The UK has some very cold and damp housing and a lot of it is here in Cornwall. Our weather and the state of many of our old homes can cause deaths – thousands of extra winter deaths in England every year are related to cold temperatures in terribly cold homes. Cornwall County Coucil, in partnership with a number of organisations, have secured funding to help!
Young and old do not want to be in a cold, damp house in a cold and wet winter – living in one room, shivering over homework, worrying about being cold or suffering carbon monoxide poisoning from an ill maintained boiler or chimney. But it does happen.
People struggle to go about their normal lives and become socially isolated – who wants to invite friends round to a freezing house? People simply don’t work when they’re in cold or damp houses. Children suffer too.
Cornwall County Council have the funding, all they need now are the homes and the households!
To see if your home qualifies for the “Central Heating Fund”, the private home must have all three points below :
- recipient who is in or at risk of being in “fuel poverty” residing in property “G” rated;
- a domestic premises (dwelling) which is not currently using gas as the primary heating fuel;
- where a central heating system would be installed for the first time.
You can find all the details and who to contact here.