Minutes of the Parish Council Planning Meeting held as a virtual meeting
On Friday 16 April 2021 at 7pm
- Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs. A Williams. G Williams, Hereward, and Nathan.
- Cllr. Facey declared an interest in agenda items 4a (PA21/02198) and 4b (PA21/02419).
- Public participation.
Lisa Solly (Situ8 Planning Consultancy) spoke on agenda item 4a, summarising the proposals and the reasons for them, before answering questions from members.
Michael Judge expressed his concern at the increasing loss of tourist accommodation.
- Planning applications.
Note: Cllr. Facey withdrew for the next two items, having declared an interest.
4a. PA21/02198 : Demolition of hotel and redevelopment of site with five apartments. Mevagissey Bay Hotel Polkirt Hill Mevagissey PL26 6UX
Proposed by Cllr. Morgan, Seconded by Cllr. Shephard that given concerns over the proposal to demolish a serviceable building, the loss of significant tourist accommodation, and the absence of affordable accommodation in its place, further consideration should be deferred until the planning case officer has addressed these issues along with the concerns of South West Water. Carried.
4b PA21/02419 : Deliverables as per Section 81 Notice request: Partial dismantlement to first floor level, build a common wall and secure the site until rebuild. 15 Polkirt Hill Mevagissey PL26 6UR
Proposed by Cllr. Gann, Seconded by Cllr. Drake that the Council objects to the proposal on several grounds, including that there is no intent to explore ways of retaining the building, which lies within the Conservation Area adjacent to listed buildings; there are no details of a replacement building; the red line area on the block plan is incorrect; there is no immediate need for demolition on safety grounds. Carried.
NOTE: the detailed grounds for objection can be found on CC’s planning system.
4c. PA21/02118 : Submission of details to discharge condition no. 3 in respect of Decision PA16/11768 dated 13.02.2017. The Cliff Polkirt Hill Mevagissey PL26 6UX
The LPA had advised that the Council would be consulted on this application and that further details would be provided, neither of which has happened. Agreed to defer until the next meeting when outstanding conditions will also be considered.
4d. PA21/03162 : Proposed dwelling (resubmission of approved scheme PA18/02818 for variation of design for the second dwelling including reinstatement of access). Two If By Sea Portmellon Road Mevagissey St Austell
Proposed by Cllr. Gann, Seconded by Cllr. Shephard that a site meeting is necessary before a decision can be made, to be attended by the planning case officer, the architect and, ideally, the applicant. Carried.
- Licensing applications
5a. LI21_000959 : Application for licence for off-sales. Cornish Cream, 6 Fore Street, Mevagissey, St Austell, Cornwall PL26 6UQ.
Proposed by Cllr. Facey, Seconded by Cllr. Morgan that the Council supports the application. Carried.
- To receive an update on planning enforcement cases.
6a. Landscaping at properties on School Hill. A reply had been received from Steve Double MP who had written to CC’s CEO asking for her to look again at this case, but there had been no progress. It was agreed that Cllr. Gann would now prepare a draft media article for approval by the Council.
6b. Request for LPA clarification of NDP Policy EG4 following the recent decision on Portmellon Paddock. The enforcement case officer had asked for clarification of the Council’s concerns, which has been provided.
6c. Tall Trees / The Hollies. Investigation by planning enforcement is underway. The agent has confirmed that the project is on hold with no instructions to proceed.
- Planning decisions (for information):
PA21/01782 : Non-material amendment for the addition of solar P.V to roof and addition of underground store in respect of decision notice PA18/10377. Nikaria Cliff Street. NOT ACCEPTABLE AS AMENDMENT
- Other planning matters.
8a. Structural supports on the pavement at 11-13 Polkirt Hill (Cllr. Gann). The Ward Member will take this up with planning enforcement.
8b. The LPA has asked for the ancillary use condition requested by the Council for PA20/11254 (West Paddock) to be dropped. Proposed by Cllr. Gann, Seconded by Cllr. Drake that the condition should remain. Carried.
8c. PA20/11328 The Retreat, Vicarage Hill, Mevagissey. The planning case officer disagrees with the Council’s view and has asked it to reconsider by way of a ‘five day protocol’ letter.
Proposed by Cllr. Whatty that the Council should agree with the case officer’s recommendation, but there was no Seconder.
Proposed by Cllr Facey, Seconded by Cllr. Drake that the Council should ‘agree to disagree’ with the case officer. Carried.
- This is the last meeting of the current Council.
Cllr. Shephard asked for the Council to record a vote of thanks for the Ward Member for his support in planning matters and for following up all the Council’s many requests during this period.
The Chairman thanked all members for their contributions during the life of this Council. He would have liked to have seen more nominations for the next Council but looks forward to continuing to work with members. He also thanked the Ward Member for his support and for the voluntary works he has carried out.
The meeting ended at 9pm. Date of next planning meeting: 21 May 2021 (to be held at the Mevagissey Activity Centre unless advised otherwise).