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The week's events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
20/06/2017(1 event)

RSPG Walking in Company (Gerrans), 10:30


Come and join us!

21/06/2017(1 event)

Gilbert And Sullivan Evening, 19:30 22:00


An evening of Gilbert and Sullivan music featuring the wonderful Kenwin Barton Singers.

Admission £8

23/06/2017(1 event)

Roseland Music Society - Maria Razumovskaya, 19:30


We are delighted to welcome back Maria who first performed for the Society in November 2015.  An exceptionally talented and charismatic pianist her sensitive, expressive and lyrical interpretations created an immediate rapport with the highly appreciative audience and she returns by popular demand.
25/06/2017(2 events)

GSM Car Boot, 10:00 11:00



10am (Seller setup from 9am)
£5 per car
Book via;
Louise Rosewall - 01326 270397 or Hilary Austin - 01326 270563

Veryan Bunker Tours (1100 and 1330), 11:00


Join our tours by local expert Lawrence Holmes and find out the stories behind what went on in a nuclear bunker as well as the nearby, strangely named, starfish bunker. The nuclear bunker is the only preserved ROC nuclear bunker in the south west open to the public on a regular basis and the decoy command bunker is the only known preserved one of its type in the UK.

Booking details:

Call Lawrence Holmes on 01872 278234 (please note volunteer's landline)

Admission is £5 per person (inc NT members). Dogs welcome outside only.

Meeting point: Park at Kiberick Cove car park and walk to Nare Head.

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