28.02.12: On the 17th January, Gerrans Parish Council had a meeting with County Council’s Highways Department to discuss Gerrans Parish Council proposals for road alterations. They have now published the outcomes of that meeting, below. Since this public consultation, the Parish Council has had a site meeting with the Highways Department just to clarify points raised in The Square, Portscatho. Apparently all went well at that meeting and the representative from the Highways Department has taken the proposals to the rest of his team for the next stage.
1.      30 mph restriction to be brought out to in-line with Gerrans School field boundary.
No Objections
2.      All year round single yellow line from existing start by Tea rooms (Gerrans) to lighting column outside 4 Jubilee Place. (9am-6pm)
No Objections
3.      Single yellow line with seasonal restriction (1st May-30th September) on both sides of carriageway adjacent to New Road car park, extending round to Tregassa. (Length to be determined at site visit)
No Objections
4.      Double yellow lines at the junction of Gwarack Gwel An Mor (No parking at any time) to extend 10 metres into the estate.
No Objections
5.      After discussion and consideration of public opinion the following proposal was agreed. Specific outcomes will be determined at the next site visit.
·        Amend existing order to lift DYL to create parking above the Boathouse
·        DYL extended from the Square to reach the doorway of The Plume.
·        Keep Clear removed to be replaced with DYL in Portscatho Square.
·        DYL on Victoria Terrace to meet with those on The Lugger. Creation of 3 or 4 viable parking spaces opposite The Plume. (Limited waiting)
·        Request made for designated painted parking spaces on the highway.
Date of site visit: 10th February 2012. Outcomes will be reported in the April issue.
The February meeting was attended by 8 Councillors, CCÂ J German and 11 members of the public.
In addition to the proposals, the Parish Council would like to make the follow announcements.
Chairman Symons stated with regret that he had received a letter of resignation from Cllr Trish Morse. Cllr Morse had served as a Parish Councillor for over seven years and her contribution and commitment to Council matters was acknowledged and greatly appreciated by all at the meeting. Although not in attendance, the Council extended its gratitude to Cllr Morse for her dedicated service.
There is therefore a casual vacancy existing on the Parish Council which the Council is required to fill be co-option. They may co-opt as a member any person who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to serve, provided he or she satisfies at least ONE of the following categories:
A.     Is registered as a local government elector for the parish.
B.     Has occupied as owner or tenant any land or premises in the parish for the last 12 months.
C.     His/her principal or only place of work during the last twelve months has been in the parish.
D.     Has resided in or within 3 miles of the parish for the last twelve months.
Any person interested in filling the vacancy, please contact the Clerk, Mrs Jayne Brigg, Melynclose, Camels, Veryan, TR2 5PJ. j.brigg@talk21.com
The Parish Council would like to reinforce that the Parish notice boards are provided for charitable advertising only and any commercial or private advertising will be removed by members of the Council.
Next meeting:Â Tuesday 6th March 2012 Portscatho Memorial Hall Annexe, 7.30pm