The Roseland Magazine is stepping up its search for a new editorial team.
The magazine is facing an uncertain future. As you may be aware the current editorial team are stepping down. If they can’t find anyone to take over, the magazine will have to close.
Despite previous pleas for help they are still looking for the next generation of equally enthusiastic volunteers to breathe new life, and feed new ideas into what has become a monthly fixture of local life.
What could be lost?

Established in the 1970s three thousand copies of the Roseland Magazine are produced every month. They are delivered, free of charge, to our doorsteps by a team of dedicated volunteers or (while stocks last) available to take away from local stores.
Packed with updates from parish councils and church news, contacts for local trades, information about regular events, what’s on and stories of local life, the magazine is an important resource for locals and holiday makers alike.
What needs to be done?
The Trustees of Roseland Magazine have summed it up in their own words.
“The Roseland Magazine provides an invaluable directory of local businesses and traders, keeps everyone informed of regular and one-off events and is the place where messages of public thanks from members of our community are published. It matters.
If it is to continue, the time has come for the next generation to step up. Though their intention to hand over responsibility is definite, if a new team is formed, the present editorial team will not cut and run. They care too much about the magazine and the community to abandon anyone prepared to commit to its continuation. The typists, proofreaders, printers, distributors, treasurer and trustees all remain in place as do our excellent regular contributors.
If new people do not come forward, the Roseland Magazine will no longer exist.
The commitment, especially when shared, is not onerous. This is an exciting opportunity to take a fresh approach, develop new skills and play a vital part in the fabric of this community.
Please email roselandmagazine@gmail.com to get involved in the Roseland Magazine’s new chapter.”
The Trustees of Roseland Magazine