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The week's events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
13/03/2017(2 events)

Conservative Association AGM, 18:00 19:00


Conservative Association St Mawes and St Just Branch Annual General Meeting

Euchre Drive, 20:00


All welcome!

14/03/2017(1 event)

RSPG Walking in Company (Gerrans), 10:30


Come and join us!

15/03/2017(2 events)

Cornwall Hospice Care, 12:00 14:00


A baked potato lunch to include a choice of filling with salad, and a pudding, fundraising in aide of Adult Hospice Care in Cornwall. Tickets cost £.7.00 and available from Jenny 01326270641, Phyllis 01326270731 or Margaret 01872501256

RSPG Painting For Fun, 13:20


Come and join us!

16/03/2017(1 event)

Charity Lunch - Samaritans, 12:00 13:30


Please come and join us!

17/03/2017(1 event)

Roseland Festival Launch, 18:00 20:00


Launch Evening for members and sponsors of the 2017 Roseland Festival

18/03/2017(1 event)

Jumble Sale, 10:00 16:00


Nearly New & Jumble Sale - Saturday 18th March - 10–4.
Philleigh Community Centre. Contact Shirley 580313 for more info.
19/03/2017(1 event)

Dr Zhivago, 12:30 13:30


Another chance to see this 1965 British-Italian epic romantic drama film .Cinema + Two Course Lunch, Glass of wine and interval Ice Cream all for £30.All profits to Children's Hospice South West .Tickets + details from Fudge&Moore 01326 270126

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