St Just in Roseland Parish Council Minutes – November 2013


Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 4th November 2013. The meeting commenced at 7pm.


Councillors Present:

The Chairman Cllr. Warren, Cllrs. J Benney, B. Chenoweth, P. Farmiloe, R. Giles, R. Hall, P. Salter,            P. Teague, B Sadler and C. Williams


Also Present:

S. Penhaligon (Clerk), T van der Wolde (Assistant Clerk), Cornwall Cllr. German & two members of the public


1. To accept apologies for absence – Cllr. Black


2. Declaration of Interest:

a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest– none declared

b) Non-Registerable Interest – none declared

c) Of gifts to the value of more than £25 – none declared

d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda – none declared


3. Open Period – Public Participation

Mr Shaw raised several matters of concern, namely:

That the boundary fence on the footpath by Windrush from Pedn Moran to St Austell Row needs to be cut back further.  The Clerk agreed to attend to this.

That there are dog droppings which dog owners fail to pick up on the footpath from Polvarth Boatyard to Freshwater Boatyard and asked for a dog waste bin to be sited nearby.  He also asked that those homeowners with grass along the footpath edge keeps it cut. The Parish Council agreed to look into siting a bin at the Polvarth end of the footpath.

That the boats on cradles should not be left on the foreshore in front of a property all year round and the boats that are kept on the foreshore must not have their masts kept up in the winter as they are making the boatyard look like a scrap yard, he is of the opinion that the masts should come down. The Parish Council agreed to look into the complaint to see if any breaches had occurred as it is within an AONB and a private foreshore.

He also spoke regarding the ongoing conversation he has with the Highway Department concerning the tarmac that is needed on the road between Freshwater Lane and the bottom of Polvarth Lane. Cllr. German agreed to take up this matter with the Highway Department.


4. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 7th October 2013

The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that the amended previously circulated minutes be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman. Cllr. Sadler abstained.


5. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda

a)         Lighting to front of 2 Harbour View, St Just in Roseland

The clerk reported that near neighbours had been consulted and there were no objections and that the lighting has been ordered and should be installed in about 6 weeks.

b)         Carols in the Castle – Saturday 21st December 2013

The local schoolchildren will take part the Clerk has asked a local singing group to participate.

c)         Churchill Contract Cleaning Services

A letter has been received from Churchill Contract Services apologising for not updating the schedules and confirmed they will continue to monitor the contract.  The Clerk is awaiting the updated schedules.


6. Report from the Clerk

The mosaic of the Parish Council emblem the Recreation Ground path project has been completed by a group of volunteers including employees and a Councillor. Councillors were complementary of the mosaic.

Mark Sadler has corresponded regarding the recycling of cardboard and the kerbside collection or lack of it.  The Clerk agreed to look into the recycling service in depth.

Cllr. Black has been in touch with St Mawes School of Governors regarding representing the Parish Council.



7. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary

No report was submitted from the Police for October; however the September report stated that the police had been called to the parish 9 times. 1 crime had been recorded which was theft from a motor vehicle.


8. Report from Cornwall Cllr. German

Cllr. German, the Cabinet Member for Economy and Culture, has been working on Energy Trade Investments and there is positive news in that Cornwall Council have new trade partnerships with the South Korean Government and businesses such as Hitachi and Toshiba and are working together to create Smart Energy. Michael Heseltine is encouraging these growth deals and says he wants a more coherent energy policy. Cllr. German reported that the Cuby Housing scheme has recently been completed, and that regarding Larkfield Rise, Devon and Cornwall Housing Association have agreed to go to arbitration. Cllr. German has been busy within the community helping families find the right support to deal with pressing issues such as poverty and poor health. He also reported that he is now Chair of the Roseland Surgeries Patients Group.


9. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees

St Just & St Mawes Heritage Group – Cllr. Williams thanked the Parish Council for supporting the group in acquiring two red telephone boxes.  The next step is to seek planning permission.

St Just Institute – Cllr. Teague reported that have just had their AGM and all is well, and the finances are healthy.


The Chairman asked to suspend standing orders to bring forward items 12. All in favour.


12. Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan

Jon Smith Chairman of the Steering Group reported.  The questionnaires to ascertain what the community want to see in the Roseland Neighbourhood Plan are individually numbered and are ready to be distributed. There will be a free prize draw for those that are returned. The prizes have been donated by members of the Steering Group. There will be support for those that want help in completing the questionnaires in the form of drop in sessions which will be from 3pm to 7pm on various dates and venues across the five parishes during the consultation period.

