Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held as a virtual meeting
On Thursday 15 April 2021 at 7pm
1a. The Chairman called for a minute’s silence in memory of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh.
1b. The Chairman announced the recent passing of Sheila Foard, once a stalwart of the Parish Council, and on behalf of the Council expressed condolences to her family.
1c. Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs. Hereward and Nathan, and from Cllr. Leiser who would have to leave the meeting early.
- There were no Declarations of Interest or Gifts.
- Jeremy Roberts, supported by Cathy Swingland and Rob Wells, presented proposals for measures at Chapel Point to improve the security of the seal haul site, comprising plantings to the seaward side of the coast path through which a gated one-way permissive path would be created to pass close to the site, with appropriate signage on the coast path approaches. Questions were then taken from members.
- Cllr. Whatty introduced Julian Donald who is on a three-month scheme to provide research services to the Climate Action Group (CAG). Julian, who is based at the Penryn campus of the University of Exeter, outlined his areas of expertise and summarised the goals of the scheme: 1) to explore options for residents, 2) to compare with similar initiatives elsewhere and 3) identify what can be done to help residents deliver their objectives. He took questions, including from Jeremy Roberts who offered his support and asked whether these goals could be widened to include local businesses. Julian intends to look at that later in the programme.
- Public participation. Nigel Field asked whether gates on the proposed permissive path at Chapel Point would be closed at any time. Cathy Swingland expected this would happen only in exceptional circumstances, eg when seal pups required a higher level of protection.
- Proposed by Cllr. A Williams, Seconded by Cllr. Shephard that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2021 be accepted. Carried.
- Proposed by Cllr. A Williams, Seconded by Cllr. Morgan that the minutes of the planning meeting held on 19 March 2021 be accepted. Carried.
- The Clerk reported that:
- A list of planning approvals with principal residence restrictions had been added to the Notices page of the Council’s website;
- Wild Wonder & Wisdom CIC had sent their thanks for the grant paid last month towards the cost of snorkel masks, flippers and tow floats;
- Mevagissey Christmas Lights Committee had sent their thanks for the grant paid last month towards the cost of new lights;
- Several trees fallen across public footpath #1 (the sunken lane leading north from Heligan Mill) over the past year or so are expected to be cleared next week.
- The Ward Member presented his report, including that:
- He has again asked Cormac to remove the fallen tree at Trewinney Cemetery;
- He has also asked Cormac to re-visit their repairs to the Portmellon seawall, which have partly failed;
- He reported that grants from his community chest funds included £1,020 for the Mevagissey Community Support Group and £150 to Mevagissey Museum;
- He has arranged, with the help of volunteers and Cormac, to restore a heritage sign and refresh benches in the parish;
- He thanked Councillors for their hard work as volunteers and hoped he would be returned at the local elections to serve Mevagissey for another four years.
The full report can be seen on the Council’s website.
- To approve the monthly finances.
Bills to Pay | Salaries | £ | 1,000.00 | ||
HMRC (PAYE) | £ | 250.00 | |||
Monthly subscription to Zoom | £ | 14.39 | |||
Stationery | £ | 3.00 | |||
Cornwall ALC membership | £ | 798.71 | |||
Temp suspension of W. Wharf PC March waste collections | £ | 15.18 | |||
March servicing of recycling bank | £ | 546.00 | |||
Non-domestic rates for Valley Road PC | £ | 785.93 | |||
Valley Rd PC redevelopment design & drawings | £ | 740.00 | |||
Operate Valley Road PC April 2021 | £ | 905.34 | |||
Operate West Wharf PC April 2021 | £ | 1,111.20 | |||
TOTAL | £ | 6,169.75 | |||
Accounts | Amount available to spend as of last meeting | £ | 91,755.62 | ||
Expenditure last month | £ | 3,810.37 | |||
plus Valley Road PC electricity 02/02/21 – 01/03/21 | £ | 25.99 | |||
West Wharf PC electricity 02/02/21 – 01/03/21 | £ | 22.16 | |||
Office equipment | £ | 5.72 | |||
Wild Wonder & Wisdom CIC (grant) | £ | 350.00 | |||
Mevagissey Christmas Lights Committee (grant) | £ | 500.00 | |||
Works to West Wharf PC | £ | 700.00 | |||
West Wharf PC water 03/02/21 – 02/03/21 | £ | 122.16 | |||
Bank interest | £ | 2.35 | Received | ||
Available to spend | £ | 86,221.57 | |||
Bank Statements (01/04/2021) | |||||
Current Account | £ | 318.79 | |||
Deposit Account | £ | 85,902.78 | |||
TOTAL | £ | 86,221.57 |
Proposed by Cllr. Facey, Seconded by Cllr. A Williams that the accounts be accepted and the bills paid. Carried.
