Carrick Mind Extends its Support on the Roseland

04.07.11: Carrick Mind, a local charity which promotes mental health and well-being is offering a 1-2-1 befriending service for anyone experience or recovering from mental ill-health. In addition to this, they offer three support groups which are totally informal and based on ‘self help’ methods. They have recently set up a support group for anyone from 18 – 30 from the Roseland or surrounding areas, which currently takes place on Wednesdays between 10.30am and 12.30pm in Tregony Church Hall. It is a completely informal session for people to drop in for social contact, information and signposting to further support, activities and leisure opportunities.

Although their initial 8 week ‘pilot’ has come to an end, the consensus within the group is to extend it for a further 4 weeks in Tregony, as the Roseland is such an isolated area. The dates are for these extensions are: July 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th, at which point they will reassess the situation.

An important point is that they can provide up to £5 towards travel expenses for people, so if they use a bus or car, they can claim expenses.

In addition, they are always looking for new volunteers to get involved in the work; either directly with anyone using their groups or befriending service; or indirectly by helping in out with fundraising, marketing, IT, admin and events management. If this si something you would like to help with, please contact Ruth Morris under: 222469.

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