10a. Accounts and Finance

a) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1)

The Council was asked to approve the following payments:

Total cheques numbered 6222 to 6239 approved and signed at meeting                                        £29,694.92     Total cheques numbered 6212 to 6221 paid since last meeting were ratified                        £5,476.04

Direct Debits/ Standing Orders shown as paid in October                                                             £8,606.41

Income shown as received during October                                                                       £20,568.56


13a.   Affordable Housing Local Needs

To consider updates on Affordable Housing

The Parish Council received from Lanner Parish Council a copy of the judicial review decision regarding its appeal against Cornwall Council. The Judge ruled in favour of Cornwall Council, however he did agree with Lanner that the data supplied from Homechoice ‘would have been better if a full breakdown had been provided.’ The judgement is complex and in it was stated that an error had occurred during the planning approval process, which if known about at the time, would have affected the outcome. The Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group will be analysing Homechoice data in order to determine the number of dwellings that need to be built in the Roseland to meet the identified need for affordable homes.

13b.   Proposed Housing Developments in St Mawes and St Just in Roseland

To consider updates on the proposed developments in St Mawes and St Just

Development at the rear of the Bowling Green, St Just – a screening opinion application has been submitted by CSA Architects and the decision was that an Environment Impact Assessment is not required. Cornwall Council is expecting a Planning Application to follow shortly for a proposal for 18 dwellings, with 10 of these being affordable homes.


Mr Lewis of Housing Matters has met with a landowner who is considering to submitting an application for 100{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} affordable homes at the rear of Harbour View garages in St Just.




14. Millennium Rooms Management Committee (MRMC)

To consider the recommendations from the MRMC held on 9th October. (Appendix 3)

Cllr. Williams reported that the Roseland Visitor Centre and Millennium Rooms are working on having separate constitutions. Regarding the Information Boards, they will be going with Parc Signs in St Austell as the previous supplier was unable to reproduce the layout. The projector screen has been purchased and the Clerk is currently organising the installation. The AGM is on 27th November at 6.30pm.


The Parish Council considered the request from St Mawes Harbour Lights Committee for Christmas display on side of the Millennium Rooms building. Cllr. Giles proposed that a Christmas display as per the copy of design and fittings submitted be displayed on the side of the Millennium Rooms.  Seconded by Cllr. Salter.  All in favour.  RESOLVED by the Council.


The Clerk advised that The Millennium Building has had a Specialist Fire Inspection and any action points raised have been rectified.  The staff also received fire training.


15.     Car Park

a)       To consider the monthly income

Pay & Display Pay & Display  Permits Permits Total

Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Cumulative













October 2013 comparable with October 2012









b)      To consider the recommendations from the Car Park committee meeting held on 31st October


The Parish Council considered the recommendations from the Car Park Committee. (Appendix 2)

Cllr. Giles proposed that the Parish Council introduces a 2 hour parking charge of £2 from 1st April 2014 and to go through the full consultation procedure alongside Cornwall Council. Seconded by Cllr. Hall. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


Cllr. Giles proposed that the Parish Council book the Community Bus from 10am to 7pm for the Tall Ships regatta, and that there is a one way traffic system as per the 2008 event. Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


Regarding the quotation of £400 from Phil Green Plant Hire to insert a 6’’ pipe through the hedge to drain

excess water from St Just Car Park, it was noted that this would be the most it would cost as Mr Green did not know

how much work is required at this stage.  Cllr. Giles proposed that the Parish Council accept the quotation of £400,

seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.
















































Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. Giles. Seconded by Cllr. Benney. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


b) To consider a donation for the Remembrance Sunday (10th November) wreath

Cllr. Giles proposed that the Parish Council donate £120 to the Earl Haig Fund for the wreath, seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


c)  To consider a donation to the Harbour Lights Committee for storage

Cllr. Chenoweth proposed that the Parish Council donate £350 to St Mawes Harbour Lights Committee, as a refund to the monies it pays for storage at the Millennium Rooms. Seconded by Cllr. Williams.  All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


11.        Planning

a)         To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee. No meeting was held in October.

b)         The Council considered the following planning applications:


43.       PA13/08445 1a Commercial Road, St Mawes. Proposed loft conversion and roof extension and associated works including dormer windows and rooflight. Reviewed by Cllrs. Benny, Williams and Salter. Objection to the dormer windows.




44.       PA13/08592 Stanton Barn, St Just in Roseland. Conversion of barn to dwelling. Reviewed by Cllrs. Warren, Teague and Sadler. Objection.


45.       PA13/09182 Trevennel, St Mawes. Proposed garage and car port/store. Reviewed by Cllrs. Benney, Giles and Salter. No objections.


46.       PA13/09181 Little Warren, Lower Castle Rd, St Mawes. Listed building consent for repairs to thatch roof, new timber windows and replacement of flat roofs. Reviewed by Cllrs. Farmiloe, Giles and Salter. No objections.


47.       PA13/09337 17 Tredenham Road, St Mawes. Rear entrance extension and alteration. Reviewed by Cllrs. Benney, Salter and Giles. No objections.


48.       PA13/09607 Pevensey, Bohella Road, St Mawes. Coppice works to Ash tree. As application is for works to trees in a conservation area it will be decided under delegated authority. The Parish Council received a notification only, no comments required.



