St Just in Roseland Parish Council – November 2012

Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 5th November 2012. The meeting commenced at 7pm.

Councillors Present:
The Vice Chairman Cllr. R.E Giles, Cllrs. R G Baylis, J. Benney, A.M Chart, G Chenoweth, P Farmiloe, P.J Salter, P Teague and C. Williams

Also Present:
S. Penhaligon (Clerk), T van der Wolde (Assistant Clerk), Cornwall Cllr. J. German, and two members of the public.

In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman Cllr. R Giles chaired the meeting.

1. To accept apologies for absence – Cllr. Warren (Chairman)

2. Declaration of Interest:
a) Pecuniary Interest – none
b) Non Pecuniary Interest – none.
c) Of gifts to the value of more than £50 – none

3. Open Period – Public Participation – Marianne Evans the Chair of the Christmas Market Committee spoke of her request by letter that the Parish Council considers waivering the car park fees from 12.30 until 8.00pm on the day of the Roseland Christmas Market on Saturday 15th December. Marianne believes this will attract more visitors to the Roseland and will be good for the market.

4. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st October 2012.
The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that the previously circulated minutes be approved and they were duly signed by the Vice Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda.

a) Timing of Triathlons
The Clerk sent a letter to the two organisers regarding the safety of competitors and the public. A response was received from Mr B Nicholls organiser of the Roseland Triathlon explaining the there will be an open meeting in January to discuss where possible improvements can be made.

b) Larkfield Rise
The Clerk has sent a letter to Devon and Cornwall Housing Association regarding the works required on the homes in Larkfield Rise to remedy structural defects. No response has been received as yet.

c) The use of speed guns in the parish
The community speedwatch initiative seems to be on hold as the Police Officer responsible is off sick.

Archive matters – outstanding matters
d) Notice board in Polvarth Road
There was no response from the letter the Clerk sent to the new owners requesting the erection of a notice board. It was agreed that this item will be taken off the agenda.

e) Registration of the Permissive Path to be included in with the St Mawes Recreation Ground Land Registry document and the addition of the Permissive Path to Cornwall Council’s definitive map.
The Clerk confirmed this was in hand. It was agreed that this item will be taken off the agenda.

6. Report from the Clerk.
The Clerk gave a reminder that the St Just and St Mawes Society AGM will be on Monday 19th November in the Memorial Hall commencing at 7pm. There will be a speaker attending to discuss the new planning laws.

7.Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
There were 9 crimes reported. 7 relate to burglary, Police have made an arrest and the investigation is ongoing. 2 crimes have been thefts by employees and two people have been arrested. Cllr. Salter suggested that the Clerk write to Devon and Cornwall Constabulary thanking them for the improved information contained in their reports.

8. Report from Cornwall Cllr. German – Cllr. German informed the Parish Council that he is no longer on the Cabinet of the Council but he remains the Cornwall Councillor for the Roseland Peninsular. He is also Chairman of the Cornish Mining World Heritage Site Partnership board. Cllr. German has received a response on speed reading at Trethewell, which is of interest due to the proposed development at St Just in Roseland. 30 mph seems to be a realistic speed limit for the area, and it was noted there was no recorded accidents in the last three years. Cllr. Chart pointed out that there had been a fatal accident in the area and a very serious accident previously. Cllr. Teague asked Cllr. German what he thought of the proposed development. Cllr German views were that Affordable Housing for the Parish is good, especially as the Affordable Homes will include rented properties. He is not convinced that it is an ideal site as access and sewerage is an issue, but it is a site that has come forward and therefore the Parish Council will need to review it as a planning application in due course.

9. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees
Cllr. Williams informed that the Recreational Ground Committee are having a quiz night with cheese and wine this Friday to raise funds. The Heritage Group are having their AGM on 5th December at 7.30pm in the Millennium Rooms.

The Vice Chairman consulted with Councillors to allow standing orders to be suspended in order to bring forward item 14 c after item 9.

14. Car Park
c) To consider the request for free parking for the Christmas Market on 15th December.
Marianne Evans confirmed that any surplus from the event would be distributed to local charities in the Roseland and that the Parish Council would have sight of the final accounts. Concerns were raised that a waiver of the parking fees might set a precedent. Cllr. Farmiloe proposed that the car park fees are waivered to support the Roseland Christmas Market. Seconded by Cllr. Williams. 2 abstentions. Majority in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

10/1. Accounts and Finance
a) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1)
The Council were asked to approve the following payments:
Total cheques numbered 5854 to 5871 for approval and signature at the meeting £28,764.02
Total cheques numbered 5844 to 5853 paid since last meeting for ratification £5,149.83
Direct Debits/ Standing Orders shown as paid in October £6,543.44
Income shown as received during October £18,392.29

Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. G Chenoweth seconded by Cllr. B Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

b) To consider the quotations for repainting the heritage finger posts in the Parish following receipt of the project grant.
The Clerk has sent out three requests for quotations, there has been no response as yet.

c) To consider a donation for the Remembrance Sunday (11th November) wreath
Cllr. Chart proposed that a £100 donation is made for the payment of the wreath under S 137 of The Local Government Act 1972, seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

d) To consider a donation to the Harbour Lights Committee for storage.
Cllr. Salter proposed that £350 be donated to St Mawes Harbour Lights Committee under S 145 of The Local Government Act 1972. Seconded by Cllr. G Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

e) To consider the request for support from Roseland On-line
Cllr. Chart proposed that no further action is taken, seconded by Cllr. Salter. 4 agree. Cllr. Williams amended the proposal, and proposed that the Parish Council seek further clarification from the editor M Hatwood. Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. 5 agree. RESOLVED by the Council.

10/2. Finance Committee Meeting
To consider the recommendations of the Finance Committee meeting held on 15th October. (Appendix 2)
Cllr. Baylis gave an update from the Allotment Society, and proposed that the Parish Council pay for the rabbit-proof fencing costing £450 under S 23 of The Local Government Act 1972. Seconded by Cllr. Giles. Majority in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

11. Planning
a) To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee – no meetings were held between 2nd October and 4th November 2012.

b) The Council considered the following planning applications:
30. PA12/08394 17 Bohella Road, St Mawes. Proposed sub division of single retail shop unit into two units. Reviewed by Cllrs. Warren, Farmiloe, and Giles. No objections.

31. PA12/089522 – Idle Rocks Hotel, St Mawes. Demolition of existing canopy to the hotels main entrance and replacement with new canopy. Replacement of 2 conservation rooflights. Replacement of existing double glazed timber sidelights and doors. Reviewed by Cllrs. Farmiloe, Giles and Chart. No objections.

32. PA12/09074 – Anchorage, 30 Lower Castle Road, St Mawes. Replacement of existing single storey lean to extension with new two storey extension with the inclusion of a balcony. Reviewed by Cllrs. Baylis, Farmiloe and Salter. No objections.

33. PA12/08979 – The Haven, Lower Castle Road, St Mawes. Erection of a seawall and small decking area. Reviewed by Cllrs. Farmiloe, Giles and Salter. No objections.

34. PA12/08980 – Newton Cottage, Newton Road, St Mawes. Conversion of garage into living accommodation. Reviewed by Cllrs. Williams, Benney and Giles. No objections.

35. PA12/08792 6 Kings Road, St Mawes. Change of use of a lock up garage and mezannine to allow storage of produce sold in adjoining co-operative store. Reviewed by Cllrs. Farmiloe, Baylis, and Salter. No objections.

36. PA12/09045 Wild Willow Cottage, Upper Castle Rd, St Mawes. Proposed demolition of existing residential store/workshop and construction of detached annex accommodation. Reviewed by Cllrs. Warren, Salter and Giles. No objections, comments to Planning Officer ask that a condition be placed so that the annex cannot be used as a separate dwelling.

37. PA12/08942 – Land adj to Green Waters, Freshwater Lane, St Mawes. Erection of dwelling and boathouse. Reviewed by Cllrs. Warren, Salter and Giles. No objections.

38. PA12/09880 St Mawes AFC Upper Castle Rd, St Mawes. Proposed change of use of agricultural field adjoining existing football ground to sports recreation land. Reviewed by Cllrs. Salter, Chart and Williams. No objections.

c) To note the decisions of the Planning Authority –

PA12/06725 Broad Reach, St Just in Roseland. Erection of wooden shed.Approved.

PA12/08579 Overcreek, St Just in Roseland. Submission of details to discharge condition 6 in relation to decision notice PA11/07481. Discharge of condition.

PA12/08040 Idle Rocks Hotel, St Mawes. Listed building consent for the refurbishment of the annexe building. Approved.

PA12/08353 Polvean, Freshwater Lane, St Mawes. Proposed Greenhouse. Approved.

PA12/08394 17 Bohella Road, St Mawes. Proposed sub division of single retail shop unit into two units. Approved.

PA12/08399 6a Bohella Road, St Mawes. Construction of rear flat roof dormer, alterations to existing rooflights and internal alterations. Approved.

PA12/09370 Penmichael St Just in Roseland. Submission of details to discharge conditions 2, 3 and 4 in respect of decision notice PA10/07212. Discharge of conditions.

d) Enforcements
Closed – EN12/01646 Layby at Pulpry, St Just in Roseland. Alleged access created without planning permission. A breach of planning control has taken place as access does require planning permission, however highways has advised that the access does not cause harm to highway or highway users, and there is no visual harm, therefore the Council concluded that the matter would not be expedient to pursue formal action.

Ongoing – EN 12/01482 16 Polvarth Estate. Alleged non-compliance with approved plans. PA11/06649. No timber cladding to the exterior. Pending consideration.

e) To note planning correspondence sent/received
11/10 Letter from Cornwall Council advising of an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate regarding PA11/07642 Barn at Messack House St Just in Roseland. Conversion and alteration of redundant agricultural building to form dwelling to be used for holiday letting purposes, with associated works.

18/10 Email from Sarah Dyke, Planning Officer. Has sent revised sketches for Bar Point, St Just in Roseland and would like Parish Council’s preliminary comments before recommending a resubmission to applicants. Also received additional new sketches from agent Smiths Gore for preplanning at Bar Point., St Just in Roseland. Reviewed by Cllrs. G Chenoweth, Teague, Warren.There were no objections to the revised plans.

24/10 Letter from Sarah Newton in response to the letter from the Parish Council regarding affordable homes, S106 agreements and relaxation of planning laws. Letter has been circulated to all the Councillors, and it has been suggested this goes to the next agenda so the content can be discussed.

There was a site visit to 27 Marine Parade on 30th October; this was attended by the Planning Officer, Kevin Moseley, Steve Hooper (agent), David Hubbard (St Mawes & St Just Society) Cllr. Farmiloe, Cllr. Giles and Cllr. Benney, Cornwall Cllr. German and Clerk Shirley Penhaligon. The Planning Officer is minded to approve, and agreed to put two conditions on the permission, namely that the ancillary annexe will not be used as a separate dwelling, and that there needs to be an advertised schedule of works to limit the impact of the development.

The Assistant Clerk gave a brief description of a recent planning training event, on Neighbourhood Planning and Landscape Character Assessments. A Landscape Character Assessment can aid decisions on how local distinctiveness and local character can be safeguarded, improved and enhanced through the development process and can encourage the use of local materials, traditional building styles and methods. This can be included within a Neighbourhood Plan or as a separate document. Cornwall Council supplied documents on best practise and these will be circulated to the Councillors.

f) To further consider the next step with Neighbourhood Planning
Cornwall Cllr. German provided feedback from the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) meeting on 17th October, and
confirmed there was strong local support and that the NP would be community led. A further public meeting will
be held in Veryan on 11th December. Concerns were raised regarding the overall cost of a NP and how it will be
funded. Cornwall Cllr. German explained that the cost of a NP was dependant on the content and what the
community wanted; therefore further community consultation is needed. He offered £1,000 from his budget
towards the costs. It was agreed that the Clerks Office write to Cornwall Council stating the Parish Council’s support for a Roseland Neighbourhood Plan.

g) To further consider undertaking the completion of the Tree Preservation update
The Assistant Clerk has requested a list of all TPO’s within the Parish from Cornwall Council including maps and copies of all the Orders. Cornwall Council is unable to provide this information. Cornwall Cllr. German kindly agreed to raise this with Cornwall Council.

12. Proposed development at St Just in Roseland
To consider the feedback from the pre application planning meeting with CSA Architects regarding the
proposed development at St Just in Roseland

CSA Architects presented proposed development plans for a site at the rear of The Bowling Green in St
Just in Roseland. Featuring two alternatives, with differing mixtures of tenure and layout:
1st Option – 19 dwellings of which 12 will be affordable and 7 open market. The affordable homes will be
for sale at discounted prices, none will be for rent.
2nd Option – 18 dwellings of which 10 will be affordable and 8 open market. The affordable homes will be
7 rented, 3 intermediate (shared ownership).

Councillors felt that more homes for rent rather than purchase would be preferable, and expressed their
personal concerns regarding the following:
1. The safety and visibility aspect of the proposed vehicular access at Trethewell.
2. The safety and visibility aspect of any pedestrian access along the main road at Trethewell to the bus-stop.
3. There was concern that the infrastructure would be put in place to deal with the additional sewage.
4. The mix and style of housing needs to be reconsidered.
5. It was felt that there was lack of garaging and garden space.

Councillors were very keen that the Architects considered the needs of the local community when drawing up
their plans. They recommended that an open presentation of the plans for the community would be a good way of
obtaining feedback on local opinion and also giving the opportunity to clarify the proposals as Councillors were
aware of many conflicting reports.

CSA Architects thanked the group for their feedback and agreed to look at issues raised, and they suggested that
an open meeting with the local community as the way forward to get their feedback and support.

