Roseland Music Society – Volunteer Secretary And Treasurer Roles

Roseland Music Society is a small charity with an annual income of less than £10,000 per annum. We stage between 6 and 10 concerts a year, which are well attended. We have about 80 members paying an annual subscription. The Officers and Committee Members are all voluntary. 

Role of Treasurer:

Making payments to performers and other suppliers mainly via BACs.

Bank all relevant payments.

Monitor /check / reconcile and record all receipts and payments via spreadsheet.

Prepare regular financial monitoring reports for committee and trustees, alerting them to issues/ risks.  Prepare annual accounts for the charity and report Annual Income and Expenditure to Charity Commission

Act as a Trustee for the charity. 

Role of Secretary:

Arrange, attend and minute committee meetings as required, circa 6 – 8 meetings per year.

Collate documentation for the Annual General Meeting and send to membership and committee members.

Book concert venues, usually Gerrans Memorial Hall via a web booking system

Book the piano tuner as per concert programme.

Publish concert notifications to members on a per concert basis.

Please contact the Secretary at or 07931 327411 or the Treasurer at or 01872 580116 for any further information on the roles.


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