Dog Patrols Planned after repeated Dog Fouling on Gerrans Hill

dog fouling sign

Dog wardens are to start doing early morning patrols after repeated dog fouling has been found for over a month by local residents.

The Cornwall Council Dog Patrols were called out after dog mess was repeatedly scattered around the entrance to the Gerrans Hill Close alleyway in Portscatho/Gerrans and on Gerrans Hill itself. As the incidents persisted, the wardens put up signs, asking the perpetrator to desist and waring that there is an ÂŁ80 ‘Foul Penalty’ for such mess (or prosecution where if found guilty you would face a maximum fine of ÂŁ1000.)

Local resident, Rita Day, who first called out the wardens, told Roseland Online, “This has been going on now for over a month and since the Dog Wardens came out and signs were put up, nothing has changed. It’s a risk to children’s health and this person should be asked to pick up the mess their dog makes. It’s quite disgusting to find scatter around this area every day.”

The Cornwall Council website clearly states, Remember, you are required to clean up after your dog has fouled (and properly dispose of it) when your dog fouls in any area which the public are entitled to have access to.

Because of the continued fouling, Dog Wardens will now start early morning patrols in an attempt to catch the culprit, but if anyone knows who this might be, they are asked to call the doing warden and report them. The Cornwall Council Public Health and Protection team can be contacted on 01726 223532 or you can report an incident (and remain anonymous if you wish) at any time through their website under:

3 Comments on “Dog Patrols Planned after repeated Dog Fouling on Gerrans Hill

  1. I find myself walking with the girls and scooping up others left behind mess – especially those that are left right in the middle of the sidewalk !!! How can people just walk away and leave it – anyway – up and down Gerrans Hill is a mess at the best of times but what may help is by having a dog waste bin by the surgery car park – there is one at the top parking lot in Gerrans, and not another until down in the village – I know those who are irresponsible will probably not change their dirty habits but it would help for those who are – so they are not having to carry the poo around with them any longer than absolutely necessary ! So – new bin if possible please !

    PS and as the good poo detective I am, the last couple of days droppings left behind were from the same dog – but ……. who is the one on the end of the leash ? Don’t have the answer to that – yet !

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