It was agreed to discuss item 14 before item 13.

14. Car Park
a) To consider monthly income
Pay & Pay & Display Permits Permits Total
Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Cumulative

Oct 11 12,913.00 136,210.05 75.00 12,943.70 149,153.75
Oct 12 11,761.10 134,987.10 75.00 13,094.10 148,081.20
October 2011 comparable with October 2012
Up 150.40
Down -1151.90 -1222.95 -1072.55

b) To consider the next stage of a complaint
Cllr. German has agreed to write to the complainant about her parking fine.

Cllr Baylis advised of the possibility of there being a delay in Cornwall Council submitting its revised parking order. Cornwall Cllr German agreed to try to establish Cornwall Council’s position with regard to its intentions. It is though still hoped to join with Cornwall Council rather than face the high cost of “going it alone”.

Cllr Baylis confirmed that if a local business would pay 1p for advertising on the reverse of each car park ticket, then a modest profit could be made on the approximately 60,000 tickets issued per year. This matter will be addressed by the car park committee at its meeting on 18th November.

13. Millennium Rooms Management Committee
a) To consider the recommendations from the MRMC meeting held on 5th October 2012 (Appendix 3)
The Clerk confirmed that Tony Hopewell has agreed in principle to swap the print room with the Clerks office.
The print room was due for a rent increase, but as the Clerks office is smaller than the print room, Cllr. Williams
proposed to keep the rent charge at the same price, £2,730 per annum, seconded by Cllr. Chart. All in favour.
RESOLVED by the Council.

Cllr. Williams informed that the Millennium Rooms Management Committee were pleased to receive grant from
Visit Cornwall for £1500.00.

It was noted that the new information board donated by King Harry Ferries Ltd has been erected at Trenona, Ruan
High Lanes.

15. Code of Conduct
To consider updates to the interim Code of Conduct adopted 11th June 2012 (Appendix 4)

The Council considered the amendments to Cornwall Council’s Code of Conduct dated 16th October 2012. Cllr. G
Chenoweth proposed that the Parish Council adopts:
a) Item 2.6 i) You must record in a register of interests maintained by the Proper Officer any
gifts or hospitality that you are offered or receive in connection with your official duties as a member and the
source of the gift or hospitality worth £25 or over.
b) Item 3.5A. Participation by means of a dispensation of members who represent the council on outside bodies.
c) The rest of the amended Cornwall Code of Conduct as presented.
Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. 1 abstention. Majority in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

18. Policies and Procedures
a) To consider the Councillor & Employee Travel and Expenses Claim Policy & Procedure for adoption
(Appendix 5)
Cllr. Farmiloe proposed the adoption of the Councillor and Employee Travel Expenses Claim Policy and
Procedure, seconded by Cllr. Williams. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

b) To consider the lost Property Policy & Procedure for adoption
Cllr. Williams asked that this item be deferred until next meeting, to allow the Manager at the Roseland
Visitor Centre to review it and present it to the Millennium Rooms Management Committee for approval.

16. Public Toilets
To further consider the future financing of St Just Public Conveniences
Clarification has been given from Cornwall Council regarding the Public Convenience Grant. Due to a formula
error, £9,600 was paid on 6th September. This should have been £10,218.84 for the cleansing of St Just Toilets
(£2,805.15) and St Mawes Toilets (£7,413.69). A cheque for the difference (£618.02) will be sent shortly.

A meeting is to be held at the St Just Church on Monday 12th November to discuss updates. Surveys have been
received from Cormac Solutions Ltd for the Public Convenience Project Proposal 2012. However, it needs to be
established if the report on St Just toilets is in fact for a full structural survey.

17. Carols in the Castle
a) To consider the programme for the Carols in the Castle
St Anthony Noyse, the local schoolchildren, Harvey Taylor and Cllr. B Chenoweth have agreed to take part.
There is a question on whether a collection can take place at the Castle.

b) To consider the organisation of Carols in the Castle
The Clerk has undertaken a risk assessment and provided a copy of the public liability insurance. Cllr. Giles
agreed to collect a Christmas tree and helpers are needed on the Saturday and Sunday.

19. Correspondence (information only)

20. Staffing matters
Cllr. Farmiloe reported that there had been no personnel committee meeting since 1st October 2012.

21. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting
Use of Football Field.
Trees in the Coppice.
Letter from Sarah Newton

22. Date of next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held in the Parish Millennium Rooms on Monday 3rd December 2012 commencing at 7pm

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.32 pm

Signed as a true record………………………………………..Chairman



Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 1st October 2012. The meeting commenced at 7pm.

Councillors Present:
The Chairman Cllr. A K Warren, Cllrs. R G Baylis, A.M Chart, G Chenoweth, P Farmiloe, R.E Giles, P.J Salter, P Teague, Cllr. C. Williams and Cllr. J. Benney

Also Present:
S. Penhaligon (Clerk), T van der Wolde (Assistant Clerk), Cornwall Cllr. J. German, Kimberley Middleton reporter and four members of the public.

1. To accept apologies for absence – Cllr. B. Chenoweth

2. Declaration of Interest:
a) Pecuniary Interest – none
b) Non Pecuniary Interest – none.
c) Of gifts to the value of more than £50 – none

3. Open Period – Public Participation – Steve Pearce spoke of his admiration for those that take part in the local triathlons, however during the Triathlon on Sunday 25th October in extremely poor weather conditions he observed cyclists and runners in potentially dangerous situations and he agreed with the Parish Council that future events need to be organised in such a way that competitors and the public are not at risk on the roads.

Charlie Pridmore thanked the Parish Council for their previous help with St Mawes Recreational Ground. Dina Croft who is treasurer for St Mawes Recreational Ground Committee informed the Parish Council that they are looking at various funding streams for new gates, replacement zip wire and a new pathway which would be accessible for wheelchairs. They requested that the Parish Council cover the cost of insurance, which would be approximately £2000, Dina is in the process of obtaining quotes.

Claire Rogers explained the current difficulties experienced by residents at Larkfield Rise relating to the structural problems of their dwellings. Despite repeated requests that repairs are made, to date they have not received a time frame from Devon and Cornwall Housing Association of when the works will start and be completed, therefore some residents have withheld rent money until they have confirmation that the works will start, this has resulted in eviction warnings being sent to some tenants.

4. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd September 2012.
The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that the previously circulated minutes be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda.

a) Timing of Triathlons
The Chairman and Clerk are drafting a letter to the organisers of triathlons, and is seeking comments from other Parish Councils in the Roseland, so that all concerns and issues are addressed. The Clerk has received emails from a St Just resident and from Philleigh Parish regarding risk elements and suggestions on how to improve safety.

b) Cornish Rowing Challenge
The Clerk has received many emails from all involved in arranging the event, including Annie Vernon and Norma Edwards on behalf of Roseland Gig Club expressing grateful thanks to everyone for their support. Cllr. Salter thanked the councillors that volunteered on the day, and Cllr. Giles thanked the Clerk for assisting with the organising of the transport and parking for the event.

c) Registration of the Permissive Path to be included in with the St Mawes Recreation Ground Land Registry document and the addition of the Permissive Path to Cornwall Council’s definitive map.
The Clerk is due to meet with the Solicitor this week to resolve this issue.

Archive matters – outstanding matters
d) Notice board in Polvarth Road
A letter requesting the erection of a notice board has been sent to the new owners of the property.

e) Support for the Allotment project
The Clerk received an email from Sian Scott advising that the mound of manure (not the Allotment groups) is acting as a barricade to stop access into the site at that end. Talks are being held with planners and the National Trust in the hope of reaching a compromise regarding the access road in order to bring the costs down.

6. Report from the Clerk.
Revd. Ken Boullier, on behalf of the Parochial Church Council has sent an invitation to St Just Feast on Sunday 21st October. The procession by local representatives starts from the top lych gate at 10.45am.
The Clerk received a notice that an election is to be held for a Police and Crime Commissioner on Thursday 15th November 2012. Nomination papers must be delivered to Kevin Lavery, Police Returning Officer by 10am on 9th October until 12 noon on 19th October.
The 1st Town & Parish Council Annual Summit Saturday is to be held on 3rd November at Bodmin.
The Clerk has contacted house owners reminding them that it is their responsibility to cut back boundary hedges to the highway.

7. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
No report. The Clerk received an email from P.C Duckworth who will ask PCSO to give more detailed reports, however, it must be mindful not to reveal too much material as this could be breaching individual’s privacy.

8. Report from Cornwall Cllr. German – Cllr. German agreed to contribute throughout the agenda on relevant points instead of giving a report.

9. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees
Cllr. Giles of behalf of St Mawes AFC, thanked the Parish Council for its contribution of £100 for the use of the football field for overflow parking. He added that, during the Cornish Rowing Challenge, the football ground was used for parking with monies collected going towards the up keep of the Football Club, and a donation to a charity.

The Assistant Clerk attended the recent Roseland and Truro Community Network meeting, and reported that the
Police gave an update which said there was a 100{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} increase in marine theft this summer which appears to be organised crime. There are no plans to reduce service level in Tregony, the only change will be the location to a village hall when the Police Station has been sold. An officer from Cornwall Council spoke about litter problems and gave out report cards, in order to report litter dropping so the person responsible can be fined. Emma Ball introduced herself as Community Regeneration Officer. Her role includes assisting people with Grant Finder Search, helping community groups with projects, and working alongside Cornwall Rural Community Council. She also helps community groups with projects like play equipment, and Parish Plans, and is currently supporting front runners of Neighbourhood Plans. She also works with Volunteer Cornwall and can assist if volunteers are needed in the community.

The Chairman consulted with Councillors to allow standing orders to be suspended in order to bring forward item 21 after item 10.

10. Accounts and Finance
a) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1)
The Council were asked to approve the following payments:
Total cheques numbered 5829 to 5843 for approval and signature at the meeting £4,749.37
Total cheques numbered 5820 to 5828 paid since last meeting for ratification £3,577.72
Direct Debits/ Standing Orders shown as paid in September £1,894.18
Income shown as received during September £53,892.52

Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. Giles seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

b) To consider the quotation for winter planting in the ten tubs outside the Arcade, the Public Conveniences and the Visitor Centre from Roseland Plant Centre.
The Clerk received a quotation for winter planting of £486.67 net from Roseland Plant Centre; Cllr. Salter proposed that the works be carried out by Roseland Plant Centre at a cot of £486.67 net, seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

c) To consider the request for funding support from St Mawes Recreational Ground Committee
The Recreation Ground Committee are in the process of obtaining quotation for insurance, as such Cllr. Farmiloe proposed to agree in principle to funding the insurance, seconded by Cllr. Salter. Two abstentions. Majority in favour. RESOLVED by the Council. The Clerk requested that, as the footpath contractor was unable to repair the two gateposts and replacement footpath sign, it should be repaired by Dave Chenoweth; this was agreed by Cllr. Warren.

d) To consider the repainting of the heritage finger post in the parish following receipt of the project grant.
The Parish Council agreed that the Clerk obtain quotes from three sources regarding the works.

e) To consider the quotation for the survey of the toilet block at St Just Church
The Clerk received a quotation from R Holbrook for £450 net. Cllr. G Chenoweth suggested that the Parish Council wait to receive the survey report from Cornwall Council in the first instance, this was agreed and Cllr. Baylis asked the Clerk to let R Holbrook know the course of action.

f) To consider the funding of the Roseland Community Bus for the Cornish Rowing Challenge
The Clerk received an invoice for £142.47 from the Roseland Community Transport for costs associated with the event. Cllr. Williams proposed that the Parish Council fund the bus service for that day, seconded by Cllr. Teague. Majority in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

g) To consider holding funds for the Neighbourhood Planning Project
The Clerk, as responsible financial officer suggested that a smaller council in the Roseland should hold the funds due to the high level of transactions within this Council’s Audit system. Cornwall Councillor German said he will ask the other Parishes.

21. Lark field Rise
To consider supporting the residents who are experiencing problems
The Chairman consulted with Councillors to allow standing orders to be suspended in order to let Claire Rogers speak. Claire referred to the letter Crawford Rogers wrote to the Parish Council on 11th September which stated there are a number of properties at Larkfield Rise that have serious constructional defects that have existed since the start of the scheme and for two and half years they have repeatedly asked Devon and Cornwall Housing Association (DCHA) to remedy the problems. DCHA have now admitted liability and have started deconstruction on one of the properties which they are re-constructing to the required original specification. The letter requests that the Parish Council support and assist the residents of Larkfield Rise. The Parish Council have previously written to DCHA on behalf of the residents regarding the fencing and other problems. Some works have started to remedy the problems. Cornwall Cllr German has raised the issues concerned with housing officers from DCHA, and he assured that he will continue to raise this in meetings. Cllr. Giles suggested all 19 homes be surveyed, as the people reporting problems tend to be in part ownership, and are more likely to report structural damage. The Clerk will write to Devon and Cornwall Housing Association and express the Parish Council’s concern, and ask for a time-frame of when the reported works will be completed to bring homes to an acceptable standard.

11. Planning
a) To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee held in the period 4th September to 30th September – No meetings were held in this period.

b) The Council considered the following planning applications:

20. 07230 Bar Point, St Just in Roseland. Extensions (inc dormer extensions & alterations to dwelling).Reviewed by Cllrs. Teague, Warren and G. Chenoweth. All object. The applicants withdrew the application and have submitted a revised sketch which is being reviewed by the Planning Committee.

