Mevagissey Parish Council Minutes – July 2016


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Mevagissey Activity Centre

On Thursday 21 July 2016 at 7pm.

Present              Cllrs. M Roberts (Chairman), T Barron, A Chesterfield, J Daniel, S Hrydziuszka, K Robinson, G Shephard, J Whatty.

In Attendance      Cllr. J Mustoe (CC), PCSO A Hemming, P Howson (Clerk), 5 members of the public.




  1. Apologies were received from Cllrs. J Barron, M Facey, N Florence, J Morgan and D Speed.


  1. There were no Declarations of Interest or Gifts.


  1. PCSO Hemming presented his report for the period 15 May – 19 July detailing a total of 12 reported crimes: 1 x criminal damage to property, 2 x theft of garden ornaments, 1 x arrest for failure to surrender to bail, 1 x harassment          put in fear of violence, 1 x words/behaviour with intent to cause fear, 1 x malicious communications, 1 x criminal             damage to vehicle, 1 x assault occasioning actual bodily harm, 2 x common assault, 1 x improper use of public       electronic network. PCSO Hemming warned that there have been a number of recent house burglaries in St Austell            (leading to an arrest), and that, with the warmer weather, residents should take care about leaving ground floor             windows open.The garden ornaments were stolen from properties on the Portmellon estate, and residents should      consider appropriate security measures for valuable ornaments and sculptures.


  1. Mr Larry Beardsmore introduced himself to the Council as the new Churchwarden of St Peter’s Church, and the Chairman thanked him for his consideration.


  1. Public participation.

Ms Debbie Brewster and Mr Geoff Pollard spoke in turn regarding agenda item 24, providing a summary of events               following the landslips in Cliff Street and urging the Council to press Cornwall Council (CC) to expedite the    stabilisation of the banks either side of the road.

Ms Diana Littlejohns spoke in support of the planning application at agenda item 10a (The Fountain Inn).

Mr John Gann spoke to object to the planning application at agenda item 10c (Compass Point), and asked for support          in his ongoing battle with CC to enforce the existing planning conditions at that site.

The Chairman closed the session by revealing that the antique AA sign which has disappeared from the corner of the            building opposite the Kings Arms has been moved to the museum for safekeeping while the building is sold. It is            hoped that the new owner will agree to its reinstatement.


  1. Proposed by Cllr. Shephard, Seconded by Cllr. Hrydziuszka that the minutes of the meeting held on 16 June 2016 be accepted.                                                                                                                                    Carried.


  1. The Clerk reported that:
  • there had been no need to engage a plumber (Minute 2016/06/17) because Cormac had fixed the flush mechanism in the disabled toilet;
  • the Live Advent Committee conveyed their thanks to the Council for their very generous support;
  • a Non-Domestic Rates Demand for the Valley Road toilets for 2016/17 had been received together with a Small Business Rate Relief form, which has been completed and returned.


  1. The Ward Member reported that:
  • he has worked with local businesses and CC to secure reopening of West Wharf toilets. CC has paid to renovate the building and will be installing charging mechanisms. Local businesses are contributing financially and cleaning is being managed locally;
  • he has worked with Cllr Speed and a volunteer working party to clear public land at the top of the steps from River Street to Tregoney Hill over which CC had disputed maintenance. Local residents will continue to maintain it;
  • there are more volunteer projects in the pipeline;
  • he will be laying wood-chips at the war memorial to discourage weeds and plans further weeding in time for the memorial day service.
  • he arranged a further meeting with Bert Biscoe (CC Portfolio Holder for Transport) re. the Cliff Street landslips;
  • he arranged a meeting with Ocean Housing at Wesley Court to discuss residents’ issues, and awaits their response.
  • following damage to the school bus from a low branch, he arranged for Cormac to trim the length of Valley Road;
  • he updated the Council on the upcoming electoral boundary review that could result in larger CC electoral divisions and fewer Cornwall councillors. He has asked that thought be given to maintaining the integrity of current wards along rural and urban lines so that, for example, houses within the urban expansion to the south of St Austell are not combined with neighbouring rural areas simply to balance the numbers, regardless of the differing needs of these areas. The outcome of the review is expected to be in place for the 2021 local elections.


  1. There was no correspondence received for consideration.


  1. Planning and Licensing Applications.


10a.      PA16/05003-4 : Extension of existing kitchen extract system and associated Listed Building Consent.

Fountain Inn 2-3 Cliff Street Mevagissey PL26 6QH.

Proposed by Cllr. Daniel, Seconded by Cllr. Whatty that the Council SUPPORTS the application.                      Carried.


10b.      PA16/04992 : Modification of condition 2 on decision notice 07/01571 (Redevelopment of existing 13 holiday       apartments and erection of 10 holiday units) to allow permanent residential occupation of Unit 8 only. Unit 8         Compass Point Polkirt Hill Mevagissey St Austell Cornwall PL26 6UX

Proposed by Cllr. Shephard, Seconded by Cllr. Robinson that the Council OBJECTS to the application because the            original S106 agreement was for holiday accommodation and so cannot be used as the basis for an offer on         permanent residential occupation, for which a greater community benefit is required.                                Carried.


