agenda item for the September meeting.


  1. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary

During June, the Police were called 15 times. 8 of these to one address. 5 crimes were recorded


  1. Report from Cornwall Councillor

Cornwall Cllr German raised three separate issues

Work on the Roseland Neighbourhood Plan Design Guide is going on quietly and should be available for the Septembers meeting. Once adopted, Planning Officers will use this for local design.


The Inspector’s report found in favour of the planning application for Herons Lea, Rosevine, for an extension subsidiary stating that it was in line with the RNDP and with the AONB.




The Lowen Meadow, St Mawes proposed development – Cornwall Council is awaiting the Viability Assessment from Affordable House in terms of how much is going be to affordable; and is also awaiting the Landscape report from AONB.


  1. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees

Cllr. Teague – St Just Institute – reported that St Just fun weekend was cancelled due to the weather and will be rescheduled.

AGENDA ITEMS (for decision and discussion)


  1. Review and election of Committee Representatives (Appendix 3)


Cllr. Williams proposed to accept the changes to the schedule of Committee Representatives. Seconded by Cllr. Sadler. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council


11a) Accounts and Finance (Appendix 1)

To consider Income and Expenditure for July and approve the payments of accounts

The Council was asked to approve the following payments:

The total cheques numbered 7186 to 7201 were approved                                           £8,542.84

Direct Debits/Debit Card/ Standing Orders shown as paid in July                                               £9,595.31

Salaries for July paid by FPO and transfers on 1st August 2017                                    £4,040.99

Cheque payments paid since the last meeting                                                               £1,000.00

Income shown as received during July                                                                           £38,064.68


Approval of the payments of accounts was proposed by Cllr. Giles. Seconded by Cllr. Williams.

All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


  1. b) To consider the recipient of the £14 funds received from St. Mawes Co-Partnership

Cllr. Williams proposed to give the £14 funds received to St Mawes Golden Age under S137 of the Local Government Miscellaneous Provision Act. Seconded by Cllr. Teague. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


At this point Cllrs. Farmiloe, Teague, Thornton-Parr and Williams, Trustees of the St Just and St Mawes Heritage Group left the meeting.


  1. c) To consider the request from Roseland Gig Club for a grant to aid the payment of professional fees for surveying its property under S19 of the Local Government Miscellaneous Provision Act

Cllr. Salter proposed to approve the request from Roseland Gig Club for a £2,000 grant, as a contribution to aid the payment of professional fees for surveying the property under S19 of the Local Government Miscellaneous Provision Act. Seconded by Cllr. Hall. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


At this point Cllrs. Farmiloe, Teague, Thornton-Parr and Williams, Trustees of the St Just and St Mawes Heritage Group returned to the meeting.


  1. d) To note the proposed transfer of funds from Scottish Widows to Lloyds Bank from 1st October if approved by the High Court – Defer to the Finance Committee.


  1. e) To receive an update on the Lloyds Bank closure and the service contract with G4S

The amended contract for G4S, to enable Local Banking has been finalised and all outstanding funds were credited into the bank account on 3rd August. G4S will now deposit all credits direct into Truro’s branch.


  1. Standing Orders

To adopt the amended Standing Orders approved at the meeting held on 3rd July 2017

Cllr. Hall proposed to adopt the amended Standing Orders. Seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council





  1. Car Park (Appendix 2)

             To consider the monthly income

Pay & Display Pay & Display Permits Permits Total
Monthly Cumulative Monthly     Cumulative   Cumulative
July-16 33,916.60 92,518.60 2,550.00 22,244.00 114,762.60
July-17 32,645.55 96,449.55 2,400.00 24,668.00 121,117.55
July 2017 comparable with July 2016
Up 3,930.95 2,424.00 6,354.95
Down -1,271.05         -150.00    

Including £5,767.70 gross on card payments


14a. Planning

  1. To consider decisions and recommendations from the Planning Committee meeting held on

     24th July 2017


  1. Proposed St Mawes 100{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} Affordable Housing, north of Porth View, St Mawes- the Planning  

             Committee had approved this proposal at the Pre-application stage.