22. 07773 27 Marine Parade, St Mawes. Ancillary detached annexe – alteration to pitch roof on existing extension. Reviewed by Cllrs. Farmiloe, Salter, Giles. No objection to alteration to pitch roof on existing extension. All object to Ancillary detached annexe on the grounds of loss of open space and over development. St Just in Roseland & St Mawes Society also have no objection to the proposed roof amendments but do object to the proposed annexe, they commented no regard has been taken of the St Just in Roseland Parish Plan that specifically demands than infill proposals are to be resisted, this proposal is within the Conservation Area and is overlooked from three sides by neighbours in a compact locality that needs all the open space possible.

23. PA12/06725 Broad Reach, St Just in Roseland Erection of a wooden shed 16’ x 12’ shed with timber walls. Reviewed by Cllrs. Teague, G Chenoweth, Salter. No objections.

24. PA12/08351 1 Grove Hill, St Mawes. Listed building consent to replace driveway and rear yard concrete surface with granite sett’s and part remove stone dwarf walls. Reviewed by Cllrs. Salter, Farmiloe, Giles. No objections.

25. PA12/08292 Penpol. St Just in Roseland. Storage building for boats/ boating equipment, garden machinery and undercover log storage. Reviewed by Cllrs. Teague, G Chenoweth, Warren. The Planning Officer responded to comments made by the Parish Council and confirmed that the proposed use would be mainly for storage of dinghies. They would use the existing access and no landscaping works are proposed, a condition will be placed to ensure that any subsequent landscaping works are agreed with the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement and also a condition to ensure that the shed is used for storage purposes and not for residential purposes. No objections.

26. Polvean, Freshwater Lane, St Mawes. Proposed Greenhouse. A freestanding National Trust Mottisfont Glasshouse, 2.6m wide by 4.0m long. Reviewed by Cllrs. Chart, Giles, Farmiloe. No objections. The Planning Authority received two objections from members of the public.

27. Idle Rocks, St Mawes. Listed building consent for the refurbishment of the annexe building (6 & 7 The Square) to the hotel, proposals are to fully redecorate the external and internal finishes. Reviewed by Cllrs. Salter, Farmiloe, Giles. No objections.

28. 6A Bohella Road, St Mawes. Construction of rear flat roof dormer, alterations to existing rooflights and internal alternations. Reviewed by Cllrs. Benney, Giles, Chart. No objections.

29. PA12/08022 Tresco 1 Grove Hill, St Mawes. Replace driveway and rear yard concrete surface with granite sett’s and part remove stone dwarf walls. The application is identical to 24. This was a planning application to accompany the listed building application; as such there are no objections.

30. PA12/08394 17 Bohella Road, St Mawes. Proposed sub division of single retail shop unit into two units. Currently being reviewed by Cllrs. Salter, Farmiloe, Giles.

c) To note the decisions of the Planning Authority –
PA12/08253 Pendragon, Polvarth Lane. Submission of details to discharge Condition 4 in respect of PA12/05126 – Section 52/106 discharge of condition apps.

PA12/06865 Manor Court Flats, The Square, St Mawes. Change of external material use from magnolia painted masonry to vertical hung slating. Approved.

PA12/07480 14 Pedn Moran, St Mawes. Removal of a Montery Cypress. Approved.

PA12/08668 Overcreek, St Just in Roseland. Non-material amendment for changes to utility room, additional outside door, chimney omitted and replaced with external flue, changes to rainwater goods, glazed doors, heat source and repositioning of windows and removal of rooflight to bedroom1 to (PA11/07481) replacement of existing bungalow with a two storey dwelling. Approved

d) Enforcements
Closed – EN12/02464 Opposite 31 Lower Castle Road – Alleged erection of a high fence.

Confirmationreceived that planning permission and Conservation Area Consent are not required. As its height is less than 1m (adj to the highway) it benefits from deemed permission, that is to say that express planning permission is not required. It does not constitute a breach of planning control and as such no further action is proposed at this stage.

Ongoing – EN 12/01482 16 Polvarth Estate. Alleged non-compliance with approved plans. PA11/06649. No timber cladding to the exterior. Pending consideration. The Enforcement Officer informed that on last visit to the site the timber cladding had not been erected. The Planning Officer is keen to see the cladding erected and for the original scheme to be approved and have requested owner to make contact over the issue to hopefully reach a solution in the near future.

e) To note planning correspondence sent/received
04/09 Complaint from the Parish Council to J Taylor, Planning Officer regarding the frontage of 31 Lower Castle Road where a high wooden fence had been erected which is totally out of keeping with the local environment. The fence replaced a low wall which was dug out for a hard standing for vehicles whilst building works were taking place and the request is for it to be brought back to its original appearance.

08/09 Copy of letter from Y Fuller sent to D Cameron, S Newton, G Clark (Housing Minister) regarding removal of restrictions on housing extensions.

24/09 Copy of letter received from Y Fuller from 10 Downing Street regarding the Relaxation of Planning Laws.

27.9 Letter to PC from Marrilyn Morris regarding concerns that the planning application for Tresco, 1 Grove
Hill did not state that the application property shared a boundary wall with St Mawes Holy Well which is an Ancient Monument and that the proposed works could affect the structure of well.

f) To further consider the next step with Neighbourhood Planning
There is a cluster meeting at Veryan Parish Hall on 9th October at 7pm. Superintendent James Pearce will be
attending to give an update on policing in the Roseland. There is also a public meeting at Gerrans Memorial Hall
on Wednesday 17th October at 7pm to take forward the Neighbourhood Plan based on community involvement.

g) To further consider undertaking the completion of the Tree Preservation update
David Hubbard and Keith Fisher have agreed to assist with completing the TPO update. The Parish Council thanked David and Keith for this valuable work.

12. Millennium Rooms Management Committee
a) To consider the update on the information board project
The Clerk received a letter from St Mawes Pier and Harbour Company declining the request for a visitor
information board on the Pier and Harbour property. The next MRMC meeting will be held on Friday 5th October
and they will discuss other sites to put the visitor information board.

b) To note the update on the Trenona Information Board
Cllr. Williams reported that the information board has been completed and signed off, and has gone to the
production stage. Cllr. Warren thanked Cllr. Williams for all the work she has done in bringing this forward.

13. Car Park
a) To consider monthly income
Pay & Pay & Display Permits Permits Total
Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Cumulative

Sep 11 20,759.50 123,297.05 300.00 12,868.70 136,165.75
Sep 12 22,763.30 123,226.00 75.00 13,019.10 136,245.10
September 2011 comparable with September 2012
Up 2,003.80 150.40 79.35
Down 71.05 225.00

b) To consider the next stage of a complaint
The Parish Council upheld the full response already made in writing by the Clerk to the complainant. Cornwall
Cllr German asked to see a copy of the correspondence and he will advice the Clerk on the next action.

Cllr. Baylis reported that he is investigating joining in with Cornwall Council when it has its adjustments to the
pay and display machines and suggested that the quotation from Cale Briparc is suspended for the moment. He
added that he was in the process of obtaining quotations for advertisements on car park tickets.

c) To consider installing bicycle racks in the car park
It was decided to take this to the next Car Park committee meeting prior to coming before full council. Cornwall
Cllr. German advised that there may be external funding for the installation of bicycle racks.

d) To consider Recreation Ground advertising boards in the car park
It was decided to take this to the next Car Park committee meeting prior to coming before full council.

14. Interim Code of Conduct
To consider updates of the interim Code of Conduct adopted 11th June 2012
Training by CALC held in the Millennium Rooms on 24th September was attended by a number of
representatives from Parish Councils in the Roseland. Sarah Mason is to meet with Cornwall Council’s
Monitoring Officer to discuss amendments to the Interim Code of Conduct and issue new guidelines. At this
present time the Interim Code of Conduct adopted on 11th June by the Parish Council still stands and any Member
declaring a disclosable pecuniary or non pecuniary interest (financial) must leave the room whilst it is being

15. Standing Orders
To approve the updates to the Standing Orders following the adoption of the Interim Code of Conduct left
in abeyance from the last meeting
The Clerk advised to defer any decision to update the Standing Orders adopted on 11 June 2012 until all issues
with the Interim Code of Conduct have been resolved.

16. Public Toilets
To further consider the future financing of St Just Public Conveniences
A meeting was held with members of the Parochial Church Council PCC and the Parish Council on 14th
September to look at car park signage and the state of the toilet block at St Just Church. Cllr. Warren has
completed a list of recommendations of repairs and modifications to be undertaken by Cornwall Council prior to
any devolution to a local level.

17. Affordable Homes in the Parish of St Just in Roseland
a) To further consider steps to move the initiative forward
The Chairman consulted with Councillors to allow standing orders to be suspended in order to allow Steve Pearce
to speak. His view was that councillors represent residents of their particular ward and they need to know what the
residents of St Just in Roseland think of this development therefore there should be a public meeting. Cllr. Teague
understands that there were some covenants at the time of the development of the Bowling Green to ensure that
the land in front would not be built on. If there are covenants Cllr. Giles said this would be a private civil matter.
Cllr. Giles proposed an informal meeting with the developers and the Parish Council first before a public
consultation event which would be held in St Just in Roseland, seconded by Cllr. Williams. All in favour.
RESOLVED by the Council.

Cllr. Warren invited councillors to a meeting with Nick Marsden Affordable Housing Officer from Cornwall
Council on Friday 5th October, to discuss local housing needs and to ensure that the affordable homes that will be
delivered will be meeting the need of the community.

Cllr. Williams wrote a personal letter to Sarah Newton MP, regarding the relaxing of planning laws and the
proposals to reduce the requirements of affordable housing elements within Section 106 agreements. Cornwall
Cllr. German agreed that the Parish Council and local communities should be voicing their concerns. Cllr. Warren
proposed that the Clerks Office respond to the consultation that ends on the 8th October. Seconded by Cllr. Giles.
All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

18. Cornwall Council Consultation – Charging Framework for Traffic Management at Community and
other events
Cllr. Williams proposed that the Clerks Office write to Cornwall Council to object to the charging frameworks as
proposed. Seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

19. Speed in the Parish
a) To consider implementing a 20 mph speed limit in St Mawes and St Just village
The Chairman consulted with Councillors to allow standing orders to be suspended in order to allow Steve Pearce
to speak, Steve Pearce did not think that the 30 mph limit already in St Just in Roseland and entering St Mawes
was adhered to, and if this was enforced, it would be an achievement. Cornwall Cllr. German suggested speaking
to the Police and residents and councillors in Tregony, as they now have a 20 mph speed limit through the village,
in order to find out how it is working for them.

b) To consider the use of speed guns in the parish
Cllr. Benney reported that the Police had an article in the West Briton as they want to train people
living in Truro and surrounding villages to use a speed radar gun as part of their community speedwatch
initiative. The speedwatch team would be sent to particular areas in response to concerns raised by residents. It
was agreed to discuss this at the Cluster meeting in Veryan on the 9th October.

20. Carols in the Castle
a) To consider the programme for the Carols in the Castle
Cllr. Salter proposed that the Carols in the Castle be on 22nd December, seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour.
RESOLVED by the Council. Cllr. G Chenoweth suggested that the carols be simple ones that the children
can easily sing to. Cllr. Teague suggested that first aiders are on site, and co responders.

b) To consider the recipient of the collection
Cllr. G Chenoweth proposed that St Mawes PTA be the recipients of the collection, seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. 1
Abstention. Majority in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

22. Western Morning News Pounds for People funding for community groups
The Parish Council talked through options and agreed the Parish Council would not be nominating groups but that councillors could nominate individually should they wish to do so.

23. Correspondence (information only)

24. Staffing matters

To consider the report and recommendations from the Personnel Committee meeting held on 24th September 2012
Cllr. Farmiloe informed that there will be training for staff and volunteers on how to deal with difficult customers delivered by Barbara Sadler. There is also a new general expenses claim form to join the travel and sustenance form. A new Health and Safety policy is currently being written. The RVC employees have been issued with permanent contracts. The minutes of the Personnel meeting held on 24th September will be circulated shortly.

25. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting
Use of Football Field.

27. Date of next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held in the Parish Millennium Rooms on Monday 5th November 2012 commencing at 7pm

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10.28 pm

Signed as a true record………………………………………..Chairman



Draft for conformation
Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 3rd September 2012. The meeting commenced at 7pm.

Councillors Present:
The Chairman Cllr. A K Warren, Cllrs. R G Baylis, A.M Chart, B Chenoweth, G Chenoweth, P Farmiloe, R.E Giles, P.J Salter, P Teague and C. Williams

Also Present:
S. Penhaligon (Clerk), T van der Wolde (Assistant Clerk), Cornwall Cllr. J. German, P.C Duckworth and two members of the public.

1. To accept apologies for absence – Cllr. J. Benney

2. Declaration of Interest:
a) Pecuniary Interest – none
b) Non Pecuniary Interest – Cllr. Giles declared a non pecuniary interest in Item 13.b (item11) of the Agenda.
c) Of gifts to the value of more than £50 – none

3. Open Period – Public Participation – Keith Fisher expressed concern for the protection of trees in the Parish which offer important amenity value, and in particular Monetary Pines which are a key feature in the landscape of St Mawes. Keith has obtained copies of the Tree Preservation Order’s (TPOs) for the Parish from Cornwall Council. (The order makes it an offence to cut down, uproot, prune, lop or damage the tree without first obtaining the Council’s consent.) However the plans are not fully up to date, also there are many trees that merit a TPO and do not have one. Keith asked the Parish Council if they would consider an exercise to update those covered by old TPOs which actually offer no protection to the roots of the trees, only what is above ground, and to protect trees, not already covered by TPOs. This work would also require identifying trees coming to the end of their lives and replacing them with new trees.

4. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6th August 2012.
The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that the previously circulated minutes be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda.

a) Support for the Allotment project
The National Trust are funding the infrastructure for the new access and the St Mawes Allotment Society will raise their own funds for fencing, water supply and ground preparation and also provide their own labour. However, this will leave some £2000 to be raised. The Financial Committee will consider ways to support the project at its next meeting.

b) Notice board in Polvarth Road – in hand.

