A JustGiving site for a Roseland Agent/Support Worker has been created to fund  a dedicated support worker for the Roseland whose job, amongst other things, would be to:Â
- Find available government grants or payments for specific individuals
- Be someone to talk to about getting alterations to your home to make it safer
- Get the right supply chins to your door
- Help with urgent needs like pet-sitting or fuel supplies
- Deal with booking medical issues and logistics therefor
The Roseland has a high number of retirees and elderly as well as younger people who may not know what grants are available to them or need help dealing with health or important issues in their lives. A dedicated support worker for the area whose job it is to help, inform, find information and find the right support for these people is what is being sought ÂŁ20,000 finding for.
To read more or donate to this local cause, click here go to their JustGiving page. Alternatively you can donate directly via the Roseland Surgeries in an envelope marked RSPG Appeal, or make a payment at Barclays St Mawes or a direct debit payment to the account: 63179419 Bank code: 20-87-94.