St Just in Roseland Parish Council Minutes – September 2014


Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the St Mawes Memorial Hall on Monday 1st September 2014. The meeting commenced at 7pm.


Councillors Present:

The Chairman Cllr. K. Warren, Cllrs. J. Benney, B. Chenoweth, P. Farmiloe, R. Giles, R. Hall, B. Sadler,      P. Salter, P. Teague and C. Williams


Also Present:

  1. Penhaligon (Clerk), Jon Smith (RNP) and three members of the public


The Chairman permanently suspended Standing Order 3L and, as a point of order, noted the introduction of the proposed new Standing Order 4 regarding filming and recording at meetings. (refer to item 20)

  1. To accept apologies for absence – Cornwall Cllr. J. German
  1. Declaration of Interest:
  2. a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest– none declared
  3. b) Non-Registerable Interest – none declared
  4. c) Of gifts to the value of more than £25 – none declared
  5. d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda – none


  1. Open Period – Public Participation

Mr S Pearce thanked the Parish Council, on behalf of people living in St Just for all its support in apposing the proposed development behind the Bowling Green.


  1. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 4th August 2014

The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands by those who had attended the said meeting, that the previously circulated minutes of the 4th August 2014 meeting be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.


  1. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda
  2. a) Financial Regulations – In hand with the Finance Committee Chairman

Archive outstanding matters

  1. b) Replacement for the commemorative Beech tree and the revamp of Bohella Bank – The Clerk attended a site meeting with Nicola Bush and Luke Dunstone on Friday 29th August and a further meeting was planned for an in-depth survey of the bank. A comprehensive report submitted by Nicola was circulated to members. This matter will be delegated to the Finance Committee as a decision is required before the next Parish Council meeting.
  2. c) Barrier for sea defence in The Square, St Mawes – The Clerk is awaiting a date for a meeting in September with Steve Schotel from Cornwall Council and the Harbour Master.


  1. d) On Street Parking Enforcements – this is a work in progress. The Chairman asked Councillors to inspect the areas proposed and for it to be an agenda item next month.


  1. Report from the Clerk

The Clerk thanked everyone, including Cllrs. Benney, Giles and Teague and the drivers of the Roseland Community Transport who gave their time to help to make the Tall Ships Event so very successful.


It has been agreed that the new bench in Commander Martin’s Corner be dedicated to Tom Bennett who recently tragically lost his life nearby. K Fisher has agreed to carve an appropriate dedication into the bench.


Complaints have been received regarding the speed of traffic racing through St Just village to the ferry and also by agricultural vehicles. This will be an agenda item for the next meeting. In the meantime, the Clerk will pass this matter onto the police.





The Clerk asked for it to be noted that, for public safety due to erosion, footpath 25 from Freshwater Boatyard to the other side of the Priory will be closed completely, with no alternative route, from 10th September until 1st April next year


  1. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary

No report received.


  1. Report from Cornwall Cllr. German

Report from Cllr. German included in the agenda items.


  1. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees

Cllr. Farmiloe reported on a very successful carnival week, enjoyed by all and quite a lot of money raised to be given to local causes. Cllr. Giles thanked the Carnival Committee for clearing up so well after the events.


The Chairman requested that standing orders be lifted to bring forward item 12. All in favour by a show of hands.


  1. Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan (RNP)

Jon Smith reported that the RNP was in the statutory consultation stage ending on 14th September with approximately 40 comments received to date. The exhibition at Gerrans was a success and it is hoped to have the plan finalized by 1st November 2014.


The standing orders were resumed.


  1. Accounts and Finance
  2. a) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1)

The Council was asked to approve the following payments:

Total cheques numbered 6534 to 6551 approved and signed at meeting                                        £11,216.80    Total cheques numbered 6527 to 6533 paid since last meeting were ratified                      £ 3,043.26

Direct Debits/ Standing Orders shown as paid in August                                                             £ 2,214.66

Income shown as received during August                                                                         £34,223.56


Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. Giles. Seconded by Cllr. Hall. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


  1. b) To consider the quotation from Roseland Plant Centre for winter planting

As the quotation has not yet been received, the Council agreed to delegate this matter to the Finance Committee for decision.