The Chairman consulted with Councillors to allow standing orders to be suspended in order to bring forward item 7.

7. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
During August there were 13 calls regarding the Parish. 11 crimes of thefts have been recorded, and all relate to marine equipment being taken from boats moored in the surrounding area. P. C Duckworth confirmed that the 101 number is now in use to be put through to the local police station, he also urged that, if anyone knows of a crime, then to report by telephoning 999 as it is happening. Chief Superintendent James Pearce will be attending a cluster meeting at Veryan Parish Hall on Tuesday 9th October at 7pm, and he will give an update as to the plans for Tregony Police station and the level of police cover that will be provided.

6. Report from the Clerk
The Clerk advised that a complaint was received regarding the height of the weeds outside of Rosedene, Trethewell. The weeds have been cut back and the area from Venton Gassick to Trethewell pull in, has been added to Cornwall Council’s weed spraying map. This may increase the Contractor’s cost slightly in the future.

The Clerk confirmed that the next Truro and Roseland Community Network meeting is to be held on Tuesday 25th September at New County Hall at 7pm.

8. Report from Cornwall Cllr. German – no report.

9. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees – no reports.

The Chairman consulted with Councillors to allow standing orders to be suspended in order to bring forward item 11g.

11. Planning
g) To consider undertaking the completion of the Tree Preservation Project.
The Parish Council considered the comments made by Keith Fisher and agreed the importance of TPOs, however it recognised that it will be a very time consuming exercise for the Parish to undertake. G Chenoweth proposed that the Clerk request an up to date plan of TPOs within the Parish from Cornwall Council, and that future work regarding TPO’s are part of the Roseland Neighbourhood Plan. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council. The Parish Council thanked Keith Fisher for the hard work he has done.

10. Accounts and Finance
a) To approve payments of accounts (Appendix 1)
The Council were asked to approve the following payments:
Total cheques numbered 5806 to 5815 for approval and signature at the meeting £9,176.78
Total cheques numbered 5735 to 5805 paid since last meeting for ratification £10,467.00
Direct Debits/ Standing Orders shown as paid in August £4,711.77
Income shown as received during August £29,368.76

Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. Giles seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

b) To note the completion of the Annual Audit by the Audit Commission
It was noted that the certificate for the completion of the Annual Audit for financial year ending 31st March
2012 has been received from The Audit Commission with no matters of concern. The next
step is to display a copy of the Annual Return and a ‘Notice of Conclusion of Audit and Right
to Inspect the Annual Return’ for local electors to exercise their rights of inspection under
section 14 of the Audit Commission Act 1998 on the parish notice board.

c) To consider the quotation for winter planting in the ten tubs outside the Arcade, the Public Conveniences
and the Visitor Centre from Roseland Plant Centre
This was put in abeyance until the October meeting.

d) To consider the recipient of the £14 received from St Mawes Co Partnership
Cllr. Salter proposed that the money is donated to the Golden Age Club seconded by G Chenoweth. All in favour.
RESOLVED by the Council.

e) To consider the request for funding support from St Mawes Recreation Ground Committee
C Pridmore has requested that this matter be put in abeyance until the October meeting so that the Recreation
Ground can present their finalized their accounts.

11. Planning
a) To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee held in the period 9th May to 8th May. No
meetings held in the period 7th August to the 2nd September.

b) The Council considered the following planning applications:
18. 07480 14 Pedn Moran, St Mawes. Removal of a Montery Cypress.Reviewed by Cllrs. Chart, Giles and Salter. No objections.

19. 07373 Cockleshell and The Crag, Castle Drive. Crown reduction and topping of 6 Pine Trees and thinning of 9 Pine Trees. Withdrawn as Forestry Officer visited site and the trees in the application were planted

30 or 40 years ago, the TPO was made in 1960, therefore the trees do not fall under the TPO and do not need permission for above works to be carried out.

20. 07230 Bar Point, St Just in Roseland. Extensions (inc dormer extensions & alterations to dwelling).Reviewed by Cllrs. Teague, Warren and G. Chenoweth. All object for the following reasons.The West elevation facing the sea will have excessive glazing, it will be seen from sea and can cause a big reflection problem, also it is not in keeping with the existing 1930s Arts and Craft style property, at present the property has a hipped roof and the addition of gable ends is out of keeping within the area both from views from the water and public footpaths, and will make it look like it has been attached to Bar Point. The single pane full height french doors contrast with the original Crittal windows and serve to accentuate the new gable ended extension. The removal of the trees on the Eastern boundary would totally change the street scene to the detriment of this AONB. The enlarged North East wing appears as a separate dwelling. The overall effect is a dominance of the extension and associated glazing detracting from the distinctive styling of this prominent Arts and Craft Style waterfront home.
Cornwall Cllr. German will discuss with Planning Officer.

21. 07481 22 Percuil View, St Mawes. Proposed two storey dwelling. Reviewed by Cllrs. Chart, Giles and Salter. 1 support and 2 no objections although concerns were raised in relation to over-parking.

22. 07773 27 Marine Parade, St Mawes. Ancillary detached annexe – alteration to pitch roof on existing extension. Currently being reviewed by Cllrs. Farmiloe, Salter, Giles.

23. New planning application – PA12/06725 Broad Reach, St Just in Roseland Erection of a wooden shed 16’ x 12’ shed with timber walls.

c) To note the decisions of the Planning Authority –
05569 Ranch House, Grove Hill, Demolition of existing garage, erection of new two-storey dwelling and associated landscaping. Following the receipt of concerns from the Council’s Tree Officer, the Highways Officer, the Parish Council and local residents (plus the School) the Planning Officer has advised the agent that the current application cannot be supported and will be recommended for refusal. The application may now be withdrawn with a view to producing an amended scheme in an attempt to address the areas of concern and objections that have been identified so far.

06372 Flat 1, Parkhouse, Bohella Rd, St Mawes, alterations for the conversion of two flats into two townhouses. Approved.

06948 The Little House, Windmill Hill, St Just in Roseland, amendment to PA12/04858 – replacement rear extension with balcony above. Approved.

d) Enforcements
Closed – None
Ongoing – EN 12/01482 16 Polvarth Estate. Alleged non-compliance with approved plans. PA11/06649. No timber cladding to the exterior. Pending consideration.

e) To note planning correspondence received – none received

f) To consider the next step with Neighbourhood Planning
Cornwall Cllr. German informed that Veryan have agreed to developing a Roseland wide Neighbourhood Plan and have called a public meeting in October for interested people to come along so that a committee can be formed and taken forward. There is an issue of which Parish holds the funds for the Neighbourhood Plan, and Cornwall Cllr. German asked that this be an agenda item for the next St Just in Roseland Parish meeting.

h) To consider a response to the Cornwall Council Planning Protocol for Members and Local Councils
consultation by 28th September 2012
One significant change is that there will no longer be an option for householder applications to be taken to the
Planning Committee should the Parish Council disagree with the Planning Officer’s recommendation, instead it
proposed that householder applications will be determined by the Planning Officer under delegated powers. Cllr.
G Chenoweth proposed that the Clerk respond to the consultation and comment that the Parish Council are
disappointed and concerned that Parish Council will no longer have the opportunity of presenting their case to a

planning committee if they object to a householder planning application. Seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour.
RESOLVED by the Council.

12. Millennium Rooms Management Committee
a) To consider funding the design element of the information board designed by Graeme Rust.
This was quoted at a cost of £700, Cllr. Salter proposed that the Parish Council sanction in principle to pay the fee
to Graeme Rust for the design works, seconded by Cllr. B Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the

b) To note the update on the Trenona Information Board
Cllr. Williams reported that the information board is now on its fifth revision.

13. Car Park
a) To consider monthly income

Pay & Pay & Display Permits Permits Total
Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Cumulative

Aug 11 28,249.35 102,537.55 75.00 12,568.70 115,106.25
Aug 12 27,203.10 100,462.70 0.00 12,944.10 113,406.80
August 2011 comparable with August 2012
Up 375.40
Down -1046.25 -2074.85 -75.00 -1699.45

b) To consider recommendations from the Car Park Committee meeting held on 19th August 2012
(Appendix 2)

Councillor Giles as Chairman of the Car Park Committee (CPC) outlined the recommendations from the CP
Meeting and advised that this was the first increase in car park charges for 4 years.

6) The Car Park Committee recommended a £2.50 charge for a two hour stay and change of the day times from 9
to 8am. After consideration, the proposed two hour charge was not deemed necessary. Cllr. Giles proposed that
the Parish Council adopt the following car park charges and times from 1st April 2013:
Cars, Camper vans and coaches:
1 hour £1.00
All day (08.00 – 18.00 hours £3.50
Overnight (18.00 – 08.00 hours £1.00
24 hours (and multiples of 24 hours) £4.50
1 week £25.00
Annual permits £90.00
Reserved permits £210.00
Seconded by Cllr. Baylis. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

8) The CPC recommended that the Parish Council approves the quotation from Cale Briparc of £317.20 for the
printing of ‘Non transferable’ and the VAT number on the ticket rolls and investigate advertising on the rear of
tickets. The recommendation to accept the quotation and investigate advertising was proposed by Cllr. Giles,
seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

10) Erection of a single garage subject to planning permission. Cllr. Giles proposed that the Parish Council agrees
in principle to the erection of a Popular 10 package at a cost of £3,199 including vat and erecting, plus £300 delivery, and to seek planning permission, seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

11) Cllr. Baylis proposed that the Parish Council donate £100 to St Mawes Amateur Football Club for allowing the use of their football field as an overflow parking facility during the height of the summer, seconded by Cllr. Chart. 8 in favour, 1 abstention, RESOLVED by the Council.

14. Register of Interests of a Councillor/ Co-opted Member
To consider the options and guidelines for the new Register of Interests
The new Register of Interest forms and Guidelines for Councillors has been circulated to all Councillors. This item was deferred until after the Code of Conduct training on 24th September.

15. Standing Orders
To approve the updates to the Standing Orders following the adoption of the Interim Code of Conduct left
in abeyance from the last meeting
This item was deferred until after the Code of Conduct training on 24th September.

16. Public Toilets
a) To further consider the future financing of St Just Public Conveniences
The Clerk advised that a meeting has been arranged with the St Just PCC on Friday 14th September. Cllr. Warren suggested that the Parish Council employ a surveyor to appraise the block to confirm that it is in a fit state of repair. Cllr. Giles proposed that the Clerk requests a quote for this work from Richard Holbrook a structural engineer, seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

17. Affordable Homes in the Parish of St Just in Roseland
a) To consider steps to move the initiative forward
The Clerk will contact Cornwall Council to reiterate that the preferred location for Affordable Homes is in St Mawes, as there is an infrastructure to support new development such as employment, school, & local services as opposed to St Just in Roseland. There are three sites in St Mawes, two of which have stalled and no progress is being made. The Land West of Polvarth Road, has a group of nine landowners who have employed a planning consultant. The Clerk will discuss this site with Cornwall Council, and request that they move this forward by engaging with the landowners and developers and including the Parish Council in their discussions.

b) To consider the new initatives on Affordable Housing proposed by Government.
A recent news story debated whether all new build development should provide affordable homes which is currently delivered through Section 106 agreements, and is a legal obligation. It is argued that this reduces the profits from development and is slowing down economic growth. It is proposed that Local Authorities reduce their affordable housing requirements in favour of market rented housing. This follows a proposal set out in the
Government’s Housing Strategy to allow reconsideration of Section 106 agreements that were made during the housing boom, so that the Local Authorities can renegotiate the terms. The consultation for this will close on 8
October 2012. However, no changes in legislation have been made as yet, and as the Parish is situated in an area of outstanding natural beauty, in order for development to be approved it must demonstrate a need, and great weight is attached to affordable homes for local people. Cornwall Cllr. German explained that if the proposals are adopted, then it will be at the Local Authorities discretion, and he confirmed that affordable housing remains a top priority for Cornwall Council.

18. The Square, St Mawes
To consider refurbishing the triangle in The Square and install new public seating in the centre of St Mawes
Cllr. Salter proposed that this item be deferred until next year due to the amount of expenditure already forecast for this year, seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

19. Timing of Triathlons
To consider the arrangements, publicity and risk assessments for the timing of Triathlons through the Parish. The Council agreed for the Clerk to will write to the organisers and explain the problems experienced due to lack of marshals and cyclists breaking speed limits when in the village, and that the busy holiday season is inappropriate for such an event due to the increase of traffic and pedestrians.

20. Cornish Rowing Challenge
Cllr. Farmiloe proposed that the Parish Council provide additional marshals and fund two portaloos to be situated at St Mawes Castle, seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

21. Cornwall Council Consultation – Charging Framework for Traffic Management at Community and
Other events
This item was deferred until the next Parish Council meeting.

22. Cornwall Council – Proposed Procedure of Devolution and Asset Transfer for Local Councils
To consider a response to the proposal by 1st October 2012.
The Clerk will respond and say that it was very satisfactory.

23. Registration of the Permissive Path to Recreation Ground with the Land Registry.
To consider the following options
a) To add the permissive path to Cornwall Council’s definitive map
b) To add the permissive path to the Land Registry of The St Mawes Recreation Ground

The Clerk reported that she is receipt of St Mawes Recreation Ground Management Committee minutes and the Parish Council minutes both dated 1993 approving that the Permissive Path should become a public right of way and that she will liaise with Ed Rimmer over the matter.

