For the patients of The Roseland Surgeries
Forthcoming Bank Holidays:
Monday 28th August – Surgery CLOSED
Flu Vaccinations – Autumn 2017
In between the sunshine and showers that we’re currently experiencing, we’ve organised the start of our Flu Vaccination Campaign for Autumn. We will be holding two full days of clinics on:
Wednesday 27th September and
Wednesday 11th October
Appointments will be available soon so please keep these dates to hand. We are hoping to have the Memorial Hall available on each day so that patients can nip next door for tea/coffee and perhaps a cake or two!
Are you eligible for a Shingles Vaccination?
We run an ongoing campaign to protect certain age groups of patients against getting shingles. Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox (varicella zoster virus). You don’t ‘catch’ shingles – if you’ve had chicken pox previously, the virus can reactivate later to cause shingles. It is a very painful illness and can lead to long-lasting pain. Shingles is more common in people over the age of 70 and thus, the campaign is aimed at 70 to 79 year olds.
By having the vaccination, you are significantly reducing your chances of developing shingles. And, if you do go on to have shingles, the symptoms are likely to be milder and the illness shorter, than if you did not have the vaccine. It is a one off vaccination, no need to be re-vaccinated each year, unlike the ‘flu vaccine.
This year, the campaign is aimed at patients who turn 70 or 78 years of age on or after 1st April 2017. The vaccine is also available to those previously eligible, but who have missed the immunisation.
People aged 80 and over are not eligible for the shingles vaccination because the vaccine becomes less effective as you get older.
You should NOT have the shingles vaccine if you have a weakened immune system, for example if you are undergoing cancer treatment. Please ask for advice if you are unsure.
We can vaccinate you against shingles at any time of year – please don’t wait for the flu season!
The ‘Waiting Room’ online access service
Many patients have registered to use the Waiting Room online access service to either book an appointment online, or order their repeat prescriptions. We have recently had an upgrade on the system provided by our clinical system suppliers, in line with a service specification upgrade from NHS England. The upgrade now does NOT provide you with a ‘bounce back’ message to say we have received your prescription request – however, you can log into your Waiting Room account and you will see that your request is updated to let you know that the medication has been dispensed.
As you click on ‘Request medication’ you will then be taken to a second page where you have an opportunity to add in any message to the dispensary team. This might be useful if you are ordering your medication early if you are going away on holiday, or you need us to change the destination of your medication, for example if you’d like to collect it from a different branch.
Please do let us know if you are experiencing any problems with this system.
Email requests for Prescriptions
Some patients prefer to email requests for medication directly to our dispensary ( and we are very happy to be able to offer patients a choice as to how they order their medication.
Could we ask if you are emailing a request for someone other than yourself, that you use the subject header line to insert the personal details of the patient the medication is for? Occasionally, patients will ask for medication and include the patient name in the text – whilst we need to ensure that all communications to the surgery are read correctly, putting a different patient name in the Subject Header will alert the team more readily.
Minor Injuries Service
Did you know that we can see patients with minor injuries, often far quicker than if you presented at the Emergency Dept? This service is also available to patients who are not registered at the practice, but may be here on holiday. Please call us first before travelling as we may be able to help you. Some injuries do require the services of the Emergency Department, but often we can help before you make that journey.
St Mawes’ Surgery – we’re NOT closing!!
Rumours have come to our attention that residents in St Mawes are concerned about the viability of the surgery and indeed, a particular rumour is circulating that the surgery is about to close. We would just like to confirm that St Mawes Surgery is NOT closing and it would be helpful to put those rumours to bed!
Do you have a mobility issue?
Many patients will be aware that access to Portscatho and Tregony Surgeries for patients with mobility issues is satisfactory, in as much as all of our services are accessible on the ground floor of either surgery. We would like to impove the access, for example by putting in automatic door openers (as they have at the bank) but we are unfortunately restricted with funding. St Mawes Surgery however is on two floors with both the Practice Nurse and our GP Registrar consulting on the upper floor. Do please bear this in mind when booking appointments.
Roseland Surgeries Patient Group
Our patient group continues to meet monthly here at Portscatho. If you are interested in becoming an active (or virtual) member, do please speak to Nicola, the Practice Manager. The Group is responsible for the regular arts classes held at the Memorial Hall and the Roseland Café which operates on alternate Wednesdays. Contact Simone Kennett if you’d like to know more about these sessions 01872 581801.
The Group also runs walking groups in the villages – notices are on display at each of the surgeries, but if you are interested in taking part in any of the walks, please see the contact details here:
St Mawes – Jo Shaw 01326 270179
Portscatho – John Clelland 01872 501014
We are also very pleased to announce that a Drama Workshop has been set up for those aged 5 to 18 years. The group will be held at the Memorial Hall starting on 3rd October for 10 weeks. Watch out for more news!!
Managing chronic, ongoing pain
Many patients see their GP about managing pain, especially pain that persists after injury or surgery, or that is due to causes which have no immediate cure. Pain affects how we cope with everyday life and can lead to overuse or reliance on medications .In Cornwall we are beginning to look at how we deal with pain throughout the county and share some resources that are now recommended for patients to understand how pain occurs and how they can approach self management. The following links are helpful if you would like to know more :
Patients arriving late for appointments
Very occasionally, and often through no fault of their own, patients will arrive late for an appointment. (I actually got stuck behind a rogue cow leaving St Mawes early one morning recently!!) Whilst we try to accommodate patients, sometimes the clinician is unable to see a late arrival and so patients may be asked to re-book their appointment. If you do arrive late, please ensure the receptionist knows the reason. If the clinician agrees to see you, it may be that you have to wait until either a space becomes available, or it might be the end of surgery before you are seen.
The reception staff will act on the clinician’s explicit instructions. Phoning in advance, if you can (subject to a phone signal!), is helpful – forewarned is forearmed as they say!
Summer Sun!
At the time of writing, the weather is a bit changeable – but when the sun is out, it is lovely!
Please please remember though to use appropriate sun protection and keep re-applying, even if it goes cloudy. Keep well-hydrated and enjoy it while it lasts!
Nicola Davies
Practice Manager
Dr. Terese Tubman BMed MRCGP DipFFP
Dr Jonathan Jacoby MB BCh BSc (Hons) MRCGP