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The week's events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
03/04/2017(2 events)

Beach Clean Porthcurnick (1000) & Pendower (1400), 10:00


Come along and help us clean up our beautiful beaches!  Dogs welcome!

Euchre Drive, 20:00


All welcome!

04/04/2017(1 event)

RSPG Walking in Company (St Mawes), 10:30


Come and join us!

05/04/2017(1 event)

Café Roseland, 14:00 16:30


A chance to meet up with friends, have a cuppa and a piece of cake and a chat or do something interesting.

Come and join us!!

07/04/2017(1 event)

Andrea Dieci Concert at Veryan Church, 19:30 20:30


Award-winning Italian concert performer Andrea Dieci is without doubt one of the world's finest classical guitarists. A multiple international prize-winner, he has also attended masterclasses with such names as Julian Bream and was described in the New York Times Herald as "an impressive guitarist". Always popular in Cornwall, this marks his fifth visit here!

08/04/2017(3 events)

Cornwall Blood Bikes - Coffee Morning, 10:00 12:00


Coffee Morning, 10.00 a.m. to 12 Noon

Raffle, Cakes Plants

Please come along and support this Charity and see one of their bikes.

Roseland Community Bus Jumble Sale, 14:30 15:30


Jumble sale in aid of Roseland Community Transport. Come along and find a bargain.

Edwina Hayes, 20:00


Edwina Hayes returns to the Roseland for a Concert raising funds for Children's Hospice South West. She has opened shows for Jools Holland, Van Morrison, played at Glastonbury Festival and Royal Albert Hall. She is nothing short of sensational--an evening not to be missed ,Tickets £10 from Fudge&Moore ,St Mawes 01326 270126

09/04/2017(1 event)

Homespun Fair, 10:30 16:00


Homespun Vintage and Homemade Fair.

Everyone welcome!


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