24. Correspondence (information only)

25. Staffing matters
To consider report from Personnel Committee
No outstanding matters

26. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting
Consider holding funds for the Neighbourhood Plan

27. Date of next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held in the Parish Millennium Rooms on Monday 1st October 2012 commencing at 7pm

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10.35pm

Signed as a true record………………………………………..Chairman



Draft subject to confirmation
Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 6th August 2012. The Meeting commenced at 7pm.

Councillors Present:
The Chairman Cllr. A. K. Warren, Cllrs. R. G. Baylis, J. Benney, A. M. Chart, B. Chenoweth, G. Chenoweth, P. Farmiloe, R.E. Giles, P. J. Salter, P. Teague and C. Williams

Also present:
S. Penhaligon (Clerk), T. van der Wolde (Assistant Clerk), Cornwall Councillor J. German
and two members of the public

1. To accept apologies for absence – none

2. Declaration of Interest:
a) Pecuniary Interest – none
b) Non Pecuniary Interest – Cllr. Salter declared a non Pecuniary Interest in Item 19 of the Agenda.
c) Of gifts to the value of more than £50 – none

3. Open Period – Public Participation – Sian Scott from St Mawes Allotment Society gave an update regarding the allotments. She was delighted to report that the two acre site owned by the National Trust (off the lane towards the sewage works on Upper Castle Road) has been secured. Plots will be available from 1st September and there will be between 32-36 plots, a full size plot being 200 square metres and a half size plot being 100 square metres. 24 plots are reserved. There will be flexibility to expand. They have funding in place for the rabbit proof fencing, preparation of the soil, erection of sheds and for bringing water onto the site, this work will be carried out by the Allotment Society members. The National Trust will extend the mains water supply to the site. However access is a problem, people will be able to enter the site by foot but will not be able to drive onto the site. It is estimated that it will cost between £8,000 to £12,000 to create a new access track and parking area, the Allotment Society do not hold a budget for this and will need to fundraise. Sian asked the Parish Council for advice, grants or a loan.

4. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th June 2012
The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that the previously circulated minutes be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda

a) Registration of the Permissive Path to Recreation Ground with the Land Registry.
The Clerk reported that the solicitor is getting in touch with the Commissioner to see if the permissive path can be included in the land registry of the Recreation Ground.

b) Notice board in Polvarth Road.
The Clerk confirmed that this is still in hand.

c) Pipe from Place View to the car park
The Clerk confirmed that this is still in hand.

6. Report from the Clerk
The Clerk requested that completed Declaration of Interest forms from Councillors are returned to the office without delay.

The Clerk gave an update on Larkfield Rise. The replacement fence is now in place, the issues raised with certain properties are in the process of being resolved. As properties become vacant they are being inspected and any faults will be put right. Redecoration of the outside has been bought forward by a year and will be undertaken soon.

7. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary.
During the period of July 2012 no calls were made to the Police, six crimes have been recorded, two relate to criminal damage to a motor vehicle, and four kayaks have been stolen, three from the quay in St Mawes and one from Tavern Beach. In relation to the theft of marine equipment a message from the Police was received asking that people be vigilant with regard to any suspicious activity or persons and to check their pleasure craft and other marine equipment.

8. Report from Cornwall Councillor
Cornwall Cllr. German informed the Parish Council that Chief Superintendent Pearce is hoping to have a cluster meeting in October to give reassurance about Tregony Police Station and the level of cover that will remain.

Cornwall Cllr. German also reported that the other Parishes in Roseland namely Veryan, Ruan Lanihorne, Philleigh and Gerrans are keen to develop a Roseland wide Neighbourhood Plan, and he suggested that a public meeting is held in October to involve the wider community and gather support.

9. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committee
The Clerk reported that no Councillor was available to attend the Truro and the RoselandCommunity Network meeting on 24th July, however copies of the informal notes of the meeting have been circulated to Councillors.

Cllr. Teague – St Just Institute
Cllr. Teague reported that the recent fete they held in St Just was well attended raised approximately £1500. Roseland Outdoor Activity Centre very kindly attended with a climbing wall and donated the takings to the fundraising.

The Chairman consulted with Councillors to allow standing orders to be lifted in order to bring forward item 19 and item 15. All in agreement.

Cllr. Salter left the meeting as declared a non pecuniary interest in item 19 that was bought forward.

The request made by Sian Scott on behalf of the St Mawes Allotment Society for the Parish Council to give a grant or loan for the access road to be built was considered. The cost of the access road is likely to be between £8,000 and £12,000. It was recommended that the request goes to the Finance Committee for consideration. The Assistant Clerk will also assist with finding alternative sources of funding.

Cllr. Salter returned to the meeting.

15. Affordable Homes in the parish of St Just in Roseland.
The Parish Council completed a housing needs survey in October 2011 to determine the level of housing need, after which Cornwall Council identified several sites that could be developed for affordable housing within the Parish.

Cornwall Council provided a recent update as to the viability of these sites:

Land Opposite Larkfield Rise in St Mawes: the landowners are considering their options for the land, potential delivery is uncertain.

Land West of Polvarth Road, St Mawes: though not a community favoured site (albeit not opposed either), may be a feasible alternative/ addition to Larkfield Rise site, discussion is ongoing with the individual plot holders, potential delivery medium to long term, site assembly and reaching consensus being the main issues.

Land rear of Harbour View, St Just: clear feedback from the landowner’s agent that a modest scale affordable housing led scheme is not favoured for that site, landowner’s preference would be a larger scale mixed use scheme. Probably safe to say the land is not coming forward at this time.

Land to the rear of The Bowling Green, St Just: CSA Architects is progressing well with a scheme for the site and consider that they will be able to establish a safe pedestrian link and vehicle access. Ecology survey currently underway, they aim to submit a planning application in October/November 2012 for a 21 unit scheme made up of 14 affordable homes and 7 open market dwellings. Cornwall Council are encouraging the applicant to return to the Parish Council to present their scheme for feedback prior to submission.

The Chairman consulted with Councillors to allow standing orders to be suspended in order to allow a member of the public to speak.

A member of the public in attendance expressed views that the site at the Bowling Green is totally inadequate, as the infrastructure does not support the development, and there are no amenities within the village, which will increase the need to travel, therefore it is not sustainable. If a development that size goes ahead it should be in St Mawes, where there is employment, shops and services.

Cllr. Warren felt that an extraordinary meeting should be held to discuss planning options to deliver affordable housing, and to engage with the community. Interested parties will be invited to present their proposal and members of the community shall be asked to attend and give their views.

10. Account and Finance
a) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1)
The Council was asked to approve the following payments:
Total cheques numbered 5720 to 5734 for approval and signature at the meeting £8,452.13
Total cheques numbered 5708 to 5719 paid since last meeting for ratification £10,467.00
Direct Debits/Standing Orders shown as paid in July £6,402.93
Income shown as received during July £29,838.00

Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. Chart seconded by Cllr. G Chenoweth. All in favour. The Council RESOLVED to approve payments of accounts.
b) To consider a £30 float for the Clerk’s Office.
Cllr. Salter proposed that the Parish Council keep a £30 float for use as petty cash in the Clerk’s office, this was seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. The Council RESOLVED to approve the £30 float for the Clerk’s office.

c) To consider funding the Clerk and Assistant Clerk’s attendance at the Annual SLCC meeting.
This will cost £78.00 for both clerks to attend, plus ferry tickets to Falmouth. Cllr. Williams proposed that the Parish Council fund the Clerk and Assistant Clerk attendance at the Annual SLCC meeting, this was seconded by Cllr. B Chenoweth. All in favour. The Council RESOLVED to approve the funding to attend the Annual SLCC meeting.

d) To consider joining the Cornwall Council’s Intranet at a cost of £50.
Cllr. Williams proposed that the Parish Council join Cornwall Council’s intranet, seconded by Cllr. Giles. 10 in favour, 1 abstinence. The Council RESOLVED to approve the £50 to join Cornwall Council’s intranet.

e) Application for financial support.
Cllr. Baylis proposed that there is clear policy guidance for all funding requests and that an application form is made available, this was seconded by Cllr. Williams. All in favour. The Council RESOLVED to follow procedures and the current policy for responding to funding requests.

11. Planning
a) To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee held in the period 3rd July to 6th August. No meetings held in the period 3rd July to 6th August.

b) The Council considered the following planning applications:
12. Land at Freshwater Lane – pre-application, erection of a dwelling and detached garage, boathouse. Reviewed by the Planning Committee. No objections in principle. Cllr Warren feels that the garage/boathouse is not appropriately subservient to the main dwelling. St Mawes & St Just in Roseland Society objected to the blue bricks and cedar as not in keeping with area and the garage/boathouse at nearly 18.5 metres is viewed as excessively massive and too high.

13. 06025 8 Tredenham Road, Demolition of a single storey extension & erection of a two storey replacement extension incorporating roof lights. Reviewed by Cllrs. Chart, Giles and Salter. No objections.

14. 06372 Flat 1&2 Parkhouse, Bohella Road, the plans submitted are to convert the two flats into two townhouses, each three bedrooms. Plans reviewed by Cllrs Chart, Giles and Salter. No objections.

15. 05569 Ranch House, Grove Hill, Demolition of existing garage, erection of new two-storey dwelling and associated landscaping.
Plans reviewed by Cllrs Farmiloe, Giles and Salter. All three Cllrs objected to the proposal for the following reasons – an overdevelopment, looks good on paper but not in reality, loss of green space, it’s a very narrow site coming out onto a busy road opposite St Mawes School where cars park all the time. The Council RESOLVED to object to the application.
The St Mawes and St Just in Roseland Society also object to this proposal for the same reasons.

16. 06865 Manor Court Flats, The Square, St Mawes – Change of use from magnolia painted masonry to vertical hung slating. Plans reviewed by Cllrs. Farmiloe, Benney and Salter. No objections.

17. 06852 Sunnybanks, Trelawney Road, St Mawes – Erection of raised decking as access from first floor to garden. Currently being reviewed by Cllrs. Williams, Benney and Giles. No objections.

c) To note the decisions of the Planning Authority –
05300 22 Percuil View, St Mawes. Erection of a two storey extension. Approved

00154 Carwarthen Farm. Certificate of lawfulness application for the existing use of
land for the stationing of a mobile home for residential purposes. Granted.

04778 1 St Austell Row, St Mawes. Erection of a decking area. Approved.

06041 Medlar Cottage, Polvarth Rd. Non material amendment for maintaining existing garage and incorporate new kitchen. Approved.

d) Enforcements
EN 12/01482 16 Polvarth Estate. Alleged non-compliance with approved plans. PA11/06649. No timber cladding to the exterior. Pending consideration.

e) To note planning correspondence received. – none received.

f) Neighbourhood Planning
The Assistant Clerk advised that the Localism Act is now in place and outlined the merits of
developing a Neighbourhood Plan. The Council considered the presentation at a recent cluster meeting
by a group of Parish Councils who had already produced a successful Neighbourhood Plan.
Cllr. Salter proposed that the Parish Council develop a Roseland wide Neighbourhood Plan with the
Roseland Parishes, namely Veryan, Gerrans, Philleigh, & Ruan Lanihorne. This was seconded
by Cllr. Williams. All in favour. The Council RESOLVED to support the development of a Roseland
Wide Neighbourhood Plan.

12. Millennium Rooms Management Committee (MRMC) (appendix 2)
To consider the recommendations from the MRMC meeting on Friday 3rd August 2012
MRMC recommended that the Parish Council be requested to approve the adoption of the MRMC
constitution. Cllr. Giles proposed that the constitution be adopted, seconded by Cllr. B Chenoweth. All
in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

13. Car Park
a) To consider monthly income

Pay & Pay & Display Permits Permits Total
Display Cumulative
Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Cumulative

July-11 23,961.00 74,288.20 225.00 12,493.70 86,781.90
July-12 22,695.00 73,259.60 375.00 12,944.10 86,203.70
July 2011 comparable with July 12
Up 150.00 450.40
Down -1266.00 -1028.60

b) To consider the recommendations from the Car Park Committee meeting held on 22nd July 2012. (appendix 3)

Cllr. G Chenoweth proposed to approve the Constitution, seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour. The Council RESOLVED to approve the Constitution.

Cllr. Salter proposed to delay decision to adopt the proposed car park charges as they will be looked at further at a Car Park Committee meeting in August. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

Cllr. Giles, the chairman of the Car Park Committee, advised that the committee are looking into the relocation of the garage and storage for the cleansing operative vehicle. The Car Park Committee considered that the best site would be immediately next to the fisherman’s cage in the side car park and are currently looking into costings of a pre cast concrete garage.

The Clerk advised that Cornwall Council property services have consented in principle to the construction of a garage in car park.

The Clerk reported that two surveyors from Cormac Consultancy assessed the crack in the boundary wall in the car park and advised that the Budlia be removed immediately as the roots and weight of the bush is damaging the wall. Mr Badcock arranged for the Budlia to be removed and advised that his builder is pinning the wall.

14. Public Toilets
a) To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences
Cllr. Warren reported on the recent meeting held with interested parties from the Parish Council, Cornwall Council and the St Just PCC. There is a great willingness to have this devolved to Local Council responsibility provided that the toilets have been maintained properly and that the Parish Council are taking on an asset and not a liability, Cllr. Warren suggested that the Parish Council employ a surveyor to look at this block to confirm that it is in fit state of repair. The Parish Council and the PCC must agree measures to determine the income from the car park. The Clerk has received copies of leases dated 12th April 1061 and 16th March 1973 between the Church Commissioners, representative of the late George Johnstone and Truro Rural District Council. Cornwall Council is proposing to transfer two leases relating to the Public Conveniences from Cornwall Council to St Just in Roseland Parish Council.

b) To consider the future financing of the cleansing costs of St Mawes Public Conveniences
Cornwall Council confirmed that, if the Parish Council were to take over responsibility for the St Mawes public conveniences, the total grant offer would be 100{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} of fixed costs and 50{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} of the cleansing costs currently totalling £12,718.09. Cornwall Council also confirmed that the grant for the cleansing costs payable to the Parish Council in this financial year would be £3,706.85, compared to last years grant of £7,414.

c) To consider supporting Newquay Town Council regarding Cornwall Council’s Public Convenience Asset Devolution. The Clerk circulated their letter of 25th July. The Council concluded that the letter was not relevant to the Parish Council’s circumstances.