- Proposed by Cllr. Shephard, Seconded by Cllr. Drake that the 2020/21 end of year financial summary be accepted as correct. Carried.
- Proposed by Cllr. Shephard, Seconded by Cllr. Facey that the Council’s insurance policy should be renewed for a further year. Carried.
- Proposed by Cllr. A Williams, Seconded by Cllr. Morgan that grants requested by the Mevagissey Activity Centre, St Peter’s PCC (Tower & Spire printing costs) and Mevagissey FC (pitch cutting) should be made. Carried.
It was noted that the Jubilee Hall Management Committee had decided that their grant money this year should be used instead towards supporting the village while pandemic restrictions are still in place.
- Cllr. Facey reported that West Wharf PC was fully open, but that Valley Road PC would remain closed until the unstable bank to the rear had been dealt with; although it may soon be possible to open the Gents. Cormac had recently visited to inspect the bank and the outcome was awaited.
- Proposed by Cllr. Shephard, Seconded by Cllr. Gann that the Public Toilets Working Group (PTWG) is authorised by the Council to vary the standard opening dates and times of the public toilets and take other day-to-decisions as circumstances require, and that the PTWG Chair is required to notify the Clerk of all such variations and decisions at the earliest opportunity. Carried.
- Cllr. Gann reported that there was plenty of funding currently available for affordable housing schemes but a shortage of available land, although he was continuing to engage with local landowners.
- Cllrs. Whatty and Leiser reported on the activities of the CAG, now supported by Julian Donald. They are also talking to similar groups across Cornwall. Cllr. Facey reported that electric vehicle (EV) charging was now installed and working in the Willow carpark, and planning had started for Phase II.
- Cllr. Facey reported on issues arising from the operation of the recycling banks, including items dumped next to the skips and commercial waste being left, including from second homes known to be registered as businesses. Quotes received for a suggested CCTV installation proved too expensive. It was agreed to terminate the existing contract while Cllr. Gann would pursue an alternative ‘Zero to Landfill’ solution.
Note: Cllr. Leiser left the meeting at this point.
- Cllr. Facey reported that traffic congestion in Fore Street was not excessive at the moment but would be monitored and reviewed at the next meeting. It was noted that parking charges in CC carparks would resume on 17th May.
- Cllrs. Gann, Morgan and Facey will convene next week to agree waste disposal facilities in the village centre during the summer using a ‘Zero to Landfill’ solution.
- Cllr. Gann reported on the operation of the Council’s Facebook group, for which he continues to provide material and monitor public comments.
- There was extensive discussion of the pros and cons of taking on the management of Portmellon Beach on a lease from the Duchy of Cornwall as a means of limiting access by vehicles and power craft during peak periods. It was agreed that such limitations should initially be advisory, and that the situation should be monitored before further steps were considered.
Proposed by Cllr. Shephard, Seconded by Cllr. Facey that the Council should take control of Portmellon Beach on a lease from the Duchy of Cornwall and erect signage advising what activities and behaviours should be expected. Carried
- Proposed by Cllr. Morgan, Seconded by Cllr. Whatty that the Council should express an interest in the Cornwall Pilot Gig Association’s proposed International Festival of Rowing and should ask to be kept informed. Carried.
- The meeting ended at 9.20pm. Date of next (non-planning) meeting: 20 May 2021 (to be held at the Mevagissey Activity Centre unless advised otherwise).