Weather – Kernow Weather Team – February weather summary

What more can the Kernow Weather Team say about February’s weather – wet, wet, wet! At the time of writing there had been 121 mm of rain over the Duchy.

Well, what can we say about February. Starts, wet, and ends wet.

February was dominated by one low pressure after the other, with only the odd ridge of high pressure in between. Whilst most days, we were almost swimming in rainwater, which brought flooding to many areas, inundated roads, streets, and left drains over flowing. With no end of rainfall in sight, it’s hard to believe that Colliford reservoir still isn’t completely full.

Wet but unseasonably mild

As each week passed, there were ongoing Met office warnings for rain. In fact, so far, 121mm of rain has fallen across the Duchy. It was unseasonably mild for February too, with a top temperature of 15.5°C recorded in East Cornwall, the statistics aren’t out yet, but I’m sure this month will go down as one of the warmest and wettest.

Little sunshine and gloomy days

So far, I can only remember 2 days of sunshine. The rest were either wet or gloomy with mist and fog.

Oh, we did have some winteriness in the form of hail, sleet, and a few snow flurries, brought in by a cold North-westerly airflow. It certainly doesn’t count as a cold winter, that’s for sure. We even saw funnel clouds with some thunder and lightning. So now as we almost move into the beginning of March, we will be closely monitoring what records will be broken, or is Spring really around the corner?

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