Charity Falmouth Moonlight Memory Walk

15.09.11: On 10th September Roseland Online book reviewer, Sallie Eden, took part in the third annual sponsored Moonlight Memory Walk in Falmouth in aid of Children’s Hospice South West. The five mile walk looked doomed due to inclement weather, but thanks to the steely determination of the participants, after sheltering from the Monsoon-like rain, supporters and participants (dressed in everything from t-shirts to tutus and killer heels to deely boppers) gathered for a moving candle-lit ceremony on The Moor. Each candle was lit in memory of a loved one.

Sallie told Roseland Online “At 10pm several hundred women and assorted dogs (including Monty, appropriately dressed in a life jacket) set off on a five mile circular walk taking in the town centre and sea front. The invitation to take part in the 5 mile walk to help raise funds was prefaced with the words “Ladies, join us in the picturesque town of Falmouth …” Casting aside the fact that, at 10pm, we were unlikely to see anything picturesque, I signed up, set up my justgiving page to raise funds and avoided any sort of training. In hindsight, what I should have done was to study the long range weather forecast and bought myself a wetsuit.”

Nevertheless, it was a great success and with over 1,000 life-limited children across the region, hospices could not provide the help they do without the support of the people of the South West. The charity is funded almost entirely by donations from individuals who want to make a real difference to the lives of such children. With that in mind, despite the weather (and very wet feet) the atmosphere on the walk was positive and cheerful.

Mary Murfin, Community Fundraiser for Cornwall & Isles of Scilly said during the event, “The sort of determination we’re seeing tonight is what has helped us raise the funds to open Little Harbour in such a relatively short time. And we’ll need that spirit to continue if we are to raise the money necessary to maintain the three hospices and sustain our vital services. The support CHSW provides, extends to the whole family, into bereavement and beyond, for as long as each family needs it.”

As tired bunnies, angels with soggy wings and assorted pyjama clad walkers approached the finish, they were greeted with a star shaped medal, a pasty and the news that around ÂŁ20,000 had been raised on the night.  Sallie continued, “And as for me, I’d like to thank all those who helped me raise over ÂŁ600 – at around ÂŁ125 a mile, maybe I should have walked home to St Mawes!”

If you want to know more about the charity all the information you need is on the website, and if you’d like to support them via a local Friends’ Group, contact Sallie on

You can posthumously donate online at or by cheque payable to CHSW (details from Friends on the Roseland).

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