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The week's events

  • 27/03/2017 (1 event)
    Euchre Drive

    Category: General Euchre Drive


    All welcome!

  • 28/03/2017 (1 event)
    RSPG Walking in Company (Gerrans)

    Category: General RSPG Walking in Company (Gerrans)


    Come and join us!

  • 29/03/2017 (2 events)
    Trebah Gardens Trip

    Category: General Trebah Gardens Trip


    Picking up from anywhere on the Roseland, the community bus will take you to enjoy Trebah gardens. Phone 01326 270 440 to book

    RSPG Painting For Fun

    Category: General RSPG Painting For Fun


    Come and join us!

  • 30/03/2017 (2 events)
    Roseland Visitor Centre - Open Day

    Category: General Roseland Visitor Centre - Open Day


    Come and see us and learn about volunteering.  Coffee and cake will be servied!

    Tea Dance

    Category: General Tea Dance


    The Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra are down in Cornwall in March and besides their Concerts they are splitting themselves into groups in the afternoons and playing at locations in Cornwall. A quartet from BSO will be in the Memorial Hall, St Mawes playing music from Sinatra, Gershwin, Mancini, plus setting the mood with waltz's, tango's and jive's. Tickets £5,includes tea and cake, from Fudge&Moore-St Mawes profit will go to Children's Hospice South West

  • 01/04/2017 (2 events)
    Portscatho Harbour User's Association AGM

    Category: General Portscatho Harbour User's Association AGM


    Portscatho Harbour User's Association

    Veryan Market

    Category: General Veryan Market


    Over 20 local stall-holders will be selling a large range of products including home made bread, delicious cakes and Cornish pasties, organic meat, locally grown plants and vegetables in season, home-made preserves, local eggs and honey, handicrafts including cards, gifts, bird boxes, artwork, etc. All of this plus the opportunity to have a cup of tea or cafetière coffee with a slice of yummy cake for only £1.50. Bring your friends and neighbours and enjoy a relaxing morning in the company of locals from your village community.

  • 02/04/2017 (2 events)
    GSM Car Boot

    Category: General GSM Car Boot


    **GSM CAR BOOT**

    10am (Seller setup from 9am)
    £5 per car
    Book via;
    Louise Rosewall - 01326 270397 or Hilary Austin - 01326 270563

    Easter Chocolate Bingo

    Category: General Easter Chocolate Bingo


    Gerrans School PTA Easter Chocolate Bingo. Bring all the family for a chance to win some yummy prizes. Refreshments available and an Easter hamper raffle. fun for all the family

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