Gerrans Parish Council
MINUTES of the Meeting of Gerrans Parish Council
held on Tuesday 2nd June 2015
in the Memorial Hall Annexe
NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 7th July 2015 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall Annexe
Cllrs Edwards, German, Hatwood, Hetherington, Iddison, Meek, Morse, Symons, Taffinder ( Chairman);
CC J German, S Skull (Clerk)
4 members of the public attended.
The Chairman read out a statement in respect of the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 reminding those in attendance and participating in the meeting that they were liable to be filmed, recorded, photographed or otherwise recorded.
Cllrs Case and Greenslade.
Cllr Iddison declared a non registerable interest in Planning Application PA15/04100 (to be discussed in item 8 on the agenda).
Mrs Jane Pinkney addressed the meeting on the subject of PA15/04240, a planning application submitted by her husband, to be discussed in item 8 on the agenda. She said she believed the application conformed with all the current legislation and both national and local policies and guidelines, and that the proposed new dwelling represented sustainable infill development. She added that the proposal had support from her neighbours, and would have benefits for the local community in that her existing property would be freed up for younger people.
Mr Jon Smith, Chairman of the Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan (RNDP) Steering Group (SG), reported that the Examiner’s report on the RNDP had arrived and was overall positive and complimentary. He said certain modifications had been made as required by the report and the SG was currently proof reading the final version. Cornwall Council’s Finance and Legal departments were checking the document, which would then have to be signed off by the portfolio holder for Planning. A provisional date for the subsequent referendum has been set at 30th July.
Cllr Meek congratulated Mr Smith and the SG that so few modifications had been required by the examiner, given the amount of detail contained in the RNDP.
CC Julian German reported that the new bus timetables on the Roseland would be reviewed in the Autumn based upon usage levels of the various services. He also reminded the meeting that the “Case for Cornwall” consultation was live, and the clerk was asked to make this an agenda item at the next meeting. Action clerk
The Council accepted the draft minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 5th May 2015 as being a true record, subject to the correction of 3 typographical errors. The Chairman signed the corrected minutes.
The clerk said he had researched Cllr Hetherington’s query regarding new regulations for awarding contracts for public works and found that these regulations had been brought in to enact a European Directive, but were not relevant to the PC because of the thresholds below which they did not apply.
He also said he was still pursuing the matter of the corroded drain cover at Bermuda Cottage but two other defective drain covers in the village had now been replaced by South West Water.
- Email and attachments from Mr Michael Whittall
The clerk read out a previously circulated email and produced prints of photographs attached to the email. Mr Whittall had complained that during the recent updating of the parking restriction notices, a signage pole had been installed within the carriageway boundary at New Road, and a car driven by his wife had been involved in a collision with it. The email contained a detailed report of the incident and a copy of the car repair bill. Mr Whittall was seeking reimbursement of the costs of this repair.
The matter was discussed at some length, and the majority feeling was that this was a private, rather than a Parish Council matter. Cllr Edwards proposed (seconded by Cllr Hatwood) that the clerk be asked to reply to Mr Whittall to that effect., and this was unanimously agreed. Action clerk
There was no further correspondence which would not be addressed in other items on the agenda.
The PC had received 3 new applications. These are outlined below and comments are noted in the Planning Register.
Application | Description | PC decision |
PA15/04240 | Construction of dwelling house at Chapel House, Well Lane. (Resubmission of PA14/04221 – previously withdrawn) | Majority object:
6 object 2 support 1 (Cllr Symons) abstain |
PA15/04100 | Loft conversion with rooflights, new lean-to and refurbishments at 33, North Parade | Support |
PA15/04342 | Determination of prior approval for installing 2 transmission dishes onto existing tower at Tregaire Barton Farm. | Support |
(Cllr Iddison left the room during discussion of PA15/04100)
The decision to object to PA15/04240 was taken after lengthy discussion, and having taken into account the statement by Mrs Pinkney during the open period, on the grounds that the proposal to build a new open-market dwelling on this site, which is outside the Gerrans settlement boundaries, as referenced in Policy GP3 of the Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan (RNDP), conflicts with policy HO4 of the RNDP, which states that any proposals for developments outside the settlement boundaries should comprise 100{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} affordable housing only.
Application | GPC comment | CC Decision |
PA13/05623 – New zero carbon dwelling, Seagers Barn | Object | Appeal dismissed |
PA15/02644 – Loft conversion and alterations, Pensue | Support | Approved |
PA15/02810 – Single storey extension, 7 Wellington terrace | Support | Approved |
PA15/03597 – Garage and extension, Curgurrel Cottage | Support | Approved |
The clerk also read out an acknowledgement from the Case Officer in respect of PA15/03224 of the PC’s request that this application should go before the Planning Committee.
Nothing to report
Cllr German reported that work on the Memorial Hall improvements had been delayed by the contractor having pulled out at short notice.
Cllr Hetherington had attended the meeting of the Network Community Panel on 19th May at which planning was the main subject under consideration. The emphasis was largely on the progress of the various Local Neighbourhood Development Plans.
He said there had also been discussion about the possible devolution from Cornwall Council to Parish Councils of responsibility for certain highway maintenance issues. There was a realistic chance of this happening but it was up to the Parish councils to keep pushing for this if it was to happen.
