Gerrans Parish Council
MINUTES of an Extra Meeting of Gerrans Parish Council
held on Thursday 15th May 2014
at 7.45 pm in the Fishermen’s Shelter
NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 3rd June 2014 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall Annexe
Cllrs Case, German, Hetherington, Iddison, Morse, Symons, Taffinder ( Chairman);
S Skull (Clerk)
2 members of the public attended.
– Cllrs Greenslade, Hatwood, Meek; CC J German
Cllr Hatwood had previously declared a non registerable interest in items 4(a) and 4(b) at the meeting held on 6th May which was the reason for his absence at this meeting.
The two members of the public present were the people submitting the tender and it was decided to allow them to contribute to the discussion where appropriate.
(a). Sublease – to approve the terms of a sublease of part of the premises
(b). Tenders – to consider any tenders received
It was decided to take these two parts together as only one tender had been received, and the terms of a sublease would in part be decided by that tender.
The various issues involved were discussed at length and the following points were agreed unanimously:
1. The term of the sublease would be 10 years with a rent review every three years on the basis of the RPI index
2. The subtenant would be responsible for the cleaning of the public conveniences on at least as frequent a basis as at present, and would also be responsible for ongoing maintenance such as the clearance of drain blockages and day to day plumbing problems. Any major repairs or replacements in respect of the fabric of the building or the appliances would remain the responsibility of the Parish Council.
3. The subtenant would be responsible for the electricity costs and also the water costs, subject to sight of the current figures.
4. The current Ladies facility would be converted to a unisex facility and the PC and subtenant would jointly agree the design and standard of the conversion works and discuss the division of costs.
5. Any future structural alterations (apart from those already included in the current planning permission) the subtenant might wish to make to the current Gents facility to be used as a beach café would be subject to the subtenant obtaining his own planning permission and also to the consent of the PC.
6. The bin stores currently sited next to the facility would be removed and the subtenant would be responsible for removing his own rubbish as well as that generated by the public conveniences from site and disposing of it legally.
7. Work would be required to repair and improve the tarmac surface surrounding the facility. The PC and subtenant would liaise as to the extent and standard of work required and agree the division of costs.
After these points had been agreed, Cllr Taffinder proposed (seconded by Cllr Iddison) that the Parish Council accept the tender submitted by Simon Stallard and Jemma Glass subject to the issues discussed at this meeting being resolved to the satisfaction of both parties. This was agreed unanimously.
(c) Authority to act
Cllr German proposed (seconded by Cllr Hetherington) that in the interests of expedience, authority be delegated to the Toilets Committee to approve actions and limited expenditure related to the conversion and development works without reference to the full Council. This was unanimously agreed subject to :
1. All such decisions to be unanimously agreed by the Committee
2. A monthly limit of £2,500 to be placed on expenditure so approved
3. All such decisions and expenditure to be reported to the first available meeting of the full Council.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.35 pm