16. Cornwall Council’s Core Strategy
To consider supporting the views of Save Our Unspoilt Land, Trelawney Alliance, Truro Concern, and CoCERG. It was agreed that Members of the Council should they wish to may make a personal response, however the Parish Council will not be supporting their campaign.

17. The Square, St Mawes
To consider refurbishing the triangle in The Square where litterbins are sited.
It was generally agreed to discuss further, a project to include more seating in the area, and ways
to make it more attractive.

18. Dog Bins
To consider the siting of dog waste bins along Tredenham Road.
Cllr. Salter proposed no action, seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

20. Access for wheelchair users in St Mawes
To consider installing dropped kerbs to the pavements along Kings Road for wheelchair access.
The Council understands the difficulties experienced by wheelchair users. However it was felt that, there are already dropped kerbs by the shops in Kings Road and in Tredenham Road, and that there is
insufficient space within the village to accommodate a special lane specifically for use by motorised wheelchairs.

21. Standing Orders
To approve the updates to the Standing Orders following the adoption of the Interim Code of Conduct. The Council RESOLVED to put this matter in abeyance until the next meeting.

The Clerk reported that Code of Conduct training has been arranged by CALC for Monday 24th September at 7pm in the Millennium Rooms.

22. Correspondence (information only)

23. Staffing Matters
To consider the recommendation from the Personnel Committee meeting 16th July 2012. (appendix 4)
Cllr. Farmiloe reported that the matters relating to the Interim Code of Conduct will be considered after the next Parish Council meeting.

Items for the next agenda –
Timing of Triathlon
Roseland Neighbourhood Plan
St Just Development/Affordable Housing

Date of next meeting: To be held on Monday 3rd September 2012 in the Parish Millennium Rooms, St Mawes commencing at 7:00pm.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10.15 pm




Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 2nd July 2012. The Meeting commenced at 7pm.

Councillors Present:
The Chairman Cllr. A. K. Warren, Cllrs. R. G. Baylis, J. Benney, A. M. Chart, B. Chenoweth, G. Chenoweth, P. Farmiloe, R.E. Giles, P. J. Salter, P. Teague and C Williams

Also present:
S. Penhaligon (Clerk), T. van der Wolde (Assistant Clerk) and Cornwall Councillor J. German

1. To accept apologies for absence – none

2. Declaration of Interest:
a) Pecuniary Interest – none
b) Non Pecuniary Interest – Cllr. P. Farmiloe and Cllr. B. Chenoweth declared a non Pecuniary Interest in Item 10b of the Agenda.
c) Of gifts to the value of more than £50 – none

3. Open Period – Public Participation – no members of public present

4. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th June 2012
An amendment was made to previous minutes which deleted Annual Meeting in the title and replaced with Meeting. The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that the previously circulated minutes be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda

a) Code of Conduct for Parish Councils
The Cornwall Code of Conduct for Town and Parish Councils (interim) does not fully explain the dispensations that allow members to speak and take part in debate if they have declared an interest in an agenda item. An SLCC briefing paper defines the dispensations, which are quite broad. A proposal has been prepared for review by the Personnel Committee that describes the dispensations and suggests how amendments might be made to standing orders to cater for circumstances where the Council feels that it might be appropriate that a Councillor be allowed to speak. The Chairman Cllr. Warren explained the new protocol for non pecuniary and pecuniary interests.

b) Pipe from Place View to the car park
Luke Dunstone does not have time to repair the pipe. The Clerk will ask Dave Chenoweth. Cllr R. Giles agreed to meet Dave Chenoweth on site.

Archive matters – outstanding matters
a) Registration of the Permissive Path to Recreation Ground with Land Registry
The Clerk confirmed that this is in hand.
b) Notice board in Polvarth Road.
The Clerk confirmed that this is in hand.
c) Upgrade of street lighting to Cornwall Council standards.
J Lanstbery of Cornwall Council has confirmed that Cornwall Council will be taking over the responsibility of the street lighting in the Parish from 1st July. John Fish of Western Power will liaise with Cornwall Council and arrange to take on the EDF energy supply from 30th June 2012.

6. Report from the Clerk
The Clerk received an email detailing a press release regarding the Tregony Police Station relocation. To improve service delivery, a better and more fit for purpose police premises is being located in Truro. Although these premises are not yet secured, they will allow a more efficient operational base and better contact with the public. Both Truro Police Station (Tregolls Road) and Tregony Police Station have been identified as inefficient, not suitable for modern policing needs and approved for disposal – although neither have yet been sold. Devon and Cornwall Police intend to purchase a new Police Station for Truro and are looking for a new physical base in Tregony, ideally co-located with a public sector partner. The stations will not close until the new facilities become operational and the police will remain in their current numbers on the Roseland using the existing Tregony station until a suitable alternative has been found and equipped. No decision has been made to change either the numbers of officers working out of the future premises or how the area is policed because “neighbourhood policing” (along with other aspects of the whole force) is under an ongoing review and there has been cuts in central funding. Cornwall Cllr. German said that he will invite the Chief Superintendent to the next Parish meeting to discuss how Tregony will be manned in the future.

The Clerk received an email from a member of the public concerning dog bins in Tredenham Road. Cllr R. Giles asked that this be put as an agenda item at next meeting, this was agreed.

The Clerk of the House of Commons meets Cornwall Youth Parliament at County Hall on Wednesday 25th July 11.30 – 1pm. The event is free and open to all, however there is limited booking.

A thank you letter was read from Sue Batkin, the previous Assistant Clerk.

7. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary – no report

8. Report from Cornwall Councillor
Cornwall Cllr. German recently attended the Local Government Association conference and informed the Parish Council that the same pattern of cuts is replicated in the next Public Spending Review, with a predicted figure of a 50{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} cut to the revenue available for public services over a 4 year period, thus affecting the delivery of the existing service offer by Local Authorities and Police. He expressed that there has been difficult times and difficult decisions and this is likely to carry on.

The hand over of the lights will save the Parish Council time and money. Cornwall Council will contact the Parish in the autumn regarding usage, as the lights will be internet connected and will be able to vary times to when lights are needed, thus saving money.

Cornwall Cllr. German confirmed that the Highway works have started, and he was pleased to see that there have been no recent problems with bin collections, the new changes to the bin collections have saved Cornwall Council three million pounds, and the new changes have also increased the amount people recycle.

9. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committee

Cllr. Teague – St Just Institute
Cllr. Teague reported that they have just had an extraordinary meeting as they had to alter arrangements for the fete. They have moved the event from Friday 27th June to Sunday 29th July. The event on Sunday will be a much bigger event than was previously planned for Friday.

Cllr. Williams – Heritage Group
Cllr. Williams advised that there will be three fundraising events, starting with a coffee morning at Ar Dowr, Trelawney Road on Wednesday 11th July 10.30am – 1pm. There will also be a walk at St Anthony’s head during Carnival week and the Heritage Group will have a stall at Carnival week.

Cllr. Baylis – St Mawes School Board of Governors
Cllr. Baylis informed the Parish Council that Ofsted have made changes to the way they assess schools and give markings, making the process more rigorous. St Mawes School have recently been visited by Ofsted and were given Good on their report. Compared to their previous report which was Outstanding, the marking does not reflect the fact that St Mawes School have actually improved in every area.

Cllr. Warren – Roseland Cluster Meeting
Cllr. Warren spoke about the recent meeting attended by four of the five Roseland parishes and also attended by guest speakers from Rame who are one of the front runners in developing a neighbourhood plan, also in attendance were Cornwall Council representatives and Cornwall Cllr. German. Rame peninsula is made up of six parishes, and they have come together to make a Neighbourhood Plan. This is because the parishes had common goals and areas of shared interests including the main infrastructures. Cllr. Warren reiterated that the Neighbourhood Plan is very much a community document and would like community engagement to be intrinsic in developing the Plan. It was agreed that Neighbourhood planning is to be on the next agenda, so that the Parish Council can decide if the Neighbourhood Plan is to be Roseland wide or just the local Parish.

Cllr. Williams would like to include the St Just in Roseland proposed housing development on the next agenda. Cornwall Cllr. German will invite Nick Marsden from Cornwall Council Affordable Housing team.

10. Account and Finance

a) to approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1)
The Council was asked to approve the following payments:
Total cheques numbered 5697 to 5706 for approval and signature at the meeting £5,035.95
Total cheques numbered 5689 to 5696 paid since last meeting for ratification £4,234.25
Direct Debits/Standing Orders shown as paid in June £2,663.10
Income shown as received during June £28,559.00

Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. Williams seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. The Council RESOLVED to approve payments of accounts.

At this point Cllr. B Chenoweth and Cllr. P. Farmiloe left the meeting having declared a non pecuniary interest in the following item.
b) To consider the request for financial support from St Mawes Carnival Committee.
Cllr. G Chenoweth proposed that the Parish Council pay for St John Ambulance to attend the Carnival, this was seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. The Council RESOLVED to pay for St John Ambulance to attend the St Mawes Carnival provided that they see their accounts for last year, which is standard practise when giving financial support.

Cllrs. Chenoweth and Farmiloe returned to the meeting.

11. Planning

a) To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee held in the period 12th June to 26th June.
No meetings held in the period 12th June to 26th June

b) The Council considered the following planning applications:

1. 03744 10 Pedn Moran Alterations to existing dormer window.
Following a site visit by Cornwall Cllr. German, Cllr. Salter and the Assistant Clerk and further discussions with the case officer it has been agreed to disagree with the case officer. The case officer supported the use of zinc as a roofing material and approved the application under delegated powers, as agreed with Cornwall Cllr. German.

8. 05126 Pendragon, Replacement ancillary building. Reviewed by Cllrs. G Chenoweth, Chart, and Salter. No Objections. This application has been approved.

9. 04208 The Smithy. Proposed demolition of existing building known at ‘The Smithy’ and replacement new two storey dwelling. Reviewed by Cllrs. G. Chenoweth, Teague and Salter. No objections.

10. Windrush Pre-application from CAD Architects. Alterations and extension to existing house. Demolition and reconstruction of detached annexe. Reviewed by Cllrs. Warren, Giles and Salter. No objections. Comments made: a condition to ensure annex is not used as a separate dwelling, more hard might benefit from. core to be reused on site, and concern of site vehicles used on St Austell Row. The application was much improved since previous application.

11. 05300 22 Percuil View. Erection of two storey extension. Reviewed by Cllrs. Chart, Giles and Salter. No objections.

c) To note the decisions of the Planning Authority –

PA12/03210 Angarrick House, 4 Chapel Close – repositioning of existing roof velux and additional rooflights/ velux. Approved.

PA12/05229 Larkfield Rise, Upper Castle Road – Non material amendment for 19 new affordable dwellings for rent and shared ownership. Sites: 310564, (PA31/1088/05/M). Approved.

d) Enforcements

EN12/01303 Woodpeckers Freshwater Lane Alleged Non-Compliance with approved plans – PA13/1567/08/R – Air Source Pump installed. Case closed, Breach now ceased.

EN12/00914 Opposite 31 Lower Castle Road. Alleged hard standing has been created to the front of the dwelling house without planning permission. Case closed. No breach found.

EN12/01355 Little House. Alleged building works to the interior of the property. Case closed. No breach found.

EN12/01564 Pasco’s Boatyard Alleged florist business operating from Pasco’s Boatyard. Case closed. Not expedient.

EN 12/01482 16 Polvarth Estate. Alleged non-compliance with approved plans. PA11/06649. No timber cladding to the exterior. Pending consideration.

e) To note planning correspondence received. – A new pre application has been received from Fulfords Land and Planning for an erection of a dwelling and detached garage/boathouse at Land at Freshwater Lane. This will be circulated to all members of Planning Committee.

12. Millennium Rooms Management Committee (MRMC)
To consider the recommendations from the MRMC meeting on Monday 25th June 2012.
(appendix 2)
Cllr. Williams reported that the MRMC approved the proposal to change the Garage into office use for
the Car Park and Roseland Visitor Centre employees. A sub committee has been formed to take this
forward. The committee is also looking into the option of changing over the Clerks office with the
Print Room. Cllr. Williams circulated a draft of costings for proposal. (Appendix 3)

Cllr. Giles proposed for MRMC to progress plans to convert the garage to office space, and the
relocation of the Clerks office. Seconded by Cllr. B Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the

Cllr. Williams proposed for the Car Park Committee to look into the accommodating of the
street-cleaners vehicle which is currently located in the Garage. Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in
favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

Cllr. Williams advised that an information board committee has been set up and that there was a meeting with the Roseland Community Bus management, and they reached a sensible resolution of future fees.

13. Car Park

a) To consider monthly income

Pay & Display
Pay & Display
Permits Cumulative

June 2011 comparable with June 2012





The Clerk reported that there have been recent problems with motor bikes parking in car parking bays
and receiving fixed penalties. The fee paying sign states that parking is free for motor bikes but does
not state parking must be in designated area. The Clerk has discussed the issue with Ken Polmounter,
Parking Services who has agreed to ask CEOs to refrain from issuing fixed penalties for motorbikes
until the sign has been amended.

