I seem to have spent much of August at war with pests. More rain and some warm, damp evenings have heralded party time for slugs and snails. They seem to appear from...
August is a tricky month to write an article and, to be sure that I don’t bore you to death, I usually check over what has been written this month over the...
A hotch potch of things to talk about this month as however much we plan ahead June and July always seem to be the months when you have to act now and...
If we do not have more rain soon and in proper but gentle quantity for days on end then our gardens are going to suffer badly. No doubt we will get a...
May – those darling buds bursting out everywhere and there is so much to do and so much to write about I am not sure where to start!! This month there is...
Having bought three different types of carrot seed my customer was about to leave the shop when he turned round and said, ’What’s the knack to growing carrots then?’ If anybody mentions...
The temptation to write a whole article on spring seed sowing is immense. If you have been put off the garden by the dismal winter weather then there is nothing more heartening...
Write out one hundred times ‘I must not go on about the weather’. Well sorry, but bearing in mind my weather station has not recorded a temperature below 3degs C this winter...
I caught up on some reading and learning whilst we endured the sub zero temperatures of late November and December (well, November at least! Ed.). It’s a grand opportunity to use the...
The BBC will not do long range weather forecasts now and its odd really that as the technology for forecasting weather has improved we seem to be provided with less information but...