Gerrans Parish Council Minutes – November 2019

Konsel Pluw Erens
Gerrans Parish Council

MINUTES of the Meeting of Gerrans Parish Council
held on Tuesday 5th November 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Memorial Hall Annexe

NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 3rd December 2019 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall Annexe


Charlotte Taffinder (Chairman) (CT), Richard Cochrane (RC), John Crombie (JC), Ralph German (RG), Kate Greet (KG), Helen Hastings (HH), Joanna Holah (JH), Nev Meek (NM), Val Neal (VN), Steve Skull (Clerk), CC Julian German.


10 members of the public attended.



Cllrs Will Gill, Mary Watson.


Proposed CT, seconded VN. Agreed unanimously.



– KG declared a non-registerable interest in PA19/08509, to be discussed in agenda item 7(a) 2.



– None



The Council unanimously accepted the draft minutes of the PC meeting held on Tuesday 1st October 2019 as being a true record. CT signed the minutes.



The clerk reported he had received no dates as yet for a site meeting with Phil White of the National Trust to discuss the management of the trees and shrubs in the fields below New Road car park.



The clerk reported there was no correspondence to report which was not covered by items on the agenda.




The PC considered 6 new applications. These are outlined below and detailed comments are noted on the Cornwall Council planning website.

Application Description PC decision
PA19/07068 Replacement dwelling and new dwelling with associated landscaping drive and garage.

Loe Meadow Churchtown Road Gerrans

Majority object:

3 object

2 support

4 abstain

PA19/08509 Proposed raised terrace extension and alterations to fenestration.

Glenlorcan 9 Tregassick Road Gerrans

Unanimous support
PA19/05722 Two storey extension to form studio and en-suite (amended plans).

Pendennis, New Road, Portscatho

Majority support:

7 support

2 abstain

PA19/08553 Proposed extension/alterations/re-roofing, proposed garage/gym and new vehicular access.

Trezine House, Rosevine.

Majority support:

8 support

1 abstain

PA19/08987 Proposed utility extension, replacement garden room and raising of existing terrace.

30, Parc An Dillon Road, Portscatho

Unanimous support
PA19/08664 Proposal to fell beech tree.

Trewince Manor

Unanimous support subject to the approval of Cornwall Council’s Tree Officer

KG left the room during discussion of PA19/08509



Application GPC comment CC Decision
PA19/07171 re Alicia’s Barn, Lower Farm Support Approved


– Nothing to report



A report from the PC’s Planning Working Group on the most recent Cluster Meeting of the five Roseland Parish Councils to discuss planning issues with members of Cornwall Council’s planning team was presented by KG. The full text of the report may be seen in Appendix 1 to these minutes.

KG further reported on a Cornwall Council Planning Conference on 29th October which she had attended on behalf of the PC, at which the current position and intentions of CC on a range of planning issues were outlined. Summary notes of this Conference may be seen in Appendix 2 to these minutes. CT thanked KG on behalf of all the Councillors for her work.



The clerk presented two quotes for the provision of a mains electricity supply on Gerrans Green. HH proposed (seconded JC) that a joint quote from Jamie Trounce and Bruce Brockhurst of £800 be accepted. This was approved by 8 votes to 1. Action clerk

On the matter of the design for a logo for the PC, VN and RC introduced Miss Alice Hooper, who had volunteered to contribute her ideas and graphic design expertise. A final design they had come up with was approved unanimously subject to the correction of some of the Cornish language text. It was agreed to approve the final version at December’s meeting. Action clerk.



RC said there had been a meeting of REACT the previous week, and reported that

– A number of tree planting projects were being advanced locally

– Discussions about the installation of water bottle filling stations at Tatams Café were still ongoing

– Detailed quotes were still awaited, and details of funding schemes being researched for potential electric vehicle charging points in the Parish

– REACT’s website was being updated.

The clerk reported that JH had carried out a lot of research into the possibility of switching to a genuinely green energy supplier for the Parish Street lighting and that he and she were liaising on the matter with a view to getting detailed quotes. He also produced an initial quote from SSE for upgrading all the lights to LED operation which should be weighed against potential savings in running costs going forward. Detailed consideration could be given to this in setting the final budget for 2020/2021 at the January meeting when more detail was known.




