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St Ewe Country Fair

Category: General St Ewe Country Fair


A traditional Country Fair in its 29th year and a great day out for all the family. Sunday 18th August 10am - 5pm, Adults £8, children U16 free. Locally produced food and a bar. Fun Dog Show, Horticultural Marquee, Arena events and much more. Please see our Facebook page for more details and updates. All 'profits go to local good causes and charities.

St Ewe Village Hall and fields
St Ewe, St Austell,
RSPG Ping Pong

Category: General RSPG Ping Pong


Come and join us for a game!

Gerrans Parish Memorial Hall
High Fidelity (15)

Category: General High Fidelity (15)


Rob, a record store owner and compulsive list maker, recounts his top five breakups, including the one in progress.

Harbour Club, Portscatho

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