  1. c) To note the receipt of the Annual Return or the year end 31st March 2014 from Grant Thornton

Grant Thornton has completed the annual return and reported that ‘on the basis of our review, in our opinion the information in the annual return is in accordance with proper practices and no matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met’


Other matters not affecting their opinion which Grant Thornton drew to the attention of the council for the year ended 31st March 2014: Low level reserves:

‘We note that the council holds a low level of general reserves, approximately 0.6{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} of the annual precept for 2103/14 after allowing for reserves that are earmarked for specific purposes’. ‘The council should consider the level of general reserves required and consider taking steps to increase the level of reserves in future years if it considers it necessary’.


The level of reserves will be considered by the Finance Committee.


The notice of the Completion of Audit will now be displayed for at least 14 days to enable a local Government Elector of the Parish to obtain, inspect or take a copy of the ‘Statement of Accounts and Auditor’s Certificate and report.


  1. Planning
  2. a) To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee

No planning committee meetings were held.


  1. b) The Council considered the following planning applications:


  1. PA14/06846 – Lenor, Penruan Lane, St Mawes – Alterations and addition of a single storey extension access and construction of a single storey detached double garage – considered by Cllrs. Benney, Chenoweth and Salter – no objection


  1. PA14/06804 – Braganza, Grove Hill, St Mawes – Proposed felling of two sycamores – considered by full council – no objection


24 – 25.            PA14/07226 and PA14/07227 (Listed Building Consent) – 7 Lower Castle Road, St Mawes – Demolition of rear cavity blockwork extension, construction of replacement two storey rear extension and associated internal alterations – considered by Cllr. Benney, Chenoweth and Giles – no objection


  1. PA14/06953 – Fiddlers Green, Upper Castle Road, St Mawes – Erect detached garden building – considered by Cllrs. Chenoweth, Giles and Salter – objection due to the large size of the garden building which is considered to be over development of the site – supported by Cllr. German


  1. The planning officer, Janice Taylor emailed on 21st August to say: ‘Following careful consideration of the material planning consideration, in this instance, I feel it is appropriate to recommend approval and asks if the PC would agree to disagree within 5 working days’.


  1. PA14/07032 Pasco’s Boatyard, St Just in Roseland – proposed ground & first floor extension. Provision of dwarf stone wall and replacement land embankment with stone buttress – considered by Cllr. Sadler, Teague and Warren – observations raised concerning parking and public convenience facilities. Objection to the balcony – supported by Cllr. German


  1. PA14/07134 – The Mount & Little Mount, Gibraltar Terrace, St Mawes – proposed conversion of two dwellings into single residential unit and extension and alterations to main building and detached rear garage/store – considered by Cllrs. Farmiloe, Salter and Williams – no objection


  1. PA14/07819 – 1 Church Hill, St Mawes – Listed building consent in respect to damp proofing, fire compartmentation and thermal upgrade – Considered by Cllrs. Benney, Chenoweth and Salter – No objection


  1. 30. PA14/07800 – 5 Grove Hill, St Mawes – rebuilding of collapsed wall and rebuilding of further walls and other garden works – under consideration by Cllrs. Benney, Farmiloe and Salter – No objection


  1. c)         To note the decisions of the Planning Authority

PA14/04669 Treyorath, Freshwater Lane, St Mawes (13) Proposed extension/alterations & erection of double garage/workshop with store over – Approved


PA14/06101 Saben, Upper Castle Road, St Mawes (19) Extension and refurbishment of existing detached house, including balconies. Reviewed by Cllrs. Williams, Salter, Chenoweth – Approved


  1. d) Enforcements – none received
  2. e) To consider planning correspondence

Planning conferences for local councils 2- 8pm on 30th September – Pool 8th October – Launceston 18th November – St Austell. The Clerks asked for names of Cllrs who wish to attend.


  1. f) To consider proposed housing developments in the Parish – none received
  2. g) To consider updates on Affordable Housing Local Needs – none received


  1. Cornwall AONB Outstanding Roseland Project

To consider working with Cornwall AONB on a project developed for the Roseland.

The Clerk was asked to obtain more information from AONB and other clerks. It was suggested that it would be suitable for a Roseland Cluster meeting.


  1. Roseland Visitor Centre Committee

To consider recommendations from the RVCC meeting held on 20th August 2014.

Cllr. Williams reported that the RVCC recommended that the Parish Council approves a 10{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} increase in the cost of advertising with the RVC for 2015. A 10{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} increase was proposed by Cllr. Williams, seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.