7a.       30. PA17/01797/PREAPP – Land adjacent Lion Cottage, Upper Castle Road, St Mawes

– pre-app advice for new dwelling – objections


7b.       31. PA17/01881/PREAPP – Homelands, Trevennel Farm, St Just in Roseland – pre-app advice on amendment to approved scheme to provide live/work unit and rural workshops including improved access and installation of septic tanks – objections


7c.       32. PA17/01872/PREAPP – Land South of Commerrans Farm, St Just in Roseland – pre-app advice for conversion of redundant agricultural barn and store into domestic dwelling – objections to design. No objections, in principle, on condition that it remains part of the farm under s106.


  1. ii) The Council considered the following planning applications:
  2. PA17/04967 – Haven Lodge, Lower Castle Road, St Mawes – single storey extension with terrace over, new dormer window, removal of chimneys and internal alterations to dwellings – awaiting new documents from the Planning Officer


  1. PA17/05934 – Land at Ventongassick, Trethewell, St Just in Roseland – demolition of existing barn and erection of agricultural shed – considered by Cllrs Sadler, Teague and Warren – no objection


  1. PA17/06090 – Dolphins, Sea View Crescent, St Mawes – proposed raised roof including a balcony and re-sited double garage – considered by Cllrs. Farmiloe, Giles and Salter – no objections


  1. PA17/05871 – Land west of Carrick Du, Upper Castle road, St Mawes – trimming back of growth which has occurred following crown reduction on Cypress trees – to be considered under delegated powers


  1. PA17/06176 – BT Polvarth Road, St Mawes – prior notification of prosed installation of communications pole, antennas, ground based apparatus and ancillary development – no objection


  1. PA17/06458 – Hotel Tresanton, 27 Lower Castle Road, St Mawes – proposed store room extension to rear of hotel – considered by Cllrs. Giles, Thornton-Parr and Salter – no objection


  1. PA17/06593 – Hotel Tresanton, 27 Lower Castle Road, St Mawes – proposed change use of residential garden area to hotel beach garden terrace with associated landscaping works (retrospective) – considered by Cllrs. Giles, Thornton-Parr and Salter – no objection


iii)       To note the decisions of the Planning Authority:    

PA17/01194 – Tregear Vean, St Mawes (11)– change of use from existing overspill


domestic static caravan to holiday – refused


    PA17/04055 – 1 Polvarth Estate, St Mawes (12) – erection of single storey dwelling

unit – approved with conditions


PA17/03966 – Trevennen Rock, Grove Hill, St Mawes (18) – crown rise – approved with conditions


PA17/05665 – The White House, 1 Buckeys Lane, St Mawes (20) – non-material amendment following grant of planning permission PA16/08260 in respect of using freestanding concrete retainer walls instead of gabions – approved with conditions


PA170596 and 95957 (Listed Building) (23)- The Cottage, Trethewell, St Just in Roseland – proposed single storey extension to cottage and refurbishment – approved with conditions


PA17/06090 – 8A Brooklyn Terrace, St Mawes (24) – internal alterations and rear first floor extension – approved with conditions to include Construction Method Statement)


PA17/05951 – Trevassa, Upper Castle Road, St Mawes (25) – Non-material amendments to PA15/08336 – approved unconditional


PA17/03394 – Gull House, Upper Castle Road, St Mawes (3) – construction of a replacement dwelling and detached car part and store – approved with conditions


PA16/06248 Summers, Pedn Moran, St Mawes – agreement that the boundary wall with Alberts Lane will be of a stone clad wall as per the agreed planning application


  1. iv) Enforcements


EN16/02210 – Agricultural building at Trethem Farm House, St Just in Roseland – alleged non-compliance with condition 3 of PA11/02110 – awaiting a visit with a Tree Officer to see the vegetation in full bloom.


EN17/00745 – Penperth Farm, St Just in Roseland – alleged unauthorised change of use from youth hostel to B and B, also construction of various wooden buildings – PCN has been served on owner, some buildings are to come down, awaiting response from tenant



EN17/01214 – Hotel Tresanton, St Mawes – alleged change of use of land from large garden area to a Mediterranean style beach club – course of action agreed


  1. v) To consider planning correspondence- no matters raised            


14b.     Affordable Housing

  1. i) To consider updates from the Roseland Community Land Trust (CLT) – Cllr. Giles reported that the CLT and CAD Architects presented the proposed Porth View Affordable Housing Scheme at a public consultation on 24th July and that feedback statistics have been circulated.