The clerk reported that all payments submitted for approval were materially within budget, or within forecast and agreed contingency levels where actual figures were unknown at the time of setting the budget.

It was resolved that the outstanding invoices totalling £4,791.34 (including VAT of £122.89) be paid. A schedule of all the payments is available from the clerk.


The reconciled bank balance as at 25th October was £69,354.92.



  1. Any urgent business

– None

  1. Matters to be included on the next agenda (not heretofore minuted)

– Precept budget for 2020/2021

  1. Minor items for report

– JC reported overgrown shrubbery at The Square in Gerrans. The clerk said he would investigate. Action clerk

– NM reported that the Chair of the Memorial Hall Committee had stood down and a successor was being sought. Also that The Committee were not enthusiastic about having a second hand TV screen on the wall of the annexe, and the possibility of holding PC meetings in the main hall was mentioned


The meeting closed at 9.10 pm



Notes from Meet the Planners – Tuesday 22nd October 2019

Present: Sarah Furley, Jeremy Content, Janice Taylor, Martin Woodley, Councillors Ralph German, Kate Greet, Helen Hastings and Val Neal; representatives from all Roseland parishes and Cllr Julian German.

Discussions focussed on reaching a mutual understanding of the principles behind both the CLP and the RNDP, and the use of the Roseland Character Guide to support recommendations and decisions. All councils expressed concerns that policies do not seem to be consistently applied sometimes do not have the effect local people intended.

It was agreed that Parish Councils are in the best position to consult locally and to give advice on what is meant by character but the impression is that our recommendations do not always appear to carry much weight in officer’s reports. Some councillors felt officers even misinterpret the RNDP despite clear recommendations referring to it from parishes. The officers were keen to encourage communication about such matters and JC (as our Area Development Team Manager) is happy to address specific concerns emailed to him. This includes anything from pre-application advice through to decision reports and conditions.

SF and JC explained how the interpretation of policies may evolve over time, particularly as appeal judgements may clarify their application. Cornwall may query dubious inspectorate decisions via a Quality Assurance process but they can only be challenged in a judicial review. Some of the policies we value are quite prescriptive and so may not fit with the overall context of planning control. Where PCs have concerns about a proposal or feel it may be contentious, dialogue with the delegated officer is encouraged at an early stage, either by phone or email.

The process we have agreed in Gerrans is pragmatic and should be effective. We should continue to give detail and justification in our recommendations and discuss any issues with the relevant officers when necessary.

Kate Greet, Planning Working Group, October 2019



Notes from Planning Conference – Tuesday 29th October 2019

Area Teams to give better local knowledge generally well-received although some parishes unhappy.

Enforcement – more specialist teams.   Quite a lot of issues with non-compliance that cannot be followed up.

Planning Inspectorate seems to be respecting neighbourhood plans and overarching intentions.

Confidential pre-apps are being queried more often in order to improve transparency.

Planning White Paper due shortly.

Climate Change

Aim to be carbon neutral by 2030; initiatives like Forest for Cornwall and promotion of renewables/energy efficiency underway.

Development Planning Document (DPD) by February 2021, consultation in March 2020.

Building Regulations changes in 2020, consultation in National Future Homes Standards for 2025 ongoing now. (Details in email from Julian German 23/10/19)

Localism Team provide support on climate change issues.


CIL/section 106 developer contributions area now on website. Guidance document available

Improving quality – new Cornwall Design Guide

Consultation November, adoption later this winter. Residential focus, online document, templates such as Design & Access Statements.

National Design Guide also just published; similar approach.

Opportunity to add local focus re distinctiveness – e.g. Roseland Character Guide – must not conflict. (NB changes to local plans over-ride NPs so this is why overarching aims are so important.)

Material planning consideration (although probably nor Supplementary Planning document, SPD)

‘Locality’ offers advice.

Parishes wonder how effective this can be and how much weight is given to the comments of individual parishes. Advice is to talk to your area team.

Development viability/affordable housing

Affordable housing team area 3 – Nicky Mansell – can help with Housing Needs Surveys, section 106 agreements, identifying suitable sites etcTargets in the CLP can only be enforced on Rural Exception Sites where development is affordable-led (Policy 9). Economic Viability Appraisals can be shared.

Kate Greet, Gerrans Parish Council, November 2019

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