  1. Car Park

To consider the monthly income

Pay & Dis Pay & Display Permits Permits Total
Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Cumulative
Aug-13 33,803.85 115,998.50 90.00 15,454.80 131,453.30
Aug-14 33,063.45 115,245.65 360.00 26,980.10 142,225.75
August 2014 comparable with August 2013
Up 11,525.30 10,772.45
Down -740.40 -752.85 270.00


Cllr. Sadler provided photographs of the untidy boundary between the Self Build Development and St Just Lane Car Park. Cllr. Giles agreed to bring this to the attention of the meeting of the CLT on 10th September.


  1. St Just in Roseland Church Public Conveniences

To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences

J Alford, CC Estates Services Manager has advised that the water costs from April 13 – June 14 would be

£139.68 and the electricity costs for same period would be £336.63.


The contractor is due to meet with Mr Symons of the Old Rectory to discuss the drainage connected to the

septic tank and soakaway provided for the public conveniences as it needs to understand the

‘volumes’ before reviewing the design solution for any takeover to begin.


  1. Cleansing for the Parish of St Just in Roseland
  2. a) To consider looking into the best value service for the cleansing of the parish

Churchill Contract Services produced a document on best value which was circulated at the meeting. Information regarding a machine for cleansing the street was circulated at the meeting. Councillors agreed to monitor the cleanliness of the streets, the best value document and the cleansing machine and report at the next meeting.


  1. b) To consider options for reducing the amount of litter in the streets

It was agreed that a sub committee consisting of Cllr. Farmiloe, Williams and the Clerk should look into this.


  1. c) To consider the cleansing schedules from Churchill Contract Services

The Clerk and Churchill Contract Services Manager are drawing up calendar type cleansing schedules.


  1. d) To consider recycling collection data from Cory

The Clerk reported that Cory has moved depots and does not have the appropriate data available. Cory has confirmed that they collect from St Mawes and St Just recycling points every Wednesday with paper/cardboard one week and cans, plastic and glass the next. Fortnightly collections are not sufficient in July and August and Cornwall Council has agreed to look into this for next year.

  1. Mobile Library Service

To further consider the future of the mobile library service

The Council agreed that it required more information about the planned library service and that it would be valuable to speak with people who actually use the service. Cllr. Williams agreed to liaise with Cllr. German on the matter.


  1. Sub Committees

To consider additional representatives to the Finance and Car Park Committees

Cllr. Sadler proposed that an additional member be added to the Finance Committee to ensure meetings are quorate, seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


Cllr. Salter proposed that Cllr. Chenoweth be added to the Finance Committee, seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. Cllr Chenoweth accepted the position.


Members of the Car Park Committee felt that an extra member was not required.


Cllr. Chenoweth advised that, as he is the Operations Director of the Percuil River Committee, he is unable to represent the Parish Council as well. Cllr. Sadler agreed to act as the representative.


  1. Changes to Precedents
  2. a)   To consider the new draft Standing Orders

The Clerk advised that she has been working on the new draft, however, has been unable to complete it having only received advice on the amendments required for the Openness and Transparency Regulations from CALC late on Friday afternoon. Recommendations from CALC regarding deleting NALC Model Standing Order 3 (1) and inserting Standing Order number 4 – filming and recording meetings was circulated at the meeting. She drew attention to wording regarding not filming members of the public and advised that this referred to children and young people.


  1. b)   To consider the Openness and Transparency Regulations 2014

The clerk circulated a draft of a Policy on Openness and Transparency Regulations 2014 at the meeting.


The timescale for approval of the new Standing Orders and the Policy on Openness and Transparency Regulations 2014 will be at October meeting with the adoption at the November meeting.


  1. Correspondence (information only)


  1. Staffing Matters

To consider a report and recommendations from the Personnel Committee

Cllr. Farmiloe advised that there had been no meeting and that the Assistant Clerk interviews are to be held on Wednesday 3rd September.


  1. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting
  • Openness and Transparency Regulations 2014
  • St Just Car Park


  1. Date of next meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 6th October 2014 at the Parish Millennium Rooms, St Mawes commencing at 7pm


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.35pm



Signed as a true record………………………………………..


Cllr. A.K. Warren, Chairman of St Just in Roseland Parish Council


Date…6th October 2014…………….


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