The Car Park Committee agreed to hold a meeting on Sunday 22nd July commencing at 11am.

14. Public Toilets

a) To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences
The Clerk received an email from Scott Sharples of Cornwall Council who suggested a meeting.

b) To consider the future financing of the cleansing costs of St Mawes Public Conveniences
The Parish Council will make a resolution at the next meeting.

15. Dates of monthly Parish Council meetings
Presently we have notified parishioners that the Parish Council meeting will take place on the first
Monday of every month, and if there is a Bank Holiday it will be the second Monday of the month.
Cllr. Baylis would prefer more options when to choose a meeting as this has resulted in a 3 week gap
between June and July, and a 5 week gap between July and August. The Clerk confirmed that standing
orders allow the change of meetings dates, and we can make revisions to notified meetings to prevent
this happening again.

16. To consider a request from a member of the public concerning cars obstructing access to
Property in Buckley’s Lane.
The request was for Cornwall Council to put yellow lines over a small section of road, as cars
repeatedly block their driveway. Cornwall Cllr. German advised that obstructing a driveway is a Police
issue and that the owners should contact the Police at the time of the offence.

17. Correspondence (information only). There were no matters arising.

18. Staffing Matters
To consider the recommendations of the Personnel Committee to adopt the following documents
a) The ‘Policy and Procedures for New Councillors’ (Appendix 4)
Cllr. Farmiloe proposed to adopt the documents now in their present form which will be subject to an annual review. Cllr. Williams seconded this. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

b) ‘An introduction for New Councillors’ (Appendix 5)
Cllr. Farmiloe proposed to adopt the documents now in their present form which will be subject to an annual review. Cllr. Williams seconded this. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

Items for the next agenda –
Dog Bins
Neighbourhood Planning
Affordable Homes in St Just St Just in Roseland
Future financing of cleansing of Public toilets
Bohella Bank
The litterbins in The Square, St Mawes

Dates of Parish Council meetings to be held in the Parish Millennium Rooms unless otherwise stated:
Monday 6th August 2012
Monday 3rd September 2012
Monday 1st October 2012
Monday 5th November 2012
Monday 3rd December 2012
Monday 7th January 2013
Monday 4th February 2013
Monday 4th March 2013
Monday 8th April 2013
Monday 13th May 2013

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.30 pm








26th June 2012

To all Members of the Council

Dear Sir or Madam,

I hereby give you notice that the Meeting of the PARISH COUNCIL of the above Parish will be held at The Parish Millennium Rooms on Monday, 2nd July 2012 commencing at 7pm

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted as set out hereunder.

Residents of the Parish are invited to attend and listen to proceedings.

Yours faithfully

Shirley Penhaligon
Clerk to the Council

1. To accept apologies for absence

2. Declaration of Interest
a) Pecuniary Interest
b) Non Pecuniary Interest
c) Of gifts to the value of more than £50

3. Public Participation
Members of the public may address Councillors on any item for a maximum of 15 minutes and for no longer than 5 minutes per person.

4. To confirm the minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday, 11th June 2012

5. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda – for report only
a) Code of Conduct for Parish Councils
b) Pipe from Place View to the car park

Archive matters – outstanding matters
c) Registration of the Permissive Path to Recreation Ground with the Land Registry
d) Notice board in Polvarth Road
e) Upgrade of street lighting to Cornwall Council standards

6. Report from the Clerk
7. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
8. Report from Cornwall Councillor
9. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committee

AGENDA ITEMS – for discussion/decisions

10. Accounts and Finance
a) To approve the payments of accounts
b) To consider the request for financial support from St Mawes Carnival Committee

11. Planning
a) To consider matters arising from the Planning Committee meetings
b) To consider Planning Applications received from Cornwall Council
c) To note the decisions of the Planning Authority
d) Enforcements
e) To consider planning correspondence

12. Millennium Rooms Management Committee
To consider the recommendations from the MRMC meeting on Monday 25th June 2012

13. Car Park
To consider monthly income

14. Public Toilets
a) To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences
b) To consider the future financing of the cleansing costs of St Mawes Public Conveniences

15. Dates of monthly Parish Council meetings
To consider changing the date of Parish Council meetings when a National Holiday occurs

16. Parking obstructions in Buckeys Lane
To consider a request from a member of the public concerning cars obstructing access to a property in Buckeys Lane

17. Correspondence (information only)

18. Staffing Matters
To consider the recommendations of the Personnel Committee to adopt the following documents:
a) The “Policy and Procedures for New Councillors”
b) “An introduction for new Councillors”


Minutes of the Annual Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 11th June 2012. The Meeting commenced at 7pm.

Councillors Present:
The Chairman Cllr. A. K. Warren, Cllrs. R. G. Baylis, J. Benney, A. M. Chart, B. Chenoweth, G. Chenoweth, P. Farmiloe, R.E. Giles, P. J. Salter, and P. Teague

Also present:
S. Penhaligon (Clerk), S. Batkin & T. van der Wolde (Assistant Clerk) and 3 members of the public

1. To accept apologies for absence Cllr. C Williams, Cornwall Cllr. German

2. a) Declaration of Interest: – None
b) Of gifts to the value of more than £25. – None

3. Open Period – Public Participation –
Mr. Walker voiced his concern about the increase on the precept, which he calculated as 93{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20}, and asked for an explanation of the reasoning behind the increase and the services provided. Cllr. Baylis responded as Chairman of the Finance Committee and offered to talk with Mr. Walker at greater length to give a more detailed response to Mr. Walker’s concerns.

Mr. Shaw explained the background to the planning application to rebuild the ancillary building at his property which is in a state of disrepair. The proposal is for a new building in keeping with the location and surroundings. Mr. Shaw has consulted with neighbours and the planning authority and is happy to provide the Council with any additional information concerning the proposal.

4. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14th May 2012
The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands,that the previously circulated minutes be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda – for report only

Archive matters – outstanding matters
a) Registration of the Permissive Path to Recreation Ground with the Land Registry – ongoing

b) Notice board in Polvarth Road – ongoing

c) Upgrade of street lighting to Cornwall Council standards
The Clerk reported that she has received documentation confirming the completion of the work to bring the street lighting to the standard required by Cornwall Council and the Council is now in a position to finalise the handover of this service to Cornwall Council.

6. Report from the Clerk
The Diamond Jubilee celebrations were a great success due to the efforts of the committee and everyone involved on the day. The Council acknowledged that this had been an outstanding community event and the Chairman asked the Clerk to send a letter of thanks on behalf of the Council to all concerned. The Recreation Committee has expressed their thanks to the Council for the funding of the new play equipment that has recently been installed. May Gurney have completed the repairs to the water pipe at the entrance to the car par and made good the road surface. The Clerk is investigating a request from Mr. D. Hubbard regarding street names in St Just in Roseland.
7. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
The Clerk read out the report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary: Twelve calls have been made to the police and three crimes investigated. Thefts of heating oil continue to cause concern and people are urged to ensure oil tanks are secure and report suspicious activity to the Police.

8. Report from Cornwall Councillor
Cornwall Cllr. German sent his apologies for the meeting. Information from Cornwall Cllr. German concerning the transfer of public conveniences from Cornwall Council was considered later in the meeting.

9. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committee

Cllr. Williams – Heritage Group
Cllr. Williams asked the Clerk, in her absence, to thank the Council for the use of the Millennium Rooms for the exhibition during the Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

Cllr. Baylis – St Mawes School Board of Governors
Cllr. Baylis is to attend a briefing for governors to feedback on the school’s excellent Ofsted report.

Cllr. Warren – Roseland Cluster Meeting
Cllr. Warren summarised the recent meeting attended by five of the Roseland parishes during which there were early discussions about the possibility of developing a Roseland wide Neighbourhood Plan for areas of shared interests. A similar discussion was also held at the AGM of the Friends of Pendower Beach.

Cllr. Chart and Cllr. G. Chenoweth – St Mawes Co-partnership
Cllr. Chart reported that all properties were occupied and there is a good financial position.

AGENDA ITEMS – for discussion/decisions
10. Accounts and Finance
a) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1 amended)
The Council was asked to approve the following payments:

Total cheques numbered 5667 to 5688 for approval and signature at the meeting
£ 43,612.35
Total cheques numbered 5657to 5666 paid since last meeting for ratification
£ 5,559.25
Direct Debits/Standing Orders shown as paid in May
£ 1,864.74
Income shown as received during April
£ 23,952.11

The Clerk advised that she was seeking clarification concerning an invoice and had withdrawn 5669, £568.80 from the schedule of payments. Approval of the payments of accounts, taking into account the amendment notified by the Clerk, proposed by Cllr. G. Chenoweth and seconded by Cllr. Teague All in favour. The Council RESOLVED to approve payments of accounts.

b) To approve the Annual Return for the year 31st March 2012 and associated documents for submission to the Audit Commission
Cllr. Baylis noted the amendment of the total value of fixed assets to £400,942 and proposed that the annual return went forward to the external auditors. Seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

c) To consider the Audit Commission’s consultation on the appointment of Grant Thornton UK LLP to audit the annual return for the five years from 2012/13
The Council noted correspondence from the Audit Commission advising that the contract for audit for the next five years has been awarded to Thornton (UK) LLP .
11. Planning

a) To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee held in the period 15th May to 5th June .
No meetings held in the period 15th March to 5th June.

b) The Council considered the following planning applications:

1. 03744 10 Pedn Moran Alterations to existing dormer window.
Following discussions of the proposal to use zinc for the covering for the roof of the lean which can be summarised as
House is of an arts and craft appearance, typical of this area of St Mawes.
Advice received confirms that a range of size slates that can be used.
Zinc is not appropriate for this style of building; the building cited by the case officer is a modern design.
Cllr. Salter proposed objection on the grounds that the material is out of keeping with the character of the property. Seconded by Cllr. Giles. 9 in favour and 1 against. Resolved by the Council

5. 03210 Angarrick House 4 Chapel Close. Repositioning of existing roof velux and additional rooflights / velux. Cllrs. G. Chenoweth, Teague, Warren. No objections.

6. 04778 1 St Austell Row. Proposed decking. Cllrs Farmiloe, Giles and Salter. No objections

7. 04858 Little House, Windmill Hill. Replacement rear extension with balcony above. Following discussions of how the plans submitted for this application had addressed the concerns raised in the previous withdrawn application Cllr. Salter proposed no objection. Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. 1 against and 2 abstentions. RESOLVED by the Council.

c) To note the decisions of the Planning Authority –

PA12/01281 Pre app Rear of Rising Sun Hotel – Notification of installation of telecommunications equipment modular cabinet. Closed – advice given/application submitted

PA12/ 02575 Polvean Freshwater Lane. Amendment to design previously approved. PA11/04986. Approved

PA12/03743 Lowena Erection of porch annexe. Approved

PA12/03966 Lowena Stone facing of existing boundary hedge adjoining highway. Approved

d) Enforcements

EN12/01303 Woodpeckers Freshwater Lane Alleged Non-Compliance with approved plans – PA13/1567/08/R – Air Source Pump installed. Case closed, Breach now ceased.

EN12/00914 Opposite 31 Lower Castle Road. Alleged hard standing has been created to the front of the dwelling house without planning permission. Pending consideration.

EN12/01355 Little House. Alleged building works to the interior of the property. Pending consideration.

EN 12/01482 16 Polvarth Estate. Alleged non-compliance with approved plans. PA11/06649. No timber cladding to the exterior. Pending consideration.

EN12/01564 Pasco’s Boatyard Alleged florist business operating from Pasco’s Boatyard.

e) To note planning correspondence received. – None received.
12. Millennium Rooms Management Committee
The Millennium Rooms Management Committee has not met since the previous Parish Council meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for the 27th June.

a) To further consider proposals on the change to office space
Cllr. Salter is investigating the cost of proposals for the change of office space for consideration at the next meeting.

b) To further consider proposals on information boards
Cllr. Williams has been in contact with Mr. G. Rust regarding the design of the information boards and costs will be taken to the next meeting of the MRMC. A small group will be set up to take the work forward.

The Clerk reported that Cllr. Chart has kindly arranged an assessment of the Millenniun Rooms for the installation of a hearing loop.

13. Car Park

a) To consider monthly income

Pay & Display
Pay & Display
Permits Cumulative

May 2011 comparable with May 2012





The Council noted the Car Park income for the month of May.

14. Public Conveniences

a) To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences
The Chairman asked that this matter be discussed at the next meeting

b) To consider the future financing of the cleansing costs of St Mawes Public Conveniences
The Chairman asked that this matter be discussed at the next meeting

The Chairman instructed the Clerk to write to Cornwall Council expressing the Council’s disappointment and dissatisfaction with the lack of communication concerning this matter which caused the discussion to be adjourned to the next meeting.

15. Changes to Precedents
a) To formally adopt the Financial Regulations amendments approved at the meeting of the 14th May 2012
The Chairman signed the document adopted at the meeting of the 14th May 2012.

b) To formally adopt the Standing Orders amendments approved at the meeting of the 14th May 2012
The Chairman signed the document adopted at the meeting of the 14th May 2012.

16. Procedures for Parish Council meetings
To formally adopt the Procedures for Parish Council meetings approved at the meeting of the 14th May 2012
The Chairman signed the document adopted at the meeting of the 14th May 2012.