10c.      PA16/06013-14 : Replacement windows with timber double-glazed units. Replacement timber door. Re-covering of             roof with natural slate. Proposed insulation of roof space; and associated Listed Building Consent.

17 The Cliff Mevagissey PL26 6QT.

Proposed by Cllr. Daniel, Seconded by Cllr. Barron that the Council SUPPORTS the application.                       Carried.


10d.      LI16_004824 : New alcohol licence. River Street Café, 11 Market Square, Mevagissey, PL26 6UD

The Council raised no objections.


10e.      The following planning applications have been Approved (included for information only):


  • PA16/03842 : Remedial works to external kitchen wall and associated party walls. 9 Polkirt Hill.
  • PA16/03681 : Variation of condition 2 (Gallery used as holiday accommodation). Bosprennis Bodrugan Hill.
  • PA16/05680 : Non-material amendment to allow raising of the existing ridge. Linden Lea Tregoney Hill.
  • PA16/05197 : Works to Sycamore tree. 121 Portmellon Park.
  • PA16/03468 : Decking is to be installed in the rear garden.       15 Roberts Close.


  1. Finances.
Bills to Pay Salaries £ 647.37
HMRC (Income Tax & NIC) £ 207.67
Grant to Live Advent Committee (paid 06/07/2016) £ 500.00
Valley Rd. PC water charge 01/06/16-01/07/16 £ 667.93
Valley Rd. PC cleaning & maintenance Apr-May 2016 £ 1,922.78
Footpaths – first cut £ 149.00
TOTAL £ 4,094.75
Accounts Amount available to spend as of last meeting £ 43,174.89
Expenditure last month £ 2,400.30
   plus War Memorial stone carving £ 800.00
CC Devolution Funding for Valley Rd PC £ 2,000.00 received
Bank interest £ 5.22 received
Balance (money in bank) £ 41,979.81
Available to spend £ 41,979.81
Bank Statements (01/07/2016):
Current Account £ 120.10
Deposit Account £ 41,859.71
TOTAL £ 41,979.81


Proposed by Cllr. Hrydziuszka, Seconded by Cllr. Shephard that the accounts be accepted and the bills paid. Carried.

  1. Cllr. Shephard reported that the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) had been suspended pending the outcome of the Housing & Planning Bill, and since it was enacted members of the Steering Group had met Edwina Hannaford (CC Portfolio Holder for Planning) to agree changes required. Because the Act had dropped the clause stating that exception land ceases to be considered as such if a starter home is included in any development proposal, the required changes to the NDP were largely confined to format rather than substance, and it was expected that the Plan would now be submitted to CC in September following final agreement by the Council.


  1. Cllr. Roberts reported that the Affordable Homes Working Group had also been awaiting the outcome of the Housing & Planning Act, and now that it was settled the Group would be moving forward again.


  1. There was discussion of issues arising from the operation of the Valley Road public toilets, in particular the perceived lack of signage for visitors. The possibility of erecting finger posts and/or maps in the village centre will be considered in November at the meeting when operational costs are to be reviewed. It was noted that the Ward Member and local businesses have worked to bring the West Wharf toilets back into use, being funded by local businesses with CC installing charging mechanisms to support this.


  1. Cllr. Daniel offered to renovate the 2 seats on Chapel Point Lane on a ‘materials only’ basis, with help from Cllrs. Mustoe and Whatty. Proposed by Cllr. Whatty, Seconded by Cllr. Hrydziuszka that the offer be accepted. Carried.


  1. Proposed by Cllr. Chesterfield, Seconded by Cllr. Daniel that power be delegated to the Clerk to authorise urgent repairs to assets where spend would be not greater than £100, subject to consultation with the Chair or, in his absence, the Vice-Chair. Carried.


  1. The Clerk will write to CC to seek their co-operation in the designation of an open space under the Centenary Fields Programme. This would require A Deed of Dedication to be completed by the landowner to protect the green space in perpetuity.


  1. The review of criteria for membership of working parties was again deferred.


  1. The unveiling of the additions to the war memorial will take place on Saturday 6th August at 11.30am.


  1. Before considering the request to support Camborne Town Council’s proposal to bring Camborne Recreation Ground under community management, Cllr. Mustoe revealed that he had spoken to Camborne Members and Jeremy Rowe (CC Portfolio Holder for Localism) who had persuaded him that they were working towards a solution, and that there was little to be gained from further action at this time. The Clerk will reply accordingly to Camborne Town Council.


  1. A number of issues were identified in the Mevagissey Open Spaces Study which could not be addressed via the questionnaire supplied. The Clerk will seek a delay in the consultation process to allow further consideration.


  1. The Council agreed to make no response to Cornwall Council’s Stakeholder Survey.


  1. There was no update to proposed improvements to public rescue equipment at Portmellon.


  1. Proposed by Cllr. Barron, Seconded by Cllr. Hrydziuszka that a very strong letter be sent to CC Highways, copied to CC Chief Executive and CC Portfolio Holder for Transport, demanding that they carry out their obligation to properly stabilise the banks either side of Cliff Street following the landslips last winter.             Carried.


  1. The meeting ended at 9.05pm. Date of next meeting: 18 August 2016.









Signed ……………………………………………………………………………..         Dated ………………………………

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