  1. ii) To further consider the proposal from the St. Mawes Self Build Group – the group are looking at alternative sites.


  1. Millennium Rooms Management Committee/Roseland Visitor Centre Committee (Appendix 4)
  2. a) To receive a report and recommendations from the MRMC and RVC committee meetings held on

Monday 26th June 2017 – Cllr Sadler reported that Caroline is continuing to run smoothly the RVC in the Managers sickness. Cllr. Sadler expressed sincere thanks to Caroline for stepping in.

No recommendations were reported.


  1. b) To consider the sub-letting of the St Mawes Art Group storage facility – Defer to MRMC


  1. The installation of new on-street parking restrictions and speed reduction on Upper Castle

Road, St. Mawes

To consider the update on the process from Cormac Ltd

The Clerk has received several copies of the objections lodged with Cormac Consultancy. The consultation period ends on 11th August and the results should be available for the September meeting.


  1. Roseland Outdoor Education Centre

To receive an update on the Roseland Outdoor Education Centre

Cllr. Warren reported that the project has gained free support and consultancy resources support from the Bright Ideas Organisation. The group has started public engagement at events to get feedback from the community.


  1. The Local Government Boundary Commission for England

To consider a response to the options in the electoral review in Cornwall

It was too late for a response. However, Councillors felt that more information is required before a response could be made. The morning session at the CALC Annual conference on 14th October is to be dedicated to the Boundary Review.


  1. Site visit in St Mawes with Highways Manager
  2. a) To receive a report from the site meeting with the Highways Manager on the suggested additional pavements/safe area in St Mawes

There was a general discussion on the notes from the site visits. Awaiting an update from the Highways Manager.


  1. b) To receive an update on the placing of a barrier at the junction of footpath 322/23/1 from Buckey’s Lane to Tredenham Road to warn people of the fast road ahead.

The suggestion by St Mawes Sailing Club of a barrier at the Tredenham Road end of the footpath is being investigated by the Highways Manager and the Countryside Officer. In the meantime, an extra ‘dangerous crossing’ warning sign has been erected.


  1. The speed of vehicles in Commercial Road/Grove Hill, St Mawes

To consider installing a red LED speed calculation warning sign and a 20mph sign at each end of Commercial Road and Grove Hill

A member of the public had reported a red car being driven at extremely high speed near the top of Victory Steps in Commercial Road and asked for warning signs to be installed. Councillors considered this to be a one-off incident as most drivers are aware of, and respects, the narrow bendy roads. Anyone witnessing a driver speeding in this area should report it to the police.


  1. One off Seafood Bar

To consider the request from Simon Miller of The Bohella Bar to hold a Seafood Bar at Commander Martin’s Corner above Summers Beach, Tredenham Road, Friday 25th August until 11pm

The Parish Council discussed the application but was unable to grant permission due to the location on health and safety ground.


Cllr. Sadler proposed to refuse the request in that particular location. Seconded by Cllr. Teague. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


  1. 22. Correspondence (information only) – considered with no matter raised


At this point, the Clerk and the Assistant Clerk left the meeting (9.30pm).


  1. Staffing Matters

To receive a report and recommendations from the Personnel Committee Meeting


The Personnel Committee updated the Parish Council on the situation regarding the long-term sickness of the RVC Manager and it was agreed that the Assistant Manager should continue acting up for a further three months, on the same basis as previously agreed, by which time it is hoped that


the situation can be resolved. The Parish Council wish to thank the Assistant Manager for continuing to run the Visitor Centre in an efficient and effective manner, her support is very much appreciated.

The Personnel Committee briefed the Parish Council on the ongoing discussions with the Clerk’s office regarding succession planning and received approval to continue those discussions.

  1. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting – Gerrans and St Mawes United


  1. Date of next meeting – The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 4th September 2017 in the Parish Millennium Rooms, St Mawes commencing at 7pm



There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.50pm


Signed as a true record……………………………Chairman Cllr. B. Sadler



Date……………………………………….. 4th September 2017

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