The Panel would discuss the recent black alerts at Treliske hospital at its next meeting.
The clerk reported he was still in protracted correspondence with Cornwall Council about the application to list the Fishermen’s Shelter as a Community Asset. He said it had been a learning curve as to the nature and detail of the information it was necessary to supply.
Cllr Hetherington said that although the guidance circulated by the clerk previously had shown that Trewithian did not meet the official criteria for a reduction of the current 40mph speed restriction, nevertheless concerns remained in the village that crossing the road there was dangerous for pedestrians. He said he would bring the matter up at the next Community Panel meeting to get a perspective on the experience of others possibly in the same situation. CC Julian German said he remembered there had been a test on average traffic speed through the village and he would check how recent it had been, and its results.
The clerk presented an estimate from Messrs Paull and Wasley for approximately £2,000 plus VAT for carrying out the initial fencing work on the site. This had been the only bid received. Of five potential contractors who were contacted one did not reply, two were too busy or not interested in the job, one visited the site but did not submit an estimate due to inaccessability for his machinery, and Paull and Wasley did submit this estimate. Cllr Taffinder considered the estimate represented value for money and proposed acceptance. This was seconded by Cllr Hatwood, and on a vote, eight councillors were in favour and Cllr Symons abstained. Estimate accepted. Action clerk to inform contractor
Cllr Taffinder further suggested the PC should apply for a credit account with M A Grigg Ltd, agricultural merchants, so that the contractors, who are not registered for VAT, could order and collect the listed materials themselves, charging them to the account in order that the PC might recover the input VAT. This was seconded by Cllr Morse and unanimously agreed. The clerk was asked to make the arrangements and request a monthly credit limit of £2,000. Action clerk
The clerk then presented a previously circulated schedule of ongoing grounds maintenance for the site which had been drawn up by Cllr Meek. Cllr German proposed (seconded by Cllr Iddison) that the schedule be adopted and this was unanimously agreed. The clerk was asked to publicise the fact that a contractor would be needed for this work and to seek quotes. Action clerk
On the subject of the PC’s acquiring a lease on the parcel of land informally known as “Brian’s garden” adjacent to the S106 land, Cllr German proposed (seconded by Cllr Hatwood) that the option offered by Smiths Gore, agents acting on behalf of the Enys Estate, of a 99 year lease on the land should be taken up. This was unanimously agreed. Action clerk to contact Smiths Gore.
The clerk reported that he had submitted formal proposal forms to Cornwall Council (CC) to apply for the transfer of the freeholds of New Road and Treloan Lane car parks, which had been acknowledged. The matter was still with CC.
The clerk presented an email from Cornwall Council explaining that the wheelie bins at Percuil toilets were provided by Cory Environmental as a convenience for local residents, but that they were not contractually obliged to do so, and suggesting that the PC should itself take measures to secure them if it considered there was a safety risk. Cllr Edwards volunteered to secure them by means of chains and padlocks, at least as a temporary measure.
Cllr Hatwood said the wire-frame rubbish bin by the Portscatho toilets was clearly inadequate, with birds being able to pull out rubbish. He said he would liaise with Simon Stallard, the café operator, as to the most suitable solution to the problem.
It was resolved that the outstanding invoices totalling £14,165.82 (including VAT of £1,623.94) be paid. A schedule of these payments is available from the clerk.
The reconciled bank balance as at 25th May was £59,274.08
The clerk presented for review The Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2015, the Annual Governance statement, the internal auditor’s report, the Annual General and Financial Risk assessment and Statement of Internal Control. Cllr German proposed (seconded by Cllr Hatwood) that the Accounts and Annual Return be approved. This was agreed unanimously and Cllr Taffinder, as Chairman, signed the Annual Return. Action clerk to submit the signed Return to the external auditor.
Cllr German reported that 3 out of 8 traffic cones put out for the diabetic screening van in the Memorial Hall car park had gone missing. He also said there was a problem with plastic bags being put in the bowls and cisterns of the Ladies lavatory, causing blockages.
Cllr Edwards said he had been promised a third quote for the decorating works at Percuil toilet block, and it was decided that once this was received an extra meeting should be arranged and advertised to decide upon a contractor rather than waiting until the July meeting.
Cllr Hatwood reported a problem with bin bags being left out in River Street and subsequent seagull damage and mess. He had heard of purpose-made tarpaulins being available for covering rubbish bags against seagulls and would research costs and availability for the next meeting. Action clerk to put on agenda
Cllr Iddison said he had received complaints from parishioners that a take-away kiosk had been erected at the Plume of Feathers pub which served customers from the pavement outside. He said people had asked whether planning permission was required or had been sought for this. The clerk was asked to make enquiries of the planning authority. Action clerk
Cllr Symons handed the Chairman his formal letter of resignation from the Parish Council, to take immediate effect. The Chairman said she accepted it with regret and expressed her thanks and appreciation for his twelve years of service. Cllr Meek asked Cllr Symons if he was sure his mind was firmly made up, and other councillors expressed regret, but Cllr Symons said his decision was made. Action clerk to initiate the necessary procedures for filling the consequent vacancy.
The meeting closed at 9.37pm