Cllr. Giles proposed that the Parish Council erect a sign in St Just Lane Car Park stating ‘No parking of Motor Homes overnight’. Seconded by Cllr. Benney. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


Regarding the installation of the base for the precast garage in the upper car park, Cllr. Giles proposed that the Parish Council obtains 3 quotations and that they are delegated to the Finance Committee for decisions. Seconded by Cllr. Salter.  All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


The Parish Council considered the draft agreement with the Idle Rocks for the allocation of 10 parking spaces in the upper car park.  Cllr. Salter proposed that the agreement is accepted and forwarded to the Idle Rocks.  Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe.  All in favour.  RESOLVED by the Council.


16. St Just in Roseland Church Public Conveniences

To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences 

Claire Ottery, Cornwall Council is having a meeting with the Chairman of The Glebe on 5th November.

Claire suggests that she draws up a lease and suggested that the rent is modernised from the existing 25p per annum to £10 per annum.  J Bryant, Building Surveyor has confirmed that Cormac is considering the Parish Council’s request for additional works what to bring the Public Conveniences up to an agreed standard before the Parish Council takes over full responsibility.


17. Site for defibrillator in St Just in Roseland Parish

To further consider an appropriate site in the parish for the defibrillator funded by the Parish     Council. The Clerk is awaiting a response from Steve Miles as to where the other defibrillators will be held in the parish. Cllr. Warren proposed that the first defibrillator is sited outside the Millennium Rooms Building and to look at having the next defibrillator sited at St Just Institute.  Seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.


18. Community Network Panels

To consider the future role of Community Networks

Cllr. Warren raised the important question – are we getting value from it in its current form? There is currently a Truro and Roseland Community Network group, and it was agreed that Truro and the Roseland are very diverse, often subject matters come up that are not relevant to a rural community. However, most of


the subject matter is of genuine interest and it is good to be informed of what is going on in the broader steer. The meetings are poorly attended, and it was felt by the majority of councillors that the Roseland Cluster meetings are more effective. Cllr. Warren suggested that the information shared at the Network meetings could be disseminated in another way, perhaps by newsletter, so that the knowledge base continues but in a more user friendly manner.


19.       Bohella Bank

To consider the maintenance of Bohella Bank

Bohella Store – Cllr. Salter raised the matter of the rubbish store situated in Bohella Bank suggesting that it was unacceptable as a store for someone to work in at present.  There is three years worth of excess refuge

such as old car wheels and items left on the beach or dumped around the parish which Cory cannot take with the general collection. The Parish Council agreed that the excess is removed either by Churchill Contract Services or its Handy Man on a Monday when the general refuge is collected then the store is disinfected.

Maintenance of Bohella Bank – the bank is very overgrown and hanging over cars parked below.  The Clerk agreed to write to the current contractor to ask him to attend to the maintenance immediately and to monitor it every month and ask if he wishes to continue with the contract.

Beech Tree on Bohella Bank – Concerns were raised regarding the Beech Tree which was vandalized three years ago.  The tree has been monitored and the roots and trunk are dying.  With no deep roots and considering its vulnerable position, the Parish Council is concerned that it is not stable.  Cllr. Teague proposed that the Beach Tree is taken down on Health and Safety grounds and replaced by a suitable memorial tree.  Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe.  Six in favour, three against and 1 abstention.  Motion carried and RESOLVED by the Council.

20.       The Swing on Summers Beach

To consider the replacement of the barriers

Cllr. Williams proposed that the damaged barriers are replaced, and that the Parish Council obtains three quotes for the works.  In the meantime, the swing is to be taken down on health and safety grounds, seconded by Cllr. Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

21.       Maintenance of Monterey Pine Trees above Summers Beach

a)         To receive an update on the fallen Monterey Pine Tree

The Clerk reported that the fallen Monterey Pine tree was removed quickly by three contractors. K Fisher has offered to carve a seat out of the tree trunk at a nominal expense. K Fisher has some 2 year old Monterey Pines planted from seed and is looking for a home.  The Parish Council would be happy to replace the tree and, at this stage, is happy to receive suggestions to where it should be placed.


Conrad Birnie has advised that the Monterey Pine Tree in the Snicket and the one outside Sams Bank needs the dead and dying branches lopped under a 5 day notice.


b)         To consider undertaking a tree survey by a Specialist Tree Surveyor

Conrad Birnie has suggested that the PC may consider having a survey of the Monterey Pine overhanging Summers Beach and the one near Sams Bank by a Specialist Tree Surveyor. It was agreed that the Parish Council instruct a Specialist Tree Surveyor to survey both trees before Conrad does any work on them.

22.       Correspondence (information only)


23.       Staffing Matters

To receive a report from the Personnel Committee.

There was no report from the Personnel Committee.  The next meeting is to be held on 11th November 2013.


24.       Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting – No items put forward.


25.       Date of next meeting – The next general meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 2nd December 2013 in the Parish Millennium Rooms, St Mawes commencing at 7pm.



There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10.15 pm


Signed as a true record………………………………………..Chairman



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