A local florist and flower garden is looking for Roseland gardeners to help her keep her business local by sourcing her flowers from local gardens.
Susanne Hatwood’s business, The Blue Carrot, has become a huge success over the last few years with her natural, locally grown flowers supplying weddings and bouquets but she is in need of help finding more local stocks of flowers. Her solution? To use local gardeners, aiding her in keeping her business local.
Susanne told Roseland Online, “My small business, growing and arranging flowers, has seen a fantastic increase in popularity over the last two years. As my plot is not the biggest, I’m having to rely on bought-in materials more and more. To keep this as sustainable and carbon friendly as possible, I’m searching for local gardeners that wouldn’t mind me coming round with my secateurs every now and then.”
Susanne is already working together with some local keen gardeners that are happy for her to source some flowers in times of need. As these homegrown, natural materials are like gold dust to her, she’s prepared to pay good money for them, too.
Susanne added, “If people prefer, we could come to an other arrangement. I’m happy to swap plants, seedlings or even a bouquet. As my team of locals could tell you, I’m interested in the strangest things including unusual grasses, branches, greenery and seed heads. Lilac, flowering quince, cherry blossom, lady’s mantel, flowering herbs, any kind of twining vines and berries; you never know what could save my day.”
If you are interested in supporting a thriving local business and make a little pocket money, you can contact Susanne by phone on 0752 7777 419 or by email under susanne@thebluecarrot.co.uk – www.thebluecarrot.co.uk.