Gerrans Parish Council Agenda – August 2018




TUESDAY 7th AUGUST 2018 at 7.30pm

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of

considering and resolving upon the business as set out in the agenda.

Residents of the Parish are invited to attend and listen to proceedings. This is a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.

Steven Skull (Clerk)                                                                           Dated this 1st August 2018



  1. Apologies for absence.


  1. Declarations of interests in items on the agenda
  • Disclosable pecuniary interests
  • Non registerable interests
  • Gifts to the value of more than £25.00

–   to consider requests for dispensations on items on the agenda.


  1. Public participation

– Members of the public may address Councillors on any item for a maximum of

15 minutes and for no longer than 5 minutes per person.


  1. Consider, and, if approved, confirm the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting

held on 3rd July 2018.


  1. Review of the minutes of the previous meeting – matters arising.


  1. Correspondence received
  2. Planning Matters

(a) – Applications:

  1. PA18/06210 re Higher Rosevine Farm
  2. PA18/05971 re Merrose Farm
  3. PA18/05271 re Porth Workshop, St Anthony (Local Council Protocol Letter)


  1. Planning Matters

(b) – Decisions and enforcement matters


  1. Committee Representative Reports


  1. Localism

– Update on transfers of freeholds of Treloan Lane car park and Gerrans

children’s playground from Cornwall Council to the Parish Council.

– To consider the time-limiting of long-stay parking in Treloan Lane car park.

– Any other localism issues.


  1. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

– Clerk’s update


  1. Financial Matters.

– Clerk’s report on status to budget of proposed payments for authorisation.

– To review and approve accounts for payment and bank reconciliation.


  1. Other Parish Matters

– Any urgent business, agenda items for next meeting, minor matters for report


Please note that any available plans for consideration under item 7 will be available

for examination by the public from 7.15 pm.

Gerrans Parish Council,

2 North Parade, Portscatho, Truro TR2 5HH

Telephone 01872 580085

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