Minutes of the Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting held as a virtual meeting
On Thursday 8 October 2020 at 7pm
Present                  Cllrs. M Roberts (Chairman), D Drake, J Gann, K Robinson, G Shephard, P Simpson, J Whatty.
In Attendance     Cllr. J Mustoe (Ward Member), Helen Nicholson (Community Link Officer), P Howson (Clerk), Frits Sutmoller (owner of 15 Polkirt Hill), 2 members of the public.
- Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs. Morgan, Price, Facey and Nathan.
- There were no declarations of interest or gifts.
- Public participation.
Frits Sutmoller spoke on agenda item 5, asking for the Council’s support in quelling rumours that the proposed demolition of 15 Polkirt Hill could be avoided.       He said that the original proposal was to close the road from 9am-  5pm, Monday-Saturday, and complete the work within 3 months; but that this could be          reduced to 10am-4pm, Monday-Friday, and it may still be possible to complete within 3 months.
- Acceptance of the minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2020 is deferred to the next meeting.
- The Council considered the proposed demolition and rebuild of 15 Polkirt Hill and the impact of a prolonged road closure. There was a wide-ranging discussion, with questions being put to Mr Sutmoller, covering the degree of necessity for demolition, the impact on the community of a road closure, and the requirements of agreed construction traffic and building management plans. It was proposed by Cllr. Simpson that the application should be objected to until its potential impact had been reduced to the absolute minimum, but there was no seconder. It was proposed by Cllr. Gann that the developer should put up a financial bond to complete on time, but there was no seconder. Cllr. Robinson detailed the various financial incentives for demolition rather than repair and suggested that if no. 15 is demolished it would create a precedent and more would follow. Cllr. Shephard suggested that local expertise should   combine to consider the possibility of renovation, and that the findings should be put to the builder for a response. This was agreed, and Cllrs. Robinson, Shephard, Gann and Drake will attend a site meeting with Mr Sutmoller and/or     his builder in the next few days and report back at the next Council meeting, by which time the Conservation Officer’s comments should have been made available.
- The Council considered whether to bring forward the termination of the temporary one-way system on Polkirt Hill, the terms of the original consultation having included this option. It was acknowledged that although there was now less through traffic, this would increase during the school half-term period later this month. On the other hand, the lives of residents, tradespeople and delivery drivers should not be disrupted longer than necessary. Proposed by Cllr. Robinson, Seconded by Cllr. Simpson that the temporary one-way scheme on Polkirt Hill should be ended with immediate effect.                                                                              Carried (following the Chairman’s casting vote).              Â
- The meeting ended at 8.30pm. Date of next meeting: 22 October 2020 (virtual meeting unless advised otherwise).
NOTE: This is the fourth Thursday in the month.