Gerrans Parish Council
Meeting of the Finance Committee
Tuesday 27th November 2017 at 6.30 pm Memorial Hall Annexe
Cllrs Gill, Meek, Taffinder, (Chairman); also S Skull (clerk)
- Apologies – Cllr J Hetherington
- Declarations of interest in items on the agenda – none
3 (a) Precept budget for the financial year ending 31st March 2020
The clerk produced copies of a draft budget for 2019/2020 based upon audited figures for the year 2017/2018, forecast figures for the current year ending 31st March 2019 (based on actual figures to 25th October 2018, and known/estimated figures for the remaining 5 months of the year).
He said that the purpose of this budget was to identify the expected income streams and the costs the Parish Council would be obliged to meet in 2019/2020 and to set an appropriate level of Precept.
He said the budget for 2019/2020 accounted for all the core items of expenditure which the PC would be obliged to make and would leave a forecast balance of approximately £33,000 at 31st March 2020. This would represent a balanced budget year on year. The figures included a rise of £725 in the Precept in line with RPI inflation.
The draft budget was appraised by the Committee and the clerk answered questions about the figures. After discussion, Cllr Taffinder proposed (seconded by Cllr Gill) that the Committee recommend to the full Council at its meeting on Tuesday 4th December that the budget as drafted should be approved. This was unanimously agreed.
3 (b) Annual review of the terms of the clerk’s contract of employment
The clerk said he was content not to ask for any change in allocated pay scale, nor for any increase in paid hours for the current year because although he had been delegated extra work in respect of data protection, some other projects which had taken up time outside routine duties, eg Church Close, had now reached their conclusion. Thus the only requested revision to the contract was to update it in respect of the data protection duties.
Cllr Taffinder proposed (seconded by Cllr Meek) that the Committee recommend to the full Council at its meeting on Tuesday 4th December that the contract as redrafted should be approved. This was unanimously agreed.
4. Any other business
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 6.54 pm.