17. Code of Conduct for Parish Councils
To consider the National Association of Local Council’s draft template Code of Conduct for Parish Councils dated 17th May 2012
A discussion took place about the lack of clarity and guidance concerning the revised Code of Conduct and the requirement to have a document in place by the time the current code becomes obsolete. Cllr. Salter proposed adopting the “Cornwall Council Code of Conduct for Parish and Town Councils” as it stands from the 1st July 2012, with the understanding that the document might need to be amended once further information and guidance becomes clear. Seconded by Cllr. Chart. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

18. Truro and Roseland Community Network
To nominate representatives for the Truro and Roseland Community Network
Following discussion of the merit of this meeting and a request for a representative to come forward Cllr Warren proposed that a representative attends this meeting on a floating (as available) basis. Seconded by Cllr. G. Chenoweth. 9 in favour and 1 abstension. RESOLVED by the Council.
Cllr. B. Chenoweth kindly agreed to go to the next meeting on the 24th July.

19. Busking in St Mawes Village
To consider issues raised regarding busking in St Mawes
The Clerk reported that local residents have written to her stating that despite following the guidance supplied from Cornwall Council there has been no relief from the music being played by the busker. The Council noted the correspondence and confirmed that the Clerk has acted appropriately by signposting parishioners to the correct department in Cornwall Council, no further action can be taken by the Parish Council.

20. Pipe from Place View to the car park
To consider permanent repairs to the water
The pipe was originally installed by South West Water but has been maintained on an “as needs” basis by the Parish Council. Cllr Warren proposed that the Clerk write to South West Water asking them to maintain the pipe in a fit and proper manner and explain that local repairs are being made for which the Council can take no responsibility. Seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

21. Correspondence (information only). There were no matters arising.

22 Staffing Matters

a) To consider a report from the Personnel Committee
No matters to report
Date of next meeting: To be held on Monday 2nd July in the Millennium Rooms St Mawes at 7:00pm.

Items for the next agenda –
Public Convenience review
Larkfied Rise – responsibility of Housing Association for decoration
2013 Elections – Community Engagement

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9:10 pm




Minutes of the Annual Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the The Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 14th May 2012. The Meeting commenced at 7pm.

Councillors Present:
The Chairman Cllr. A. K. Warren, Cllrs. R. G. Baylis, J. Benney, A. M. Chart, B. Chenoweth, G. Chenoweth, P. Farmiloe, R.E. Giles, P. J. Salter, P. Teague and C. Williams

Also present:
S. Penhaligon (Clerk), S. Batkin (Assistant Clerk) and 7 members of the public

1. Election of Chairman
Cllr. Giles proposed that Cllr. Warren be elected as Chairman of the Parish Council. Seconded by Cllr. Chart. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council. Cllr. Warren took over as Chairman.

2. To accept apologies for absence. Cornwall Cllr. German, Mr. D. Hubbard, Rev. K. Boullier

3. Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr. Chart proposed that Cllr. Giles be elected as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council. Seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

4. Election of Committee Representatives (Appendix 1)
Changes to the representatives on committees were put forward as follows:
Personnel Committee: Cllr. Baylis (temporary member)
Truro and Roseland Community Network Vacancy for two representatives

There being no other changes Cllr. Giles proposed that all committee representatives be elected as stands. Seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

The Chairman asked that nominations for the Truro and Roseland Community Network representatives be considered at the next Parish Council meeting.

5. a) Declaration of Interest: – None
b) Of gifts to the value of more than £25. – None

6. Open Period – Public Participation –
Mr. J. Thomas representing the Parochial Church Council thanked the Parish Council for its continuing support with the maintenance and enhancement of St Just in Roseland Burial Ground.

Mr. R. Atkinson spoke as the agent for the pre-application proposal for work at Little House. Mr. Atkinson described the changes made to address the concerns of the Parish Council and neighbours with regards to the previous planning application which has now been withdrawn.

Mr. L. Ellyatt spoke as a neighbour affected by the proposal at Little House. Mr. Ellyatt commented that he was pleased that some of issues had been addressed in the pre-application proposal but there was still a concern about visual intrusion and noise nuisance from the elevated balcony, a juliette balcony might be a more acceptable alternative. The glass screening for the balcony would be out of keeping in the area.

7. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd April 2012
The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands,that the previously circulated minutes be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

8. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda – for report only

Archive matters
a) The future financing of the cleansing costs of St Mawes Public Conveniences
This matter is to be discussed at the Roseland Cluster meeting on the 15th May.

b) Registration of the Permissive Path to Recreation Ground with the Land Registry

c) Notice board in Polvarth Road – Ongoing

9. Report from the Clerk
The Clerk reported that an extensive programme of celebrations for the Diamond Jubilee is being planned. Cllrs. Giles, Benney and Salter agreed to help with car parking on the day.

10. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
The Clerk read out a report that during April there had been 6 calls to the Police and 3 crimes recorded. Of those recorded the majority relate to thefts of oil

11. Report from Cornwall Councillor
The Clerk read a report from Cornwall Cllr. German. Cornwall Cllr. German confirmed that he will be willing to help with the funding for the refurbishment of the tourist information sign at Trenona. Councillors are asked to report any outstanding problems with the new waste collections and Cornwall Cllr. German apologised for the problems that have been experienced. Pot holes in Carvarnick area have been programmed for repair. Discussions are ongoing within Cornwall Council to agree a way forward to allow the Parish Council to take over the public toilets at St Just in Roseland Church.

12. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committee
Heritage Group – Cllr. Williams
The Heritage Group is staging an exhibition of pictures of royal visits as part of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations in the Millennium Rooms. There is an opening event on Friday 1st June.

Recreation Ground Committee – Cllr. Williams
The fundraising Recfest event will be held on Saturday 9th June.

AGENDA ITEMS – for discussion/decisions
The Chairman consulted with Councillors to allow standing orders to be lifted in order to bring forward item 15. Planning. All in agreement.

15. Planning

a) To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee held in the period 29th March to 8th May.
No meetings held in the period 29th March to 8th May .

b) The Council considered the following planning applications:

1. 03744 10 Pedn Moran Alterations to existing dormer window. Plans being reviewed by Cllrs Chart, Giles and Salter. Further information requested from the case officer.

2. 03743 Lowena 2 Carrick Way Erection of porch to annexe. Cllrs. Farmiloe, Giles and Salter. No objections.

3. 03966 Lowena 2 Carrick Way Stone facing of existing boundary hedge adjoining highway. Cllrs. Farmiloe, Giles and Salter. No objections.

4. 03970 Sea View 8 Church Hill Alterations to sections of roof structure and complete refurbishment with associated works. Cllrs. Baylis, Salter, Benney. No Objections.

Pre-application Little House
Following discussion the general view being that the plans as presented are an improvement on the original plans and address a lot of the concerns raised by the Parish Council. The move away from reversed accommodation, thus creating access from the bedrooms onto the balcony, is an improvement, as is the reduction in the size of the balcony. This is an improvement on the original proposal and does not appear to be an inappropriate way to move this scheme forward. The Assistant Clerk was asked to write to the agent.

c) To note the decisions of the Planning Authority –

55. 00801 Little House, Windmill Hill. The application has been withdrawn.

56. 00796 11 Povarth Estate. Erection of extension. Approved

57. 00565 Myrtle Cottage Trethewell Extensions & alterations to existing dwelling and construction of a detached garage – Approved

58. 0815/6 Opposite 31 Lower Castle Road St Mawes. The application has been withdrawn.

d) Enforcements

EN12/00761 Polvean Freshwater Lane. Alleged non – compliance with approved plans PA11/01671 and 04986. Structures appear to be too high . Case closed. Investigated by case officer, no further action.

EN12/00767 Tregwylan Castle Drive. Alleged non – compliance with approved plans PA31/0379/10/R and PA10/07454 velux window installed. Case closed. Investigated by case officer, no further action.

EN12/00914 Opposite 31 Lower Castle Road. Alleged hard standing has been created to the front of the dwelling house without planning permission. Pending consideration.

EN12/01303 Woodpeckers Freshwater Lane Alleged Non-Compliance with approved plans – PA13/1567/08/R – Air Source Pump installed. Pending consideration

EN12/01355 Little House. Alleged building works to the interior of the property.

e) To note planning correspondence received. – None received.

13. Accounts and Finance

a) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 2)
The Council was asked to approve the following payments:

Total cheques numbered 5645 to 5656 for approval and signature at the meeting
£ 2,924.88
Total cheques numbered 5631 to 5644 paid since last meeting for ratification
£ 6,501.84
Direct Debits/Standing Orders shown as paid in April
£ 6,948.84
Income shown as received during April
£ 38,698.22

Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. Williams and seconded by Cllr. Chart
All in favour. The Council RESOLVED to approve payments of accounts.

b) To note receipt of the notice of the Annual Audit for year end 31st March 2012
The Clerk confirmed that the statutory notice of Elector’s Rights has been duly advertised on the notice board. The audit will be considered at the next meeting and a return made to the auditor by the agreed deadline of the 18th June.

c) To approve the recommendations of the Finance Committee Meeting held on 8th May 2012 (Appendix 3)
d) To approve the 31st March 2012 Annual Audit for submission to the Internal Auditor
Items c) and d) were considered together.

Cllr. Salter proposed that the council accepts the recommendations of the Finance Committee as recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the 8th May 2012 and approve the audit for submission to the internal auditor. Seconded by Cllr. G. Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

e) To note that the revised Cornwall Council Weed Spraying Agency Agreement has been approved and duly signed
Noted by the Parish Council.

14. Changes to Precedents

a) To consider any amendments to the Financial Regulations adopted 7th June 2010
It was noted that no amendments were required to this document and a copy will be signed at the next meeting.

b) To consider any amendments to the Standing Orders adopted 1st August 2011
Cllr. Chart proposed that the amendment at item 1.3 to include the local practice of allowing non members to vote on the Millennium Rooms Management Committee be adopted. Seconded by Cllr. G. Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council. A copy of the document will be signed at the next meeting.

15. Planning. This item was considered earlier in the agenda

16. Millennium Rooms Management Committee (Appendix 4)
To consider the recommendations from the MRMC meeting held on 4th May 2012
After discussion of two options for the proposed relocation of accommodation in the Millennium Rooms Cllr. Warren proposed that the Chairman of the Millennium Rooms Management Committee, supported by a working group, draws up proposals to bring forward to the Parish Council. Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

The Council discussed Cllr. Williams’ report outlining proposals to improve information and signposting for visitors to St Mawes. Cllr. G. Chenoweth proposed that the Parish Council should support the principle to enhance information for visitors and take forward the scheme. Seconded by Cllr. Giles . All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council. Cllr. Chart thanked Cllr. Williams on behalf of the Parish Council for her commitment to this project.

Cllr. Warren confirmed that the Personnel Committee has explored the proposal from the MRMC to change the terms of the contracts for the Roseland Visitor Centre Manager and Assistant Managers with the advisory group, South West Employers. The Personnel Committee is happy to support the recommendation of the MRMC. Cllr. B. Chenoweth proposed that the contracts of the posts of the RVC Manager and Assistant Manager be made permanent. Seconded by Cllr. G. Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

17. Car Park

a) To consider monthly income

Pay & Display
Pay & Display
Permits Cumulative

April 2011 comparable with April 2012





b) To consider the car park signage in accordance with the Cornwall Council Parking Order
Cllr. Baylis reported that following discussions he is minded to accept the advice of Cornwall Council and continue with the parking order in its current form. Cornwall Council will supply a template ready for the issue of a new order in October 2012. Cllr. Giles thanked Cllr. Baylis for his work on behalf of the Car Park Committee.

18. Public Toilets
To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences
Cllr. Warren summarised the recent discussions with Cornwall Cllr. German and Mr. S. Sharples of Cornwall Council. Money has been set aside by Cornwall Council to assist in developing a proposal to ensure the future of the public conveniences at St Just Church and there is a willingness by all parties to progress this matter. Councillors expressed a number of concerns arising from previous failed negotiations with Cornwall Council concerning the church car park and the public conveniences.

19. Procedures for Parish Council meetings
To further consider the procedures for Parish Council meetings
Cllr. Giles proposed that the procedures as presented at the meeting be adopted. Seconded by Cllr. G. Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council. A copy of the document will be signed at the next meeting.

20. Cornwall Council Code of Conduct
To consider a response to the Consultation
The Council noted the advice of the Assistant Clerk that due to the lack of clarity and guidance from Cornwall Council and CALC it would not be productive to respond at this time to the consultation document circulated by Cornwall Council.
21. Waste facilities in the parish

a) To consider installing extra dog waste bins
The Council instructed the Parish Clerk to write to Cornwall Cllr. German expressing its dismay and concern about proposals to discontinue dedicated dog bins and have waste disposed of in general rubbish.

b) To consider installing a litter bin in Castle Drive area
Following discussions it was determined that there is no identifiable need for a litter bin in Castle Drive.

22. Speed in St Just in Roseland
To consider solutions to reduce the speed of motorists in St Just
The Clerk bought to the attention of the Council correspondence from a member of the public expressing concern about the speed of a tractor being driven through the village. The Council confirmed that such complaints should be taken up with the police.

23. Correspondence (information only). There were no matters arising.

24. Staffing Matters

a) To consider a report from the Personnel Committee
Cllr. Farmiloe reported that work to update procedures is ongoing.

b) To consider the recommendations from the Personnel Committee extraordinary meeting held on 5th April 2012 (Appendix 5)
Cllr. Chart proposed that the Personnel Committee be given delegated powers to decide upon the appointment of a new Assistant Clerk following the interviews on Friday 18th May. Seconded by Cllr. Williams. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

Cllr. Salter proposed that the Personnel Committee discuss the Assistant Clerk’s expenses during the interim period between the end of her notice period and date of leaving. Seconded by Cllr. Baylis. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

Date of next meeting: To be held on Monday 11th June in the Millennium Rooms St Mawes at 7:00pm.

Items for the next agenda –
Nominations for representative at the Truro and Roseland Community Network

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10:15 pm



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